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Assignment 3
1. The element with the lowest atomic number that has a ground state electronic configuration of
(n–l)d5 ns2 is located in_________ period.

2. Modern periodic table Period number of Sc = x, group number of T! = y (according to 1 to 18

convention) Find the value of y–x

3. Calculate the covalent radius of ‘F’ if rH = 37 pm, electronegativity of H & F are 2.1 & 4.0
respectively. [Given : dH–F = 83. 9 pm]
[Write your answer as sum of digits till you get the single digit answer]

4. Among the following total no. of species which have lower ionisation energy than carbon is-
(Li, Be, B, N, F, Ne, C– C+2)

5. Element ‘X' has maximum electron affinity in periodic table then find the number of elements which
have low first ionisation energy as compared to element 'X' ?
F, Na, S, Si, P, Ar

6. How many pairs are, in which first species has lower ionisation energy than second species:
(i) N and O (ii) Br and K (iii) Be and B (iv) I and I–
(v) Li and Li (vi) O and S (vii) Ba and Sr

7. According to Haney-Smith formula, if E.N. difference between A & B is 2.1, then A–B molecule is
expected to have x% ionic character, find X/10 value.

8. How many of the following elements are more electronegative than Boron.
H, Li, Be, C, N, O, F

9. What is atomic number of element which have maximum electron affinity in Modern Periodic table.
10. How many of the following energy terms are involved in the transformation of
Na(s) → Na+(aq.)
IE, ΔHsub, ΔHdiss, ΔHHE, ΔHLE

11. How many of the following reactions proceed with the absorption of energy
Cl (g) → Cl– (g) O–2 (g) → O– (g) N(g) → N–(g) Mg (g) →Mg+2(g)
– –2 –
Cl (g) → Cl (g) Be(g) → Be (g)

12. In the given molecules total number of oxide & hydroxide which is amphoteric in nature is -
Pb(OH)2, V2 O5 , As2O3 , N2O, A12O3 , Cr2O3,
Be(OH)2, ZnO, Si(OH)4, P4O10, Cl2O7 BiOH, CO

13. Total no. of cations among the following which have higher electrical conductance (in aqueous
solution) thanAl+3 is-

14. Determine the lattice energy released due to formation of MgS lattice in kcal/mol in nearest possible
integers from the following data.
ΔHf (MgS) = –82.2 kcal/mol.
Δsub (Mg) = 36.5 kcal/mol.
for Mg, IEI + IEII = 520.6 kcal/mol.
for S Δatom H = 1065.6 kcal/mol.
For S, Δeg H1 + Δeg H =–72.5 kcal/mol.

15. Calculate the lattice enthalpy of magnesium bromide from the, data shown in the Table.

Processes ΔH (kJ/mol)
Sublimation of Mg (s) + 148
Ionization of mg (g) to Mg (g) + 2187
Vaporization of Br2 (!) + 31
Dissociation of Br2 (g) + 193
Electron gain by Br (g) – 331
Formation of Mg Br2 (g) – 524
[Write your answer as sum of digits till you get the single digit answer]
16. Calculate in terms of 1 × 103 kJ
M(g) + 2X(g) → M2+(g) + 2X-(g)
Given: (l.E.)1 of M(g) = 705.7 kJ mol-1; (I.E.)2 of M(g) = 1151 kJ mol-1 and (E.A.)1 of
X(g) = -328 kJ mol-1

17. On the basis of quantum numbers, which period of the periodic table should have 32 elements.

18. Write the atomic number of the element present in the second period and seventeenth group of the
periodic table.

19. A– (g) → A2+ (g) ΔH = 1100 KJ/mol

A (g) → A2+ (g) ΔH = 1200 KJ/mol
Electron gain enthalphy of A is P × 102 KJ/mol. What is the value of P ?

20. The electron affinity of chlorine is 3.7 eV. How much energy in kcal is released when 2 g of chlorine
is completely converted to Cl- ion in a gaseous state?

21. The electron gain enthalpy of a hypothetical element ‘A’ is –3 eV per atom. How much energy in
kCal is released when 10 g of ‘A’ are completely converted to A– ions in gaseous state ?
(Take : 1 eV per atom = 23 kCal mol–1, Molar mass of A = 30 g)

.22. Consider following atomic numbers, 4, 12, 15, 22, 30, 57, 69, 100.
If w = number of normal elements
x = number of alkali earth elements
y = number of typical elements
z = number of transition elements
Then find value of (w + x + y + z).

23. Find total number of elements upto atomic number 10 having positive .

24. Find the total number of ions for which ionisation potential of ion is lower, than corresponding
atoms. K+, O–, Be+, F–, Li+, Mg2+, H–, Fe+

25. Total number of transition elements among given elements :

Pb, Ra, Hg, Ta, Tc, Ru, Ca, Cd

26. Find the value of (x + y).

where x = number of amphoteric oxides
y = number of neutral oxides
Al2O3, NO, NO2, N2O, CO2, BeO, MgO, CaO, K2O

27. From the given compounds, how many total number of compounds are acidic in nature.
CaO, SO2, SO3, Fe2O3, Cl2O7, CO2, N2O

28. How many of the following oxides are amphoteric ?

BeO, CO, NO2, N2O5, Al2O3, Bi2O3, ZnO, P4O10, Fe2O3, CuO

29. How many total number of elements are present in longest grou of long form periodic table if seven
period are consider.
[Write your answer should be 2 + 1 = 3 therefore fill 3.]

