My Oral Proyect

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My oral proyect

My life has changed so much in the last two year when I had to
say goodbye to my first child on September 2020. It was the
worst moment of my life
Since that date I’ve decided to live the fullest with my husband
and my little baby Jeyco.
We have learned to appreciate and enjoy every moment, every
day in family.
Next year, I created a company in honor of my child, about sales
of clothing and accessories called JeyPatt.
This year, in summer was born my third son. Lucas is very alike to
my first child.
In July we have traveled to Piura, We wanted to know some
beaches as Ñuros, Mancora, Vichayito and Zorritos. We have
taken a lot of pictures.
It was a long trip and a little tired but was fantastic! The beaches,
the food, the weather and all was awesome!
We have thought to return when Lucas is one years old.

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