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Table of Content

Abstract................................................................................................................. 1

Chapter 1
The UAM Concept................................................................... 2
Proposed Basic UAM Structure..................................................................................... 3
Key components:........................................................................................................... 3
Command-and-Control Platform............................................................................... 9
Navigation and Positioning System.........................................................................10
Base Points.................................................................................................................... 10
Interface......................................................................................................................... 11
Key UAM Characteristics...............................................................................................12
What makes UAM a viable new transportation mode?..........................................13
Key differences between UAM and the current airline model.........................13
Key differences between AAVs and UAVs............................................................14
Key differences between AAVs and helicopters................................................. 14
Key advantages of UAM vs. existing ridesharing................................................15
Competition risks from existing ridesharing platforms?....................................15

Chapter 2
UAM: Applications and Commercialization...................16
UAM - How realistic is it?..............................................................................................20
What will it take for UAM to become a viable industry?........................................21
How big could the UAM market be?.......................................................................... 25
UAM – Who will be the main participants?............................................................... 26
Commercial operating model....................................................................................... 27

Chapter 3
UAM Operations and Implications................................... 28
How will UAM change people’s life?.......................................................................... 29
How will UAM impact existing transportation modes?......................................... 30
Chapter 4
Key Application Scenarios................................................. 31
Tourism & recreation......................................................................................................32
Emergency medical services....................................................................................... 33
Aerial fire apparatus.......................................................................................................34
Industrial applications.................................................................................................... 36

Chapter 5
Development of a UAM ecosystem..................................37

Chapter 6
The Path Forward..................................................................39
Battery technology......................................................................................................... 39
New materials.................................................................................................................. 40
Aerodynamics.................................................................................................................. 40
5G network........................................................................................................................ 41
Noise levels....................................................................................................................... 41

Conclusion.............................................................................. 42
Author & contributors.................................................................................................... 43
About the author............................................................................................................. 44
About EHang.................................................................................................................... 44
The Future of Transportation:
White Paper on Urban Air Mobility
Urban Air Mobility (UAM) as a concept was defined by NASA as “safe and efficient air
traffic operations in a metropolitan area for manned aircraft and unmanned aircraft
systems” (Urban Air Mobility Airspace Integration Concepts and Considerations). With
governments, enterprises and research institutes paying increasing attention to UAM, this
new concept has caught on quickly.
As a disruptive industry, UAM is expected to revolutionize existing transportation modes
including on highways, railways, airways, and waterways. A 2018 Morgan Stanley blue
paper estimates that the global UAM addressable market would reach US$1.5 trillion by
As the size of urban populations grows, traffic congestion and air pollution remain as
major threats that take a toll on economic growth. It is imperative for governments to
seek alternative solutions by making strategic moves to promote UAM system
development as an alternative to existing ground transportation.
In this context, our white paper aims to explore the potential of UAM through insights into
UAM applications and commercialization based on practical use cases. Starting from the
UAM concept, it further explored the way how UAM system can materially change
people’s lives and impact the existing transportation modes.
If safety, smart cities and cluster management should form the three most fundamental
tenets for a modern UAM system, future transportation would become smooth, smart,
efficient, and eco-friendly. Given its innovative and disruptive nature, UAM has significant
advantages over traditional transportation modes. The advent of 5G networks will further
strengthen the function and capabilities of existing UAM platforms, which can remotely
command a multitude of versatile AAVs more effectively.
The UAM concept could be further extended into applications in rural areas where the
existing ground transportation infrastructure is inadequate. Besides transportation, UAM
vehicles can function in specific scenarios in tourism, industrials, emergency medical
services, fire control, and other use cases.
As technologies mature, they require the collaboration between governments and
enterprises to create new regulatory frameworks to facilitate future development. This is
especially critical for UAM, starting now – not in the future. In addition, the ongoing
collection of commercial operational data of current and future pilot projects will be
necessary for supporting investment decisions in both the private and public sectors.
Overall, our empirical tests and research in UAM have strengthened our belief that UAM
is no longer a dream of the future, but is already well on its way here and now.

Chapter 1.
The UAM Concept
In a research published by NASA (Urban Air Mobility Airspace Integration Concepts and
Considerations) on June 25, 2018, it defined UAM (Urban Air Mobility) as “safe and
efficient air traffic operations in a metropolitan area for manned aircraft and unmanned
aircraft systems”. However, existing technologies and regulations only allow the UAM
concept be implemented through the use of conventional helicopters now, not as fancy
as it sounds. The use of electric autonomous air vehicles (AAV) looks like a futuristic story
years ahead of us.
However, based on our experience with AAVs and our research, we believe UAM as a
revolutionary idea can be implemented now, yet in a more innovative way. Particularly, it
will have the best chance at full-scale implementation if they are focused on safety,
operated smartly, and are connected under the command of a centralized platform.
Safety, of course, always needs to be the first priority, so any UAM vehicle needs to be
outfitted with power redundancy and backup systems.
“Smart” UAM vehicles to us mean that they are piloted autonomously, which not only
obviates the need for an in-vehicle pilot and the associated costs, but also enhances
safety and makes vehicle more controllable from the ground.
Finally, cluster management techniques centralized at a ground-based
command-and-control center would allow UAM operators to control a multitude of
vehicles simultaneously in an orderly and safe manner. This way, all flight routes could be
pre-registered and pre-determined so that UAM vehicles can travel only between
certified “base points”.

Source: EHang Research

Proposed Basic UAM Structure

As a new mode of transportation, the UAM structure would resemble an on-demand bus
system rather than a taxi system, since under the centralized system we propose all aerial
vehicles should be registered and controlled by a UAM platform that manages exact
point-to-point routes set by its command-and-control platform. Each base point would
be a cell of the UAM network that covers a specific zone and would be connected by
straight-line routes to other points. A larger base point with higher route density would
form a node or hub of the network. The network would grow as new base points and
routes are added to satisfy emerging demand.
In a nutshell, a UAM system would consist of the following major components: vehicles
(e.g. AAVs, eVTOLs), command-and-control platform, navigation and positioning system,
base points (including infrastructure of landing pads, charging ports, etc.), and interface.
In general, the key functions of UAM would include the transportation of both passengers
and freight within a metropolitan area. Of course, the operations of passenger services
are much more challenging given the higher regulatory and societal standards for safety
and comfort.
Actually, an active UAM route is no longer just a dream of the future: In May 2019, the
world’s first UAM passenger service was launched by EHang in China’s Zhejiang province.
Connecting a harbor to a boutique hotel on an islet, the route has significantly reduced a
40-minute road journey to a 5-minute air ride. This has set a key milestone for the
development of the UAM industry.

Source: EHang Research

Key components:


UAM vehicles are flying vehicles that transport either passengers or freight on specific
point-to-point routes within urban areas. Due to the constraints of buildings, plants, road
traffic and crowds in cities, the ideal vehicle models need to be autonomous, small,
efficient, nimble and maneuverable, with the ability to take off and land vertically (as
opposed to with a runway).

