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Variant Dungeons for Four Against Darkness


Written by Andrea Sfiligoi

Twisted Dungeons
Variant Dungeons for Four Against Darkness

Written by Andrea Sfiligoi

Illustrations by Andrea Sfiligoi and Dean Spencer
Proofreading by Gregory Tuttle

Published by Ganesha Games LLC

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Twisted Dungeons
Contents 48) Teleportation Traps 17
Introduction 1 51) Halls of the Prankster God (unique) 19
Do Not Read the Complications in Advance 2 52) Love and Peace 20
Never Twice in a Row 2 53) Trial of the Weapon Maker (unique) 20
Unique Complications 2 54) The Forbidden Library 21
Highest Character Level 2 55) A Thousand Little Mysteries (unique) 21
11) Dungeons of Plenty 3 56) The Bronze Portal 22
12) Spider Infestation 4 57) Infection 23
13) Slippery When Wet 6 58) Alchemical Spill (unique) 23
14) Cursed Monsters 6 61) The Infinite Dungeon 24
15) Behind Locked Doors 7 62) Mosquito Invasion 24
16) Strong Monsters and Hearty Meals 7 63) Unnatural Fog 24
17) Lair of the Destroyer 7 64) Foul Weather 25
18) Misery Crawl 7 65) The Collapsing Dungeon 25
21) Tactical Challenge 8 66) I’m Sure I had it in my Pocket! 25
22) Sliding Doors 8 67) A Few Drinks Too Many 26
23) Trapmasters’s Den 9 68) No Pets Allowed 26
Tactical Challenge Table 8 71) Lair of the Iron Eaters 26
24) Many Little Mysteries Leading to a Big Bad 9 72) Kingdom of the Zombies 27
25) The Curse of Tactical Rigidity 10 73) Seven Rooms 27
26) Mysterious Codes 11 74) Spawning Pools of the Fragulanti 29
27) The Dungeon of Many Doors 11 75) Berserk Mushroom Cave 30
28) Heavily Patrolled 12 76) The Icy Tomb 31
31) Strong Guardians 12 77) The Bell (unique) 31
32) Small and Cozy Dungeon 13 78) Clean Up Mission 31
33) Two Bosses in the House 13 81) The Prisoner 31
34) Double Boss Challenge 14 82) Wandering Werewolf Hunters 32
35) Tougher Monsters 14 83) Gnomish Clockwork Factory 32
36) Magical Library 14 84) Cave-in 33
37) Hideout 14 85) Mana Abundance 33
38) Mob Rule 15 86) Mirror mirror on the wall… 34
41) Mob Rule 2 15 87) Swarming Critters 35
42) Stalactites and Stalagmites 15 88) Shooters Everywhere 35
43) Mercenaries 15 Giant Spider Table 36
44) The Curse of Hunger 19 Trap Save Variation Table 37
45) The Battle Curse 16 Trap Target Table 37
46) Cursed Tunnels 16
47) Masterwork Weapons (unique) 17
Twisted Dungeons

Introduction your imagination. Why are the

goblins in a spider-infested
This book has a list of random dungeon more powerful than
variables that alter the standard typical goblins, and why do they
dungeon adventure. It’s very hate hobgoblins? Why did the orc
simple to use. Just roll d88 (roll commander bribe our heroes to
two d8s, reading the first as “tens” kill the medusa in the next room?
and the second as “units”) and While some of these elements may
read the corresponding numbered have no direct game effect, they
section. The roll generates a help you build a narrative and
random complication, a mission, increase your enjoyment of the
or other story element that will game.
change your dungeon exploration.
Modify the standard dungeon The themes in this book have been
rules accordingly. The rules are left generic enough so that they
written in a way that the charac- can be used together with other
ters’ experience level is not impor- Four Against Darkness books.
tant. You can play just with the For example, you may apply them
basic book or – where needed – to missions generated with Caves
with other books, as appropriate of Chaos or with the crag dun-
to your party’s experience level. geons of More Mountainous
Mayhem. With some common
The complications do not only sense and altering just a few
make the game more difficult or details, you may also use them
interesting. They can also advan- with outdoor books like Four
tage your party, give you access to Against the Netherworld and
extra XP or treasure or to unique Crucible of the Classic Critters.
To increase the level of variation,
use this volume together with its Remember that in Four
companion Twisted Minions – a Against Darkness you are
book that generates random com- a Play Master – player
plications for minion monsters. and game master at the
Try to use your imagination and a same time. There is no
bit of common sense to fill in the “wrong” way to play as
gaps, as sometimes using the two long as you are having fun!
books together will create puz-
zling results. Finding a rationale
for strange events will become
part of the fun and will fire up
Twisted Dungeons

Do Not Read the either the previous or next

Complications in Advance unmarked complication on the
We tried to make the complica-
tions as varied as possible so that
Highest Character Level
it is not possible to assemble a
team of heroes that will be optimal Some rules in the book mention
against all the dangers presented. the “HCL” formula. This simply
However, reading the stories in means using the highest character
advance will let you over-prepare level of the party in that moment
for the dungeon. It will give you as part of the formula. For exam-
an unfair advantage and possibly ple, if a scenario tells you that a
spoil your enjoyment of the game. trap’s level is HCL+2, you take the
highest character level in that
So we recommend not to read the
moment in the party, plus two,
entries in advance. Do so only
and use that as level for the trap.
after you have selected your party
and started the adventure. Just be
prepared and challenge the gods
of chance!

Never Twice in a Row

Write down (in a campaign diary)
what stories from this book you
play. If in your session you roll the
same complication that you
played in your previous game ses-
sion, roll again until you select
something different.

Unique Complications
A few complications listed in this
book have the “Unique” tag after
the title. Unique stories can be
played only once in the campaign.
When you play a Unique compli-
cation, mark it with a pencil
checkmark. The next time that
you roll that result, you can play

Twisted Dungeons

11) Dungeons of Plenty roll on the treasure table of the

next available book.
This is a standard dungeon crawl,
using the rules from Four Against For example, if you are
Darkness and room content tables using the Four Against
from any book appropriate to your Darkness core book (levels
party’s level. 1 to 4) treasure table and
In this dungeon, however, there is you roll a 6, you may roll
a bigger chance to gain gold. To a d6 on the treasure table
represent this, treasure rolls with in Four Against the Abyss
a random monetary value will use (levels 5 to 9).
the explosive 6 rule. For example,
if you find 2d6 gold pieces and roll
A More Dangerous Variant.
a 4 and a 6, you will roll another
If you want to risk even more, use
d6 and add to the total number of
this rule: Double all extra coins
gp found. However, if any of the
gained with explosive 6 treasure
explosion dice roll a 1, a wander-
rolls. In addition, if you roll mul-
ing monster hears the characters
tiple 1s on the explosion dice, each
counting coins and barges in!
1 rolled will increase the number
If you find jewels or other objects or level of wandering monsters. If
that are listed with a fixed gp the wandering monsters are
value, you may keep that value or minor monsters (minions or ver-
roll 1d6 for every 10 gp of value. min), each 1 rolled will increase
These d6 may explode, too! their number by 3. If the wander-
ing monster is a boss or weird
Example: You find a gem monster, each 1 rolled will
worth 50 gp. You may increase its Level by 1 and its Life
keep 50 gp or roll 5d6 gp. points by 2. In this variant, wan-
While the average roll will dering monsters will carry normal
give you a smaller value treasure for their type, and wan-
compared to the fixed dering monsters with no treasure
value, with a bit of luck will have a 2 in 6 chance of having
you will get more coin — a key that will automatically open
and potentially more trou- the next locked door/treasure
ble, if any dice roll a 1. chest found in the adventure or
If your initial treasure roll will automatically open the
explodes, you may keep the result manacles/cage of the next pris-
or ignore it and perform a treasure oner encountered.

