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“Lest We Forget”: The Confederate Monument and the

Southern Townscape

John J. Winberry (1945–2012)

Southeastern Geographer, Volume 55, Number 1, Spring 2015, pp. 19-31


Published by The University of North Carolina Press


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“Lest We Forget”
The Confederate Monument and
the Southern Townscape

JOHN J. WINBERRY (1945–2012)

University of South Carolina

This paper is a re-publication of John Winberry’s introduction

1983 seminal article on the Confederate monument
in the American South. Winberry described the his-
If the South has a symbol, it is the
torical geography of the Confederate monument by
statue of the Confederate soldier
type, location, and time of establishment, and he
which stands in the county seat.
concentrated specifically on the place of courthouse
Hands resting on the barrel of his
monuments within the southern landscape. He also
grounded rifle, knapsack and blanket
provided a discussion of the social and historical
roll on his back, he stares in stony
forces that gave rise to the courthouse Confederate
silence to the north whence came the
monument and the multiple ways of understand-
invading Yankee armies (Hart 1976,
ing its meaning and power as a symbol.
p 1).

John Fraser Hart’s description does ef-

Este trabajo es una re-publicación del influyente fectively capture our image of the South-
artículo de John Winberry publicado en 1983 ern courthouse town, its central square
sobre el monumento confederado en el sur de los dominated by the columned and domed
Estados Unidos. Winberry describió la geografía courthouse and spreading, foliaceous
histórica del monumento confederado según tipo, trees, surrounded by lawyer’s row and the
lugar y época de establecimiento, concentrándose county’s principal commercial and ser-
específicamente en el lugar de los monumentos de vice establishments. The grid-patterned
los juzgados en el paisaje sureño. También propor- streets lead to churches and two-storied
cionó un debate sobre las fuerzas sociales e históri- frame houses of another era and trail off
cas que dieron lugar al monumento confederado into the dirt tracks that lead to the black
de los juzgados y de las múltiples maneras de com- bottoms beyond the pale. Ensconced cen-
prender su significado y poder como un símbolo. trally in this landscape is the Confederate
monument, usually standing boldly yet
key words: Confederacy, courthouse,
serenely before the county courthouse.
landscape, monument, courthouse, American
This study describes the Confederate
monument in the South and offers an ex-
palabras clave: la Confereración, juzgado, planation of its symbolic role within that
paisaje, monumento, el sur de los Estados Unidos landscape.

southeastern geographer, 55(1) 2015: pp. 19–31

20 john j. winberry (1945–2012)

of the Ladies Memorial Association, many

monument types
county chapters of which were established
and distribution
within a year after the war. (3) Court-
A monument is a structure, usually of house and urban monuments commemo-
durable material, that has a symbolic or rating those from a particular county who
memorial value. It is the creation of a peo- served in the war and/or the Confederate
ple, and as a symbol it “encapsulates and dead from that county; these were funded
nurtures an idea or a set of ideas” that in- by local contributions and commonly were
corporate certain values and ideals of that the responsibility of the United Daughters
society (Tuan 1978, p 364). Monuments of the Confederacy after their formation
also work to “organize individual and in 1895. Courthouse monuments were lo-
group memories of the immediate and dis- cated on the lawn of the courthouse square
tant past [so as to] . . . arouse the emotions while urban monuments were erected on
of individuals and the sentiments of the main streets or in public parks and dedi-
group (Warner 1959, p 474). The meaning cated to the soldiers of a particular county
of the monument is defined by the act of or some local heroes or related event dur-
interpretation, a complex process of pub- ing the war years. (4) Large impressive
lic and private interactions between those monuments raised on the grounds of state
who erected the monument and those capitols across the South. These were
who view it through time. This interaction dedicated to the soldiers of a particular
can result in a multiplicity of meanings as state, to major war heroes native to the
various individuals participate in the act state, and frequently to the women of the
of interpretation. The meaning of monu- Confederacy. Commonly, more than one
ments can change also over time as they such monument occupies the grounds,
are viewed anew by each generation. and they were financed with individual
Confederate monuments come in all contributions and state appropriations.
shapes and sizes; they were erected within This paper will consider those memorials
a few years after the Civil War and have erected in towns and cemeteries and con-
been put up as late as 1980. They have centrate specifically on the courthouse
commemorated a range of themes, from monuments because of their characteriza-
an individual hero to the Confederate tion of the Southern landscape.
dead in a small cemetery to battles and Besides location, there are four general
specific units that served during the war types of monument found in cemeteries,
to all those from a particular county who parks, and courthouse squares:
served in the Confederate army. There
are four basic locations for these Confed- •  Type l. The Confederate soldier atop
erate monuments: (1) Battlefield monu- a column (described by Hart with
ments commemorating individual units certain variations, such as the rifle
or the troops from a particular state; these held at parade rest or a weaponless
most frequently have been erected with figure looking downward or for-
state-appropriated funds. (2) Cemetery lornly into the distance with his arms
monuments commemorating the dead; folded) accounted for almost
these were the committed responsibility 49 percent of the 666 monuments
Figures 1–4. Confederate monument types. Photographs by author.
22 john j. winberry (1945–2012)

