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I assume we have all heard or know something about the mind and the brain.

Scientists and
people in the field of AI are trying to replicate human behaviors in robots using machine
learning algorithms, but they have all tried without success. Many attribute this failure to
the ‘little information available to the world about the brain and it’s mode of operation.’
Neuro-scientists would tell you humans are humans because of their brain, but that won’t
be true because, you would agree with me that animals have brains also, right? On the
other hand, psychologists will tell you humans are what they are because of their mind but,
this also is in fact not correct. AIs have a lot of short comings because the people that made
them do so on the premise of the brain, trying to replicate it wholly or even partially without
success because, their theory of how the human body works is not correct.
This topic is so interesting because of its vast nature. When start thinking about it, imagining
it, its so immersive and mesmerizing, it makes you wonder how complexly beautiful humans
are, our creator did a great job in putting us together. The mind holds a lot of mysteries and
the process of finding out is so exhilarating. Neuro-scientists and psychologists have not
been able to put a bridge to the mind and the brain problem because scientists cannot and
do not want to accept the abstract nature of the mind for what it is and the way it is. The
greatest breakthrough in science will be when scientists create animal cell and a human
mind. I read in a book, ‘ageing with grace’, and I quote,
“why do humans grow old and die? The human cells grow old and die then new ones are born from the old
ones that die. But when humans die it because the cells stop replicating, they just grow old and die, and stay
dead. Its like a factory that produces goods and then someone or something just tells the factory to stop
reproducing or stop productions.”

This is one of many questions stumping scientists all over the world, what makes the cells
stop replicating? Is it a type of disease that makes the cells stop replicating? Is old age a
disease? There are lots of questions out there and likewise lots of theories with none
seeming to bridge the gap. I propose one of my own these cells die and stay dead because
they were actually told to stay dead. Yes, they were told to stay dead by the brain, how?
Good, when people start to grow old they start to see their death a little way off, like staring
at the evening sky and knowing it would be night soon. Most people don’t know how and
why they just know it would be night soon and, in their mind, they accept this. These
acceptance in their mind is made like the impression night is coming in the mind of a young
one. ‘we can’t play outside anymore, we have to go inside, we have to go in and sleep’ and
so on. But In the mind of an old individual ‘night is coming, soon, I will go in and sleep’
means death is near and I will soon die. This realization in the mind tells the brain to reduce
the rate of reproduction of cells in the human body that’s when we start see wrinkles on the
skin, as the impression on the mind becomes more vivid, so is the cells reproduction
reduced indefinitely until eventually death. The old cells are now too old to stay up anymore
so they start dying little by little till the individual dies.
When you go online or to a library, one finds out that there are limited resources,
researches or articles on the mind brain problem because of the nature of the topic. When I
want to do research or gain more insight I usually search for individual articles on the topic
(that is articles on the brain or articles on the mind) before piecing the information I got on
the individual topics together.

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