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L3 Dates and Time

Time Words in Chinese

时间 shī jiān time

年 nián year

月 yuè month

日 rì date

号 hào Date (colloquial)

星期 xīng qī week

周末 zhōu mò weekend

早上 zǎo shàng early morning

上午 shàng wǔ late morning

中午 zhōng wǔ noon

下午 xià wǔ afternoon

晚上 wǎn shàng evening

半夜 bàn yè midnight

点 diǎn hour

分 Fēn minute

半 Bàn half

刻 kè a quarter of an hour

秒 miiǎo Second
How to Tell Time

Time Chinese Forms

9:00 九点 jiǔ diǎn

9:08 九点零八(分) jiǔ diǎn líng bā fēn

9:15 九点十五(分) jiǔ diǎn shíwǔ fēn 九点一刻 jiǔ diǎn yí kè

9:30 九点三十(分) jiǔ diǎn sānshí fēn 九点半 jiǔ diǎn bàn

9:45 九点四十五(分) jiǔ diǎn sìshíwǔ fēn 九点三刻 jiǔ diǎn sān kè

9:58 九点五十八(分) jiǔ diǎn wǔshíbā fēn

A.M. & P.M.

Morning 早上 zǎo shàng (around 7–9 am) 早上七点 zǎo shàng qī diǎn (7 am)

上午 shàng wǔ (roughly after 9 am) 上午十点 shàng wǔ shí diǎn (10 am)

Noon 中午 zhōng wǔ (around 12 pm)
Zhōngwǔ shíèr diǎn èrshí fēn (12:20 pm)
Afternoon 下午 xià wǔ
Xiàwǔ sì diǎn shí fēn (4:10 pm)
Evening 晚上 wǎnshàng Wǎnshàng bā diǎn sānshíwǔ fēn (8:35

Days, Weeks, Months, and Years

昨天(zuó tiān yesterday); 今天 (jīn tiān today); 明天 (míng tiān tomorrow)

哪天(nǎ tiān) ; 每天 (měi tiān everyday)

上个星期 (shànggè xīngqī last week); 这个星期 (zhègè xīngqī this week); 下个星期
星期 (xiàgè xīngqī next week); 星期几 (xīngqī jǐ which day of the week); 每个星期 (měigè
xīngqī everyweek)
上个月 (shànggè yuè last month); 这个月 (zhègè yuè this month); 下个月 (xiàgè
月 yuè next month); 哪个月(nǎ gè yuè which month); 几月 (jǐ yuè which month); 每个
月 (měigè yuè every month)

去年 (qù nián last year); 今年 (jīn nián this year); 明年 (míng nián next year)

2021 年 (2021 nián); 哪年 (nǎ nián which year); 每年 (měi nián every year)
Task 1: History Quiz

When did the following events happen? Ask and answer with your partner using the format
below. English is allowed to describe the event.

Q: …(event)是哪年 (nǎ nián which year)?

A: … (event)是 xxxx 年

1. Founding of VMI was …

2. The establishment of Army ROTC at VMI was …

3. Signing of the Declaration of Independence was …

4. The first person on the moon was …

5. The end of WW I was …

6. The end of WW II was …

7. Founding of Republic of China was …

8. Founding of the People’s Republic of China was …

9. The establishment of Sino-US diplomatic relations

10. China’s Open-Door Policy was …

Task 2: Public Holidays in China in 2021

Write the following dates in Chinese. Then, ask and answer questions with your partner.

Q: … (holiday) 是 几月几号?
A: … (holiday) 是 X 月 X 号。

Lunar New Year February 11
nóng lì xīn nián

Women’s Day March 8
fù nǚ jié

Tomb-Sweeping Day April 4
qīng míng jié

Labor Day May 1
láo dòng

Youth Day May 4
qīng nián jié

Children’s Day June 1
ér tóng jiee

Dragon Boat Festival June 14
duān wǔ jié

七夕 Chinese Valentine’s
August 14
qī xī Day

Ghost Festival August 22
guǐ jié

Mid-Autumn Festival September 21
zhōng qiū jié

National Day October 1
guó qìng jié

重阳节 Double Ninth Festival October 14

chóng yáng jié
冬至 Winter Solstice
December 21
dōng zhì Festival
Task 3: When is your birthday?