noted in cemeteries and parks and on were erected in 1868 and 1869, both in a
courthouse squares (Figure 1) (Field cemetery.
work observations and Widener About 93 percent of the monuments
1982). On courthouse squares, how- erected in a courthouse square dated
ever, they represented 62 percent of after 1895 and well over half between
362 observations. 1903 and 1912 (Figure 5). On the other
•  Type 2. The Confederate soldier atop hand, 59 percent of the cemetery mon-
a column with his weapon held at uments were erected before 1900; and
the ready or in a combative stance or before 1895, almost 70 percent of the
carrying a flag or bugle accounted for other-than-battlefield monuments were
over six percent of all observations erected in cemeteries. Urban monu-
(Figure 2). ments, those located in towns and cities
•  Type 3. The obelisk, a single shaft but neither in cemeteries nor on court-
with a peaked top, covered with a house squares, represent a transitional
shroud or flag (Figure 3), or support- pattern. Between 1889 and 1895, 10
ing an urn, cannon balls, or other such monuments were raised, while only
objects (Figure 4), was noted in al- six were erected in courthouse squares.
most 28 percent of all observations. It What resulted, therefore, was a change
accounted for about 18 percent of the over time in type and location. During
monuments on courthouse squares, the decades leading into the 1890s, cem-
but in cemeteries it was the most etery monuments, especially obelisks
common, occurring about 48 percent and columns surmounted by urns, were
of the time. most frequent. During the 1890s, the
•  Type 4. Miscellaneous. This covers urban monument symbolized the move-
all other types, including plaques, ment of the Confederate memorial out of
standing stones, fountains, arches, and the cemetery and into the town center.
other memorials. These represented By the turn of the century, the traditional
17 percent of all observations. Type 1 Confederate monument erected
in the courthouse square had become the
The erection of monuments showed a most common.
marked temporal variation. Of all the Type In contrast to what an observer would
1 monuments, the Confederate soldier at expect, the monuments were remark-
rest, 80 percent were erected after 1900; ably diverse. Of almost 75 monuments
but of the Type 3 monuments, the obelisk, surveyed in fieldwork from Florida to
more than 51 percent were erected before ­Virginia and the Carolinas to Texas, there
1900. The earliest Type 1 monuments were only a few instances of repetition
were erected in 1870, one in a cemetery of inscriptions. Even the soldiers them-
and one in an urban setting. The first mon- selves on Type l monuments differed in
uments erected, however, were a Type 3, regard to uniform and facial features.
specifically an urn surmounting a shaft, Monuments could be as elaborate as the
two being erected in 1867, one before a one in Augusta, Georgia, with a Confed-
courthouse and one in a cemetery. An- erate soldier atop a 76-foot shaft guarded
other two obelisks, but with a peaked top, by four Confederate generals near the
The Confederate Monument 23

Figure 5. Dedication of Confederate monuments by time period.

