Jawaban Uas Legal English Debate

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I’m disagree with the new law that legalizes abortion for rape victims because this case

has a lot of
negative impacts on the victim. There are four main arguments for not being allowed to pass an
abortion law here.

Firstly, because of the act of rape that is not in accordance with the provisions of law number thirty-
six years two thousand and nine concerning health. Women who experience unplanned pregnancies
or women who are victims of rape will have an abortion to kill the fetus in their stomach, these
victims face a high risk of death because of the many risks posed by medical abortion. Both short
term and long term risks. Examples of short-term risks are uterine perforation, leakage, uterine
bleeding that does not stop, some babies are still left in the womb, pain in the genitals to the waist,
can even damage other organs. long term later in life, breast cancer, cervical cancer, can not get
pregnant again because there is an infected part.

Secondly, the impact of abortion from the psychological point of view of the victim. The negative
impact of abortion is not only on physical health, but also on a person's psychological health.
psychological trauma that will be felt by women who are rape victims who have abortions. First, it
can suppress the effect of abortion, which can have a traumatic effect. If this is not treated quickly
and appropriately, it is likely to lead to depression. These two mental disorders can appear in
women who have abortions because of emotional instability that affects their souls, and finally
feelings of regret and guilt, namely feelings of guilt that continue to haunt them for killing a child
entrusted by God, and can also cause the victim to eventually commit suicide because of guilt. guilty.
which continues.

Third, if the reason for abortion is only limited to fulfilling the rights and freedom of the mother from
psychological and social burdens and the freedom of her life as a creature with human rights, then
the act of abortion is considered a violation of human rights.

Abortion is also a violation of the human rights of children in the womb, because human rights are
rights inherent in humans from birth and are a gift from God. Human rights consist of basic rights,
including the right to life, property rights, freedom rights, and basically every God's creation has the
right to live and survive. In human rights there is the right to life, where this right explains that every
human being has the right to a decent life from the time he is in the womb until the end of his life.
However, many of us know that the right to life is often ignored by many through inappropriate
actions. One example of this action is the act of Abortion. The right to a peaceful, safe and peaceful
life for every community has become the responsibility of the State. As previously explained that
human rights have existed since humans have not been born, this can explain well that the fetus in a
mother's womb must have the right to live properly. So abortion is clearly a gross violation of human
rights because, they or the parents who perform the abortion is tantamount to killing an innocent
baby or the crime of murder.

and finally from a religious perspective.

• The most important thing is from a religious perspective, abortion from a religious point of view is
something that is strictly prohibited by God, any religion forbids abortion because the act of abortion
is tantamount to taking someone's life, the fetus has the right to live which cannot be taken by
anyone, even mother carrying him. especially when the fetus is still holy, there are many verses that
state that the fetus in the womb is very noble. Even in Islamic teachings if we kill one life we are the
same as killing everyone. So if abortion is the same as committing murder, then it is a very big sin.
Legalizing abortion in this way is against religious values. In fact, there is no single religious teaching
that legalizes abortion, even if the pregnancy is the result of a rape victim
The Indonesian government does not agree with Ukraine joining NATO because if Ukraine joins
NATO, it could trigger a war between Russia and the alliance, because Ukraine is Russia's outer
border, so Russia still wants to defend Ukraine. Ukraine's desire to become a member of NATO
triggers tensions, is considered to have injured loyalty since the world war, International armed
conflict occurred in these two countries. And if there is a war in Ukraine it could last for years.
Russia has even invaded Ukraine since February 24, 2022, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin
himself, who called the Russian military a 'special military operation' to Ukraine. Putin strongly
opposed Ukraine's desire to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-led military alliance.
United States (US). Russia considers NATO as a threat to the security of its territory. Another fact is
that Russia has helped the Ukrainian economy well as one of the Soviet Union countries. With a
third party such as NATO, it would damage the relationship between the two countries, so NATO
should be careful because these two countries have close relations and pose a big risk. If Ukraine
entered into NATO membership, it would be a violation of the Soviet Union agreement. NATO does
not want Russia to become a country with a great power, so NATO offers itself to Ukraine after
independence to increase its power. The impact of this conflict on Indonesia is that the one thing
that is most certain and first felt is the economic impact, this also has an impact on our country,
Indonesia, namely the volume of trade that has not increased but there is still inflation because
Russia and Ukraine are one of the largest sources of energy. between Russia and Ukraine will affect
the global economy through three main channels: financial sanctions, commodity prices, and trade.
The negative impacts that Indonesia feels include:

1. The Weakening of the Indonesian Capital Market

When Russia is at war, psychologically economic activity will occur massive asset transfers to avoid
losses. People will turn to stable assets like the US dollar as well as precious metals like gold. With
the strengthening of the value of the US dollar, it will also have an impact on the exchange rate
against the rupiah.

