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Fourth: Program Outline

The program is made up of 135 credit hours divided as follows: -

Requirements Credit Hours
Compulsory Optional Total
General Education Program (University
18 12 30
College Compulsory Requirements 81 -- 81
Specialization Requirements (Three
6 12 18
Supporting Courses 6 -- 6
Total 111 24 135

A. University Compulsory Requirements (18 credit hours – 6 courses)

# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Level Prerequisite
1 0101100 ‫الثقافة اإلسالمية‬ Islamic Culture 3 1 --
2 0309100 ‫مقدمة إلى اإلحصاء‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
3 0003100 ‫مقدمة إلى تقنيات‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
4 0201100 ‫مهارات االتصال باللغة‬ Communication 3 1 --
Skills in Arabic
5 0209100 ‫مهارات االتصال باللغة‬ Communication 3 1 --
Skills in English I
1 ‫اإلنجليزية‬
6 0209200 ‫مهارات االتصال باللغة‬ Communication 3 2 Communication
Skills in English Skills in English I
2 ‫اإلنجليزية‬
B. University Optional Requirements (12 credit hours – 4 courses)
Students shall choose one course only from each of the following four groups:
Group One: Humanities and Social Sciences (3 credit hours – one course)
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Level Prerequisite
1 0301100 ‫مقدمة إلى علم االقتصاد‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
2 0001101 ‫حقوق اإلنسان‬ Human Rights 3 1 --
3 0001102 ‫مدخل إلى الفن المرئي‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
Visual Art
4 0001103 ‫مدخل إلى القانون‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
5 0001104 ‫مقدمة إلى علم االجتماع‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
6 0001105 ‫مقدمة إلى علم الفلسفة‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
7 0001106 ‫مقدمة إلى علم النفس‬ Introduction to 3 1 --

Group Two: Historical, Islamic and Cultural Studies (3 credit hours – one course)
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Level Prerequisite
1 0101101 ‫الحضارة اإلسالمية‬ Islamic 3 1 --
2 0202100 ‫تاريخ العالم الحديث‬ History of the 3 1 --
Modern World
3 0202101 ‫تاريخ الشرق األوسط‬ History of the 3 1 --
Middle East
4 0002101 ‫العولمة وثقافة التعايش‬ Globalization and 3 1 --
the Culture of
‫بين الحضارات‬
Group Three: Mathematics and Information Technology (3 credit hours – one course)
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Level Prerequisite
1 0003201 ‫مقدمة إلى قواعد البيانات‬ Introduction to 3 2 Introduction to IT
2 0003202 ‫مقدمة إلى المنطق‬ Introduction to 3 2 Introduction to IT
3 0003203 ‫مقدمة إلى البرمجة‬ Introduction to 3 2 Introduction to IT
4 0003204 ‫مقدمة إلى تصميم‬ Introduction to 3 2 Introduction to IT
Web Page Design
‫صفحات الويب‬

Group Four: Natural and Biological Sciences (3 credit hours – one course)
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Level Prerequisite
1 0004101 ‫اإلنسان والبيئة‬ Man and 3 1 --
2 0004102 ‫الوعي الصحي‬ Health 3 1 --
3 0004103 ‫بيولوجيا اإلنسان‬ Human Biology 3 1 --