Twisted Dungeons

12) Spider Infestation

In this dungeon, rooms and
corridor are covered in spider
webs. These spider webs are
very flammable. If Fireballs
or other fire-based spells are
cast in the room, every char-
acter must save vs. the cast-
er’s L+1 or take 1 damage
from the flames. The
cobwebs will be instantly
destroyed by the spell.
Whenever you roll a weird
monster, there is a 2 in 6
chance that, instead of the
rolled monster, you will
encounter a random monster
from the Giant Spiders table.
Every Vermin encounter like-
wise has a 3 in 6 chance of
being a swarm of poisonous
spiders or hunting spiders
(roll d6, on a 1-3 it is a swarm
of poisonous spiders, on a
4-6 it is hunting spiders).
When you determine that
you encounter the final boss,
roll a 3 in 6 chance that it is a

Swarm of poisonous spi-

ders: HCL Vermin horde, 4
Life, normal morale, no trea-
sure. Any hero taking
damage must save vs a L2
poison or take 1 additional

Twisted Dungeons

Reactions (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6 fight. monster injects its eggs in its
D6+3 Hunting Spiders: HCL victim. The Gargantarach will not
Vermin, normal morale, no trea- inject its eggs more than once per
sure. Hunting spiders jump on target. No more than 2 targets will
their target’s heads and wrap their be injected. Every turn until the
hairy legs around the face, suffo- eggs are expelled, the victim must
cating the victim and biting its roll a 1 in 6 chance that the eggs
neck at the same time. If a charac- will hatch. If they hatch, the victim
ter is hit by a hunting spider, the takes 6 Damage as a swarm of
spider will automatically inflict 1 Gargantarach young crawls out of
damage every turn. The damage the victim’s mouth and nose to
stops only when the spider is attack the party.
killed. However, the spider can be Swarm of Gargantarach
attacked only by bare hands (at -2) young: level 2 Vermin horde, 4
or with a light edged weapon Life.
(knife, dagger). Longer weapons Reactions: always fight.
or blunt weapons may not be used
for this. Another option is to bite The eggs may be expelled by
the spider’s head off. This will kill casting a Healing or Bless-
the spider automatically but will ing or excised with an
give 1 Madness point to the char- edged weapon (this
acter. Undead characters, ogres, inflicts 3 Damage on the
and trolls may bite off the victim).
hunting spider’s head Reactions (d6): 1-2 bribe
with no ill effect (ogres (sacrifice a horse,
consider spiders to be mule or other large
tasty morsels). animal to feed
Reactions (d6): 1-2 the giant spi-
flee, 3-6 fight. der); 3-6

Gargantarach Giant
Chaos Spider: HCL
+1 weird monster, 12
Life, 2 attacks, Morale
+1, Treasure +2. The
gargantarach’s bite
inflicts 2 damage and
excruciating pain as the

Twisted Dungeons

13) Slippery When Wet acters who have no bonus to their

Attack rolls get to add their Level
This dungeon has slippery floors to their Attack rolls against major
due to water, sludge, mold, or monsters until the end of the
fungus infestation. Or maybe the adventure. Note that elves, even if
dungeon itself is carved out of ice considered spellcasters in game
or out of the huge, rotting carcass terms, do add Level bonuses to
of a cyclopean creature! Every their Attack rolls and thus gain no
time a character rolls a 1 on a additional bonus.
Defense roll, that character loses
his/her balance and must spend However, the final boss has found
his/her next action to recover, a way to counter this curse by
thus missing one action. wearing an enchanted
medallion. The curse
The room where the party will not take effect as
will meet the final boss will long as it is wearing the
be so slippery that all char- medallion. A rogue
acters will fall even if they may use an action and
roll a 1 on an Attack roll. Mon- save against the Level
sters living in the dungeon are of the boss (add the
obviously used to the slipperi- rogue’s Level to the
ness and are unaffected. roll) to snatch the
Increase the monetary medallion from the boss.
treasure of the final boss If the save fails, however, the boss
by 25%, rounded up. will immediately perform a free
attack against the rogue, and the
rogue will not be able to add
14) Cursed Monsters his/her Level to the Defense roll.
Once you have defeated the boss,
This variant works only if you you may keep the medallion. In
have spellcasting characters in the hands of the player characters,
your party. If you have no spell- it allows to cast 1 Blessing once per
casters, roll again to select a differ- adventure. It has 7 uses, after
ent complication. which it will lose all its powers. It
This adventure works, in general, may also be sold for 100 gp, plus
as a standard dungeon crawl. 50 gp per remaining charge. It
However, all major monsters may be recharged (bringing back
(bosses and weird monsters) in its charges to 7 uses) by using a
this dungeon have been cursed by Soul Cube from Four Against the
Akerbeltz the Black Ram, the god Netherworld.
of witchcraft. All spellcasting char-
Twisted Dungeons

15) Behind Locked Doors For example, if normally that type

of monster inflicts 1 damage when
All the doors leading to rooms are it hits, the destroyer will inflict 2
locked. The lock’s level is HCL+3. damage. Apply an additional +1 to
Doors leading to corridors are the treasure roll of the final boss.
unlocked. If it is a monster type that has no
Locked doors must either be treasure, it will have a bounty on
bashed down or lockpicked. You its head, and you will receive a 50
may also spend 2 Clues in any gp bonus once you bring the mon-
room to find a skeleton ster’s head to the local authorities.
key/master key that will work for
the next 3 locked doors. After 18) Misery Crawl
three uses, the key snaps. After it
snaps, you may then spend Not all missions are dangerous,
another 2 Clues to find another not all foes are determined to kill
one. our heroes, not all coffers burst
with gold coins. All monetary (gp)
The value of any treasure found treasure found in this dungeon is
behind a locked door is increased halved (round up any fractions).
by 10%, rounding up fractions. All monsters encountered have -1
on their Morale rolls on top of
16) Strong Monsters and their normal Morale modifiers.
Hearty Meals Monsters that do not roll Morale
are unaffected by this modifier but
All the major monsters (bosses
will have normal treasure for their
and weird monsters) found in this
type. The treasure of the final boss
dungeon have either +2 Life
is not halved, but 10% of its final
points or +1 to their Level (your
value will be in food rations.
choice; you may choose differently
for every encounter). Each living Keep track of which character
(i.e., not undead, artificial, or ele- makes or fails XP rolls during the
mental) humanoid major monster adventure. At the end of the
encountered will also have a Misery Crawl, if you have a char-
larder with 1d6+1 Food rations. acter that tried an XP roll and
This food will not be particularly failed and gained NO levels during
tasty but may be used by the party. this adventure, you are allowed to
roll again.
17) Lair of the Destroyer
The final boss in this dungeon is
powerfully built and inflicts 1
additional Life point when it hits.
Twisted Dungeons

21) Tactical Challenge Tactical Challenge Table

Every time a combat breaks out in (d8)
this dungeon, roll d6. On a 1-3, the Reinforcements. Increase the
foes have no particular advantage. number of minor monsters (vermin
On a 4-6, roll d8 on the Tactical or minions) in this encounter by
20%, rounded up. If the encounter
Challenge table on this page. 1 is with a major monster (boss or
Every room may have a different weird monster), increase its Life by
tactical challenge. 3 and its treasure by 10%, rounded
up, if any.
22) Sliding Doors Mana sink. All spellcasting rolls in
this room are at -1.
In every room with a door, at the Cover. All ranged attacks in this
end of the second turn of combat, 3 room are at -1 due to fog, spider
the doors will slide shut. Once you webs, natural cover, etc.
have seen this happen in one Ambush. Foes automatically gain
room, you may spend 1 action 4 the initiative on their first turn of
combat in this encounter.
with a character to block the door
Necromantic Aura. All healing in
with a nail, dagger, or other metal this room, except the healing per-
tool. If the door is shut, you may formed by a succubus, will heal 2
escape from the combat only by fewer points than normal. In addi-
bashing down the door (lockpick- tion, every character killed in this
ing during combat is not possible). room has a 3 in 6 chance of raising
The doors’ level is d6+3 (roll for 5 immediately as a zombie (use the
character’s L+2, and a number of
every room as soon as someone Life points equal to the character’s
tries to bash down the door). maximum Life points) and attack-
ing a random party member
At the end of any combat encoun- UNLESS there is a necromancer in
ter, the doors slide open automat- the party.
ically. Wild charge. Increase by 1 the
After you defeat the Final Boss, 6 level of any foe on their fist attack
turn only.
you may spend 1 Clue to find a
control room and prevent the 7 Motivated. The foe has +1 to its
doors from sliding shut. Before Morale rolls.
meeting the final boss, you may do Higher Ground. Foes fight with
the same, but you will need 3 +1 to their L due to terrain eleva-
Clues to find the control room. 8 tion. As soon as foes are reduced
The control room will ALWAYS be below 50% of Life points or num-
bers, this bonus is negated.
guarded, so you may spend the
Clues only in a room where you
have met some foe.

