NTDC 2021 Junior Eng Bps 17compiled by Aamir

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Compiled by Engr. Aamir Ali khan

Junior Engineer BPS-17
Test 22-Aug-2021
General Knowledge Part and Electrical part

1) Liaqat Ali khan joined the All-Muslim league in____?

a) 1923
b) 1924
c) 1925
d) 1926

2) Quaid Milat title was given to___?

a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
b) Liaqat Ali khan
c) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
d) Allama Iqbal

3) Cherry is harvested in and around____?

a) Bolan Hills
b) Loralai
c) Quetta
d) Lesbella

4) Before Partition of Pakistan NA session held in Dhaka in March was

boycotted by____?
a) Liaqat Ali khan
b) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
c) M Ayub khan
d) Yahya khan

5) Which Kalimah should be recited after the Wuzu?

a) Kalimah-e-Shahadat
b) Kalima-e-Tamjeed
c) Kalimah-e-Tayyaba
d) None of these

6) Darood recitation is called___?

a) Salat
b) fasting

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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7) When a person is able to judge the difference between Wrong & right then
it is called?
a) Consciousness
b) Morality
c) Conduct
d) Ethics

8) Which Ethics deals more practical task and moral standard that regulate
right and wrong?
a) Normative
b) Consciousness
c) Morality
d) Ethics

9) If action consequences come in favor, rather than unfavour it is ethically

a) Neutral
b) Right
c) Wrong
d) Bad

10) Kosovo is in which country ___?

a) Yugoslavia
b) Albania
c) England
d) Romania

11) Cultural Capital of Pakistan is_____?

a) Punjab
b) Quetta
c) KPK
d) Sindh

12) Quaid e Azam gave his fourteen points in?

a) 1929
b) 1930
c) 1947
d) 1949

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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Compiled by Engr. Aamir Ali khan

13) when are ethics applied practically it is called?

a) Meta
b) epistemology
c) Normality
d) Simple

14) Quaid E Azam joined Muslim league in?

a) 1911
b) 1912
c) 1913
d) 1914

15) General Ayub Khan deposed______ in 1956?

a) Sikandar Mirza
b) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
c) Yahya Khan

16) Coldest Place in the world____?

a) Green Land
b) Norway
c) England
d) Antarctica

17) Allah SWT will Reward Jannah for?

a) Good deeds
b) Hidden deeds
c) Bad deeds

18) Which requires complete cleanliness_____?

a) Prayer
b) Fasting
c) Zakat

19) A coin is flipped 20 times what is the probability of 15 or more heads___?

a) 0.02
b) 0.0656
c) 0.04
d) 0.05

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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20) Unit of Potential is?

a) Volt
b) Ampere
c) Ohm
d) Mega Ohm

21) In a power plant, coal is carried from storage place to boilers generally by
means of____?
a) Bucket
b) V-belts
d) Manually

22) Power plants using coal work closely on which of the following cycle___?
a) Otto Cycle
b) Binary vapour cycle
c) Brayton Cycle
d) Rankine cycle

23) Capacitance is not considered in terms of_______?

a) short transmission lines
b) medium transmission lines
c) long transmission lines
d) short and medium transmission lines

24) A Short transmission line equivalent circuit consisting of_____?

a) Series inductance L and shunt Capacitance G
b) Series resistance R and shunt Capacitance G
c) Series resistance R and shunt Capacitance C
d) Series resistance R and series Inductance L

25) In a parallel resonance circuit_______?

a) Voltage is maximum
b) Current is maximum
c) Impedance is zero
d) Impedance is minimum

26) Error ratio in current transformer is due?

a) exciting current

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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27) Deuterium oxide is used in nuclear reactors as____?

a) Moderator
b) Source of a-particle
c) source of deuteron
d) fuel

28) In a nuclear power station, moderator is used to___?

a) To slow down the neutron’s movement
b) Stop the chain reaction
c) Accelerate the speed of neutrons
d) Absorbs neutrons

29) Conductivity of wire depends on?

a) free electron density

30) Output of Schmitt trigger when input is sine wave?

a) Square wave
b) Triangle wave

31) If the firing angle in a SCR is decreased, output is___?

a) Maximum
b) Decreased
c) Increased
d) unaffected

32) Stepper motor is___ which divides rotation in large number of steps?
a) Direct current
b) Alternate Current
c) Power less
d) Small

33) Fourier series are infinite series of elementary trigonometric functions of

sine and____?
a) Sine
b) Cosec
c) Cosine
d) Tan

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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34) As compared to oscillators inverter provide_______?

a) low frequency output
b) Low voltage output
c) Distortion less output
d) Noiseless output

35) Skin effect is proportional to_____?

a) (𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫)𝟐
b) (diameter of conductor)3
c) (diameter of conductor)4
d) (diameter of conductor)1/2

36) In order to reduce skin effect at UHF___?