C. College Compulsory Requirements

The requirements of the College of Sharia & Islamic Studies are composed of 81 credit
hours divided into 30 courses, as follows:
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Level Prerequisite
1 Introduction to --
‫الفقه‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫المدخل‬ the Islamic
‫اإلسالمي‬ Jurisprudence
(Fiqh) 3 1
2 Sciences of the --
0100102 ‫علوم القرآن الكريم‬
Holy Quran 3 1
3 Sciences of the --
0100103 ‫علوم الحديث الشريف‬ Prophetic
Hadiths 3 1
4 0100104 )1( ‫العقيدة اإلسالمية‬ Islamic Creed (1) 3 1 --
5 Fiqh of the --
0100105 ‫فقه السيرة النبوية‬ Prophetic
Biography 3 1
6 ‫التفسير التحليلي للقرآن‬ Analytical Sciences of the Holy
0100201 Exegesis of the Quran
‫الكريم‬ Holy Quran 3 2
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Level Prerequisite
7 ‫التالوة والحفظ والتجويد‬ Recitation, --
0100202 Memorization
)1( and Tajweed (1) 1 2
8 ‫أساليب البيان في القرآن‬ Eloquence Styles Applied Arabic
0100203 in the Holy Quran Grammar (1)
‫الكريم‬ 3 2
9 0100204 )2( ‫العقيدة اإلسالمية‬ Islamic Creed (2) 3 2 Islamic Creed (1)
10 Hadiths of Legal Sciences of the
0100205 ‫أحاديث األحكام‬
Rulings 3 2 Prophetic Hadiths
11 )1 ( ‫العبادات‬ ‫فقه‬ Fiqh of Worship Introduction to the
0100206 (1) (Prayer & Islamic Jurisprudence
)‫(الصالة والصيام‬ Fasting) 3 2 (Fiqh)
12 Fiqh of Introduction to the
0100207 )1( ‫فقه المعامالت‬ Transactions (1) Islamic Jurisprudence
3 2 (Fiqh)
13 Fiqh of Marriage Introduction to the
0100208 ‫فقه الزواج والطالق‬ & Divorce Islamic Jurisprudence
3 2 (Fiqh)
14 Research Introduction to the
‫مناهج البحث وتحقيق‬ Methodologies Islamic Jurisprudence
and Revision of (Fiqh)
0100209 ‫ومصادر‬ ‫المخطوطات‬ 3 2
Manuscripts and
‫الدراسات اإلسالمية‬ Islamic Studies
15 Islamic Criminal Fiqh of Transactions
0100301 ‫الفقه الجنائي اإلسالمي‬
Law 3 3 (1)
16 ‫التالوة والحفظ والتجويد‬ Recitation, Recitation,
0100302 Memorization Memorization and
)2( and Tajweed (2) 1 3 Tajweed (1)
17 ‫التشريع‬ ‫مصادر‬ Sources of Islamic Fiqh of Transactions
0100303 Legislation (1)
‫اإلسالمي‬ 3 3
18 Denomination Islamic Creed (2)
0100304 ‫الملل والنحل‬
and Sects 3 3
19 Fiqh of Da‘wah Sciences of the Holy
0100305 ‫فقه الدعوة وأساليبها‬ and Its Quran
Approaches 3 3
20 ‫) (الزكاة‬2( ‫فقه العبادات‬ Fiqh of Worship Fiqh of Worship (1)
0100306 (2) (Zakat & Hajj) (Prayer & Fasting)
)‫والحج‬ 3 3
21 Fiqh of Fiqh of Transactions
0100307 )2( ‫فقه المعامالت‬
Transactions (2) 3 3 (1)
22 Fiqh Of Fiqh of Marriage &
0100308 ‫فقه المواريث والوصايا‬ Inheritance & Divorce
Bequests 3 3
23 ‫دراسات إسالمية باللغة‬ Islamic Studies in Communication
0100309 English Skills in English II
‫اإلنجليزية‬ 2 3
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Level Prerequisite
24 Takhreej and Sciences of the
Examination of Prophetic Hadiths
0100401 ‫التخريج ودراسة األسانيد‬
Chains of
Transmission 3 4
25 ‫التالوة والحفظ والتجويد‬ Recitation, Recitation,
0100402 Memorization Memorization and
)3( and Tajweed (3) 1 4 Tajweed (2)
26 ‫المنطق في الدراسات‬ Logic in Shari Islamic Creed (1)
0100403 Studies 3 4
27 Preaching & Eloquence Styles in
0100404 ‫الوعظ والخطابة‬
Oratory 1 4 the Holy Quran
28 Studies on Islamic Creed (2)
0100405 ‫دراسات في األديان‬
Religions 3 4
29 )3 ( ‫العبادات‬ ‫فقه‬ Fiqh of Worship Fiqh of Worship (2)
(3) (Oath Vows & (Zakat & Hajj)
0100406 ‫والنذور‬ ‫(األيمان‬
)‫والذبائح‬ 3 4
30 Contemporary Fiqh of Transactions
0100407 ‫قضايا فقهية معاصرة‬ Jurisprudential (1)
Issues 3 4