2. Loss of Income from Exporting Commodities

Indonesia apparently sent a lot of products needed by both Ukraine and Russia, the largest
commodities sent to Russia and Ukraine included palm oil, coffee, tea, rubber, tobacco, paper, and

3.Increase in the Price of Imported Basic Materials

After we lose our potential income due to the cessation of export activities, we will also be tested
with a shortage of goods due to the obstruction of imports from Russia and Ukraine to Indonesia.

Commodities that will experience price increases include petroleum, metals, fertilizers, and wheat
products from Ukraine are the most affected. Apparently, Ukraine is the number one supplier of
wheat products in Indonesia with a contribution of 20%.

With the reduced supply of wheat, it is not impossible that there will be an increase in prices for
foodstuffs that use flour.

But behind it all, of course, not only the economy is the most important thing to think about at this
time, but how the safety of the entire population, and the avoidance of casualties must be the main
I agree with the plan to move the capital city of Java to Kalimantan because it is good for equitable
development of industrial areas and also the government, on the other hand, with the relocation of
the capital city, I hope that it will be easier to do equity in Indonesia

The Jakarta area is already too crowded, this is because most of the Indonesian population lives and
works in Jakarta, so it is no longer possible to develop it because the area is already covered by
residential areas, DKI Jakarta bears 2 burdens at once, as the center of government/public service. ,
as well as a business center. Where this causes DKI Jakarta to be increasingly congested. Moving
the capital city to East Kalimantan, the government wants to focus on being the center of
government. In addition, as we already know and it is common knowledge that the economy,
development, and so on are focused on the island of Java or what is commonly called Java centric.
With the relocation of the capital city to East Kalimantan, it is hoped that there will be complete
equity in the State of Indonesia which is also one form of practicing the fifth precept of Pancasila
related to social justice for all Indonesian people. to eliminate or change the concept of Javacentric
development. With this, moving the capital city to East Kalimantan is considered appropriate to be
able to overcome this problem. and most importantly, it can minimize the negative impact of
moving the capital city by preserving the forest in Kalimantan as a negative impact of infrastructure
development. Therefore, in the future, the government will continue to maintain and preserve the
forests in Kalimantan. This is because Kalimantan itself is dubbed as the lungs of the world, so we
must continue to maintain and preserve it. Moving the capital city to a new location in Kalimantan
will not have a negative impact on the national economy. The positive effect is due to the use of
potential resources that have not been utilized so far. The relocation of the State Capital will also
encourage investment in the new capital city province and its surroundings. In addition, the
relocation of the capital city will create a wider investment incentive in other regions and increase
the output of several non-traditional sectors, especially the service sector. then, relocating the
capital city will reduce the gap between income groups and indications that inequality will narrow.
Moving the capital city to an alternative province will cause the economy to be more diversified
towards a denser sector so that it can help to reduce the gap between income groups both at the
regional and national levels. inter-regional trade in Indonesia, including trade within the new capital
province. More than 50% of Indonesia's territory will experience an increase in trade flows if the
capital city is moved to a province that has good connectivity with other provinces. in terms of
natural resources on the island of Java, especially Jabodetabek, experiencing a clean water crisis due
to the density of industrial areas, for example in Bekasi where there is a lot of pollution and waste,
this causes clean water to be very scarce. and lastly, on the island of Java, especially in Jakarta, the
dangers of flooding, earthquakes, and landslides are threatened. The increasing burden on Jakarta is
due to a decrease in the carrying capacity of the environment and the magnitude of economic
losses. Such things are prone to flooding, land subsidence and sea level rise, river water quality is
heavily polluted. About 50 percent of Jakarta area has a flood safety level below 10 years (ideal for a
big city, minimum 50 years). Jakarta area is threatened by volcanic activity. Krakatoa, Mount Gede)
and potential earthquakes-tsunami, South Megathrust, West Java and Sunda Strait and land
earthquakes of the Baribis Fault, Lembang Fault, and Cimandiri Fault. In addition, the land fell by 35-
50 cm during the period 2007-2017 So I really agree with the plan to move the capital city to
Kalimantan because there are so many reasons and impacts why the capital city is required to be
moved to Kalimantan, this is also for the good all Indonesian people.
In my opinion, I do not agree with the plan for non-party presidential candidates because the
discourse will reduce the dominance of political parties as a means of political recruitment at the
national level. As far as I know, presidential and vice-presidential candidates need to form a coalition
of political parties to get more votes in parliament, the reason political parties form a coalition is
because of the presidential threshold, this is the threshold for obtaining votes that political parties
must obtain in an election to be able to nominate a presidential candidate. That is, the presidential
threshold is a requirement for someone to be able to run for president or vice president in the
general election (election).