Twisted Dungeons

23) Trapmasters’s Den acters must roll to save, and roll

on the Trap Save Variation table
In this dungeon, every time you to determine who gets a bonus
roll an empty room, you find a when saving against that specific
trap instead. The level and trap.
damage of all traps found in this
dungeon depend on the party’s All rooms that contain a trap of
HCL. Feel free to describe the trap any type may be Searched as if
as you want. The basic mechanical they were empty.
effects of the trap are described Any treasure protected by a trap
below, but its exact workings is doubled.
and description are left to
your imagination. 24) Many Little
If the HCL is 1 to 4, the Mysteries
trap’s level will be Leading to a
HCL+3 and the trap
will inflict 1 damage Big Bad
on a failed save. This mission
If the HCL is 5 to 9, plays like a stan-
the trap’s level will be dard dungeon
HCL+5 and the trap crawl, with the
will inflict 2 damage following modifi-
on a failed save. ers:
If the HCL is 10 You can Search
to 14, the trap’s ANY room in the
level will be dungeon, not
HCL+8 and the trap only those that
will inflict 3 Life are rolled up as
damage on a failed save. Empty, and there is
no -1 on Search rolls
If the HCL is 15 or above, in corridors. However,
the trap’s level will be HCL+10 a successful Search roll will yield
and it will kill its target on a failed only Clues. The Clues generated
save. in this dungeon may be used
At the end of this book, there are ONLY during the current adven-
a Trap Save Variation Table and a ture. If you do not use them, at the
Trap Target table. After determin- end of the adventure any unused
ing the level and damage of the Clues are lost. You may mix freely
trap, roll on the Trap Target table Clues generated in this adventure
to determine which of your char- with Clues that you gained in pre-
Twisted Dungeons

vious adventures. For example, if 25) The Curse of Tactical

you have two Clues from a previ- Rigidity
ous adventure, as soon as you gain
1 Clue in this dungeon you may When entering this dungeon, the
spend the 3 total Clues to reveal a party is cursed by high priest of a
Secret. god of battle. During the adven-
ture, the characters may not
You DO NOT get XP rolls for change weapons unless their main
Secrets revealed during this weapon breaks or is stolen.
adventure. However, every time Weapons found during the adven-
you defeat a Major Monster (Boss ture may be picked up as loot but
or weird monster) you may gain 1 not used unless the character loses
Clue instead of a treasure roll (if his main weapon. This includes
the foe has no treasure, you may magical and masterwork weap-
still gain 1 Clue). ons. In addition, once the party
At the beginning of the adventure, has established its marching
generate one final boss for this order, it may not be changed until
adventure by picking a random character dies or an additional
boss from any table of your choice character joins the party. After
that is appropriate to your party’s moving through 10 rooms, a single
level. Increase its Level by 1 and character may perform an HCL+4
its number of Life points by 4. Save ( wizards add+ L, clerics add
At any moment during the adven- + 1/2 L) to understand that a curse
ture, you may spend a number of is affecting the party. If the Save
Clues equal to the level of the Final is successful, the party may use a
Boss to find the boss in the next Blessing to remove the curse. At
room. In addition, if you spend 2 the end of the adventure, if the
additional Clues, you may take the mission is completed, one charac-
Final Boss by surprise. If you do ter of your choice gets 1 Extra XP
so, all your attacks and spell rolls roll to learn an expert Skill of your
during your first TWO turns are choice from the lists in Four
at +1 against that Final Boss. Against the Abyss or from other
books you have. Even if the char-
acter did not reach expert level
yet, the character may learn the
Skill. Choose a Skill available for
that character type.

Twisted Dungeons

26) Mysterious Codes In this dungeon, after the first five

rooms you may spend 3 Clues to
This dungeon plays as a standard meet the final boss at any
exploration, using the room moment.
shapes and content tables from
any book appropriate to your
party’s level. There is an impor- 27) The Dungeon of Many
tant difference: all the doors are Doors
reinforced and locked, and the Use the standard room shapes for
lock is a complicated mechanism this dungeon. There will be no
that can be opened only by openings: replace every opening
knowing a secret code. Hints for with a door. Roll a 2 in 6 chance
the code of each door have been of every door being locked when
disseminated throughout the dun- you go through it the first time.
geon. You may Search every room The locks aren’t particularly diffi-
for Clues; however, you need to cult, and the doors aren’t very
spend 1 Clue to open every door in sturdy. For purposes of lockpick-
this dungeon (you can go through ing attempts, the level of locked
openings without any problem, doors is HCL+2. For purposes of
and you can bash down doors if bashing down doors, treat the
you don’t have or don’t want to doors at L6.
spend Clues. Assume that every
door’s level is HCL+3. In the room of the final boss, you
may spend 2 Clues to find a secret
Gnomes may spend their gadget door that leads you either to a
points as if they were Clues for hidden treasure (roll at +1 on any
purposes of unlocking doors. treasure table appropriate to your
Rogues may use their lockpicking party’s experience tier) or to
skills to open the doors, but due another random dungeon of just
to the complexity, they will be able 10 rooms (do not roll for a final
to add only +½ L to the roll. Each boss here: TWO final bosses of the
rogue may try only once per door. same type, rolled on the Boss
On a natural roll of 1, either the monster table, will automatically
rogue’s lockpicks snap in the lock be in the last two rooms) or
(no more lockpicking until the end straight outside of the dungeon
of the adventure) or the lockpick- with no chance of meeting wan-
ing attempt triggers and alarm dering monsters.
(roll a 4 in 6 chance of an encoun-
ter with wandering monsters).

Twisted Dungeons

28) Heavily Patrolled 31) Strong Guardians

In this dungeon, the chance of In this dungeon, the chance of
meeting wandering monsters meeting wandering monsters
when going through already- when going through already-
visited rooms is increased by 1 (so visited rooms is increased by 1 (so
it will be a 2 in 6 chance in a it will be a 2 in 6 chance in a
standard mission). All Search rolls standard mission). All Search rolls
will attract wandering monsters will attract wandering monsters
on the roll of 0, 1, or 2. on the roll of 0, 1, or 2. All wander-
The number of any minions ing monsters encountered in this
encountered (both as wandering dungeon will be bosses or weird
monsters and as room occupants) monsters (roll d6: 1-4 boss mon-
is increased by 1. Every group of 4 ster, 5-6 weird monster).
or more minions will have a All the wandering monsters in this
leader. The leader will still count dungeon will carry treasure, as
as a minion, but it will have 2 Life appropriate to their monster type.
points and a 4 in 6 chance of one If you defeat at least 5 major mon-
of the following (your choice): sters (bosses or weird monsters)
1) A key that automatically before meeting the final boss, it
unlocks the next locked door or will be so impressed by the party’s
negates the next trap encountered prowess that all Defense rolls
in this dungeon; against the final boss will be at +1
2) A scroll containing some vital until the end of the encounter.
information (count as 1 Clue or
gain +1 on your party’s first Attack
or Defense rolls, your choice,
during the first turn against the
Final Boss);
3) The salaries and food of the
minion group (1 Food ration and
4 gp per minion in the group).
This is in addition to any treasure
possessed by the minions.