Safety first – As a top priority, safety should form the very foundation for any designs of
UAM vehicles. Simply speaking, we consider the following as the key factors to ensure
maximum safety:

1) Power redundancy provided by multiple motors and propellers (e.g. distributed

electric propulsion, or DEP);
2) Complete autonomous operations to eliminate human errors caused by the pilots;
3) Backup from duplicate flight control, communication and navigation systems;
4) Centralized command-and-control to ensure safe operations;
5) Intelligent obstacle avoidance capabilities (e.g. millimeter radar, visual positioning,
6) Intelligent self-detection capabilities to constantly monitor vehicles automatically.

To that end, special algorithms need to be developed and “burned into” hardware
systems to make the vehicles safe and smart.
While many prototypes have been built in recent years by firms such as Airbus (A³
Vahana), Boeing (PAV), Lilium (Lilium Jet), Volocopter (VC2) and Kitty Hawk (Cora), EHang
has been the first company to successfully launch serial production of its EH216 and EH116
AAVs for autonomous, manned flights.

 EHang AAVs
The term “autonomous aerial vehicle” (AAV) was first created by EHang, a China-based
UAM firm that launched the EHang 184, the world’s first AAV at CES in Las Vegas in 2016.
Powered by eight 12kw electric motors and remotely controlled by a computer platform,
the EHang 184 requires no pilot on board and can carry one passenger for a 20-minute
flight. Basically, the AAV was built upon the principles of “safe, smart, platform controlled,
connected and eco-friendly”.
With further upgrades, EHang has since launched more advanced versions – EHang 116
and the two-seater model of EHang 216, which are safer and more powerful thanks to
eight additional motors and propellers.

Graph of EHang 216

Source: EHang Research

 Other eVTOLs
The term eVTOL refers to electrically powered vertical take-off and landing vehicles.
Major firms including Airbus and Boeing as well as startups like Lilium, Volocoper and
Kitty Hawk are building their own versions of eVTOL vehicles for UAM purposes.

Source: EHang Research

 Airbus A³ Vahana
This is an all-electric, single-seat, tilt-wing eVTOL demonstrator with eight propellers. The
full-scale model Alpha was completed and made its first flight on January 31, 2018 in
Pendleton, Oregon, reaching 5 meters (16 feet) in elevation. The second model, Alpha 2,
was completed in early 2019. According to the company, Vahana has flown over 80
full-scale test flights to date.

General characteristics of the A³ Vahana

Crew None; autonomous

Capacity 1 passenger; 340kg

Length 5.7-5.86m

Wingspan 6.25m

Height 2.81m

Net weight 726kg

MTOW 1,066kg

Propellers 8 x 1.5m in diameter

Cruise speed 190-220km/h

Range 50km

Service ceiling 1,524 - 3,048m at 35ic

Source: ICAO; Company data

 Boeing PAV
The Boeing Passenger Air Vehicle (PAV) is a prototype developed by Boeing NeXt with
the assistance of Boeing’s subsidiary Aurora Flight Sciences. On January 22, 2019, the PAV
prototype completed a controlled takeoff, hover and landing during its first flight test in
Manassas, Virginia.

General characteristics of the Boeing PAV

Crew None; autonomous

Capacity 2 passengers, 225kg

Length 9.14m

Wingspan 8.53m

Height NA

Empty weight 575kg

MTOW 800kg

Propellers 1 horizontal + 8 vertical

Cruise speed 180km/h

Range 80km

Source: ICAO; Company data

 Lilium Jet
This model is a proposed eVTOL designed by Lilium GmbH in Germany. Various subscale
models were tested, including a half-scale demonstrator, Falcon (2015), and a full-size
two-seater Eagle prototype (2017). The five-seater full-scale model powered by 36 electric
motors took its maiden flight on May 4th of 2019.

General characteristics of the Lilium Jet

Crew 1 pilot

Capacity 4 passengers

Propellers 36 vertical

Cruise speed 300km/h

Range 300km

Source: ICAO; Company data

 Kitty Hawk Cora

Kitty Hawk, an American aircraft manufacturer of electric aircraft, confirmed its test of an
autonomous electric air taxi prototype in New Zealand. The vehicle is called Cora (code
named "Zee.Aero").

General Characteristics of the Cora

Crew None; autonomous

Capacity 2 passengers; 181kg

Length NA

Wingspan 11m

Height NA
Empty weight NA
Propellers 12 vertical + 1 horizontal
Cruise speed 180km/h
Range 100km

Source: ICAO; Company data

 Volocopter VC2X
Based in Bruchsal, Germany, Volocopter GmbH specializes in the design of electric
multirotor helicopters for “air taxi” use. Volocopter 2X is a two-seat version that evolved
from an earlier single-seat VC2 prototype flown in 2011. However, this is a not an
autonomous aircraft and requires an in-vehicle pilot.

General Characteristics of the VC2X

Crew 1

Capacity 2 (1 passenger + 1 pilot); 160kg

Length 3.2m excluding propeller ring

Width 9.15m including propeller ring

Height 2.15m

Empty weight 290kg

MTOW 450kg

Propellers 18 x 1.8m in diameter

Max speed 100km/h

Range 27km at 70km/h

Service ceiling 2,000m

Source: ICAO; Company data

 The Opener BlackFly

The Opener BlackFly is an electric-powered VTOL that was publicly introduced on 12 July
2018 by Opener, Inc of Palo Alto, California, which claims that the design is the world's
first ultralight fixed-wing, all-electric, vertical take-off and landing aircraft. However, this is
a single-seat aircraft that requires the passenger to have piloting skills.

General Characteristics of the Opener BlackFly

Crew 1

Capacity 1pilot; 113kg

Length 4.09m

Width 4.14

Height 1.5m

Empty weight 142kg

MTOW 255kg

Propellers 8

Max speed 130km/h

Range 64km

Source: ICAO; Company data

Command-and-Control Platform

Based on existing design concepts of various models and prototypes of UAM vehicles,
only the EHang AAV is designed to be controlled by a centralized platform, which we
believe is the most promising model for future UAM operations and development. It is
difficult to imagine that the safety of an autonomous UAM system can be guaranteed if
each vehicle is allowed to fly freely in cities.

Unlike conventional transportation modes like cars or airplanes, a UAM system requires a
centralized remote command-and-control platform to perform multiple tasks
autonomously. With the help of computer programs and cluster management techniques,
the platform is able to control the flights of thousands of UAM vehicles simultaneously.
Specific flight tasks are coded, registered, executed and monitored to ensure safety,
efficiency and quality. Thus, complex traffic situations become manageable.

Source: EHang Research

There are also significant city management benefits: a single platform in a metropolitan
area would be able to prevent accidents and traffic congestion as well as to improve city
operations by integrating various municipal functions like police, emergency response,
healthcare, firefighting, forestry, fishing, tourism, etc., forming an instrumental part of a
“smart city” urban planning system.

Note that the command-and-control center concept is different from the FAA’s UTM
(Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management) system, which is a "traffic management"
ecosystem for uncontrolled operations. According to the FAA, “UTM development will
ultimately identify services, roles and responsibilities, information architecture, data

exchange protocols, software functions, infrastructure, and performance requirements for
enabling the management of low-altitude uncontrolled drone operations.” By contrast, a
centralized command-and-control platform ensures all air vehicles are registered and
controlled to fly on specific routes set by computers.

