A2 - Lesson 9 Drama

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University of Abra

Bangued Campus, Bangued Abra


7:30-9:00am / TTh

Gervin P. Capablanca Bernard Castillo

BECED -1A Student Professor

Lesson 9. DRAMA
1. What is the title of the story?
Through Night & Day
2. Who are the main characters of the story?
Allesandra De Rose as Jen
Paolo Contios as Ben
3. What is the story all about?
The film revolves around an engaged couple whose relationship is tested while on a
prenup trip to Iceland.
4. How did the story start? ended?
Ben’s family is in New York. He has always tried to convince Jen to migrate and settle down in
New York. But she declines the offer every time because she can’t leave her father in the
Philippines and she still wants to pass the bar exams. Ben decides to stay wherever Jen wants to
as long as they are together. Jen, however, just wants to surprise her long-time boyfriend with the
good news that she is applying for a US Visa, finally agreeing to Ben’s offer to live in New
In Iceland, Ben plans and makes the whole trip all about Jen as he wants to have one memorable
trip before they tie the knot.
After knowing everything, Ben gets the permission of his fiancee to stay behind and spend some
time with Jen “until she recovers”. They talk about the past and watch sunsets together.
Jen loves watching sunsets because “what you thought as an ending could also be the beginning
of something more beautiful.”
After their painful breakup, the couple went on to fight their own battles Jen’s brain surgery and
Ben’s decision to stay in New York.
But the film brings them together again and offers a lesson on healing and being loved despite
everything that has happened.
“Thank you, Ben. Since we met, you’ve always taken care of me. Even now that you don’t have
to. That kind of love is rare,” Jen said before the film ends.
Direction: Answer the following questions.

1. When you can say the drama is good?

A great drama has the ability to speak universal truths that connect cultures from around the
world on an interpersonal level and when a heightened sense of reality is portrayed through
relatable human experience. It's the performance of our relationship with the others.

2. What is the role of the playwright in the Theatrical Production?

A playwright is responsible for writing a play. Some are commissioned by theatre companies or
producers and others write plays and submit them speculatively. Usually, they will have written
the play well in advance of rehearsals, but small changes can be made as the show develops.

3. If you are the writer, what type of drama are you going to write and why?
I choose to write like a thing From Grey's Anatomy because there are many things you can learn
about like brain tumors to cancer. There are also many inspirational quotes they give in every
episode. I want to write things on grey's about BLM and stopping Asian hate. I want them to
know that killing innocent black, Asians, Muslims, and other races is not good. They did nothing
wrong to white people, but still got slashed at and got hit at. And to continue the story the
doctors from greys are trying to save his/her life.

4. What is the difference between ancient drama and modern drama?

Ancient drama existed in religious ceremonies for the worship of the different gods while the
Modern drama was started last two decades of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th
century that witnessed a great variety of trends in a stage play, Romantic fantasy, symbolism,
expressionism, comedy, and poetic drama reached new heights during this period.

5. Give at least two benefits of drama and briefly explain each.

● Drama develops creativity -In our drama workshops, we explore new worlds,
become people from different times and places, and learn about different
perspectives and ways of thinking. Exploring these things can give us the skills
needed to be creative and imaginative. In an ever-changing world, having a
creative and imaginative approach is so important for thinking ‘outside the box
and coming up with new and interesting ideas and solutions. Our improvisational
activities and games encourage children to come up with ideas and respond
imaginatively to a range of scenarios.
● Drama improves verbal and non-verbal communication skills-Learning to act and
drama skills can help children develop their speech, communication, and
presentation skills, which are vital skills for anyone! In our drama workshops, we
include activities where children take on different personas – this gives children
the environment to develop their vocabulary, vocal projection, articulation, and
expression. Drama can develop children into becoming better communicators, and

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