Twisted Dungeons

32) Small and Cozy starts, you may spend 3 Clues to

Dungeon reveal a secret that will make the
two bosses fight each other.
Every time you add a new room to Invent some story reason and
this dungeon, roll d6. On a 6, that choose one of the following:
room is the last room of the 1) The two bosses quarrel and
dungeon and it automatically con- distract each other. This makes
tains the final boss if you haven’t their attacks less powerful. You
met it already. gain +1 to all your Defense rolls
Every empty room in this with all your characters until the
dungeon may be Searched at +1 end of the combat; or
and all monetary treasure (gold 2) The two bosses exchange blows,
pieces and value of jewelry and wounding each other, but then
gems) carried by monsters or pro- they realize that you tricked them
tected by traps is increased by and decide to put away their petty
20%, rounded up. The dungeon squabble until your party is dealt
will have a minimum of 3 rooms. with. Apply 2 Life damage to both
bosses and then play the combat
33) Two Bosses in the encounter as normal.
Run this as a normal
dungeon, but when
you meet the final
boss, there will be
two different final
bosses, each with
its own treasure
roll as appropri-
ate. Just roll the
usual d6 to deter-
mine if the boss is
the final one, and if
it is so, add another
random boss from
the same boss
monster table that you
used in the first place. You
gain 2 XP rolls for defeating
the 2 bosses. Before the combat

Twisted Dungeons

34) Double Boss 35) Tougher Monsters

Challenge All major monsters in this
Play this delve as a regular dun- dungeon do NOT lose 1 Level
geon, but there will be two differ- when they lose 50% of their life
ent bosses in two separate rooms. points. You gain 1 additional XP
Once you have met the first Final roll when you exit the dungeon,
Boss, you continue to add the but you may use it only on a char-
same bonus to the d6 roll to deter- acter that did not gain any level or
mine when you meet the second skill in the current adventure.
Final Boss.
Alternatively, if the first final boss 36) Magical Library
is taken alive, you may interrogate Play as a regular dungeon, but any
it and learn the location of the time you find magic treasure, you
second Boss. This will require may automatically decide that you
spending 1 Clue in the room where found a random scroll from any
you want to meet the second final Scroll table from any 4AD book
Boss. If you do not have Clues to you own. The final boss will auto-
spend and the dungeon is com- matically have 2 scrolls in addi-
pleted (i.e., there is no more space tion to any other treasure. You
to draw new rooms on the sheet of may at any moment spend 2 Clues
paper that you are using), you to find 1 scroll with 1 random
automatically meet the second spell. The final boss, the guardian
final boss. of the magic library, will have +2
You do not get the XP roll for Life points.
defeating the first boss until you
defeat the second boss as well. You 37) Hideout
must apply these two XP rolls as The final boss in this dungeon is
two separate XP rolls as normal, hiding. You may not encounter
e.g. not on the same character. the final boss until you roll it
Both bosses have the normal (using the standard rules for
bonuses and treasure upgrades determining which is the final
associated with Final Bosses. boss) and you spend 2 Clues. You
may Search for Clues any room
where you defeat a major monster
(boss or weird monster).

Twisted Dungeons

38) Mob Rule In all room any Defense roll of 1

means a character has fallen into
In this dungeon, every group of a stalagmite and loses 1 Life. After
minions met has a chance of being a character has taken damage like
the final boss of the mission. Use this, you may choose to have all
the normal rules for determining your characters fight at -1 avoid-
which is the final boss, but roll on ing the stalagmites. Every time
a d8, adding +1 for every minion, you run away from a combat, the
boss or weird monster encounter personal characters get +1 to their
that you had so far. On a 8 or Defense rolls to represent the dif-
more, that encounter counts as ficulty of chasing them through
the final boss. Increase treasure as the pointed stalagmites.
customary for final bosses, even if
a group of minions is the final
boss. If a group of minions is the 43) Mercenaries
final boss, increase their number A warband of mercenaries have
to the maximum possible and add their services in this dungeon.
then DOUBLE it (example: if you Roll on an appropriate Minions
meet d6+3 goblins, you will auto- table from any 4AD book you own
matically meet 9x2= 18 goblins). to determine the nature of the
Roll normally the 1 in 6 chance of minions. Every boss encountered
each major monster (boss or in the game will be accompanied
weird monster) being the final by d3 such minions. The final boss
boss. Do not roll ONLY for min- will be accompanied by d6+3 such
ions. minions. These additional
minions count as half a minion
encounter for XP purposes. This
41) Mob Rule 2 is in addition to take the XP pro-
As the previous complication, but vided by the boss. The minions
combine that result with the rules will also carry some treasure.
for dungeons of plenty (result 01 Increase the boss’ treasure by d6
on this table). GP per minion if the minions
belong to a type that has treasure.
42) Stalactites and If the minions normally have no
Stalagmites treasure (e.g., skeletons or zom-
bies), do not add any treasure.
This dungeon is a cave system.
Try to draw the room shapes in an
irregular way. There will be NO
doors in rooms, only openings.

Twisted Dungeons

44) The Curse of Hunger 46) Cursed Tunnels

This dungeon has been cursed by An aura of bad luck and gloom
Gro-khair, the god of ogres and spreads over the dungeon. All
hunger. Each party member must saves in this dungeon are at -1.
consume 1 Food ration every 3 Halflings are immune to this
rooms or lose 1 Life. The final boss effect. This effect lasts until the
of this dungeon is always an Ogre final boss is defeated.
Champion of Gro-khair and all
monsters encountered (except
undead and artificial creatures)
will have d6 food points in addi-
tion their treasure. Any halfling
characters completing this
dungeon gets 1 additional XP roll.

45) The Battle Curse

All monster rolls reactions in this
dungeon are at +1, making it more
likely that a violent reaction is
rolled. This battle fury makes all
monsters more dangerous.
Increase all the damage
inflicted by major
monsters by 1 or
their Life points
by 3 (roll d6 for
each monster: on a 1-3
increase their damage; on
a 4-6, increase their Life).
All major monsters defeated
have a 2 in 6 chance to have
either a potion of healing or 1
scroll of healing ( your

Twisted Dungeons

47) Masterwork Weapons protected by an HCL+2 teleport

(unique) trap that will send the party out of
the dungeon (near the entrance, if
Every major monster defeated in that means something in the
this dungeon (even if normally it current mission). Each teleport
has no treasure) has a 2 in 6 trap will work only once, when the
chance of having a random mas- room is first entered. The trap
terwork weapon. Roll BEFORE the works automatically unless it is
encounter: if the weapon is of a detected first (see below).
type that the creature could logi-
cally use, if will do so, and any Once out of the dungeon, the party
characters rolling a 1 on the has the option to abort the mission
Defense roll will either have their or to step back into the dungeon
shield destroyed or lose 1 addi- and continue, rolling for wander-
tional life point. ing monsters for every room they
already visited.
Masterwork weapons are not mag-
ical. They increase by 1 the chance Every time that the party is tele-
of scoring an explosion (for exam- ported out of the dungeon, roll a 1
ple, if you roll d6, they will cause in 6 chance that the characters will
an explosion on a 5 or 6). Master- be ambushed by a random group
work weapons can be sold for
(d6+4) times their basic price.

48) Teleportation Traps

You play this dungeon delve as a
normal exploration, using all
normal rules. In addition, every
time the party enters a room, roll
a 1 in 6 chance that the room is

Twisted Dungeons

of minions appropriate to the dungeon have left information

terrain and the experience tier of about the location and the use of
the party. For example, if the the traps. You may at any moment
entrance to the dungeon is known spend 3 Clues to discover a Secret:
to be on a mountain path, you may a diagram of the teleportation
roll a minion group from the traps. Once you have revealed the
tables in More Mountainous diagram, you may automatically
Mayhem; if the entrance is in a avoid the teleportation traps for
forested area, you may use the remainder of the game (or you
minions from The Crucible of may use them to escape the dun-
Classic Critters; and so on. The geon, if you wish!). If you reveal
minions will have a 3 in 6 chance this secret and have a wizard in
of surprising the party. Any spell- the party, when you return to
caster in the group will be so town you may sell the information
stunned by the teleportation that about the teleport traps to stu-
it will not be possible to cast any dents of the occult arts for 25 gp.
spell on the first turn of the
combat unless the caster succeeds
in a save vs HCL+4 confusion
(add the caster’s Level to the roll).
If you have a rogue or a wizard in
the first or second position of the
marching order, s/he may attempt
to warn the party in time with a
successful save vs. the trap’s level.
Add the character’s Level to the
roll. On a success, the character
perceives the activation of the
teleport spell and the party avoids
the effect.
A wizard may sacrifice the Escape
spell or any other spell that allows
for teleportation to cancel the
effect of one such trap.
The reason why these teleporta-
tion traps were installed in the
first place is mysterious, but the
previous inhabitants of the