Q:nǐ shì nǎ nián shēng de?

A:wǒ shì 1964 nián shēng de.
A:我是 1964 年生的。
Q:nǐ jīn nián duō dà?
A:wǒ jīn nián 57 suì.
A:我今年 57 岁。
Q:nǐ de shēng rì shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào?
A:wǒ de shēng rì shì 9 yuè 10
A:我的生日是 9 月 10 号。

Survey your classmates and find out in what year were they born and what are their birthdays.
Then, share your findings with your class.

Q1: 你是哪年生的?(nǐ shì nǎ nián shēng de) In what year were you born?
Q2: 你今年多大?(nǐ jīn nián duō dà) How old are you this year?
Q2: 你的生日是几月几号?(nǐ de shēng rì shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào) When is your birthday?

名字 Q1 哪年生的? Q2 今年多大? Q3 生日是几月几号


________ 是 ________年 生的。他/她 今年 ________ 岁(suì)。他/她 的生日是 ___月___



Task 4: Do you know them?

Ask and answer questions with your partner.

Q1: 她叫什么名字?
Q2: 她做什么工作?
Q3: 她是哪年生的?(tā shì nǎ nián shēng de) In what year was she born?
Q4: 她今年多大?(tā jīn nián duō dà) How old is she this year?
Q5: 她的生日是几月几号? (tā de shēng rì shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào) When is her birthday?

Halimah Yacob 新加坡 xīn jiā pō Singapore 总统 zǒng tǒng President b. 1954.08.23

Angela Merkel 德国 dé guó Germany 总理 zǒng lǐ Prime Minister b. 1954.7.17

前总理 qián zǒng lǐ

Theresa May 英国 yīng guó UK b. 1956.10.1
former Prime Minister

Tsai Ing-wen 台湾 tái wān 总统 zǒng tǒng President b. 1956. 8.31

孟加拉国 mèng jiā lā guó

Sheikh Hasina 总理 zǒng lǐ Prime Minister b. 1947.8.28
Task 5: What Time is it Now?

Q: 现在(xiàn zài – now )几点?

A: 现在(xiàn zài – now) _____。
Task 6: Daily Schedule

Complete sentences describing your daily routine.

Word Order: Subject + Time + Verb-Object or Time + Subject + Verb-Object

Question words for when: 几点 (jǐ diǎn) what time <specifically>; 什么时候(shénme
shíhou) when

起床(qǐ chuáng)to get up 我 ________ (time) 起床。

吃饭(chī fān)to eat 我 ________ (time) 吃饭。

上课(shàng kè)go to classes 我 ________ (time) 上课。

做运动(zuò yùn dòng)to work out 我 ________ (time) 做运动。

上网(shàng wǎng)surf online 我 ________ (time) 上网。

睡觉(shuì jiào)to sleep 我 ________ (time) 睡觉。

Ask and answer questions with your partner about daily routine.

Q:你 几点 / 什么时候 ________ (e.g. 吃饭)?

A:我 _____________ _________。

Task 7: Take a Poll

Sentence Patter: A 还是 B?

1. 你喜欢吃中国菜 还是美国菜?

2. 你喜欢看书 (kàn shū – “read books”) 还是 上网 (shàng wǎng – “surf internet)?

3. 你喜欢 打球 (dǎ qiú – “play ball”) 还是 跑步 (páo bù –“run”)?

4. 你喜欢小狗 (gǒu – “dog”)还是小猫 (māo – “cat”)?

