Course 1 - Developing Social Protection Strategies and Policies

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1 Context: What data and background information on the country and the social
protection system should be included? Which information/parameters about existing
schemes and programs should be included?

Country context:
- Key poverty and human development indicators, disaggregated by sex, age,
geographical areas and other relevant categories
- Key economic and labour market data
- Geopolitical context and governance finances

Social protection context:

- Definition of social protection
- Social protection needs and risks the population is facing
- Legal framework and administrative set-up (roles and responsibilities)
- Inventory of schemes and programs
- Key parameters of each scheme: population coverage, eligibility criteria, benefit
levels, risks addressed, financing

2 Objectives: What objectives should be set in the strategy? How should the objectives be
3 Impelementation: What objectives should be set in the strategy? How should the
objectives be structured?

Planning for implementation:

- What are the social protection gaps?
- What are the priority measures to address these gaps?
- What does it cost to implement these measures?
- What are the delivery capacities at central and local levels?
- What existing structures can be leveraged? (National identification systems,
government to people payments etc.)
- What capacities are missing and what does it cost to build them?
- What is the fiscal space available to cover the costs identified?
- How can the fiscal space be expanded to cover the costs?

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