a) conductors are painted
b) conductors are anodized
c) copper rods with silver plating are used
d) Copper tubes with silver plating are used

37) Transmission lines link_____?

a) Service point to consumer
b) Generating station to receiving end station
c) Receiving end station to distribution
d) Distribution transformer to consumer premises

18-Surge resistance of transmission lines is about?

a) 800ohm
b) 400ohm
c) 50ohm
d) 75ohm

38) Step up transformer is used on which side__?

a) Generating station
b) Distribution station

39) In high voltage Transmission line, Topmost conductor is_____?

a) R-phase conductor
b) Y- phase conductor
c) B- phase conductor
d) Earth conductor

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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Compiled by Engr. Aamir Ali khan

40) The output of a solar cell is of the order of?

a) 0.5W
b) 1W
c) 0.1W
d) 5W

41) As compared to steam at entry to the turbine which of the following will be
larger at exit?
a) Pressure
b) Flow rate
c) Specific volume
d) Specific enthalpy

42) The air standard efficiency of diesel engine depends on?

a) compression ratio
b) Speed
c) Torque
d) All of the above

43) Hot wire anemometers are used to measure_____?

a) velocity of air stream
b) varying voltage
c) leakage reactance
d) pressure of fluids

44) In which stage maximum noise is added in a radio receiver____?

a) All stages contribute equally to noise
b) Rf stage has no effect on S/R ratio
c) Mixer stage contributes most of the noise generated
d) RF stage has effect on S/R ration
45) The potential difference between two similar charges is?
a) Same
b) Infinite
c) Nil
d) None of the above
46) Ac motors is of two types, induction and______?

a) Asynchronous
b) Synchronous

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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Compiled by Engr. Aamir Ali khan

47) what is Common Mode rejection ratio?

a) it is ratio of differential mode to common mode gain
b) it is ratio of common mode to differential mode gain
c) it is product of common mode gain to differential mode gain
d) None of these

48) A copper oxide____ allows current to flow through a meter in only one
a) Diac
b) Transistor
c) Rectifier
d) Voltmeter

49) Dc generators have_____ on rotating shaft which convert AC into DC.

a) Diodes
b) Commutator
c) Rotor
d) Compressor

50) In case the height of transmission tower is increased it will be following

effect on Capacitor and inductor?
a) The line Capacitance and inductance will not change
b) The line Capacitance will increase but line inductance will decrease
c) The line Capacitance will decrease, and line inductance will increase
d) The line Capacitance will decrease but line inductance will remain

51) High speed circuit breaker can complete its operation is?
a) 3 to 8
b) 2 to 3
c) 6 to 12
d) 10 to 20

52) Conductors have an excess of ___?

a) electrons
b) protons
c) free electrons
d) neutron

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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Compiled by Engr. Aamir Ali khan

53) _______is the source which gives constant voltage (V=E) no matter how
much current drawn through it.
a) real voltage and current source
b) ideal current source
c) ideal resistance source
d) ideal Voltage source
e) real voltage source

54) The turn on voltage of a Ge junction diode is___volt?

a) 1.0 V
b) 0.3 V
c) 0.7 V
d) 0.1 V

55) Si and Ge belong to_____ group in periodic table?

a) III
b) IV A
c) IB B
d) V

56) A Tunnel diode is____________?

a) Is a highly doped P-N junction diode
b) Is a gallium arsenide device
c) Is a point contact diode with a high reverse resistance
d) Has a small tunnel in its junction

57) Steam engine used in locomotive is____?

a) double acting, non-condensing type

58) In BJT ratio of change of collector current w.r.t ratio of change of reverse
saturation current is called____?
a) transistor amplification ratio
b) Stability Factor

59) Which of the following operation is not performed on independent variables

a) Amplitude scaling
b) Amplitude shifting
c) Time shifting
d) Time scaling

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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Compiled by Engr. Aamir Ali khan

60) How can we get dc equivalent circuit of an amplifier?

a) By short circuiting capacitor
b) open circuit the capacitor

(mark the correct option)

61) Microprocessor 8085 has how many interrupts___?

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

62) The Characteristic impedance of a transmission line depends upon which of

the following____?
a) geometrical configurations of the conductor
b) shape of conductors
c) conductivity of the material
d) surface treatment of the conductors

63) The peak value of power angle curve of transmission line is 50 MVA. If
two lines are added parallel resulting peak value will be?
a) 200 MVA
b) 25 MVA
c) 50 MVA
d)100 MVA

64) Generators have____basic types?