D. Specialization Optional Requirements

Students can choose from three courses (Theology, Fiqh and its Principles, General
(1) Courses on Theology: (18 credit hours including 6 credit hours pertaining to the
fourth level courses)
Students shall choose six courses from the following on condition that two of them, at
least, should be from the fourth level courses.
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Level Prerequisite
1 Principles of --
0101201 ‫أصول التربية اإلسالمية‬ 3 2
Islamic Education
2 Exegesis of Verses Sciences of the Holy
0101202 ‫تفسير آيات األحكام‬ 3 2
of Legal Rulings Quran
3 Analytical Sciences of the
0101203 ‫حديث تحليلي‬ 3 2
Hadiths Prophetic Hadiths
4 Stories of the Sciences of the Holy
0101204 ‫القصص القرآني‬ 3 2
Quran Quran
5 Thematic Sciences of the Holy
0101301 ‫تفسير موضوعي‬ 3 3
Exegesis Quran
6 Reality of the --
0101302 ‫حاضر العالم اإلسالمي‬ 3 3
Muslim World
7 Traditionists’ Sciences of the
0101303 ‫المحدثين‬
ٌ ‫مناهج‬ 3 3
methodologies Prophetic Hadiths
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Level Prerequisite
8 0101401 ‫االستشراق‬ Orientalism 3 4 Islamic Creed (2)
9 Inimitability of Sciences of the Holy
0101402 ‫إعجاز القرآن الكريم‬ 3 4
the Holy Quran Quran
10 Exegetes’ Analytical Exegesis of
0101403 ‫مناهج المفسرين‬ 3 4
Methodologies the Holy Quran

(2) Courses on Figh and its Principles: (18 credit hours including 6 credit hours from the
fourth level courses)
Students shall choose six courses from the following on condition that two of them, at
least, should be from the fourth level courses.

Prerequisite Level Credit Course Title ‫اسم المساق‬ Code #

-- Human Rights in 1
Islam and ‫حقوق اإلنسان في‬
3 3 0102301
International ‫اإلسالم والمواثيق الدولية‬
Fiqh of Transactions Fiqh of Judiciary 2
(1) & Ways to ‫فقه القضاء وطرق‬
3 3 0102302
Examine ‫االثبات‬
Fiqh of Transactions System of Ruling 3
3 3 ‫نظام الحكم في اإلسالم‬ 0102303
(1) in Islam
Fiqh of Transactions Comparative Fiqh 4
3 3 ‫الفقه المقارن‬ 0102304
Fiqh of Transactions Jurisprudential 5
4 3 ‫القواعد الفقهية‬ 0102305
(1) Rules
Fiqh of Transactions International ‫العالقات الدولية في‬ 6
(1) 3 3 Relations in Islam 0102306
Sources of Islamic Introduction to ‫المدخل إلى مقاصد‬ 7
Legislation 4 3 the Sharia 0102401
Objectives ‫الشريعة‬
Fiqh Of Inheritance & Topics on the 8
Bequests Shari Ruling and ‫مباحث الحكم الشرعي‬
4 3 0102402
Textual ‫والدالالت‬
Jurisprudential Rules Jurisprudential 9
4 3 ‫النظريات الفقهية‬ 0102403
Sources of Islamic Methodologies of 10
Legislation 4 3 Reasoning and ‫مناهج االجتهاد والترجيح‬ 0102404
(3) General Courses: (18 credit hours including 6 credit hours from the fourth level
Students shall choose three courses from those on Theology on condition that one of them
shall be from the fourth level courses, three from those on Fiqh and its Principles with
one of them from the fourth level courses.
E. Supporting Course: (6 credit hours – two courses)
Students shall study the following two courses:

Prerequisite Level Credit Course Title ‫اسم المساق‬ Code #

1 3
Applied Arabic )1( ‫النحو التطبيقي‬ 0201102 1
Grammar (1)
Applied Arabic
2 3
Applied Arabic )2( ‫النحو التطبيقي‬ 0201202 2
Grammar (1) Grammar (2)

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