5. 你喜欢吃 辣的 (là de – “spicy/hot”) 还是 甜的 (tián de – “sweet”)?

6. 你喜欢冬天 (dōng tiān – “winter”) 还是 夏天 (xià tiān – “summer”)?

7. 你喜欢下雨天 (xiàyǔ tiān – “rainy day”) 还是 晴天 (qíng tiān – “sunny day”)?

8. 你喜欢 住在城市 (zhù zài chéngshì – “live in the city”) 还是 住在农村 (zhù zài nóngcūn – “live
in the countryside”)

9. 你常 (cháng – “often”)用 (yòng – “use”) Snapchat 还是 Instagram?

10. 你怎么来(lái – to come) VMI?开车 (kāi chē – “driving”) 还是 坐飞机 (zuò fēijī – “take

11. 你想去 (xiǎng qù – “want to go”) 北京 还是 上海 (Shànghǎi)?

Interview your classmates by asking one of the questions above. Take notes and report your findings.


我问了 第 (dì) ____ 个 问题 (wèn ti - question)。[note: 第一个 dì yī gè = first; 第 # 个 for

ordinal number]

我们班(bān - class) 有 12 个学生。 ________(#) 个 学生喜欢 ________。

________(name) 喜欢 ________ ,也喜欢 ________。

________(name) ____________ 和 __________ 都不 喜欢/ Verb。

Task 5: When do you have time?

Q1: 你 哪天(nǎ tiān which day)很忙(hěn máng very busy)?

Q2: 你 哪天(nǎ tiān which day)不忙(bù máng not busy)?
Q3: 这个星期五 你要(yào – going to, want to)做什么?

星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五




上网 (shàng wǎng) 唱歌(chàng gē) 跳舞 (tiào wǔ) 逛街 (guàng jiē)

Surf online Singing Dancing Ramble along street

看书 (kàn shū) 看电影 (kàn diànyǐng) 看电视 (kàn diànshì) 玩游戏 (wán yóuxì)
Reading Watch movie Watch TV Play games
学中文 (xué
做功课 (zuò gōngkè) 睡觉(shuì jiào) 吃饭 (chī fàn)
Do homework sleep Eat meals
Learn Chinese
听音乐 (tīng yīnyuè) 和朋友聊天(hé péngyou liáotiān)
Listen to music Chat with friends
Task 1: How are you doing today?

Adjective Sentence: Topic + 很 + Adjective。

Q:今天你怎么样?(jīntiān nǐ zěnme yàng)

A:我很 + adjective。(wǒ hěn + adjective)

1. 累 lèi = tired
2. 忙 máng = busy
3. 饿 è = hungry
4. 渴 kě = thirsty
5. 高兴 gāo xìng = happy
6. 难过 nán guò = upset
7. 生气 shēng qì = angry
8. 伤心 shāng xīn = sad

Q:你觉得 VMI 怎么样?(nǐ juéde VMI zěnmeyàng)

A:我觉得 VMI 很 + adjective。(wǒ juéde VMI hěn + adjective)

1. 棒 bang = great; 2. 不错 búcuò = not bad; 3. 难 nán = hard, difficult; 4. 有意思 yǒu yìsi =
Task 2: Daily Schedule

With a partner, ask and answer questions about 小王’s schedule.

Example: A: 小王 几点 起床? (xiǎowáng jǐdiǎn qǐchuáng)

B:小王六点一刻起床。(xiǎowáng liùdiǎn yíkè qǐchuáng)

Ask and answer questions about your own schedule (when you were in high school).
Task 3: Survey

Ask at least two classmates the following questions and share your findings with the class.

1. 你有没有姐姐? nǐ yǒuméiyǒu jiějie?

2. 你有没有哥哥? nǐ yǒuméiyǒu gēge?
3. 你有没有妹妹? nǐ yǒuméiyǒu mèimei?
4. 你有没有弟弟? nǐ yǒuméiyǒu dìdi?
5. 你有没有小狗? nǐ yǒuméiyǒu xiǎogǒu?
6. 你有没有小猫? nǐ yǒuméiyǒu xiǎomāo?

