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Word formation

1. Most young ……………………….. have difficulty concentrating in class. LEARN

2. It’s time to do some ………………………. before the test. REVISE
3. Martin has been cheating on Rebecca for a long time. What a
……………….! DISCOVER
4. It was the most …………………………… day in my life. STRESS
5. He career is really ………………………….. . I think one day she will be PROMISE
someone important.
6. This hair clipper is totally ………………………. . I need to recharge the USE
battery every 15 minutes when I try to shave my head.
7. My holidays were …………………………….. . I really enjoyed myself. WONDER
8. My grandparents’ visit was quite ……………………….. . They never come EXPECT
to us on weekdays.
9. My grandfather died peacefully after a long ………………………. . ILL
10. Where have you been? I guess I deserve some …………………………. . EXPLAIN
11. Mary is such a …………………….. girl. CHEER
12. My younger brother is a compulsive ……………….. . LIE
13. That’s ………………………………. .You’re late again and you haven’t even BELIEVE
14. Smoking is a serious …………………………. and some people don’t know ADDICT
how to quit.
15. It was an …………………………….. evening and I will never forget it. ENJOY
16. We were offered free dental ……………………………….. . TREAT
17. Do we have any …………………………… ? CHOOSE
18. The ………………………. of the rain forests is a real disaster. DESTROY
19. My first job interview turned out to be ………………………. . DISASTER
20. I think your parents may be ………………………… with your behaviour. DISAPPOINT
21. And the ………………………. is Jessica Clanton. Ladies and gentelmen greet WIN
her with applause.
22. Most big cities in our country are ……………………….. polluted. HEAVY
23. To my great ……………………………… I wasn’t told off. ASTONISH
24. Stop ………………………… about that girl. It’s not your league. FANTASY
25. Have you ……………………………… what to wear for your prom yet? DECISION

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