Compiled by author from data in Widener (1982).

base, or as simple as a plaque in a granite though lost still just and died for me
marker. and you.
Inscriptions followed general themes
Some inscriptions insured a dedication
but were distinctive in content. In Monti-
to both. The Walterboro, South Carolina,
cello, Georgia, for instance, the monument
monument is inscribed:
was dedicated to the memory of all the sol-
diers who fought in the war: To those who fought and lived, and
To the Confederate soldiers of Jasper those who fought and died. To those
County, the record of whose sublime who gave much and those who gave all.
self-sacrifice and undying devotion to Inscriptions varied from the simple to the
duty, in the service of their coun- elaborate, from the Bishopville, South
try is the proud heritage of a local Carolina, monument that read simply yet
posterity. poignantly:
Well over a third of the courthouse mon- In memory of Lee County’s Confeder-
uments that I studied were dedicated ate soldiers.
specifically to the Confederate dead. The
monument in Clinton, North Carolina, for To that of Lumberton, North Carolina:
instance, read:
This marble minstrel’s voiceless stone,
In honor of the Confederate soldiers in deathless song shall tell, when
of Sampson County who bore the flag many a vanished age hath flown, the
of a nation’s trust and fell in a cause story how they fell. On fame’s eternal
24 john j. winberry (1945–2012)

camping ground, their silent tents are 1911, p 257). The cost of monuments var-
spread, and glory guards with solemn ied between $1,500 and $4,000. The bases
round, the bivouac of the dead. were 15 to 20 feet high and were made of
granite quarried usually within the South-
The Marshall, Texas, monument also ex- ern Piedmont (Emerson 1911). The life-
emplified this eloquence: size statues were sometimes of bronze
No more they hear the Rebel yell but most commonly were of domestic or
where battle thunders rose and fell; Italian Carrara marble; they usually did
’tis now a welcome and a cheer, to not represent a real person. Among the
friends, to foemen, far and near; and 19 statues in South Carolina, for instance,
peace, sweet peace, born of despair, only three apparently portrayed actual
walks forth and sheds of her radiance individuals (Huff 1978). Some firms, pre-
fair upon lost fields of honor. dominantly located in the South, did par-
ticipate in the mass production of mon-
Hart and many others have argued, uments and contributed to an increased
perhaps apocryphally, that the soldiers on commercialization of monument-raising
Type 1 monuments all face north. Such a (Davis 1982, p 14–17), but the observa-
characteristic would be symbolically pleas- tion of many statues confirms my opin-
ing to observers, but it does not hold true. ion that this represented a small portion
In fact, a bit less than 45 percent of about of all monuments. Some monuments did
50 Type 1 monuments for which I have come from the North, as indicated by the
directional information were oriented to- uniforms that are more characteristic of
ward the northern quadrant. What was Union soldiers. Most frequently, however,
most characteristic was the monuments the soldier statues wear the characteristic
usually faced the same direction, as did blanket roll and a belt buckle inscribed
the courthouses themselves, which leads “C.S.A.” (Confederate States of America).
logically to the question of why do county The courthouse and urban monuments
courthouses face north? are widely distributed across the South,
The erection of monuments was un- and the pattern follows the general political
dertaken most frequently by Southern boundaries of the Confederacy (Figure 6).
women, organized soon after the war in The absence of monuments in eastern Ten-
a Ladies Memorial Association and, after nessee and western North Carolina indi-
1895, in the United Daughters of the cates those regions’ Union sentiment, and
Confederacy. To finance the monuments’ the few monuments in Maryland, West
construction, these organizations spon- Virginia, and Kentucky reflect those states’
sored fairs, concerts, and dinners to raise ambivalent wartime politics. Not every
funds and undoubtedly received frequent county within these bounds, however, has
contributions (Simkins and Woody 1966, a monument located in the courthouse
p 348). Sometimes, it took a number of square or central park. This could be due
years to raise sufficient funds; for example, to the fact that many counties were estab-
the women of Anderson, South Carolina, lished long after the war, but this conclu-
required 18 years to collect enough money sion is complicated by the fact that some
to erect that city’s memorial (Emerson of these did erect courthouse monuments
The Confederate Monument 25

Figure 6. Spatial distribution of courthouse and urban Confederate monuments.