Navigation and Positioning System

Normal GNSS including GPS, Galileo, BDS and GLONASS are available to provide
necessary navigation services to UAM systems. For more precise navigation needs in
more complicated situations (e.g. logistics deliveries to office buildings, landing in
crowded areas), ground facilities are added to augment the functions of the satellite
systems. Moreover, a visual positioning system (VPS) can be added to help the UAM
vehicles when GPS signal is poor or lost. So far, the communications between UAM
vehicles and the command-and-control platform are conducted through a 4G network.
The adoption of 5G technologies will significantly boost the capabilities and functions of
future UAM systems.

Source: EHang Research

Base Points

We define a UAM base point as a ground site for a UAM vehicle to land and take off. Each
base point needs to be identified and registered in the UAM system so UAM vehicles can
travel only between the base points, which are the only valid sites for passengers to board
and alight. Based on traveling demand, new base points can be created and added into
the UAM system continuously, so the overall UAM service network continues to expand.

The size and importance of each base point are determined by the density of air routes
and traffic volumes. It can be either a single pick-up / landing point or a hub station with
multiple landing pads, charging docks, waiting areas and other facilities. Although the
UAM routes are linked only point-to-point, further expansion of the network can
accommodate the demand for more convenient service locations.

Source: EHang Research


Based on computer software and programs, a UAM interface takes the form of a mobile
app similar to what users are used to from ridesharing apps, which allows customers to
place orders and pay for services online. A UAM app would be a real-time information
system that connects the front-end platform to the back-end command-and-control
system. By sharing the real-time information about passengers and vehicles, it would
allow both UAM operators and the customers to locate the nearest base point with
available vehicles in specific zones and dispatch traveling orders.

Source: EHang Research

Key UAM Characteristics

Overall, we think a modern UAM system should possess the following characteristics.

1. Autonomous services – Full flight automation means that there is no need for pilots
on board. Passengers are not required to have any pilot skills or qualifications.
Ordering and payments for services are all conducted online through mobile apps.
This can maximize efficiency by dramatically reducing staff costs. More importantly, it
helps eliminate the risk of accidents largely caused by human errors in current piloted

2. Quick and hassle-free – Compared with traditional ground transportation, UAM

would be faster and more efficient given that it allows individuals and freight to move
about a city in straight-line air routes.

3. Centralized platform – Today’s automobiles, even autonomous ones, travel

individually and separately. Accidents and traffic congestion are therefore inevitable.
By contrast, a UAM system backed by a command-and-control platform using
auto-piloting can eliminate accidents and ensure that traffic flows smoothly and
orderly at all times of day and night.

4. Shared economy – Since a centralized UAM platform offers a convenient network, it is

not necessary for individuals to own their own UAM vehicle. This enables higher asset
utilization and a lower waste of resources. It also eliminates the parking problem that
dominates so much of city life today. In our view, the difficulty in achieving a truly
shared economy for existing automobiles is due to a lack of a centralized
command-and-control platform that can automatically control the vehicles.

5. Green energy – Electrically-powered UAM vehicles are eco-friendly, with zero

emissions, a tremendous advantage over the majority of current land and air vehicles
that continue to run on fossil fuels.

Source: EHang Research

What makes UAM a viable new transportation mode?

UAM will dramatically change the existing landscape and dynamics of the entire
transportation industry. Below, we compare and contrast UAM to existing transportation

Key differences between UAM and the current airline model

 Flight range – UAM provides short-to-medium range (3km – 100km) air services
designed for city residents, effectively solving the “last-50km” problem that
current airlines cannot offer.

 Flight elevation – The short distances covered by UAM means that vehicles
remain at below 800 meters. They therefore will not interfere with airspace
trafficked by traditional airlines at an altitude of 8,000-12,000 meters.

 Command-and-control system – A centralized command-and-control platform

makes UAM trips completely autonomous. While autopilot techniques are being
developed for the airlines, it may still take time for traditional aircraft to be
completely autonomous.

 Power system – The fully electrically-powered motors with zero emissions make
UAM vehicles more eco-friendly than the traditional aircraft, which run on jet fuel.

 Capacity – One-and two-seater UAM vehicles allow for more privacy and
quietness for passengers than normal flights, which carry up to 500 passengers at
a time.

Key differences between AAVs and UAVs

UAV refers to unmanned air vehicles, which normally exclude passenger flights. AAVs,
however, include passengers.

AAVs vs UAVs


1 Can carry both passengers and freight Exclude passengers

2 Centralized command-and-control 1:1 control or centralized control

3 4G/5G network Radio frequency, WiFi, or 4G/5G

4 Long remote control range globally Mostly short-range control at only 100-3,000m

5 Cluster management (easy) Lack of management (difficult)

6 Sophisticated tasks (passenger flight, Limited functions (photography, video, etc.)

logistics deliveries)

7 Payload up to 200-600kg Small payload below 10kg


Autonomous, remote control, electric-powered, rotary, vertical take-off/landing

Source: EHang Research

Key differences between AAVs and helicopters

Compared to helicopters, AAVs enjoy absolute advantages in cost, safety and efficiency that
make them an ideal choice for UAM purposes.

AAVs vs Helicopters

AAV Helicopter

1 Higher safety led by distributed propulsion Single propeller with failure risk
system (DPS) with multiple propellers

2 Full automation to eliminate human errors Accident risk led by human errors

3 Reasonable vehicle price High vehicle price

4 No pilot costs High pilot costs

5 Low repair & maintenance cost High repair & maintenance cost

6 Low noise High noise

7 Zero emission, green energy High fuel cost with pollution

8 Small in size, easy take-off/landing Larger size requires bigger landing spot

Source: EHang Research

Key advantages of UAM vs. existing ridesharing

Thanks to the arrival of network technologies, ridesharing platforms (e.g. Uber, Lyft, Didi,
etc.) throve quickly by leveraging millions of idle resources in terms of both drivers and
private vehicles. However, safety issues and service quality remain as main concerns,
given the difficulty in managing individual drivers loosely connected to the platforms.

By contrast, a centralized UAM platform carries no safety risks caused by human pilots
with it. More importantly, a profitable business model for UAM should make it attractive
and sustainable to investors and other participants who have not seen the returns on
ridesharing that they had hoped for.

AAVs vs Net cars

AAVs Net cars

1 Fully autonomous, auto-piloting Human drivers

2 Good privacy and safety Safety concerns

3 Straight-line air routes with no congestions Ground routes subject to congestions

4 Stable standard service quality Less stable service quality

5 High margin / low operating cost Negative / low profit margins


Centralized platform, asset light, tech-driven, sharing economy

Source: EHang Research

Competition risks from existing ridesharing platforms?

We think the success of existing ridesharing platforms in penetrating the traditional taxi
market was mainly due to convenient mobile apps that offered instant services to
passengers and were supported by a more advanced and centralized dispatch system
that leverages millions of individual drivers.

While it is possible to replicate this ground model for the air by leveraging the idle
resources of helicopters and pilots, a fully autonomous UAM model is an even better
option due to its higher safety, efficiency, and lower cost through smart control. We
believe the autonomous UAM system should be more robust and self-sufficient by
integrating both manufacturing and operations seamlessly.

