Information To Participants AEYLF IV

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4-9 December 2016, Doha, Qatar

Information for interested European participants

Date and Venue: AEYLF IV is being organised in Doha from 4-9 December 2016. All details on
organisation and participants will be finalised by 31 October 2016, formal invitations and
logistical details will be sent out in November.

Transportation and accommodation: participants will be accommodated at Mariott Marquis

City Center in Doha, which is also the venue for the AEYLF IV meetings. All transportation
from arrival to departure, as well as outings, is being provided for.

Budget: the League of Arab States and the host country Qatar are generously supporting the
event, Austria as alternate host of the AEYLF is providing in kind-support for AEYLF IV .
Participants need to take responsibility only for their own travel to Doha

Participation/General Programme/Partners: arrival on 4 December, 5-8 December

programme and activities, departure on 9 December. Interpretation English-Arabic will be
provided. 30 young leaders from Europe will be identified as coordinated by Austria,
Qatar/LAS will identify young leaders from Arab League Member States. Participants must
be under 30 years old and European passport holders.

Programme details: 3 thematic groups will work on the following themes:

(1) Intercultural Dialogue and Non-formal Education,
(2) Economic Empowerment and Future Economic Livelihoods,
(3) Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030.

Arrival night may start with a cultural programme. Formal opening of AEYLF IV on 5
December in plenary, then work in thematic groups. Programme of 6-8 December will be
calibrated between group work, plenaries and team building outings. An evening session
with an inspirational speaker has been proposed for 6 or 7 December. The day of 8
December will end with a plenary where i.a. young leaders will present outcome of their
group work. A farewell programme has been proposed for the evening of 8 December.
Outings will be offered to the desert, the old city, Souk Waqif, etc.

The formal programme will start at 9.30 am, a working session will last 3 hours. 2 working
sessions are foreseen per day, but evening sessions are possible, as well as half-days in
connection with outings.

Interest to participate should be communicated right away to

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