Compiled by author from data in Widener (1982).

whereas not all counties in existence at the Confederate courthouse monuments. One
time of the war have monuments. would comprise the Potomac counties of
The geographic dispersal of monument northern Virginia, whence the tradition
building does not exhibit a clear-cut pat- spread predominantly southward and
tern. The first Confederate monument on southwestward across the state and into
record was erected in June 1867 in a cem- North Carolina. A second, larger hearth
etery in Cheraw, South Carolina, but the would include Georgia, South Carolina,
first courthouse monument was l­ocated and northern Florida. From those states,
in Bolivar, Tennessee, and unveiled in the the tradition spread southward into cen-
same year (Davis 1982, p 3–4). By 1880 tral Florida and westward across the Deep
nine courthouse monuments had been South. Interestingly, eastern Tennessee,
raised. Three were located in Virginia, despite having the first courthouse mon-
scattered among county seats along the ument in the South, apparently did not
Potomac River. Five others were located become a center for dispersal of such
in Georgia, South Carolina, and north- monuments.
ern Florida (Widener 1982 and field One must approach such a model of
work observations). We could very cau- diffusion with considerable caution. The
tiously, therefore, isolate two hearths of spread of information about monuments
26 john j. winberry (1945–2012)

was hastened by general meetings of vari- One explanation is that these monuments
ous organizations such as the United Con- were built not just for those who died in
federate Veterans (UCV) and especially by the war but for the many who had served
notices in the group’s magazine, the Con- in the Confederate armies and returned
federate Veteran (Foster 1982). As a result, home. The early 1900s constituted a pe-
although a general diffusion pattern does riod that was between 35 and 50 years
seem to exist, it is not the sole explanatory after Appomattox. Age and death were
mechanism for the dispersal of the court- taking their toll of the men who had
house monument. fought in the war, and people realized that
their fathers, brothers, and uncles would
soon become vague shadows in their de-
symbolism and role in
scendants’ thoughts. This time factor was
the landscape
explicitly expressed by the monument in
How did the Confederate monument Manning, South Carolina: “In 1914 when
become such an integral part of the South- this memorial is erected to the Confeder-
ern courthouse townscape? As soon as ate soldiers when the sun of life of the few
the war ended and the tattered legions re- who remain hovers in the western hori-
turned home, concern was expressed for zon. . .” The monument was an attempt to
the dead, especially those buried on dis- preserve the memories of them and their
tant battlefields and in unmarked graves. exploits.
These concerns and the decoration of the A second explanation is that the early
Confederate graves on Confederate Me- 1900s marked a quarter century since the
morial Day (usually April 26 or May 10) end of Reconstruction, and many individ-
became the responsibility of the Ladies uals who had been ruined after the war
Memorial Associations. Many of these rebuilt their lives and fortunes over those
grew out of the Ladies’ Aid Societies or ensuing years. The memorial was as much
Ladies’ Relief and Hospital Associations a monument to them as to the Confeder-
established during the war years to volun- ate past. As one dedicatory speaker noted,
tarily staff wayside homes and hospitals. “the poor Confederate soldier . . . came
They were confederated under the South- wandering o’er desolated fields and black-
ern Memorial Association in 1900, but ened heaths, to find his home dismantled,
prior to that the local associations organ- his family in want, himself proscribed,
ized Memorial Day ceremonies, sponsored and an alien upon the soil which gave him
the creation of cemeteries for reburial of birth” (Confederated Memorial Associa-
the dead, and erected monuments to the tion 1904, p 176). Poverty still stalked the
memory of the fallen Confederates. It was region and cotton prices remained in the
during this pre-1900 period that the ma- doldrums, but the courage and sacrifice
jority of monuments in cemeteries were embodied in the spirit of the Confederate
built, largely under their direction (Con- soldier through the war’s four years un-
federated Memorial Association 1904). derpinned the energy of rebuilding. As an-
Almost all of the courthouse monu- other speaker remarked, “Dixie land now
ments, on the other hand, were erected blossoms like a rose, she has trampled dis-
after 1900. Why did this trend develop? aster under her feet. The busy hum of the
The Confederate Monument 27