Twisted Dungeons

51) Halls of the Prankster party to a game, betting HCLx5 gp

God (unique) on the outcome of the game. The
party may accept or refuse. If the
This dungeon has been cursed by party refuses, nothing happens. If
Gobras, the mischievous court the party accepts, a single charac-
jester of the gods (and patron of ter will have to play a single game.
goblins and gremlins). Gobras The game consists in a save vs.
likes puzzles, pranks, games of HCL+6. Wizards, druids, necro-
chance, and boardgames, and has mancers, and gnomes add +L.
altered the dungeon to challenge Dwarves and halflings add +½ L.
the adventurers. On a failure, you lose the ante. On
Every door in this dungeon has a a success, you win the ante.
1 in 6 chance of being locked. All treasure found in this adven-
However, the lock is not a typical ture, including treasure in the
lock and key combination, but a possession of major monsters and
complex puzzle of moving clock- minions, has a 3 in 6 in of being in
work parts. These doors are sturdy a puzzle box. The puzzle box is
(HCL+5 to bash down) and com- HCL+3 and can be opened with a
plicated to open (HCL+5 to lock- successful save. Each failed
pick). No lockpicks are needed to attempt causes 1 damage to the
attempt to open these doors. All character trying to open it.
characters may try. Gnomes and Rogues, gnomes, and wizards add
rogues add +L. Wizards add +½ +L, clerics of Gobras add +½ L.
L. One attempt per character is You may decide not to try your
possible. If all characters fail, the luck with the puzzle boxes and
door may not be open and must take them out of the dungeon to
be bashed down. be safely opened at the Guild of
All Clues found in this dungeon Savants, but they will take a 20%
will be so complex that they can cut on the value of anything found
be used ONLY within this dun- in the puzzle boxes. In any case,
geon. When the party exits the no character will be able to carry
dungeon, all unused Clues gained more than 2 puzzle boxes.
during this adventure are lost. The treasure of the final boss is
Whenever you roll an event that tripled, but it is found in a HCL+5
includes meeting someone, like a puzzle box. Any failed attempt to
travelling merchant, a healer or open the box will cause the death
another non-player character, you of the character! The party will
will meet a travelling boardgamer know about this and may decide
instead. S/he will challenge the to carry the box out of the

Twisted Dungeons

dungeon and bring it to a Guild of 52) Love and Peace

Savants for them to open it. This
operation will be automatically The atmosphere in this dungeon,
successful, but the Guild of probably thanks to some sort of
Savants will keep 20% of the total divine intervention, makes
value of the treasure, rounded combat less likely. You may sub-
down. tract 1 from all Reaction rolls. Any
roll of 1 or less, no matter what the
You may spend 4 Clues to find a original reaction table is, can be
key for the final puzzle box but considered a Peaceful reaction.
only if you have disarmed at least The creature will simply ignore
another puzzle box over the the party.
course of this adventure. If you
open the final puzzle box with the In addition, all attempt at peaceful
key, you still have to roll to suc- actions like Wooing are at +1 and
ceed, and every failed attempt will all Bribe amounts are reduced by
still inflict 1 damage upon the 10% (round up). The rules for the
character. However, the puzzle final boss are unchanged: it will
box key will work until the end of still fight to the death.
the adventure.
Instead of whatever treasure is
rolled for the final boss, you may 53) Trial of the Weapon
choose to find three scrolls of Maker (unique)
Blessing and a puzzle box key that All the bosses in this dungeon
will give you a permanent +1 to have been given powerful but
solve any puzzle in the game if experimental weapons built by a
used by a character of level 1 to 4, gnome who wants to corner the
+2 if used by a character of level 5 weapons market. Every time you
to 9, +4 if used by a character of meet a Boss that uses weapons
level 10 to 15, and +6 if used by a (your call, but in general all
character of level 16 or above. This humanoid creatures will use
key is NOT magical; it is a con- weapons), roll d6. On a 1, the
traption created combining special weapon is ineffective, and
goblin and gnomish clockwork all your characters gain +1 to
technology and may be used by Defense rolls against that boss. On
any character. a 2 to 3, nothing happens. The
weapon looks unusual but confers
no special modifiers to the boss.
On a 4 to 6, the weapon makes the

Twisted Dungeons

Boss more dangerous; increase its always 6 scrolls. Of these, 3 are

Level by 1. You may increase it by random and 3 are of spells your
2 if your HCL is 5-9, by 3 if your choice.
HCL is 10 or more. This is your When you find a scroll during this
choice. When you defeat that boss, adventure, you may decide that it
you gain a magic weapon of your contains some written informa-
choice with an Attack bonus equal tion (count as 1 Clue) instead of 1
to the level modifier that you spell.
applied to the boss. If you have no
character in the party that can use
that magic weapon, you may gain 55) A Thousand Little
a masterwork weapon instead. Mysteries (Unique)
This weapon will increase by 1 the You can Search every room in this
chance of scoring an explosive dungeon. The Clues that you gen-
result on an Attack roll. Its resell- erate in this adventure and you do
ing value will be d6+4 times the not use by the end of the adven-
basic value of that weapon. ture are lost. You may, however,
mix them freely with other Clues
54) The Forbidden Library generated in previous adventures.
For example, if you have 1 Clue
Run this dungeon as a standard,
from a previous adventure and
randomly-generated dungeon
you find 2 Clues in this dungeon,
using the core book’s appropriate
you can use them to reveal a
to your party’s level. However,
every time you find a treasure of
30 gp or higher, you can choose to You do not get an XP roll for
find a random scroll instead. If at Secrets revealed during this
any point in the adventure you roll adventure.
any vermin with the word “ rat” in You may gain 1 Clue every time
their name, every scroll found you defeat a major monster (boss
from that moment on has a 1 in 6 or weird monster) INSTEAD of
chance of being damaged. Do not rolling for its treasure (even if the
roll this chance when the scroll is monster has no treasure, you may
found, but make a note that the still gain 1 Clue).
scroll may be damaged. Roll d6
when you use the scroll; on a 1, the As soon as you defeat the Final
spell does not work. Boss (or otherwise complete the
adventure, if the overall mission
The treasure of the final boss is different), you discover a secret
encountered in this dungeon is

Twisted Dungeons

document/map/scroll letting you adventures will cost each 1

do one of the following: fewer Clue than normal (so 2
1) Play the next dungeon explo- Clues for Secrets normally
ration with the Dungeons of costing 3 Clues). If the original
Plenty rule (result 11 in this reader of the book dies, you
book); however, you will have may have another character
to roll d88 and apply also read it and gain 1 Madness and
THAT complication. In the the ability to reduce the cost of
room where you meet the final the next few Secrets revealed.
boss, in addition to the normal In any case, once 6 Secrets
treasure for that boss, you may have been revealed at reduced
spend 2 Clues to find a hidden cost during the campaign, the
gem, a legendary diamond Diary of Wirgal the Sage will
worth 500 gp. If you do not no longer have any effect. If
have 2 Clues, you will find your characters are part of a
some information about this Guild, you may decide to leave
legendary diamond, and you the Diary in the Guild library
will be given another chance of so that your next party will be
finding it, spending 2 Clues for able to benefit from it. You
it, in the room of the final boss may decide to sell the Diary for
in the next dungeon explora- 180 gp, but you will lose its
tion you play. This process will benefits if you do so (if you
continue until you spend the 2 read it, the Madness point will
Clues and finally find the leg- remain).
endary diamond.
2) You find a large book, the
handwritten Diary of Wirgal 56) The Bronze Portal
the Sage, that connects a lot of The entrance to this dungeon has
information from all over a very heavy bronze portal that
Norindaal with unusual theo- automatically shuts close once the
ries. This is not a magic item, characters are inside. It will not be
just an obscure, dense tome possible to open the portal and get
with plenty of forbidden or out of the dungeon until the final
“alternative” information. boss has been defeated and a
Choose a character to read this master key has been found on its
book. That character gains 1 body.
Madness, but the next 6
secrets that you reveal in your

Twisted Dungeons

57) Infection 58) Alchemical Spill

As they enter the dungeon, the (unique)
characters are forced to wade The dungeon has been used as an
through brackish waters. The foul improvised lab by a mad alche-
liquid spoils the party’s medical mist. Alchemical powders and
supplies. Bandages may not be gases have spread throughout all
used in this adventure. rooms and corridors, and they
After visiting the 10th room in the corrupt any alchemical substance
adventure, each character should carried. All potions used in this
roll d8. If the number rolled is dungeon have a 1 in 6 chance of
LOWER than the wounds suffered failure. Roll when the potion is
by the character, the character’s imbibed. In the treasure of the
wounds are infected. The charac- final boss, if desired, the party can
ter will be at -1 on all Attack rolls find the remains of the alchemical
until a Healing spell or healing lab instead of the monster’s
potion is used on him/her, or until normal treasure. It will be possi-
the end of the adventure. The ble to find 10 potions of your
infected character will automati- choice (use any potion from any
cally lose 1 Life every 6 rooms. 4AD book with a maximum cost
of 200 gp), but each of them has a
1 in 6 chance of counting as poison
when imbibed. The imbiber will
have to roll a level 8 save vs.
poison (halflings add +L) or
immediately take 2