Chapter 2.
UAM: Applications and
We think the future success of a modern UAM system depends on commercial operations.
New technological advancements, especially the development of centralized
command-and-control platforms, have made UAM vehicle manufacturers natural UAM
operators. This is a different model than that of the traditional airline industry, where
hundreds of flight operators globally are in competition with each other, leading to poor
margins. By contrast, the UAM industry is likely to be consolidated due to the
autonomous nature of its vehicles, which need to be coordinated by a centralized
platform. As result, the elimination of unnecessary competitors will lead to sufficient
pricing power for the remaining operator(s) to ensure reasonable investment returns.

Source: EHang Research

Ultimate solution to urban problems: eliminating

traffic congestion, car accidents and pollution
As the world’s urban population grows, traffic congestion has been seriously affecting
people’s quality of life and taking a toll on general economic growth. For example,
according to an article (Gridlock woes: Traffic congestion by the numbers, Smart Cities
Dive, Mar 27, 2018) by Katy Pyzyk, a U.S. commuter spends 41 hours on average in traffic
each year during peak congestion times. An estimate by INRIX (a traffic analysis firm)
showed traffic congestions had cost U.S. drivers ~US$305 billion in 2017, implying an
average of US$1,445 per driver. Furthermore, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
estimated an average passenger vehicle emits 4.7 metric tons of carbon dioxide each

Economic losses led by traffic congestions

Countries Loss (US$ bn)

USA 305.0

New York 33.7

Los Angeles 19.2

San Francisco 10.6

Atlanta 7.1

UK 52.0

Manila 18.6

Bangladesh 11.4

Jakarta 5.0

Dhaka 4.5
Source: INRIX 2017 Traffic Scorecard

Top 10 Congested US Cities in 2017

2017 Peak % of Total Drive

2017 Rank City / Large Urban Total Cost Per Total Cost to the
Hours in Time in
(2016 Rank) Area Driver in 2017 City in 2017
Congestion Congestion
1 (1) Los Angeles, CA 102 (-2%) 12% $ 2,828 $19.2bn
2 (2) New York City, NY 91 (+2%) 13% $ 2,982 $33.7bn
3 (3) San Francisco, CA 79 (-5%) 12% $ 2,250 $10.6bn
4 (4) Atlanta, GA 70 (-1%) 10% $ 2,212 $7.1bn
5 (5) Miami, FL 64 (-2%) 9% $ 2,072 $6.3bn
6 (6) Washington, DC 63 (+3%) 11% $ 2,060 $6.1bn
7 (8) Boston, MA 60 (+3%) 14% $ 2,086 $5.7bn
8 (9) Chicago, IL 57 (0%) 10% $ 1,994 $5.5bn
9 (10) Seattle, WA 55 (0%) 12% $ 1,853 $5.0bn
10 (7) Dallas, TX 54 (-8%) 6% $ 1,674 $4.9bn
Source: INRIX, 2017
Note: Measured in average hours wasted per vehicle for the year

Clearly, the problem of urban traffic congestion will not be solved by simply building new
roads, as researchers from the University of Toronto and the London School of Economics
concluded that the number of vehicle-kilometers traveled (VKT) increases in direct
proportion to the available lane-kilometers of roadways – i.e. newly constructed roads
would only invite additional traffic flows to fill them. This conclusion was supported by a
Wharton Faculty Research from University of Pennsylvania that claimed “increased
provision of roads or public transit is unlikely to relieve congestion”.

Examples are found in China, where traffic congestions deteriorate along with
accelerating road constructions. A 2018 report led by Baidu Map showed the top 10 most
traffic congested Chinese cities are Beijing, Harbin, Changchun, Shanghai, Chongqing,
Guiyang, Kunming, Dalian, Shenyang and Hohhot. Based on data from 100 Chinese cities,
~53% of the urban population spend 20-60 minutes on their daily commute. As China’s
urbanization continues, traffic congestion problems will remain a key problem for major
cities with ballooning populations.

Top 10 Congested Chinese Cities in 3Q2018

Source: China Urban Traffic Research Report, 2018

China: Auto ownership outgrew highway lengths (2006-2018)

Source: China Ministry of Transportation

Furthermore, car accidents have surged along with booming vehicle ownership in
developing countries such as China and India. According to the WHO, about 1.25 million
people are killed in car accidents each year, leading to about 3,400 deaths per day. This
does not account for the millions of injuries incurred in non-fatal accidents. Human error
was the major cause of accidents.

Source: WHO

To find the way out, we believe a 100% autonomous system will provide the ultimate
remedy to these urban traffic safety problems.

Finally, an electric-powered UAM system that replaces existing gas-powered cars will
significantly reduce carbon emission and improve air quality in urban areas. Based on our
estimates, a sedan with a 1.6L engine would consume 1,000 liters of gasoline per year,
resulting in an emission of 2.7 metric tons of carbon dioxide. Official statistics showed that
China’s total carbon emission reached 103.57 million metric tons in 2018, causing serious
smog in major cities.

UAM - How realistic is it?

Given the ever-increasing problems of urban traffic congestion, car accidents, and air
pollution faced by cities, we are looking to the skies for solutions.

What we now consider to be UAM entered the popular imagination under the guise of
“flying cars” as early as the 1950s. For example, a 1957 edition of Popular Mechanics
predicted the emergence of flying cars in “the next 10 years.” However, we are still waiting.
In fact, a 2018 blue paper by Morgan Stanley estimated the UAM industry will only start to
develop significantly from 2030 given both technological and regulatory uncertainties.


However, we believe a reality of flying vehicles that carry people around cities could arrive
sooner than people’s expectations.

The launch of the EHang 184, the world’s first autonomous air vehicle (AAV) at CES in Las
Vegas in 2016 set the stage for the development of UAM industry – not in the future, but

With a one-person cabin and eight propellers on 4 axes, this AAV can carry a passenger
with a weight up to 200kg for 20 minutes at a cruise speed of up to 100 km/hour. EHang
has since expanded its product line to a two-seater model. With over 2,000 unmanned
and manned flight tests, EHang AAVs are ready for commercial operation – now, in 2019.

Source: EHang Research

What will it take for UAM to become a viable industry?

In our view, the development of UAM systems should serve as a key strategy for urban
transportation in the next 30-50 years. Governments around the world should make
serious efforts to implement UAM plans to boost their cities’ competencies.

Some governments have taken a first step in this direction. The government of the
Chinese megacity of Guangzhou recently entered into a strategic agreement with EHang
for UAM development. This cooperation may make Guangzhou the first city to launch
real passenger UAM services in the world.

Meanwhile, Volocopter said in May 2019 that it was bringing its first-ever air taxi “vertiport”
to Singapore by the end of 2019, with test flights already planned.

In October 2019, Volocopter launched a test flight in Singapore using its Volocopter 2X
model. The flight was reported to cover a distance of approximately 1.5km
within 2 minutes. Meanwhile, the company also unveiled a new air taxi vertiport called
VoloPort to serve as the take-off and landing of its vehicles.