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

65) Pressure of steam in condenser is_____?

a) Atmospheric pressure.
b) More than pressure
c) Slightly less than pressure
d) Much less than pressure

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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66) Stationary part of generator_____?

a) Rotor
b) Stator
c) Magnet
d) coil

67) which device is used to give initial field in AC synchronous generator?

a) DC current generator

68) The precision measurement of Resistance is generally carried out by___?

a) Bridge method
b) Potentiometer Method
c) CRO method
d) Voltmeter Method

69) Out of the following which is not unconventional source of energy___?

a) Tidal Power
b) Nuclear Energy
c) Geothermal Energy
d) Wind Power

70) when a system is true for homogeneity and additive system is called__?
a) Linear system
b) Casual System

71) Piezo electric quartz are used to measure____?

a) Temperature

72) In a substation the following equipment is not installed____?

a) Series capacitors
b) Shunt reactors
c) Exciters
d) Voltage transformers

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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73) Memory locations which are used temporarily during program execution
from R/W memory
a) Register
b) program pointer
c) stack pointer

74) In square law of photodetector gives current which is proportional to____?

a) Square c) Square root
b) Cube root d) cube

75) For stability and economic reason, we operate the transmission line with
power angle in the range of___?
a) 10 to 25 degree
b) 30 to 45 degree
c) 60 to 75 degree
d) 65 to 80 degree

76) Which of the following instruments does not use the effect of current for
measurement purposes?
a) Electrostatic ammeter
b) Hot wire meter
c) Rectifier ammeter
d) Moving coil ammeter.

77) After applying newton raphson we get which equation ?


78) Stator magnetic field is 120 revolution per minutes and F of rotor is 50Hz
what will be slip?
a) 2
b) 2.5
c) 4.5
d) 5

79) A quadratic equation has________ roots?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) four

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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Compiled by Engr. Aamir Ali khan

80) The Letter D. P. D.T identify a_____?

a) Breaker
b) Switch
c) Thick wire
d) Fuse

81) Voltmeter reads 60 oscillation per minute of stator side, frequency of rotor
is 50 Hz, find slip___?
a) 2% b) 3%
c) 4% d) 2.5%
82) The atomic number of silicon is 14, Its valency is___?
a) 6
b) 3
c) 4
d) 8

83) The noise generated by a resistor depends upon_____?

a) its operating temperature
b) its resistance values
c) sampling rate
d) Material

84) Locomotive engine is_________?

a) Single acting condensing
b) single acting non-condensing
c) double acting condensing
d) double acting non-condensing.

85) As compared to steam at entry to the turbine, which of the following will be
larger at it exit _____?
a) Pressure
b) Flow rate
c) Specific volume
d) Specific enthalpy

86) In diesel engine air____?

a) velocity
b) speed
c) compression ratio

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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87) Coking is_________?


a) Formation of lumps or masses of coke in boiler surfaces at high

b) Burning of coal in furnace
c) Producing lumps of coal from fine powders with help of binder.
d) Heating of coal in absence of air, driving out CO2 and leaving
behind the residue and carbon

88) Purpose of using moderator in nuclear power plant is____?

a) Absorb neutrons
b) Reduce speed of neutrons
c) slow down the neutrons

91) Which of device not used current for measurement?

a) Electrostatic meter
b) Hot wire meter

89) Which of the following primary transducer does not convert velocity to
a) Orifice
b) Venture
c) Pitot tube
d) Vanes
e) All of the above

90) Which instruments has same calibrations for the ac & dc values_____?
a) Hot wire type
b) Moving coil type
c) Induction type
d) Moving iron type

91) Phase modifier is normally installed in case of________?

a) Short transmission
b) medium transmission
c) long transmission
d) for any length

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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92) For caring 100 A (rms) cross sectional should be_______?

a) 25mm2
b) 50mm2
c) 100mm2

93) A Large size alternator protects overloads by______?

a) Overcurrent relays.
b) Thermal relay
c) Temperature sensitive relays.
d) A combination of A & B

94) Resistance, Capacitance, and inductance are ______element?

a) Active
b) Passive
c) Redundant
d) None of these

95) A graphical representation between discharge and time is known as___?

a) Monograph
b) Hectograph
c) Topography
d) Hydrograph

96) Transient state stability is generally improved by_____?

a) Using high speed governors on machine
b) Using low inertia machine
c) Dispensing with neutral grounding
d) Any of the above

97) A ______ can be used to make automated potentiometer in comparison

a) Analogue to digital convertor
b) Digital to analogue convertor
c) Electrometer
d) Precision Meter

98) A bridge used for measurement of Capacitance or dielectric loss of an insulator

a) Schering bridge
b) Hay bridge
c) Wein Bridge
d) Wheatstone bridge

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99) An instrument used for DC measurement alone is____?

a) Moving Iron
b) Electrodynamic type
c) Induction type
d) Permanent magnetic type

100) As the height of transmission tower is increased, the line capacitance and line
inductance_____ and_____ respectively.
a) Decreases, decreases
b) Increases, decreases
c) Decreases, remain unaltered
d) Increases, Increases


These all are mcqs of NTDC Junior Engineer held on Aug 22 , 2021

NTDC 22 Aug 2021 Junior Engineer BPS-17

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