Twisted Dungeons

61) The Infinite Dungeon 62) Mosquito Invasion

The characters have found an The damp dungeon has been
entrance to the Endless Maze, a invaded by large, aggressive mos-
vast underground labyrinth that quitoes. Unless the party has
is rumored to extend for thou- acquired an insect repellant from
sands of miles in the bowels of an alchemist (1 gp per character -
Norindaal. There is no final boss after this complication is rolled,
in this dungeon. You use a normal you may purchase it between
21x28 squares sheet of paper to adventures), every time a charac-
draw the map of the dungeon. ter attempts a delicate action, the
When your map reaches the edge character must roll a d8 and on a
of the paper, you just add another 1, the action will automatically
sheet of paper. The goal of this fail. Delicate actions include:
mission becomes to map as much ● Lockpicking
as possible of the labyrinth and
return home with an accurate, ● Disarming traps
even if incomplete, map. ● Reading scrolls
For every 20 rooms or corridors ● Casting spells
mapped, you receive 1 XP roll.
● Stealth rolls
You are allowed to rest once for
Trolls, turtlefolk, lizardfolk,
every sheet of paper that you use
insectfolk, elephantfolk, and non-
to map the dungeon. Each of your
living (undead, artificial, elemen-
characters will also need to
tal) characters will be unaffected
consume 1 Food ration per every
by mosquito bites.
sheet of paper used.
You may not perform rescue mis- 63) Unnatural Fog
sions in this maze if some of your
characters get lost, turned to Visibility is scarce in this dungeon
stone, or otherwise incapacitated due to a thick, unnatural mist that
in a way that would require a permeates the rooms. All ranged
rescue mission later. When you attacks are at -1 until the end of
return to the maze, you will find the adventure or until a druid
out that the entrance has caved in alters the weather to dispel the
and it is impossible to remove it. mist. This includes ranged attacks
performed by foes (in that case,
the characters’ Defense rolls will
be at +1).

Twisted Dungeons

64) Foul Weather sters if you do so). On a 5-6, the

creatures have moved to a random
During their travel to the dun- nearby room.
geon, the party is showered by a
big storm. The characters enter The second time that a special
the dungeon soaking wet. No event is rolled, TWO rooms will
black powder weapon may be collapse. The third time, THREE
fired, and even bow attacks are at rooms will collapse. If there are no
-1 until the party uses a Rest more rooms available, the room
period to light a small fire and dry where the party is will collapse
up their tools and clothes. How- and the party will be destroyed
ever, lighting the fire will cause unless they have a mass
the party to roll for wandering teleport/escape spell or similar
monsters in the next three means of transportation.
rooms/areas they visit.

65) The Collapsing 66) I’m Sure I had it in my

Dungeon Pocket!
As the characters travel through Select a random character. That
the dungeon, every time you roll character forgot to take one
a special event one of the already important item from its play
explored rooms (pick one at sheet. Select at random what was
random) will cave in. If the left home. If it is not easy to assign
entrance room collapses, the party equal chances on a convenient die
will have to spend 3 Clues to find size to all the objects carried by the
a secret passage that leads out of character, you can just roll a die
the dungeon (you may do so from for every item, re-rolling ties. The
any room, but once out, you may item with the lowest roll was left
not return to the dungeon as the home. Include magic items in the
secret passage will collapse). If the roll. Do not roll for a character’s
room is occupied (for example, by main weapon, lantern (unless the
a creature that you bribed or that character has 2 or more lanterns),
has helped the party or by a crea- armor, or shield.
ture that has assigned a quest to
If the selected character has no
your characters), roll d6. On a
carried items, select another char-
result of 1-4, those creatures have
succumbed and you may dig out
their treasure (but you will have
to roll twice for Wandering mon-

Twisted Dungeons

67) A Few Drinks Too Reroll this complication if there

Many are currently no mounts or animal
companions in the party.
Select a random character. That
character had a few drinks too
71) Lair of the Iron Eaters
many before leaving for the
adventure. The character will be Play this adventure like a standard
unsteady on his/her feet and will dungeon crawl, but every major
waste an action every time s/he foe encountered in this adventure,
rolls a 1 on a Defense or Attack except the final boss, has a 2 in 6
roll. If the character rolls a 1 on chance of being a major iron eater
any Save roll, the character also instead of whichever monster you
falls down and hurts his/her head, rolled.
losing 1 Life. Major Iron Eater: HCL+2
The effects of alcohol will disap- Weird Monster, 5 Life, 3 attacks,
pear and the character will sober no treasure. Defense rolls against
up as soon as one of the following the major Iron Eater do not enjoy
happens: the bonus from heavy armor, but
shields and light armor count. If
● The character takes 3 or more
the monster hits, the character
damage in a single encounter
takes no damage but loses his/her
or from a single source of
armor, shield, main weapon, or
3d6 gp, in this order. Magic and
● A Blessing or Healing spell is masterwork weapons are nor-
cast on the drunk character; mally affected, unless their
● Another party member, description says otherwise.
animal companion, or hireling Reactions (d6): 1 Flee, 2-3 Bribe
dies. (you may distract the creature by
throwing d6 gp or a metallic
68) No Pets Allowed weapon at it, but you cannot use
Fools Gold), 4-6 fight. Note that
Due to some obstacles or unfore-
the Iron Eater will automatically
seen circumstances left to the
walk away if the party has NO
player’s imagination, characters
metallic treasure whatsoever.
may not bring their mounts and
animal companions to this adven- If you find an armory in this
ture. The animals are assumed to dungeon or pick up cheap
be left in a safe place, maybe with weapons from defeated oppo-
a hireling just outside of the dun- nents, assume that these weapons
geon. are non-metallic in nature (clubs,

Twisted Dungeons

flint-tipped spears, stone toma- You must roll for content in the
hawks, wood-and-obsidian first room, but you can Search it
swords, wooden mauls, or two- after dealing with it if you want.
handed clubs, etc.) as the local All minion, vermin encountered
dungeon dwellers are well aware in this adventure will automati-
of the menace of the iron eaters. cally be the largest number possi-
ble on the table. For example, if
you meet d6+3 goblins, you will
72) Kingdom of the automatically meet 9 goblins.
Zombies The third room you enter will
automatically have a random
Every monster (major or minor)
group of minions if you didn’t
encountered in this adventure has
encounter any.
a 3 in 6 chance of being an undead
version of the same monster type. The last room will not be a corri-
Just add the Undead rule to any dor (reroll the shape if you roll a
creature rolled and assume that corridor). It will automatically be
the creature’s brain will follow the the lair of the final boss. Roll d6:
same behavior patterns that it On a 1-3: The final boss uses a
followed in life, so the creature’s random vermin group as a watch-
Morale rolls and Reactions are dog. This group will have the
unchanged. Any “true” undead largest possible number of vermin
encountered will have +1 to their creatures. You must destroy all
Level. Come up with a reason why the vermin before you can attack
this happened. the boss.

73) Seven Rooms

The dungeon is smaller
than usual. It will be of
exactly seven rooms
including corridors. Any
doors or openings
leading to unexplored
rooms will be considered
dead ends or false doors
once you draw your seventh

Twisted Dungeons

If you take more than 4 turns to The first character to attack the
destroy the vermin, the boss will boss will trigger the trap on
flee in a secret tunnel. You will be himself/herself. If a rogue is in
able to pursue the boss and catch position 1 or 2 of the marching
up with it, attacking it at +1 as it order, the rogue will get a chance
tries to escape through the tunnel, to detect and disarm the trap
only if you spend 1 Clue to under- before it is triggered. If you have
stand how the secret tunnel two rogues, choose one to try, and
works. If you do not have the Clue if if s/he fails, the other can try as
available, you may not chase the well. Roll the rogue’s die +Level
final boss, and it automatically vs. the trap’s Level. On a success,
flees. In any case, once you have the trap is disarmed. On a failure,
spent the Clue to find the tunnel, the trap is triggered as normal.
you also have found a way out of
the dungeon.
On a 4-5: the final boss is pro-
tected by a group of minions. Use
the same rules as 1-3 above, but in
addition you may target the boss
with ranged attacks and spells if
you have any, even before
you have dealt with all the
minions. Like in 1-3
above, if you do not get
rid of all the minions
by your 4th turn, the
final boss will flee
through a secret
door and you have
the option to chase it.
On a 6: the final boss
is protected by a
random trap. The
trap’s Level is
HCL+3. Roll on the
Trap Save Variation
table and on the Trap
Target table at the end of
this book to generate the trap.