In general, we see three key factors as critical in determining the success of the UAM
industry: regulations, technology and capital.

1. Regulations

Below is an overview of the current regulatory environment for UAM in various


China – CAAC. In fact, regulatory approvals in China need to be granted by three levels:
military (PLAA), civil aviation (CAAC) and local government.

 PLAA – Approval for airspace

Any UAM flight requires approvals from local divisions of the PLAA for proposed routes.
The approvals from the PLAA are usually granted on a one-off basis or are only valid for a
limited period of time.

 CAAC – Approval on airworthiness

The UAV Airworthiness Guidance recently published by the CACC has established a UAV
airworthiness framework that is based on the assessment, classification and management
of operational risks of UAVs.

Under this framework, a written approval needs to be issued by the CAAC for trial flights
of passenger-grade AAVs in certain locations in China for the purpose of evaluating their
airworthiness and formulating industry standards on airworthiness of passenger-grade

According to the UAV Airworthiness Guidance, the detailed rules and regulations on
airworthiness are expected to be promulgated by the end of 2019. Pursuant to the Interim
Rules, a prospective operator of certain classes of UAVs must submit an application for
pilot operation. In February 2019, EHang submitted an application for pilot operations of
the EHang 216 AAV in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province and have passed the preliminary
examination by CAAC.

 Local government – Approval for commercial operations

While there are no detailed rules or regulations with respect to commercial operations of
passenger-grade AAVs, it is unclear whether the relevant regulators in China would
permit commercial operations under the current regulatory framework. A potential
launch of UAM services in Guangzhou based on the latest strategic partnership
agreement may set a precedence for future operations.

Europe – The EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) is the regulatory body
in charge of airworthiness certification. Of particular relevance to UAM, the Council of the
European Union adopted new aviation safety rules in June 2018, which included a new
mandate for EASA. This formalizes the EASA’s role in the domain of drones and UAM and
enables EASA to prepare rules for all sizes of civil drones and harmonize standards for the
commercial market across Europe.

On October 15, 2018, the EASA opened a public consultation on its proposal of
airworthiness standards which will enable the certification of small vertical take-off and
landing (VTOL) aircraft. The objective was to develop the first component of the
regulatory framework to enable the safe operation of air taxi and electric VTOL aircraft
in Europe.

Further progress was made on July 2, 2019, when EASA issued “Special Condition for
Small-category VTOL Aircraft”- a complete set of dedicated technical specifications in the
form of a special condition for VTOL aircraft. This special condition addressed the unique
characteristics of the new VTOL products and prescribed airworthiness standards for the
issuance of the type certificate, and changes to this type certificate, for a person-carrying
VTOL aircraft in the same category.

US – The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) is the regulatory body in the US

focusing mainly on aviation safety and efficiency. Specifically, it has established an
Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) for uncontrolled operations that is
separate from, but complementary to, the FAA's Air Traffic Management (ATM) system.
UTM is how airspace will be managed to enable multiple drone operations conducted
beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS), where air traffic services are not provided. According
to FAA, the purpose of UTM development is to ultimately enable the management of
low-altitude uncontrolled drone operations.

With UTM, there will be a cooperative interaction between drone operators and the FAA
to determine and communicate real-time airspace status. A distributed network of highly
automated systems via application programming interfaces (API) serve as the major
means of communications between the FAA, drone operators, and other stakeholders.

So far, the FAA, NASA and industry are coordinating the UTM initiative, with the aim to
enable safe visual and beyond visual line-of-sight drone flights in low-altitude airspace.
Specifically, the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) supports
air traffic control authorization requirements for drone operations. Through LAANC
remote pilots can apply to receive a near real-time authorization for operations under
400 feet in controlled airspace around airports.

On the other hand, NASA is conducting research at UAS Test Sites to further explore UTM
capabilities that will accommodate rulemaking as it expands opportunities for drone

Worldwide – JARUS (Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems) is a

group of regulatory experts from all around the world, with the purpose to recommend a
single set of technical, safety and operational requirements for all aspects linked to the
safe operation of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). By taking consideration of
existing regulations relevant to manned aircraft, it draft material to cover the unique
features of RPAS through the analysis of the specific tasks linked to RPAS.

In March 2019, JARUS issued “Guidelines on Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA)
Issue 2.0 (Annexes)”, followed by another “SORA Standard Scenario STS-01 for Aerial
Work Operations”in May 2019. The purpose of the Specific Operation Risk Assessment
(SORA) is to propose a methodology for the risk assessment primarily required to support
the application for an authorization to operate an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) within
the specific category when an operator/applicant desires to operate a UAS in a limited or
restricted manner.

Particularly, given the new and innovative aspects of UAS, the traditional approach to
aircraft certification (e.g. approving the design, issuing an airworthiness approval and type
certificate) may not be appropriate.

ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization. As a United Nations specialized

agency on global civil aviation affairs, ICAO is increasingly focused on innovative
technologies that could revolutionize the existing status of civil aviation industry. The
latest ICAO Innovation in Aviation Fair held on September 22-23, 2019 featured
technological start-ups including Loon, EHang, Wing, as well as larger firms such as
Airbus, Bombardier and Thales which showed strong enthusiasm about technological

2. Technologies

The product of AAV is a combination of cutting-edge technologies in aviation,

aerodynamics, material science, mechanic engineering, computer science and software
engineering, etc. Given the very nature of auto-piloting, computer algorithms form the
soul of an AAV while composite materials form the skeletons.

Moreover, the widespread implementation of UAM systems requires a solution provider

with technological know-how and R&D capabilities. The solution provider needs to be a
cross-sector expert who is not only able to manufacture UAM vehicles, but also able to
construct a centralized platform to support commercial operations. Cross-sector skills
from various fields need to be combined for practical purposes.

In practice, a strong supply chain is also critical to both R&D and manufacturing activities.
In EHang’s case, we owed our fast progress in launching our passenger-grade AAVs
partly to our close location to China’s PRD area, a global manufacturing hub.

3. Capital

Compared with traditional transportation models such as airlines, railways and highways,
UAM is likely to be less capital intensive in the long run. On an individual vehicle level, the
price for an EHang 216 AAV is currently only RMB2 million (US$0.3 million), comparable to
the market price of a luxury car in China. On the infrastructural level, the construction
costs of highways, bridges and traditional airports are significantly higher than those of
building UAM base points.

Comparison of AAVs vs Luxury Cars and Low-End Helicopters

EH216 Mercedes BMW 760 Tesla Model X Robinson

S600 R22

Vehicle cost (RMB) 2,000,000 2,200,000 2,000,000 890,000 2,450,000

Road cost (Mn RMB/km) - 60-100 60-100 60-100 -

Airport construction 30 - - - 80
(Mn RMB)
Driver/Pilot (RMB/year) - 100,000 100,000 100,000 525,000
Maintenance cost Low Medium Medium Low High
Emission - 6L 6L - 5.24L

Source: EHang Research

Moreover, operating costs of UAM will be significantly lower due to lower staffing needs,
lower maintenance costs and lower energy / fuel costs.

How big could the UAM market be?