Confederate Soldier’s hammer has made organized in 1878, which had a member-
music as she rose from her ashes” (Con- ship of 409,000 by 1890 and, despite an
federated Memorial Association 1904, increasing frequency of deaths, still had
p 239). The courthouse monument, there- a quarter million members in 1900 (Buck
fore, was not in spirit dedicated to the 1937, p 236–237; Connelly 1977, p 110). In
memory of long-past events but a recog- 1895 the United Daughters of the Confed-
nition of the present and a symbol of the eracy (UDC) was organized in Atlanta and
transition of the South from an alien con- involved itself with a number of projects
quered region to a distinct but equal part including the memorialization of the “Lost
of the nation. Cause” (Woodward 1951, p 156). The UCV
The latter years of the nineteenth cen- and UDC had much to overcome because
tury saw another development that could for about 25 years Congressional Republi-
provide a third explanation for the mon- cans had waved the “bloody shirt” and ac-
uments, and this was the theme of the cused the Southern cause of being sullied
“Lost Cause.” It would be best described “with crimes more horrible than matri-
as “a cult of archaism, a nostalgic vision cide” and its ranks of being filled “with the
of the past,” and was a reaction against odium and infamy of traitors” (Buck 1937,
the changes wrought by the New South p 242). As the Confederate cause was res-
of Henry Grady and the economic de- urrected, memorials were raised. In 1886
pression that followed hard on its heels Jefferson Davis laid the foundation of the
(Woodward 1951, p 154).1 At that time, monument to the Confederate dead at
the present and the future held, it seemed, Montgomery, Alabama; in 1884 the Lee
empty promises and the Southern mind monument in New Orleans and in 1890
retreated into the past and a memorializa- the equestrian statue of Robert E. Lee in
tion of the Southern cause. It was a cause Richmond were dedicated. In defeat, and
that had struggled for liberty and rights in memorialization of that defeat, the
but preserved honor and sacrifice, a sense Southerners found a sense of rectitude.
that these precious commodities consti- As the Centreville, Alabama, monument
tuted the core of the Southern identity and expressed it:
“a cause though lost still just.” It was this
These were men who by the simple
that should be preserved and passed down
manhood of their lives, by their strict
to later generations. The Pearisburg, Vir-
adherence to the principles of right, by
ginia, monument quoted Jefferson Davis:
their sublime courage and unspeaka-
“It is a duty we owe to posterity to see that
ble sacrifices, even to the heroism of
our children shall know the virtues and
death, have preserved for us through
rise worthy of their sires.”
the gloom of defeat a priceless herit-
The “Lost Cause” involved a number
age of honor.
of developments including the formation
in 1889 of the United Confederate Vet- A fourth explanation offers a political
erans (UCV), which in 1903 had 80,000 dimension and a rationalization of why
members. This was in sharp contrast to these monuments were raised in court-
the veterans organization of Union sol- house squares. The end of the nine-
diers, the Grand Army of the Republic teenth century saw a movement, Radical
28 john j. winberry (1945–2012)

