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The WHO definition of Health education/pedagogy is an active process of:

a) learning through experience in health over a lifetime

b) growth of information and knowledge among people

c) development of environment conductive to health

d) raising health culture among the population

2. Which are the two special annual preventive programs the Government of Macedonia adopted
each year, starting in early 1960s and allocated budgetary.resources for their implementation?

- Program to reduce mortality of infants and small children

- Program to improve the sanitary-hygienic and epidemiologic situation

3. The definition for Health promotion is:

The process of enabling people to exert control over the determinants of health.and. thereby
improve their health.

4. The health workers are obliged to perform health education with:

a) The health care law

c) The work relations law

b) The health records law

d) The health insurance law

5. When and where the last international conferences on health promotion was held (year and

c) 2013 Bangkok

d) 2014 Nairobi

a) 2012 Mexico

b) 2013 Helsinki

*if there is an option last one was in 2016 in Shanghai

6. To what extent should health care be fulfilled at the primary health care level?

C) Around 50%

a) Around 5%

b) Around 10-15%

d) Around 80-85%

7. Which are the three general.objectives of the health education of individuals, groups and
population according to the WHO Commission for health education?

- To treat health as the greatest value

- To help people protect and improve their health

- To build a positive attitude of people to properly use the health services

8. Social medicine is

a) A branch of the human profession which deals with treating and rehabilitating the ill

b) A preventive medical science which.studies the factors of the environment and their influence
over the health of the human, the system and the organization of the health care

c) A science which studies illnesses

d) A science which deals with preventing diseases, battles the câuses, and reduces the damages
which the illness has caused

9. Ấn example for primary prevention measure is:

c) lodizing salt for preventing goiter

a) Screening for cervical cancer

b) Medical rehabilitation condition

d) Surgical treatment of illnesses

10. The first internațional conference for primary health care was held in Alma Ata in

a) 1978

b) 1987
c) 1925

d) 1945

11. The goal of health promotion is:

a) to diagnose illnesses

b) to care for health care

c) to care for and promote health

d) to take measures for treatment

12. Scientific medicine is:

a) traditional medicine

c) complementary medicine

d) conventional medicine

b) alternative medicine

13. The health co-workers are obliged to perform health education in accordance with:

a) The health care law

c) The work relations law

d) The health insurance law

b) The health records law

14. Health promotion concept was promoted for the first time at the international conference held

a) 1977

b) 1978

c) 1986 (Ottawa)

d) 1999
15. The first slavenian hospital and the first slaveninan medical school were held in:

a) Ohrid

b) Skopje

c) Belgrade

d) Prilep

16. Which article of the Constitution of R. Macedonia proclaims that each citizen is guaranteed the
right to health care, as well as each citizen has the right and duty to protect and promote his/her
own health and health of others?

a) Article 12

b) Article 18

c) Article 28

d) Article 39

17. Which of the following principles does not represent a health education?

a) Principle of education

b) Principle of voluntary

c) Principle of financial interest

d) Principle of satisfaction from the work

18. Which are the four major phases in the development of health educational process?

a) physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being

b) health balance and health potential at individual and group level

c) primary, secondary, tertiary and quarterly prevention

d) health propaganda, health enlightenment and education, health education/pedagogy and

health promotion

19. Health propaganda is necessary and useful form of health educational process to spread
information about particular health problem/disease in order to:
a) to solve the health problem by itself

b) to form public opinion for easier passing certain decisions and programs

c) to change the behavior of the people toward their health

d) to induce accepting healthy life styles by the people

20. Which of the following health organizations carries out a tertiary health care?

c) General hospital

d) Polyclinic

a) Health home

b) University clinics

21. Public health is:

The art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health trough organized
effort and informed choices of society, organizations, communities and individuals.

22. Promoting health primarily refers to:

a) A certain healthy individual

b) An ill person

c) High - risk persons

d) The population as a whole

23. Which of the following types of knowledge represents the lowest type of knowledge?

a) Knowledge of recognition

b) Knowledge of creation

c) Reproductive knowledge

d) Recollection knowledge

24. What are the five key areas of public health action?
1. Building healthy public policy

2. Creating supportive environments

3. Strengthening community action

4. Developing personal skills

5. Reorienting health services from disease to health

25. Support measures belong to:

a) Secondary prevention

b) Secondary health care

c) Tertiary prevention

d) Tertiary health care

26. Health propaganda is a procedure for:

a) Spreading information

b) Providing information

c) Causing behavioral changes

d) Treatment

27. Health education programs are carried out in:

a) 3 phases

b) 4 phases

c) 5 phases

d) 6 phases

28. An evaluation of the health education program is:

a) A critical assessment of the work success in achieving the set goals

b) Observing the condition

c) Creating the program

d) Good knowledge of the work methods

29. The World Health Organization is seated in:

a) Geneva

b) New York

c) Copenhagen

d) Paris

30. What is the definition for health education?

Any combination of learning experiences designed to help individuals and communities improve
their health by increasing their knowledge or influencing their attitudes.