According to Frost & Sullivan, the total revenues of the global commercial UAV market
will grow into US$103.7 billion by 2023 from US$3.7 billion in 2019, representing 95%
CAGR in the period. Specifically, the revenues from passenger UAM will surge at 531%
CAGR from US$0.3 million to US$2,995 million, versus 740% CAGR in freight / logistics
UAM (from US$18 million to US$46,046 million) in the same period. Thanks to China’s
liberal policies that support innovations, as well as EHang’s industry leadership, China will
account for material market shares in various segments of UAM applications.

Exhibit – Frost & Sullivan Research

Source: Frost & Sullivan

Furthermore, recent research by Morgan Stanley shows the industry revenues could grow
to US$1.5 trillion by 2040.

However, we think both estimates are on the conservative side in their analysis of the
UAM industry, especially for passenger services. Full commercial operations of EHang
AAVs are on the verge of being realized in 2019-20 and could trigger a potential
explosion of market demand sooner than expected.

UAM – Who will be the main participants?

Government / regulatory bodies: Relevant organizations may include military authorities,

civil aviation regulators (e.g. the FAA, EASA, CAAC, etc) and local-level entities including
police, security and public transportation management services.

UAM organization: To promote the construction and application of UAM systems globally,
an industry organization needs to be established to ensure proper communication
among the participants. Similar to global organizations such as IATA and JARUS, UAMS
will function as an international organization to set industry standards, monitor industry
development, and promote the construction of a global UAM network.

Network partners: Business or government entities may invest to build a regional UAM
platform to serve as UAM service providers to its customers or the public. Working under
a national or even global network, these network partners may enjoy the benefits of
sharing customer resources. They may also contribute to the construction of regional
UAM systems by ordering vehicles and building infrastructure.

Vehicle OEMs: Besides EHang, which has successfully launched the world’s first
commercial AAV flight, there are other firms which claim to be testing their models for
UAM purposes. Similar to the mobile handset industry, the UAM industry need to have
more transparent and specific industry standards to ensure different vehicles are
compatible for the existing UAM platforms. Ultimately, all vehicle models need to comply
with the industry standards before joining the network.

Commercial operating model

Given the strong advantages of EHang AAVs over both helicopters and automobiles, we
estimate the unit operating cost at roughly Rmb10-12 / ASK (available seat-kilometer), or
US$1.43-1.71 / ASK, which can be covered by a reasonable fare level that is slightly above
the normal taxi fare levels in New York City (Base rate: US$2.5 plus US$1.56/km).
Considering significant savings from straight-line air routes vs. the zigzagging ground
routes, the total trip cost of the AAV from point A to B may be even lower than that of an
NYC cab. More important, the AAV passengers will enjoy a faster and smoother trip led
by higher cruise speed with no traffic congestions. Therefore, we believe the AAV model
should prove to be highly competitive and profitable, with an expected payback period
below 2 years.

Our financial model is based on the following key assumptions:

 Capacity: 1-2 seats for passengers with no pilot needed
 Load factor: 90% or above
 Vehicle cost: US$300,000
 Battery life: 500 cycle life
 Depreciation period: 10 years
 Electricity cost: $0.2 per kWh electricity cost
 Operating hours: 20 hours per day, 6,000 hours per year
 Unit fare: US$2.5 per passenger-kilometer

Based on our model, an EHang 216 (2-seater) could generate an annual revenue of
US$352,174 (Rmb2.5 million). After deducting operating costs, over 60% of which are for
batteries, it implies operating profit at US$138,000, putting OP margins at 39%. We
believe this model is highly conservative and does not capture efficiency gains potentially
led by scale economies. Furthermore, improving battery technologies could lead to lower
battery weight, longer battery life and cheaper battery prices, which would directly boost
operating results.

Sensitivity analysis

Batteries – As batteries are the single largest cost item for EHang AAVs, a sensitivity
analysis shows every 1% decline in battery cost will add over 2% to the operating result.

Pricing – We see strong pricing power led by a lack of market competition in the near
term. On our estimate, every 1% increase in unit fare level would boost operating profit by

Chapter 3
UAM Operations and
The invention of cars led to profound changes to the world in the twentieth century,
significantly improving people’s quality of life. Billions of dollars have been spent on
infrastructure of the highways, tunnels and bridges that have reshaped the appearance of
cities and countrysides worldwide.

Yet automobile transportation has become more challenging as cities have become more
crowded. We believe that UAM has the power to do for cities of the twenty-first century
what automobiles din in the twentieth century – and to do so in a safer, smarter, more
efficient and more eco-friendly manner.

How will UAM change people’s life?

1. Safe transportation – Power redundancy with centralized computer control will

eliminate accidents caused by human errors.

2. Smart transportation – Autonomous online booking improves convenience, while a

pre-determined route increases certainty. Moreover, smart transportation is a critical
component to the general “smart city” concept, which aims to improve overall
transportation experiences in speed, convenience and efficiency.

3. Improved efficiency – The time-saving benefits of UAM are invaluable. UAM improves
travel efficiency not only through its higher cruise speed compared to cars, but also
by using shorter, more direct routes that do not get congested. Furthermore, a
shared economy of AAVs means higher asset utilization and eliminates the need to
find parking.

4. Greater mobility and accessibility – Thanks to UAM, travelers are able to reach new
destinations that were less accessible, such as islands, mountains, swamps and forests.
It will also minimize the impact on nature that would have otherwise occurred due to
transportation infrastructure construction.

5. Disperse living areas – Improved mobility means people can more easily live in
remote suburbs or regions. This may alleviate the cost pressures in major cities that
are suffering from ever-increasing property and rental prices.

6. Sustainability – The adoption of low-carbon or zero-carbon energies for urban

transportation helps improve air quality by reducing carbon emissions, which is critical
to population centers globally.

Source: EHang Research

How will UAM impact existing transportation modes?
As a new disruptive mode, UAM will reshape the existing urban transportation system by
elevating the dimensions from 2D into 3D, as normal airlines are unable to offer
short-haul urban services. We are trying to analyze potential impact on specific industries
as follows.


We view UAM system as a perfect extension to the existing air services by offering
seamless “last 50-km” flight connection to the passengers’ homes. To remain competitive,
traditional airlines should act quickly as a partner to the UAM system to offer value-added
services to their customers. For the Top 2 aviation markets in the world, US and China are
boasting 893 million and 612 million air passenger volumes in 2018. Suppose only 10% of
such passengers would choose to take UAM for their “last 50-km” transit, it implies 150
million passenger volumes in US and China alone.

High-speed Rail

Similar to the airlines, HSR operators should find UAM complementary to existing services.
While subways and bus services are the natural transit options from HSR stations, AAVs
can serve as a good choice for high-end passengers who are more time-sensitive rather
than cost-sensitive. According to CRC, China’s HSR carried ~2 billion passengers in 2018.
Assume only 5% of such passengers would transit by UAM from HSR stations, it implies
~100 million passenger volumes annually.


As a substitute to the cars, UAM may ultimately erode the shares of the roads within cities.
Indeed, traffic congestions and high infrastructure investment and maintenance costs are
impeding the long-term growth of major cities such as New York, Los Angeles, London,
Tokyo, Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai. Statistics showed China’s number of passenger
sedans reached 205.6 million by 2018, including ~1.4 million taxicabs that had carried ~36
billion passengers in 2018. This implies a huge market for UAM.


