Midterm Exam

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WRITTEN PART October 20th, 2022

NAME: ________________________________________

A Listen to the conversations. What food is each conversation about? Circle the correct answer.
Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 4
a. juice a. popcorn a. mustard a. cookies
b. milk b. hot dogs b. ketchup b. ice cream
c. soda c. chocolate c. butter c. cake

A _______ /4 points (1 point each)

B Kim and Greg are talking about Greg’s book collection. Listen and circle True or False for each sentence.
1. Most of Greg’s books are from his family and friends. True False
2. Greg and Kim are going to go to Bernard’s Books this afternoon. True False
3. Kim is going to take some of her old books to the bookstore. True False
4. Kim thinks Greg ought to get some more books. True False

B _______ /4 points (1 point each)

C Read the article. Then read the statements and circle (a) True, (b) False, or (c) Doesn’t say.

Americans . . .
1. don’t eat enough meat.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
2. used to eat more eggs.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
3. eat potatoes more often than rice.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
4. should eat more fruits and vegetables.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
5. eat too little fat.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
C _______ /10 points (2 points each)

D Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. At our house, we eat very little / few eggs.
2. There aren’t many / much vegetables in the vegetable bin.
3. There’s a carton / pound of orange juice in the refrigerator.
4. If you go to the store, please pick up a loaf / package of bread.
5. There isn’t much / many chocolate in chocolate milk.
6. Where’s the bag / bottle of potato chips?

D _______ /6 points (1 point each)

E Cross out the adjective that doesn’t go well with each food.
1. eggs: barbecued boiled fried raw
2. broccoli: boiled dried steamed stir-fried
3. cabbage: fresh pickled roasted boiled
4. lamb: barbecued grilled roasted steamed
5. potatoes: baked boiled fried smoked
6. noodles: boiled dried fried grilled

E _______ /6 points (1 point each)

F Circle the correct words to complete the conversations.

Conversation 1 1. a. are you doing

A What ______________ on Friday? b. are you going to do

(1) c. both a and b
B ______________ dinner at a restaurant with Sally.
2. a. I’m having
Do you want to join us?
b. I’m going to have
A Sure. What restaurant ______________ at?
c. both a and b
B We haven’t decided yet. ______________ you
(4) 3. a. are you eating
to let you know. b. are you going to eat
A Fine. ______________ great to see Sally again. c. both a and b
4. a. I call
b. I’ll call
c. both a and b

5. a. It’s going to be
b. It’ll be
Conversation 2 c. both a and b

A ______________ anything special on Saturday? 6. a. Are you doing

B Well, ______________ shopping in the afternoon, but b. Are you going to do
(7) c. both a and b
______________ busy in the evening. Why? What’s up?
7. a. I’m going
A I’ve got some free theater tickets. Do you want to go?
b. I’m going to go
B What time ______________ the show ______________ ?
c. both a and b
A It’s at 7:30 at the Plaza.
8. a. I won’t be
B That’s perfect. ______________ you there at 7:20. b. I’m not
c. both a and b

9. a. does / start
b. won’t / start
c. both a and b

10. a. I’m meeting

b. I’ll meet
c. both a and b

F _______ /10 points (1 point each)

G These people are thinking about making some changes in their lives. Complete the paragraphs with the correct forms of do
or make.
Kevin I want to __________ a good living, so I want to get a business degree. But first I should __________ some
(1) (2)
research. I’ll __________ a list of schools and find out which ones I can afford. Then I’ll __________ a decision
(3) (4)
about which schools to apply to.

Sarah I’m __________ (ing) a lot of thinking about my current job. I probably __________ (past) a mistake when I came here.
(5) (6)
I worked hard at first, and I __________ (past) a good impression. But the work just isn’t very meaningful.
I’ve __________ (past participle) some good, but I’m not really __________ (ing) a difference. If I’m going to leave,
(8) (9)
I’d better __________ up my mind soon.

G _______ /10 points (1 point each)

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