31. When promoting health the following is used:

a) Complementary methods (communications, educations)

b) Experimental methods

c) Statistical methods

d) Didactic methods

32. List the most important influence on the process of planning:

Assessment of the political and legal circumstances, partners, health needs of population,
literature, evolution of the past situations

33. Health education must be utilized the most in:

a) Primary prevention

c) Tertiary prevention

d) Secondary prevention – treatment

b) Secondary prevention early discovery of risk factors

34. Which are the guidelines for re - review plan program?

Are the objectives clearly defined?

Are the actions clear and measurable?

Are the types and amounts of resources clearly defined?

Is there a causal link between the objectives and strategy/ action convincing?

Are there any restrictions that could interfere with the program?

35. The secondary health care measures refers to:

a) Early discovery of illnesses

b) Health promotion

c) Specialist - consultative clinical profession

d) Rehabilitation

36. How much should the tertiary health care take up in the total health care?

a) 10-15%

b) 5-10%

c) 30-35%

d) 35-40%

37. The WHO's strategy 'Health for all' defines health as:

a) The ability to adapt to the requirements and the influences of the environment

b) The maximum capacity of the individual for self-realization

c) An economic category which should provide higher profit

d) The ability for leading an economic and socially productive life

38. In a precontemplation stadium, what happens when the behavior changes?

a) The individual contemplates whether to bring forth a decision to change their own behavior

b) The individual has no intent to change their behavior

c) The individual plans to make changes

d) The individual begins to change their behavior

39. What is the forhealth?

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.

40. Which year the WHO devoted the World Health Day to Health promotion, with the motto "Let's
talk about health"?

a) 1986

b) 1989

c) 1999

D) 2009

41. Where the subsequent international conference on health promotion was held (city) after the
first Conference, held in Ottawa 1986?

a) Adelaide

b) Sundsvall

c) Jakarta

d) Mexico City

42. Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion defines the concept of health promotion as:

a) process focused at the health determinants

b) process highlighting the contribution of other sectors in the creation of health

c) process emphasizing the role of communities in contributing to health

d) process of training people to increase control over and improve their health
43. The number of key important areas for consideration in health promotion is:

a) 5

b) 10

c) 15

d) 20

44. To what extent should health care be fulfilled at the secondary health care level?

c) Around 50%

d) Around 80-85%

a) Around 5%

b) Around 10-15%

45. Sense of coherence is the key factor of theory of:

a) Salutogenesis

b) Health promotion

c) Illness

d) Rehabilitation

46. Long term goals for health educational program means:

a) 1-2 months

b) 2-5 months

c) 1-2 years

d) 2-5 years

47. Social-scientific century in medicine started at:

a) 15 century
b) 17 century

c) 19 century

d) 20 century

48. What health problems does youth face?

- General health problems

- endemic and chronic disease

- Early and unprotected sex (early childbirth)

- Sexual abuse

- Sexually transmitted infections HIV/AIDS (and other infectious diseases)

- Depression and suicide

- Eating disorders (malnutrition and obesity)

- Addictive behavior (usage of alcohol drugs)

- Accidents and violence -Injuries(road traffic injuries

49. What are the barriers in the process of implementation the health promotion activities ?

- economic crises, slow process of decentralization, cost, tíme, frequent political changes * Aids:
support of stakeholders, trained professionals, advocacy/marketing

50. The first step in planning program is?

- program management

51. List 5 contents of health education ?

- physical activity, mental health, healty food, prevention of smoking, prevention of sexual abuse,
risk behavior

52. List the most important social sector which must have an active role in promoting health? -
education, social care, economy, ecology, health.

53. The preventive strategies in protection against illness must be based on?
- all of the above

54.What is an example for secondary prevention?

a) Screening for cervical cancer

b)Medical rehabilitation

c)lodizing salt in order to prevent goiter

d)Surgical treatment of diseases

54. What are the phases in realizing a health education program -Planning the health education -
Realization of the program

-Evaluation of the results

55.According to WHO the methods in health education are

a) one-way and two-way

b) one language and two language

c) segmented and compact

d)unified and variable

56. According to its goal the interview can be

a) two way



c)health associated

57.In mass methods of education, which one does not fit?

a) telephone conference

b) lecture with discussion

c) seminar
d) method with live demonstration

58.Health exhibition belongs to

a)methods of education

b)observable means

c)means for public information

d)moving images

59.What is the most effective way of learning according to the pyramid of learning

a)tutoring others

b)group discussions



60. Health exhibitions according to their content can be





61. The flaw in theflannelograph?as a mean for health education is

a) after its usage a discussion cannot be developed

b) it is expensive

c)it is not meant for a bigger auditorium

d)the images cannot be interpreted

62. What are the methods for work in the community

-access in the community

-development of the community

63.Evaluation of health education programs can be





64.Which of the following uses a moving image





65.In the means of mass information the following does not belong


c)circular letters

b) TV


66. The presenter in a panel discussion is called



c)expert consultant

d)expert advisor
67. Which techniques exist while conducting an interview



68. In the pyramid of learning the percent of learnt material during group discussions is

a) 30%




69.In a small group, how many members should it be constructed of

a)no more than 5

b) no more than 15

c) no more than 25

d) no more than 35

70. The WHO is seated in


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