UAM will prove to be a highly valuable transportation mode for transit between islands
and offshore areas, by providing faster, more comfortable and enjoyable experiences
through straight-line routes. It could be even combined with some boating services as
landing pads can be easily added to the decks of some large cruises.

Chapter 4.
Key Application Scenarios
Looking beyond cities, we find the term “urban air mobility” to be limiting, given the
abundance of opportunities for non-urban applications. Many of these applications are
currently being serviced by helicopters. According to AsianSky, an aviation consultant, the
Asia Pacific civil turbine helicopter fleet size reached 4,265 by the end of 2018, an increase
of 4.6% YoY, with an estimated replacement cost of US$30.9 billion. Based on the market
price of the EHang 216 (US$0.3 million), this is equivalent to the market value of 103,000
AAVs. Key application areas include oil and gas (onshore / offshore), forestry, firefighting,
aerial photography, agricultural and pest control, power-line repair and surveys, media,
offshore operations, search and rescue, emergency medical services and law

Exhibit – Helicopter Fleet and Replacement Cost

By AsianSky Group

Note (1): “Replacement Cost” figures are based on the assumption that existing helicopters are
replaced by the latest versions of their particular OEM variant and at 2018 list prices.

Current applications of normal UAVs (also known as drones) to such scenarios are limited
mainly due to 1) insufficient capacity, as normal UAVs can carry only a payload of 10kg; 2)
small sizes, as normal UAVs are designed for consumer use such as air cameras; 3) lack of
a centralized command-and-control platform to ensure large-scale operations safely and

Given the strong advantages of UAM vehicles over normal UAVs, it is more realistic to
envision UAM penetrating into various fields that are currently dominated by traditional
helicopters. We examine a few of these applications below.

Tourism & recreation

UAM can provide aerial tourism services at designated locations including scenic spots,
amusement parks, tourist attractions, etc. A ride on a UAM vehicle will help tourists
explore new areas that were previously difficult or impossible to reach, such as deep
valleys, mountain tips, vast jungles, desert islands and waterfalls.

Source: EHang Research

In China alone, there are 259 “AAAAA-class” and 1,528 “AAAA-class” scenic spots
nationwide. According to CTA (China Travel Agency), China’s domestic tourist spending
reached RMB 5.54 billion in 2018, with total spending over RMB 5.13 trillion (US$743
billion). Assuming only 893 (50%) of these scenic spots were to introduce UAM services by
deploying only 10 AAVs each, it would imply a near-term demand of 8,930 AAVs in China.

As tourists may be less price conscious when taking UAM for fun than travelers who take
UAM for transportation, tourism applications could prove to be more attractive to
operators from a commercial perspective.

Emergency medical services

The fast-moving nature of emergency medical services makes UAM an ideal solution that
provides “air ambulances”,” especially when ground traffic congestions may seriously
jeopardize the emergency missions of normal ambulances.

Source: EHang Research.

China currently has approximately 110,000 ambulances and 365 first aid emergency
centers, which are deployed mainly in urban areas. Given the large population size, this
implies only 127 ambulances per 100,000 people. Considering that over 40% of the
Chinese population (580 million) lives in rural areas where emergency services are less
available, huge gaps exist for the government to boost medical conditions for rural

Given that the more dispersed rural population living in mountains, islands and plateaus,
the construction necessary for emergency systems requires significant infrastructure
investment , which can be expensive and time-consuming to build. The clear advantages
of UAM vehicles over normal ambulances suggest that UAM can be a quicker, more
effective and less expensive solution to improving China’s rural emergency systems.

Assuming China were to provide air ambulance services to cover the 580 million rural
population at a similar ratio of only 10 / 100,000, this implies a potential demand of 58,000

Similarly, this could prove to be a solution for under-developed but populous countries in
South Asia and Africa, where infrastructure and medical conditions are lagging.

Aerial fire apparatus
In recent years, skyscrapers are mushrooming in China. Statistics show China has the
majority of all the world’s tallest buildings in late 2019 and many more than any other
country. The tallest 15 buildings in China are all above 400 meters high, among the
world’s 26 tallest skyscrapers. Yet, these do not count so many “mid-level” ones built
throughout major Chinese cities.

Source: EHang Research

Years No. of new buildings

2003-2004 133

2005-2006 125

2007-2008 126

2009-2010 127

2011-2012 105

2013 83

2014 149

2015 137

2016 127

Total 1112

Source: EHang Research

Note:number of buildings >150 meters high

However, considering fire safety, it creates a real challenge for normal fire apparatus such
as aerial platforms and turntable ladders that can reach only limited heights. Equipped
with a deluge gun with water pumps onboard, a normal EHang AAV can be modified into
an aerial fire apparatus that allows access or egress of firefighters and fire victims at a
height above 400 meters. Moreover, it can provide a high-level water point for

According to statistics, in 2018, over 237,000 fire reports were received in China, causing
1,407 deaths, 798 injuries, and Rmb3,675 million worth of direct damages. There were
over 12.73 million man-times and 2.193 million vehicle-times dispatched for firefighting
tasks. We believe the modified aerial fire apparatus will prove to be an effective tool with
great potential values.

Source: EHang Research

Industrial applications

There are many possible industrial applications for UAM. For example, in the offshore
marine industry UAM vehicles may serve as effective alternatives to helicopters, which are
heavily used to carry staff and supplies between offshore rigs and onshore headquarters.
UAM vehicles would be more effective given their higher safety, lower cost, and
around-the-clock working schedules.

Source: EHANG Scandinavia AS

A helicopter fleet report by AsianSky showed there were 343 turbine civil helicopters
dedicated to offshore oil and gas operations in the Asia Pacific region as of the end of
2018, with an estimated replacement cost at US$5.91 billion. This is equivalent to the
market value of ~20,000 EH 216 AAVs.

Furthermore, we see potential opportunities from the development of offshore wind

farms. AsianSky estimates that the Asia Pacific offshore wind capacity would rise 20x
within the next 10 years, which could dramatically boost the transportation demand for
both passengers and logistics.

In other industrial fields such as power grid maintenance and pipeline inspection, UAM
vehicles can prove to be desirable tools as well.

Chapter 5
Development of a UAM
The development of a UAM ecosystem requires the contributions from various
participants. While a UAM network provides individual vehicles (capacity up to 2
passengers) for urban transportation, it differs from the existing taxi network mainly in: 1)
UAM vehicles need to travel point-to-point via pre-determined air routes, which is similar
to the bus system; 2) UAM vehicles are all autonomous with no need of pilots or drivers.

