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Writing Task 2

• Introduction could have been explained elaborately.

• You can add more transition words like (moreover, in accordance, furthermore, in accordingly,

whereas, meanwhile, in contrast).when you’re starting a new sentences use a translation word.

• When you’re writing a essay try to write critical thinking explanation talk about both the sides

and then finally come to a conclusion on your opinion.

• Try to involve more critical writing talk about both the sides and finally in the conclusion give

your opinion.
• Avoid writing firstly, secondly rather use any other transition words

• Avoid writing first person languages words like (I, me, my, mine, we, they, their, them, us).

• Avoid coming at what you agree at the introduction part itself explain both the side and finally

in the conclusion tall about the side you prefer.

• Avoid using short form words like “don’t” always write in full formation word “Do not”

• Avoid including simple thinking words, add more advanced words.

• Keep full stop after a completing a sentence and write in capital letter after a full stop.

• Avoid giving personal examples.

• Conclusion have explained more clearly on the opinion on why you have chose and try gibe

• Overall, can improve to better writing style try to use more synonyms words and translation

words and refer to more IELTS sample paper and practise more to gain marks. Thank you

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