Twisted Dungeons

74) Spawning Pools of the party has any sacs and you
the Fragulanti decide to flee, the frog people will
chase the party.
Every room (not corridors) in this
dungeon has chance of being a The frog people have no treasure
spawning pool for the Fragulanti, other than their egg sacs.
a type of frog people. Every time Reactions: 1 peaceful, 2-4 bribe
you roll an encounter with min- (2 Food rations each, plus the
ions, roll d6. On a 1-2, it is an party must leave here any egg
encounter with a random minion sacs they have gathered), 5-6
from the book you are using, as fight. Roll at +1 if the party are
appropriate to your party’s expe- carrying any egg sacs.
rience tier. On a 3-6, the room is
a spawning pool, and you meet
2d6 frog people guarding d6 egg Every time you roll an encounter
sacs. Each egg sac is worth 5 gp if with a major monster, perform the
sold to the Guild of Savants. Every check to determine if that is the
character may carry a maximum final boss, as usual. If that is the
of 5 sacs. Trolls, ogres, moosefolk, final boss, ignore the monster you
and other ogre-sized characters rolled and use the following
can carry up to 10 egg sacs each. encounter instead.

2d6 Fragulanti Frog People: The final boss in this dungeon will
level 4 minions, no treasure. Frog always be the Royal Couple, a Frog
people are immune to acid Queen and Frog King accompa-
attacks. At the beginning of a nied by a giant frog that acts like
combat, half the frog people, a bodyguard. You may not attack
rounded down, will spit acid once. the Queen and the Kind, except
Each attack will be aimed at a with spells and ranged attacks by
random party member. Acid spit unengaged characters, until you
inflicts 1 damage on a failed have killed the giant frog. The king
defense roll. A shield wearer may will fight at +1 to its L if the queen
sacrifice his/her shield to avoid is hurt, but it will automatically
the acid spit altogether. Charac- surrender if the Queen is brought
ters with magic shields are auto- to 3 or fewer Life points.
matically immune to the acid spit.
The frog people have +1 to morale Giant Frog Watchdog: HCL+2
rolls if the party has already col- weird monster, 8 Life, 2 attacks.
lected any egg sacs. In addition, if Every character attacking the

Twisted Dungeons

giant frog in melee will have This counts as an encounter with

his/her weapon snatched from three major monsters and yields
his/her hands on an Attack roll of 3 XP rolls.
1. The weapon will stick to the
giant frog’s tongue, and may be 75) Berserk Mushroom
recovered only by performing a Cave
successful bare-handed attack at
the creature. This attack will Certain mushrooms growing in
inflict no damage but will recover this dungeon may be eaten fresh
the weapon. to induce a berserker frenzy.
Every time you conduct a success-
The giant frog is weakened by
ful Search, you may find d6 doses
fire-based attacks. Every time a
of mushrooms. These may be
fire-based attack inflicts any
eaten to gain a non-cumulative +1
damage on the giant frog, lower
to all melee Attack rolls for the
the monster’s L by 1.
duration of an encounter.
The giant frog has no treasure and
Keep track of how many doses a
will fight to the death.
character takes. At the end of
Fragulanti Queen or King: every encounter where the charac-
HCL+3 boss, 6 Life. Frog people ter enjoyed the +1 bonus, the char-
are immune to acid attacks. Every acter who ate the mushrooms
turn, as long as the party fights the must roll d6. If the result is
giant frog, both royals will spit LOWER than the number of doses
acid at the party (same rules as per taken, the character suffers a mild
the frog people, but their acid stroke and loses 1 Life per dose
inflicts 2 damage per hit, and may taken. There is no limit to how
be used once per turn). The frog many doses a character can take
royals have no treasure rolls, but during an adventure, but each
in their chamber you can find 5d6 time they are used, the character
egg sacs. The Frog King has a risks getting a stroke.
golden scepter worth 50 gp and
Any mushrooms picked during
the Queen has a diamond-en-
this adventure may also be used
crusted crown that can be sold for
in the next, but they will lose their
200 gp. A character wearing both
properties after the next game.
the crown and the scepter (which
They may be sold, but for just 2
may also be used as a blunt hand
gp/dose, due to their short expiry
weapon) may automatically have
a peaceful reaction from any frog
people encountered.

Twisted Dungeons

76) The Icy Tomb dungeon, you gain 1 XP. Do not

use the rules for final boss in this
The dungeon is carved out of ice. dungeon. You may meet boss
Its floors are slippery, and charac- monsters and weird monsters
ters rolling a 1 on a Defense roll normally, but defeating a boss will
will fall and must use their next NOT end the adventure – your
action to stand up. party’s goal is to recover the bell.
In addition, fire-based attacks and
spells will hit at -1 during this 78) Clean Up Mission
You have been hired to clean up a
necropolis that has become inhab-
77) The Bell (unique) ited by evil humanoids and foul
Raiders have stolen a bronze bell beasts. Play as a standard dun-
that was supposed to be delivered geon, but you do not consider the
to a local church. The party begins adventure completed if you kill
to explore the creatures’ hideout the final boss (who will NOT have
to recover the bell. The local increased treasure in this adven-
authorities have promised to pay ture). You get an XP for cleaning
100 gold if the bell is delivered and ALL the rooms. If you leave any
have given the party a cart to carry rooms unexplored, you may not
the bell to town. Determine ran- claim the XP roll for completing
domly the type of creatures that the mission. The dungeon must
have stolen the bell by rolling on have a minimum of 10 rooms. As
any minions table from any book you return to town and deliver a
appropriate to your party’s expe- complete map of the place to the
rience level. All encounter with locals, the authorities will reward
minions will be with the raiders. you with 1 healing potion or Sleep
Roll d6 every time you meet raid- spell scroll per character (your
ers, adding +1 for every previously choice), and a payment of 50 gp
encountered group. On a 6, you per character.
find the group with the bell. These
will be automatically the 81) The Prisoner
maximum number of minions
possible for that type. For exam- Someone (feel free to invent the
ple, if you meet d6+3 goblins, you name of some notable NPC) has
will automatically meet 9 goblins. been taken prisoner, and you
Increase these minions’ Level by must free him/her. Roll a d6 every
1. They will fight to the death. time you meet a major monster,
Upon carrying the bell out of the adding +1 per every major

Twisted Dungeons

monster encountered so far in the Any character wounded by a

adventure. On a 6+, you find the werewolf must save vs. a L5 curse
jailer and the prisoner. You may or be infected. Roll once per
pay a ransom of 50 gp to the crea- wounded character at the end of
ture (that will automatically the encounter. See Lycanthropy in
accept the bribe) or fight. As soon 4AA.
as the prisoner is carried to safety Reactions: always fight.
out of the dungeon, you gain 1
extra XP roll.