Populism, flame across the South. During however, struck back. They controlled the
the years after the end of Reconstruc- election machinery, both local and state-
tion, the Bourbons, the landholders, mer- wide, and undoubtedly interfered with
chants, and professionals, returned to voting results. They also focused on the
political control of the South; but it was Populists’ link with the Republicans and
not long before their policies alienated the related characteristics:
small farmers. Before the war, small farm-
These volatile charges received added
ers constituted the bulk of Southern agri-
impetus with the development of a
culturalists; they felt a unity with the an-
“cult of the Confederacy” under the
tebellum landholders because the feeling
aegis of the Democratic party. This
that they too could become slaveholders
blind devotion to the “Lost Cause,”
and planters was a part of the Southern
bolstered by the racial issue, laid a
psyche (Rothstein 1967, p 376; Saloutos
firm foundation for the absolute and
1956, p 59–60). By 1900, however, over
unanimous loyalty demanded of the
half of all the farmers in the Deep South
white voters for the state’s Democratic
were tenants, and the gulf between them
organization—an obstacle which the
and landholders had widened considera-
Populists failed to surmount, either
bly. The economic depressions struck ten-
psychologically or politically (Gaither
ants and small independent farmers, both
1977, p 83).
black and white, severely (Labyak 1979,
p 37). A sense of dislocation had affected By the turn of the century, the Populist
these groups, and by the end of the 1880s movement had subsided; but a potential
this discontent began to crystallize in the rift in the solid South always threatened.
creation of the Southern Alliance (Church Governor Charles Aycock of North Car-
1953, p 12). Though initially apolitical, olina, in 1904, spoke in this vein: “The
Southern farmers soon realized that their Democratic party is alone sufficient. We
ends could best be served by political ac- need a united people. We need the com-
tion and they began to support a third bined effort of every North Carolinian. We
party, the Populists. The 1893 depression need the strength which comes from be-
further encouraged desertion from the lieving alike” (Kousser 1974, p 78). Part of
Democratic party, and the Populists gener- that common belief was the “Lost Cause,”
ally advocated the political union of black the Confederacy, the common experience
and white farmers to overthrow Bourbon that brought all Southern whites together,
rule (Woodward 1951, p 257).2 both rich and poor. And, one symbol of
This political union of black and white that was the Confederate monument ris-
was respondent to mutual self-interest, and ing before the courthouse and reminding
the Populists implied no correspondent so- the county of its heritage. The potential
cial equality (Gaither 1977, p 81).3 Another black-white union was cleaved, and blacks
approach advocated by the Populists was were separated politically through poll
fusion with the Republicans, an artificial taxes, literacy tests, and white primaries,
unity of two unlike political philosophies and socially through the enactment of Jim
in an attempt to overthrow the domi- Crow laws (Woodward 1951, p 85–86,
nant Democratic party. The Democrats, 98–99; Fischer 1977, p 154–155). By 1910
The Confederate Monument 29

these laws had reconstructed the social long-past and almost-forgotten era but is
and legal landscape of the South. also part of the present. The monument
No one of these four possible expla- symbolizes the suffering that a county
nations for the Confederate monument is endured, the loss of manhood and vitality
adequate or complete in itself. The mon- through death and maiming, and the he-
ument is a symbol, but whether it was a roic courage and loyalty that kept the rag-
memory of the past, a celebration of the tag, shoeless armies of the Confederacy in
present, or a portent of the future remains the field for four years. It symbolizes also
a difficult question to answer; monuments the rise of the South out of the ashes of
and symbols can be complicated and that war and the persistence through dec-
sometimes indecipherable. I have consid- ades of poverty and isolation that have led
ered it in a political sense, a response to finally to the region’s vindication today as
the contemporary; but a monument is pri- the “New South.” It is not a symbol shared
marily “a reminder of the past, . . . a sym- necessarily by blacks or newcomers, but it
bol of another community to which we does unite a people and their history; as
belong” (Jackson 1970, p 158). It is a re- the Elberton, Georgia, monument asserts:
minder of a people’s faith and history and
Let the stranger who in future times
spirit. The South has for a long time been
reads this inscription recognize that
a dichotomous conundrum, a contradic-
these were men whom power could
tion between the friendly and trustworthy
not corrupt, whom death could not
Andy Taylor of Mayberry and the snarling
terrify, whom defeat could not dis-
dogs and police clubs of “Bull” Connor
honor. Let the Georgians of another
of Birmingham. The Confederate monu-
generation remember that their state
ment, perhaps, fits this duality. It is more
taught them how to live and how to
than a manipulation of public sentiments
die, and that from her broken fortunes
and a symbol of late nineteenth century
she has preserved for her children the
political behavior; its roots are deep and
priceless treasure of their memories.
tie a people to their past and its traditions.
The monument has another role; it is a
symbol that differentiates the South and
makes it unique. It is one of the few distin-
The Southern courthouse square can guishing landscape features in a growing
be hot during the summer as the sun sea of neon and concrete that has spread
blazes down from an almost cloudless sky also across the South and has tended to
that provides a hazy blue backdrop to the homogenize the American scene. Perhaps
lonely sentinel standing on his pedestal. it promises also the retention of certain
Looking into the distance, he seems al- traits that will keep the region distinctly
most ethereal, and the observer himself Southern.
can become oblivious to the din of traffic Landscape features are ambiguous in
and the sounds of the busy courthouse meaning. They are dynamic but also are
square as his thoughts slip back through evaluated differently by different people
time. The Confederate soldier is not just and at different times. We can probe the
the meaningless image or creation of a reasons for their erection, but also we can
30 john j. winberry (1945–2012)