These certain rights include the right to participate in the next election, the right to obtain seats in
parliament, to the right to nominate a presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate (cawapres) in
the next election, plus the requirement that a presidential candidate must be brought by a political party
with a minimum of 20 percent of seats in parliament. then as a country that adheres to the distribution of
power based on the trias politica, the promotion of state leaders from the independent path still cannot be
implemented in Indonesia, independent candidates are indeed not possible or not ideal in a political system
that adheres to a political triad. A system in which there are executive, legislative and judicial institutions.
In addition, independent candidate pairs or without political parties will have a negative impact on the
government and also in modern democracy in Indonesia. Paslons who run without the support of political
parties will not have ideological friends who occupy legislative seats. This will have a worse impact if the
Paslon is successfully elected. If the winning president is from an independent circle, then there will be
problems in the relationship between the president and the legislature. The condition of the executive
government is very likely to be unstable because the legislature contains people from political parties who
have no ideological ties. The executive board will become unstable
The unstable situation in question will continue during the reign of leaders who are not promoted by
political parties, for example, when the president is criticized and pressured by the legislature, no one will
defend him. Because the president has no connection with the political parties that are the basis of the
legislature. and lastly, the independent candidate pair contradicts the 1945 Constitution. In addition, the
nomination of a candidate pair without a political party is not in accordance with the laws and regulations,
namely Article 6A paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution which reads "The pair of candidates for
President and Vice President is proposed by a political party or coalition of participating political parties.
general election before the general election. In short, the DPR firmly rejects the presidential nomination
without a political party. The first DPR does not agree with the plan of a non-party presidential candidate
Because the discourse will reduce the dominance of political parties as a means of political recruitment at
the national level. I, firmly reject the nomination for president without a political party because this can
have an impact on the development of Indonesian democracy.
The existence of foreign workers is indeed good because as a developing country
we cannot deny that we need more competent foreign workers, however As an
Indonesian student who is proud and loves Indonesian, I strongly support the
obligation of Indonesian language skills for foreign workers, this is one of the most
important things to facilitate communication of foreign workers in Indonesia
because they must be able to master the Indonesian language. not only to provide
education and training, but also to require foreign workers to be fluent in
Indonesian, not to mention foreign workers who occupy the positions of directors
or commissioners, this aims to be able to communicate with the company and
Indonesian workers. The obligation to speak Indonesian for foreign workers is a
very natural thing and is done for the good and can provide benefits for the foreign
workers themselves. When we work abroad, the first thing we have to do is learn
the language first. This also applies to foreign workers in Indonesia, because
language is the life of the nation and state. Indonesian and adaptable.
The obligation of foreign workers to be able to speak Indonesian will unknowingly
increase job vacancies for Indonesian language teacher positions, without realizing
that the demands to become Indonesian language teachers for foreign workers will
greatly increase because of this policy, either to become Indonesian language
teachers in the workers' home countries or in other countries. . Indonesia, this
certainly has a good impact on the people of Indonesia. If foreign workers are not
required to speak Indonesian, it will interfere with Indonesia's national interests, this
can happen if foreign workers are allowed to work in Indonesia and are not allowed
to speak Indonesian, so that all sectors and types of work in this country will be
controlled by foreigners. Because many foreign workers are more competent, this
will be detrimental to Indonesian human resources, if this is done, the Indonesian
people will forever be under foreign nationals working in Indonesia, moreover the
presence of foreign workers makes indigenous people the last choice, of course.
just. All Indonesian people certainly do not want us to be forever colonized by
foreign nations in the field of work, so that with the enactment of this rule it can
protect professional Indonesian workers to find and find work in their own country
without having to look for work in other countries.
So in my opinion, Indonesia as the host should not spoil foreign workers too much
by providing comfort through us as hosts who have to struggle to understand the
language while foreign workers don't even learn Indonesian, if foreign workers are
not required to be able to speak Indonesian then Indonesian is considered a
foreigner in their own home. '. Our workforce will speak foreign languages more
often than Indonesian in daily communication at work so that foreign workers are
comfortable, besides that foreign workers can also get to know Indonesian culture
and quickly adapt and appreciate Indonesian easily if they can speak Indonesian.

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