Alexi Mostrous Saboteur de La Wikileaks

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04 AUGUST 2011

Alexi Mostrous saboteur de la wikileaks

disheartening! wikileaks, be careful! rixstep rants sexist homophobic misogynistic antilesbian drivel beware affiliation with hate groups. disengage vaughan smith press extremely bad and further distorted by derivative press very heteronormative misogynistic message disengage wikileaks twitter blacked out wonder if its over if somebody is depressed ferrada-noli's misogyny disengage alexi mostrous saboteur disengage indeed, assange turned his back on alexi 13 july at court and refused to speak to him when he was so rude. assailing assange and now making mockery of vaughan smith and assange in the most deceptive set-up. why then is vaughan smith tricked into giving interview with alexi mostrous???? disaster. at which point assange fired geoffrey robertson

so too he might fire the other boors and saboteurs laying traps for his demise, so they can glory in eulogy zizek, shamir, domscheit-berg, james ball, alexi mostrous, endless saboteurs there is no santa clause why assange should fear the sexism and homophobia of his illiterate playschool defenders as much as he fears other attacks PR fail list shamir who hates zizek zizek saboteur truly, vaughan smith, the businessman, comes off as quite sexist with this press blitz thanks to the hard work of alexi mostrous who attacked assange day 2 outside the courts assange was taken aback by this savage attack, breaking into what was a peaceful moment in which assange offered copies of his appeal case to young journalists and legal scholars. a moment of innocence and intellect was shattered when alexi mostrous shouted "don't you think you have been irresponsible?" assange wisely about faced and walked away. completely hurt it seemed and wise to the best instructions to be silent. i called out julian may i have a copy, of the document he was passing out. his stone face expressed confidence, calm defiance, and pain. to see now how alexi mostrous uses his little pedestal to send sexist defamation out there

sickens me. the cruelty and apishness of him i caught right away. i don't know why vaughan was so foolish to give him interview to be given to the distortion chamber. i wrote them both demanding an explanation. what david house explained to me rings in my mind as prophecy. i am tormented by the too much that i know. indeed then sorrow i feel. the rock and roll glory of alleging "groupies" of the "moody teenager" in sexist britain cannot separate itself from the sexist sexualizing of women. they might be intelligent humans, writers, activist, lawyers. but to alexi mostrous, they are groupies. ahso. alexi, so too is himself, the worst kind of groupie. the repressed macho homophobic homoeroticism that is british culture obsessing on assange resounds within the hatred of women exemplified in alexi mostrous screed. women are cast as 1960's groupies. sweden will love that. not only does alexi hate assange, he hates women, vaughan, and evidentally any higher drive to human rights. i feel so sorry vaughan was so deceived. as it appears due to the shoq mostrous distortion, that vaughan little understands the wikileaks. and tragic the ethical breach of splashing such filth up for the trash rags once again, hungry for a syllable. so tragic. i did indeed see alexi mostrous inside the members room at the frontline club a few days later. what terror! i thought how peculiar, that people might assume this or that, when assange's enemies are

clearly lurking even within the frontline. i speak with alle segretti about the many PR problems and all the many easy traps Assange falls for. i witnessed alexi mostrous in his bad faith. assange was there. he was hurt. it was unfair and rude and disruptive. now mostrous is extracting the juice of his hateful labor. in one big trashy exploit masquerading as journalism. so we who truly pity assange might also revolt in the way he falls for the sexism of ferrada-noli, the sexism of zizek, the holocaust denial of shamir, the ardin set up of wahlstrom, the sharp teeth of alexi mostrous. what next?

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