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05:07(UTC): Attempting to Update Public Config

05:07(UTC): Retrived updated config from:
05:07(UTC): Public config updated successfully.
05:07(UTC): Running command: kill-server
05:07(UTC): cannot connect to daemon at tcp:5037: cannot connect to
No se puede establecer una conexión ya que el equipo de destino denegó
expresamente dicha conexión. (10061)

05:07(UTC): Running command: start-server

05:07(UTC): * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully

05:07(UTC): Begin download 7-zip

05:07(UTC): Complete download 7-zip
05:07(UTC): Extract: 7z x "B:\Bullshit\" -y -o"B:\Bullshit"
05:07(UTC): Running Rclone command: listremotes --config
05:07(UTC): Rclone error: 2022/12/23 17:07:32 NOTICE: Config file "B:\\Bullshit\\
rclone\\" not found - using defaults

05:07(UTC): Loaded following mirrors:

05:07(UTC): Attempting to Update Download Config
05:07(UTC): Retrived updated config from:
05:07(UTC): Online Config Hash: 58f584bdc68ba7f2b73e2d91c4f21a2d; Local Config
Hash: Config Doesnt Exist!
05:07(UTC): Updated Config Hash is different than the current Config. Updating
Configuration File.
05:07(UTC): Attempting to Update Upload Config
05:07(UTC): Retrived updated config from:
05:07(UTC): Upload config updated successfully.
05:07(UTC): Downloading Metadata
05:07(UTC): Running Rclone command: sync ":http:/meta.7z" "CurrentDirectory"
05:07(UTC): Rclone error: 2022/12/23 17:07:33 NOTICE: Config file "C:\\Users\\
angel\\.config\\rclone\\rclone.conf" not found - using defaults

05:07(UTC): Extracting Metadata

05:07(UTC): Extract: 7z x "B:\Bullshit\meta.7z" -y -o"B:\Bullshit\meta"
05:07(UTC): Updating Metadata
05:07(UTC): Initializing Games List
05:07(UTC): Running command: devices
05:07(UTC): List of devices attached

05:07(UTC): Devices:
05:07(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

05:07(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

05:07(UTC): Running command: shell df
05:07(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

05:07(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

05:07(UTC): Running command: shell df

05:07(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

05:21(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

05:35(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

05:49(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

06:03(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

06:17(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

06:31(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

06:45(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

06:59(UTC): adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

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