seek to decipher what they mean to the southern values and inbred prejudice” (Gaither
observer. Perhaps it is simply a function of 1977, 81).
the fact that a landscape is not the crea-
tion of a monolithic culture but the result references
of hundreds and thousands of individual Buck, P.H. 1937. The road to reunion, 1865–
acts, each based on a particular distinct 1900 Boston: Little, Brown, and Co.
reasoning (Duncan 1980, p 181–198; Church, J. 1953. The Farmers’ Alliance and
Newton and Napoli 1977, p 360–383). As the Populist Movement in South Carolina
we look at the Confederate monument, we (1887–1896). Master’s thesis, University of
perhaps should not focus on the common- South Carolina.
ality that seems to link them but on the Confederated Memorial Association. 1904.
uniqueness of each. History of the Confederated Memorial
Associations of the South. New Orleans:
acknowledgments The Graham Press.
Upon the paper’s original publication, Connelly, T.J. 1977. The marble man: Robert E.
Dr. Winberry acknowledged Dr. Stephen Bird- Lee and his image in American society. Baton
sall and the late Dr. Merle Prunty for insightful Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.
and much appreciated comments on an earlier Davis, S. 1982. Empty eyes, marble hand: The
version of the study. Editors of the Southeast- confederate monument and the South.
ern Geographer extend appreciation to two Journal of Popular Culture 16(3):14–17.
individuals who assisted with the editing and Duncan, J.S. 1980. The superorganic in American
r­e-publication of the article: Melanie Barron cultural geography. Annals of the Association
and Janna Caspersen, who are currently doc- of American Geographers 70:181–198.
toral students in the Department of Geography Emerson, B.A.C. 1911. Historic southern
at the University of Tennessee. monuments: Representative memorials of
the heroic dead of the Southern Confederacy.
notes New York: Neale Publishing Co.
1. Foster (1982, 283–285) argues, however, Fischer, R.A. 1974. The segregation struggle in
that the Confederate monument was more a Louisiana, 1826–1877. Urbana: University
symbol of, rather than a reaction against, the of Illinois Press.
“New South.” Foster, G.M. 1982. Ghosts of the Confederacy:
2. “The colour line seemed to have broken Defeat, history, and the culture of the New
down [by 1894] and the time seemed near at South, 1865–1913. Doctoral dissertation,
hand when all the political rights of the negro, University of North Carolina.
and all the rights that could be secured to him Gaither, G.H. 1977. Blacks and the Populist
through political action, would be granted revolt: Ballots and bigotry in the “New
him” (Woodward 1951, 257). This simple in- South.” Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama
terpretation has been questioned in subsequent Press.
works. Hart, J.F. 1976. The South. New York: Van
3. “While the two races shared a sense of eco- Nostrand.
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Peter Smith. working within the discipline of geography.

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