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CHRISTIAN: Hi Jesús, good moorning.

JESUS: Hi Christian
What´s up?
CHRISTIAN: I´m great. And you?
JESUS: I´m good
CHRISTIAN: Are you studying now?
JESUS: Yes, i am studying industries food career.
FLOR: Hello Jesús
JESUS: Hi flor
Christian she is my Friends, her name is flor.
CHRISTIAN: Hello Flor. Nice to met you
FLOR: Hello Christian. Nice to met you too
CHRISTIAN: How old are you?
FLOR: I am 22 years old, and you?
CHRISTIAN: I am 22 years old too
What do you do?
FLOR: I am a student
Where do you live?
CHRISTIAN: I live in ferreñafe city. And you?
FLOR: I live here, too
What´s your telephone number?
CHRISTIAN: My telephone number is 920007492
FLOR: OK thanks
JESUS: What are you doing this weekend?
CHRISTIAN: I nothing
JESUS: Let´s go to dance at Riela discotec with flor.
CHRISTIAN: Let´s go Jesús
JESUS: Great, see you on the weekend
CHRISTIAN: See you Jesús
FLOR: Bye Christian

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