82) Wandering Werewolf 83) Gnomish Clockwork

Hunters Factory
As soon as you roll an event in the The dungeon complex used to be
current dungeon, ignore that a clockwork factory where a com-
event and apply this encounter munity of gnomes produced
instead. The party meets a group devices and instructed the young.
of werewolf hunters that are A few months ago the factory was
selling silvered weapons and invaded by foul creatures and the
wolvesbane bunches at 25% off. If gnomes driven out. The invaders
you buy any, the final boss of this have destroyed most of what they
adventure will automatically be a couldn’t understand. It is too late
werewolf (use the following to recover the facilities and return
profile from 4AA, but reduce its them to their previous owners, but
Level to 6 and Life to 5 if your still bits of gnomish clockwork
party is not of Expert level). technology and knowledge can be
found in the invaders’ treasure. All
gnomes that complete this
Werewolf: Level 8 weird mon- dungeon get an additional XP roll
ster, 8 life points, two attacks, when the final boss (the leader of
treasure +1. Silver weapons strike the invasion force) is defeated.
the werewolf at +1. Bunches of Any magic item found in the mon-
wolvesbane thrown at the creature sters’ treasure can be swapped for
cause the werewolf to perform a a one-use item that works like the
morale roll (if the monster is a gnomish gadget abilities. The item
final boss, this will not cause the will be found with clear instruc-
monster to flee, but will reduce its tions so even non-gnomes may be
Level by 1). able to use it, albeit for just one
time, after which the item will be

Twisted Dungeons

84) Cave-in Example: Drak the sor-

cerer casts a Fireball at a
As soon as the party enters the group of goblins. Before
second room in the dungeon, deleting the spell from the
there is a cave-in and the ceiling play sheet, the player rolls
of the first room collapses. Only a d6. The result is a 3, so
portion of the entrance room Drak does NOT erase the
remains accessible, and the way to spell from the play sheet.
the exit is blocked by rubble. It
will not be possible for the party
to exit the dungeon except by This effect does not apply to spells
using a teleport-type spell from cast through magic items or
the first room or by spending 3 scrolls.
Clues to find a secret passage out
of the dungeon. Alternatively, the
party may dig their way out if they
have picks, but this will require
12 rolls for wandering mon-

85) Mana
This dungeon was built in
an area overflowing with
magical energies. This
makes life much easier for
All spellcasters gain one
additional Life point to rep-
resent their increased
awareness and the power
surging through their
veins. In addition, every
time a spell is cast, the
caster has a 3 in 6 chance
of retaining it, or a 4 in 6
chance if the caster is Level 5 or
above. However, on a roll of 6, the
caster suffers 1 life damage.

Twisted Dungeons

86) Mirror mirror on the maximum number of vermin that

wall… can be rolled.
The dungeon belonged to an For example, if the entry
ancient speculomancer (a wizard says “d6+3 rats”, you
specializing in the use of magic cannot encounter more
through reflecting surfaces), and than 18 rats.
it contains a series of magic mir- All encounters with vermin count
rors. Roll a 1 in 6 chance of a for XP purposes in this adventure.
mirror being in any room, but not In other words, count them as
in corridors. If the party has at minions.
least one spellcaster (not counting
clerics), the party may use a
mirror to automatically teleport to 88) Shooters Everywhere
another known room with a All the minions and boss monsters
mirror. The mirrors stop working encountered in this dungeon will
if they are removed from the wall have ranged attacks of some sort
or they are damaged. The party (bows, slings, or javelins as appro-
may use the mirror teleport to priate). In general, if the charac-
automatically evade from combat. ters pick up their weapons, they
A medusa (or any other monster will count as cheap, light ranged
with a stone-turning gaze attack) weapons (so they have -1 on their
fighting in a room with a mirror Attack rolls and they break on any
has a 1 in 8 chance of turning itself roll of 1 on the Attack roll). Excep-
to stone every turn. If this hap- tion: weapons by hobgoblins, dark
pens, the party does not gain an elves and dwarves/gnomes of any
XP roll for defeating the medusa. type will never be cheap weapons.
The ranged weapon of a final boss
87) Swarming Critters has a 2 in 6 chance of being a
masterwork weapon. In the hands
In this dungeon, every time you of the boss monster, it will simply
roll an encounter with a group of increase its Level when attacking
vermin creatures, increase the by 1. In the hands of the charac-
number encountered by 1. This is ters, it will count as a masterwork
cumulative; each following weapon (so its chance of scoring
encounter with vermin increases an explosive result increases by 1).
by an additional +1. In any case, A masterwork weapon is not
the maximum number encoun- magical and can be used by bar-
tered will be DOUBLE the barians as well.

Twisted Dungeons

Twisted Dungeons

Giant Spider Table (d6)

Maneating Spider: HCL+4 weird monster, HCL+2 Life, 3 attacks, normal
morale and treasure. Reactions (d6): 1 flee, 2-5 fight, 6 fight to the death.
Floating Spider: HCL+3 weird monster, 6 Life, 4 attacks. 2 in 6 chance
of surprising the party. Lightning spells hit the floating spider at +1, but it is
immune to Sleep. Normal morale, treasure +1. Reactions (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-6
Fire Eating Spider: HCL+3 (minimum 5) weird monster, 8 Life, 2 attacks.
3 No damage by fire-based spells and attacks. Normal morale and treasure.
Reactions (d6): 1-3 bribe (a lantern), 4-6 fight.
Spider with a Thousand Eyes: HCL+2 (minimum 4) weird monster,
HCL+1 Life. 4 in 6 chance of surprising the party. Normal morale. Its treasure
will always be 1 scroll or 1 potion of your choice. Reactions (d6): 1-2 flee, 3-4
bribe (1 scroll or potion), 5-6 fight.
Spear-Throwing Spider: HCL+1 (minimum 4) weird monster, 5 Life.
Before the combat, the spider will throw 4 spears at the party, each at a
random target. In melee, it will perform 2 attacks per turn. Normal morale
and treasure. Reactions (d6): 1-2 special: fights for 1 turn and then flees
UNLESS at least one target is killed; if that happens, it will run away with
the character’s body; 3-5 fights; 6 fights to the death.
Gargantarach Giant Chaos Spider: HCL +1 (minimum 4) weird mon-
ster, 12 Life, 2 attacks, Morale +1, Treasure +2. The gargantarach’s bite
inflicts 2 damage and excruciating pain as the monster injects its chaos-
infested eggs in its victim. The Gargantarach will not inject its eggs more
than once per target, and once two targets are inseminated, the creature has
no more eggs to inject. Every turn until the eggs are expelled, an infected
victim must roll a 1 in 6 chance that the eggs will hatch. If the eggs hatch, the
6 victim takes 6 Damage as a swarm of gargantarach young crawls out of the
victim’s mouth and nose to attack the party. Treat the swarm as a L2 horde*
with 4 Life. Before they hatch, the eggs may be expelled by casting a Healing
or Blessing or excised with an edged weapon (this inflicts 3 Damage on the
victim but kills the spider young).
Reactions (d6): 1-2 bribe (sacrifice a horse, mule or other large animal);
3-6 fight.

* A vermin horde is a large number of creatures treated as a single entity. Consider

it a major monster with 4 Life. Every character receives one attack per turn by the
horde until the horde is destroyed or scattered (on a failed Morale roll). In game
terms, the Gargantarch young also count as vermin for purposes of any spell or
attack type that affects vermin creatures.

Twisted Dungeons

Trap Save Variation Table (d8)

Strength-based. Barbarians, trolls, and ogres add +L to the save
1 vs. this trap. Warriors, orcs and dwarves add +1. Elders, halflings
and wizards subtract -1.
Reflexes based. Swashbucklers and rogues add +L, elves, satyrs
and halflings add +1.
3 Endurance based. Barbarians and trolls add +L. Dwarves add +1.
Intelligence based. Wizards add +L. Elves, conservationists and
succubi add +1.
Luck based. No class adds any bonus, but halflings may spend 1
Luck point to automatically avoid the trap.
Defense based. The target must not roll a save, but must perform
6 a Defense roll instead, using the trap’s level as the level of an
Electricity. If a spellcaster uses a Lightning or other electricity
7 based spell to absorb the electrical discharge, the effect of the
trap is avoided altogether.
Fire. If a spellcaster uses a Fireball or other fire based spell to
absorb the trap’s fire blast, the effect is avoided altogether.

Trap Target Table (d6)

1 All characters must save, in any order chosen by the player.

2 All characters must save, in reverse marching order.

3 Only the first character in the marching order is targeted.

4 Only the last character in the marching order is targeted.

5 A random character is targeted.

6 The first two characters in the marching order are targeted.

Never venture in the same old
dungeon again.

Twisted Dungeons is a supplement for Four Against

Darkness, suited for all levels of play, that will change your
dungeons forever.

It’s easy to use: just roll d88 (two eight-sided dice) as the
adventure starts, and read the corresponding numbered entry.
The book will inject unpredictable events and themes into
your dungeon exploration: 64 dungeon complications,
ranging from mosquito infestation to teleporting mirrors,
from slippery tunnels carved out of ice to chambers with
magic-enhancing properties. Most complications will come
with interesting rewards, in experience or loot.
Twisted Dungeons may be used alongside its companion
volume, Twisted Minions, to create even more random
variations. With a bit of common sense, it will work with any
book in the Four Against Darkness line.

Requires only the Four Against Darkness rulebook.

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