30. Calculate the addition of Zeff value for last electron of He and Li atom ?

32. How many total number of ions are larger in size than Mg+2.
Be+2, F–, Cl–, Ba+2, Te–2, Al+3, O–2, Na+

33. Find the no. of species which have more than 8e– in their outer most shell ?
Fe+2, Ga+3, Cu, N3–, Tl+, Pb2+, Co2+, Zn, Sc3+

34. Find the number of ‘s’ block elements from the following atomic number given below :
83, 79, 37, 56, 35, 88

35. How many of them can show positive as well as negative oxidation state :
H, Cl, O, P, Al, Na, Be, Mg, Br

36. X, Y, Z are the atomic mass of A, B, C which follow triad law. Find value of if Z = 3X = 30 amu.
37. Find maximum number of species which belong to same period, amongst given atomic numbers.
2, 8, 10, 18, 57, 71, 69, 79, 115

38. Find number of transition elements in fourth period which belong to even group number.

40. Find total number of elements having size less than Al atom.
Na, Mg, Ga, B, C Si, N, P, Ge, As

41. Calculate the value of effective nuclear charge on unpaired electron of Gallium (Z = 31).

42. Number of alkali metal present in first 100 elements in modern periodic table are______.

43. Find total number of 2nd period elements having greater electronegativity than hydrogen atom on

44. Values of IE1, IE2, IE3 of an element are 9.3, 18.2 and 553.8 eV. Predict group number in Modern
Periodic Table.

45. Find the value of Zeff on unpaired electron of copper.

[Round off your answer to the nearest integer value]

46. Find value of % ionic character in C–H bond in HCN molecule.

Given : EN of ‘C’ in HCN is arithmetic mean of EN of ‘N’ and ‘O’ on Pauling scale.
[Round off your answer to the nearest integer value]

47. Find total number of basic oxides among 3rd period oxides.

48. Find the magnitude of lattice energy of Mg3N2 in kJ for half mole
Given : DHsub of Mg is 146 kJ/mol
DH for Mg(g) Mg2+ (g) + 2e– is 2189 kJ/mole
BDE of N2 is 944 kJ/mole
DH for N(g) N3– (g) is 1737 kJ/mol
DHf for Mg3N2 is –601 kJ/mol

49. According to long form of periodic table which group contains all type of oxides (neutral,
amphoteric, acidic, basic)

50. The number of elements amonng the following, which have lower electronegativity than oxygen
atom, based on Pauling scale, is ________. F, Cl, Br, I, H, S, P, K, Ca

51. The first four successive ionization energies for an element are 6.113, 11.871, 50.908, 67.01 (in eV)
respectively. The number of velence shell electrons is ____.

52. The number of species among the following, having inert gas configuration is ____.
K+, Ca2+, S-, S2-, Br-, Se2-, H+, H-, Mn2+

53. The number of elements among the following atomic numbers that are p block elements is _______.
83, 79, 42, 64, 37, 54, 34

54. How many number of elements have electron affinity more than Lithium?
Be, C, N, O, F, Ne and B

55. Find the number of elements which has higher (ΔHeg)1 than (ΔHeg)2 with sign
P, N, C, Se, Br, Na, Be, Mg, O, B

56. Representative elements x, y and z are p-block element except inert gas. If order of their magnetic
moment is x > y > z. Find the difference in possible value of group number of element z.

57. Find total number of elements up to atomic number 10 having positive electron gain enthalpy

58. Find the total number of ions for which ionization potential of ion is lower, then corresponding
atoms. K+, O–, Be+ , F–, Li+, Mg2+, H–, Fe+

59. Find maximum number of electron exchanges possible in p-sub shell.

60. What is the minimum difference in atomic number two halogen atoms.

61. Identify the group (in Modern Periodic Table) and valency of a hypothetical element having atomic
number 119. If group number is x and valency is y. Give the the value of x + y.

62. An element belonging to 3d series of modern periodic table has spin magnetic moment = 5.92 B.M.
in +3 oxidation state. Determine the atomic number of element.

63. An element has atomic number 29. It belongs to x period and y group. Give value of 2x + y :

64. How many of the following have greater Zeff than Silicon atom :
(i) Na (ii) Mg (iii) Al (iv) P (v) Cl
(vi) S (vii) N (viii) O (ix) F

65. The most stable oxidation state of chromium is +n, Give the value of ‘n’.

66. How many of the following compounds are found to exist?

(i) BiF5 (ii) T!I3 (iii) PbO2 (iv) SnCl2
(v) T!2O3 (vi) PbI4 (vii) As2O3

67.The Lanthanides are characterized by the uniform [+n] oxidation state shown by all the Lanthanides.
What is the value of ‘n’.

68. Highest oxidation states shown by Chromium & Manganese are +x & +y respectively. Give the
value of x + y ?

69. If internuclear distance between A atoms in A2 is 10Å and between B atoms in B2 is 6Å, then
calculate internuclear distance between A and B in Å. [Electronegativity difference between A and B
has negligible value].

70. Report atomic number of the element having largest size among the following :
Ni, Cu, Zn

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