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Chapter 20

Room Automation

20.1. Introduction
Room automation system is an essential part in any five star hotel that
because it aims to comfort and security of guests.

Room automation system consists of:

· Door lock: opening room door automatically by enter password and

give error message if any person enter wrong password three times
and this for security of guests.
· Comfort sensors and energy conservation system: count
the number of persons enters the room. If there are no people in
room, this circuit will stop the fan and send a signal to room monitor
control circuit to stop lighting for energy conservation.
· Room monitor control: A human-machine interface using
graphical LCD & remote control. By using this circuit guest can control
degree of lighting and the status of curtain (open or close).
· Temperature detection and serial interface: measure room
temperature and receive room data from other circuits and send all
data to SCADA system.

In this chapter we will speak in details about room automation control

system in this five star hotel.

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20.2. Door lock

20.2.1. Sequence of operation
Ø Opening room door automatically by enter password
Ø Give error message if any person enter wrong password three times.
Ø The client password is stored in the EEPROM so that the password will
not be erased when power is off.
Ø The hotel management has password to access all the rooms and able
to change the client password when the client leave the hotel.

20.2.2. Opening and closing of the room door:

· Single DC motor.
· Single relay for motor directions.
· Single relay used for providing the power for the motor.

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Ø For the forward direction

· Power relay:
Relay is activated

· Direction relay:
Relay isn`t activated

Ø For the reverse direction

The power relay is still activated.
Direction relay is activated

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20.2.3. Circuit components


Ø LCD (16 × 2).

Ø DC motor.

Ø 2 × 5V DC Relays.

Ø Resistors.

Ø Transistors.

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20.2.4. Schematic diagram

20.2.5. PCB layout

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20.3. Comfort sensors and energy conservation system

20.3.1. Sequence of operation
· Count the number of persons enters the room.
· If there are no people in room, this circuit will stop the FCU and send
a signal to room monitor control circuit to stop lighting for energy

20.3.2. How to count the number of persons

· To count the number of person we placed 2 photo resistors and 2 laser
sources, one at each side of the door.
· when someone enters or leaves , the laser beam interrupted and
signal from LDR sent to AVR to increase or decrease the number of
person’s inside

20.3.3. Circuit components


Ø 2 × 5V DC Relays.

Ø Resistors.

Ø Transistors.

Ø Photo resistor (LDR)

Ø Laser source

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20.3.4. Schematic diagram

20.3.5. PCB layout

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20.4. Room monitor control

20.4.1. Introduction
Ø A human-machine interface using graphical LCD & remote control. By
using this circuit guest can control degree of lighting and the status of
curtain (open or close).

20.4.2. How to control lighting level and curtain?

A human-machine interface using graphical LCD & remote control. By using
this circuit, guest can control degree of lighting and the status of curtain
(open or close).
RC5 circuit allows remote control to send signal when we press on any
remote control button.
There are five used buttons used in remote control:
Ø Curtain control (No 7)
Ø Ligh ng level control (No 5)
Ø UP (No 2)
Ø Down (No 0)
Ø OK (No 6)
First screen appear the photo of curtain and lamp by using bu on 5 or 7,
guest can select if he want to control curtain or light.
Ø First case curtain control
AVR controller save the status of curtain (open or close) and
ask the guest for changing this status.
Ø Second case lighting level control
AVR controller saves the lighting level and gives the guest four
lighting levels to choice one of them.

Energy saving system will disconnect the lighting when number of person in
the room equal to zero.

A er choice the new status press ok bu on 6 to apply this new status.

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20.4.3. Lighting level control design

Lighting level change by change the applied voltage at lamp terminals and
that through make a voltage drop at resistance in series with lamp.
There are four levels of lighting:
· High level (apply full voltage).
· Medium level (small voltage drop at resistance).
· Low level (big voltage drop at resistance).
· Off (zero voltage at lamp terminals).

when number of person in the room equal to zero lighting level will be OFF
for energy saving.

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20.4.4. Curtain control design

AVR controller save the status of curtain (open or close) and ask the guest
for changing this status.
Output of AVR controller will be two signals:
· Power signal.
· Direction signal.

Motors are used for the following purposes:

· Opening and closing the room curtains.

· Opening and closing of the room door.

The main idea is to reverse the motor polarity when the other direction is
wanted and when the motor finishes its function the circuit that delivers the
power to the motor is disconnected.

The control process will be performed using relay logic method.

So that for every motor there will be a relay that controls the direction of
motion; a power relay that provides power required for the motors.

Ø Opening and closing of the room curtains:

· Two DC motors.
· Two relays (one relay for each motor direction's).
· Single relay used for providing the power for the motors.

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Ø For the forward direction:

· Power relay:
Relay is activated

· Direction relay:
Relay isn`t activate

Ø For the reverse direction:

· Power relay:
Relay is activated

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· Direction relay:
Direction relay is activated

Ø When the motors finish its function:

· Power relay:
Relay isn`t activated

· Direction relay:
Relay isn`t activated

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20.4.5. Circuit components

Ø 2 × AVR ATMEGA 8535.

Ø Graphical LCD (128 × 64).

Ø RC5 receiver.

Ø Remote control.

Ø 12 V Lamp.

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Ø 2 × 5V DC motors.

Ø 3 × 5V DC Relays.

Ø Resistors.

Ø Transistors.

20.4.6. Schematic diagram

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20.4.7. PCB layout

20.4.8. Future work

Ø Touch screen control room automation instead of remote control and
graphical LCD.
Ø Control projector and television using touch screen.

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20.5. Temperature detection and serial interface

20.5.1. Introduction
This circuit measure room temperature and receive room data from other
circuits and send all data to SCADA system.
20.5.2. Sequence of program
This program measure temperature by using of A/D converter and display it
at seven segment and receive data from other circuits as error when person
inter wrong password there times and send this data to SCADA system.
20.5.3. Circuit component
ü AVR ATMEGA 8535.

ü Temperature sensor LM35

ü Seven segment display

ü Encoder

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20.5.4. Schematic diagram:

20.5.5. PCB layout

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