Comparison of UAM vs. Taxi, Bus, Ridesharing

UAM Taxi Bus Ridesharing

Autonomous Yes No No No
Speed (note) 130km/hour 60km/hour 40km/hour 60km/hour
Effective routes (note) Very short Long Very long Long
Dimensions 3D 2D 2D 2D
Predetermined routes Yes No Yes No
Cost High High Low Medium
Congestions No High Medium High
Online booking Yes Yes/No No Yes

Note: 1. The speed estimate is based on speed limit in urban areas;

2. Effective UAM routes are very short mainly due to the direct path enabled by air travel.

Network developer

The UAM network developer is a technology enterprise responsible for designing,

constructing and operating an UAM network, including the command-and-control center.
For security reasons, the command-and-control center fulfills a unique role in a city,
similar to the operators of existing ridesharing platforms. It receives orders from
passengers through mobile apps, processes the information promptly and executes the
orders by dispatching UAM vehicles automatically.

Vehicle manufacturers

These are OEMs which manufacture UAM vehicles fully compatible to the UAM network.
High quality standards need to be met to ensure operational safety.

Network partners

A network partner is defined as an operator who owns a certain number of UAM vehicles
to cover designated urban areas. As an effective investor, it acquires UAM vehicles from
the manufacturers and is responsible for all related issues including battery charging,
maintenance and repairmen, etc. Depending on its financial strengths and operating
capabilities, the service area of a specific network partner can stretch to a whole city.


It mainly includes base points, maintenance and repair centers, charging facilities,
passenger service facilities, etc.

Supply chain

It includes relevant suppliers of electric motors, batteries, battery management systems

(BAM), speed control, flight control, avionics, composite materials, etc. The success of new
product development depends on the accessibility of a well-established supply chain

Regulatory bodies

These are mainly official organizations or government entities (e.g. JARUS, the FAA, EASA,
CAAC, etc.) While regulatory approval is the first step for the development of a UAM
ecosystem, government may find it a challenge in making laws to accommodate this
whole new industry. Both enterprises and government need to collaborate closely and
extensively on emerging issues related to safety, traffic control, sound control, airspace
planning, etc.

Chapter 6
The Path Forward
As an emerging industry, UAM has attracted attention from governments, enterprises,
research institutes and investors from all over the world. With sufficient input of resources,
we expect the industry to take off soon.

Looking forward, we expect the UAM industry to be boosted by potential technological

breakthroughs in the following areas.

Battery technology

Our operational analysis shows battery is the single largest cost item that accounts for
over 60% of total operating costs for EHang 216 AAVs, based on a 500-charge life cycle.
We estimate a 1% decline in battery cost will boost operating profit by over 3% for the
operator, while a 1% increase in battery life will also increase operating profit by 2%.

Moreover, as battery weight accounts for about 1/3 of total empty weight of the AAV,
further reduction in battery weight would significantly increase the AAV’s flight range.

Finally, from a commercial perspective, a reduction in battery charging time would lead to
higher asset utilization and increase operating results.

Source: EHang Research

New materials
Similar to traditional aircraft, UAM vehicles are highly weight sensitive. Composite
materials are ideal for aviation due to their lightness and firmness. Key components such
as electric motors are made of metals. New materials or designs that can further reduce
the weight of the vehicles would help improve flight range and overall performance.

Source: EHang Research

Despite many advantages of eVTOLs, a lack of natural lift by fixed wings means inefficient
power consumption and limited flight range. An improvement in designs to combine the
benefits of both eVTOL and fixed wings should help. A good example is Bell Boeing’s
V-22 Osprey which has a higher cruise speed, altitude and range than normal helicopters.

Source: EHang Research

5G network
The imminent launch of 5G networks will enhance the connectivity of UAM vehicles and
capabilities of the command-and-control platform.

Specifically, 5G networks enable real-time high-resolution image transmission, remote

control and precise positioning for multiple UAM vehicles operating simultaneously. It
also broadens the communications loop from just being between a single UAM vehicle
and the command-and-control platform to also running between the vehicles.

Source: EHang Research.

Noise levels
Although the noise level of EHang’s AAVs is significantly lower than that of helicopters,
there is ample room for improvement so the vehicles can travel unobtrusively within
communities. Ideally, we think the vehicles should be even quieter than an engineering
vehicle operating in the neighborhood. Adjustments for noise (e.g. propeller size / shape,
etc.) need to be carefully studied to further reduce the current noise level of AAVs.

Source: EHang Research


As the ultimate solution to city problems of traffic congestions, accidents and air pollution,
UAM is a promising industry with huge market potential ahead. For cities to be more
efficient, smarter and competitive, it is imperative for governments to adopt effective
UAM strategies to construct complete ecosystems based on centralized
command-and-control platforms.

Future UAM systems should be safe, autonomous, efficient, ecofriendly and centrally
controlled, shared by public customers. With potential benefits from future technological
advancements, we believe the cost of UAM services would be as low as normal taxi
services nowadays, and affordable to the general public. So this new urban transportation
mode would ultimately replace automobiles and free up most land areas occupied by the

As a leader in global UAM industry, EHang is committed to offer safe, autonomous and
ecofriendly air mobility to everyone. Besides manufacturing AAVs for UAM purposes, the
company aims to build a complete platform that supports the operations of the UAM
ecosystem. To that end, it seeks collaborations with various parties including governments,
regulators and business organizations. With expertise in both aviation and autonomous
command-and-control, it explores various fields for potential applications such as tourism
and recreation, emergency medical services, fire control, and other industrial applications.


Edward (Huaxiang) Xu Chief Strategy Officer

Contributors and Reviewers

Huazhi Hu Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Derrick (Yifang) Xiong Co-founder & Chief Marketing Officer
Richard (Jian) Liu Chief Financial Officer
Shang Hsiao Co-founder

Uber Elevate Fast-Forwarding to a Future of On-Demand Urban Air
Transportation (Oct 27, 2016)
NASA Urban Air Mobility Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Market (November, 2018)

Morgan Stanley Flying Cars: Investment Implications of Autonomous

Urban Air Mobility (Dec 2, 2018)

Roland Berger GmbH Passenger Drones Ready to Take-off (Dec 21, 2018)

About the author

Edward (Huaxiang) Xu is Chief Strategy Officer at EHang Holdings, a global leader in

urban air mobility solutions. Specifically, Edward supports the CEO in managing group
strategy, operations and financing activities for EHang.

Prior to joining EHang, Edward was Executive Director at Morgan Stanley Asia Limited,
serving in the Equity Research Department. He headed MS Asia-Pacific Transportation
team which was consistently ranked among All-Asia Top 3 by Institutional Investor
magazine through 2012-19. His broad research coverage included airlines, airports,
logistics, railways, aerospace and defense, etc. During his 15-year professional experience
as an equity research analyst at Morgan Stanley, he participated in major IPOs, such as
those of ZTO, BOC Aviation, AirAsia X, BTSGIF, Kerry Logistics, etc.

Edward is a CFA charter holder and has an MBA from the University of Illinois at

About EHang

EHang(NASDAQ: EH) is a world’s leading autonomous aerial vehicle (“AAV”) technology

platform company. Our mission is to make safe, autonomous and eco-friendly air mobility
accessible to everyone. EHang provides customers in various industries with AAV
products and commercial solutions: urban air mobility (including passenger
transportation and logistics), smart city management and aerial media solutions. As the
forerunner of cutting-edge AAV technologies and commercial solutions in the global
Urban Air Mobility industry, EHang continues to explore the boundaries of the sky to
make flying technologies benefit our life in smart cities.


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