1. ________(classmate’s name) 有 ________,还/也有 ________。

2. ________(classmate’s name) 没有 ________,也没有 ________。

3. ________(classmate’s name1) 有 ________,________(classmate’s name2) 也有 ________。

4. ________(classmate’s name1) 没有 ________,________(classmate’s name2) 也没有 ________。

Ask at least two classmates the following questions and share your findings with the class.

1. 你喜欢不喜欢 唱歌? nǐ xǐhuān bù xǐhuān chànggē (singing)?

2. 你喜欢不喜欢 跳舞? nǐ xǐhuān bù xǐhuān tiàowǔ (dancing)?
nǐ xǐhuān bù xǐhuān kàn diànyǐng (watching
3. 你喜欢不喜欢 看电影?
4. 你喜欢不喜欢 看书? nǐ xǐhuān bù xǐhuān kànshū (reading)?
5. 你喜欢不喜欢上网? nǐ xǐhuān bù xǐhuān shàngwǎng (surf online)?
6. 你喜欢不喜欢 学中文? nǐ xǐhuān bù xǐhuān xué zhōngwén (learn Chinese)?

1. ________(classmate’s name) 喜欢 ________,还/也 喜欢 ________。

2. ________(classmate’s name) 不喜欢 ________,也不喜欢 ________。

3. ________(classmate’s name1) 喜欢 ________,________(classmate’s name2) 也喜欢 ________。

4. ________(classmate’s name1) 不喜欢 ________,________(classmate’s name2) 也不喜欢 _____

Ask at least two classmates the following questions and share your findings with the class.

1. 你认识不认识 Wins 少将? nǐ rènshi bú rènshi Wins shàojiàng (Maj. Gen.)?

2. 你认识不认识 Bogart 上校? nǐ rènshi bú rènshi Bogart shàngxiào (Col.)?

1. ________(classmate’s name) _________________,还/ 也 _________________。

2. ________(classmate’s name1) _________________,________(classmate’s name2) 也 _________


Ask at least two classmates the following questions and share your findings with the class.

1. 你今天 忙不忙? nǐ jīntiān máng bù máng?

2. 你今天 累不累? nǐ jīntiān lèi bú lèi (tired)?
3. 你今天高兴不高兴? nǐ jīntiān gāoxìng bù gāoxìng?
4. 你现在饿不饿? nǐ xiànzài è bú è (hungry)?
5. 你现在渴不渴? nǐ xiànzài kě bù kě (thirsty)?

3. ________(classmate’s name) _________________, 还/也 _________________。

4. ________(classmate’s name1) _________________,________(classmate’s name2) 也 _________

Task 4: Class Schedule

星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五




Q:今天 你有 什么课 (kè – classes/courses)?What classes do you have today?

A:今天 我有 _____,还有 ______。

中文课 Zhōngwén kè Chinese class

英文课 Yīngwén kè English class

历史课 Lìshǐ kè History class

数学课 Shùxué kè Math class

体育课 Tǐyù kè PE

Q:你 星期几 有 中文课?

Task 5: Invitation

Conversation I

A:你 ________(day of the week) 忙不忙?

B:我 ________(day of the week) 不忙。有事儿吗?

A:我想请你 ________ (activity)。


A:你 想 (xiǎng want) ________ (option 1) 还是 ________ (option 2)?

B:我 _____________________________ (your option)。



A:________ (time) 怎么样?

B:好!________ 见!

Conversation II

A:你 ________(day of the week) 忙不忙?


A:我想请你 ________ (activity)。

B:不好意思 (bù hǎo yìsi),我 ________(day of the week) 很忙。

A:啊 (Ah…),那算了 (nà suàn le – never mind)。

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