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Project Management

Faculty of Engineering - Computer Engineering

Prof. Alejandro Araya


Olivier Lpez Chaverri 5-376-924

Project Proposal:

Automation Software for Hewlett Packard IT Personnel Time Sheets

IICO 2011

1 Project Management IICO-2011 Olivier Lopez Ch

Project Scope:
The application to be developed, named PPM Filler, is designed for the user of the IT Personnel of Hewlett Packard, Costa Rica. It will automate the process of filling times sheets weekly, so each agent dont have to expend extra time filling the times sheets by the end of the day. PPM Filler is being developed to be used by around 300 people, all of them workers of IT support on different branches, like Apps, Software, Hardware, Advanced, Premier and ACD, and comes for the need of an automating tool to replace this manual labor. Because of the lack of this kind of application, the IT agents lose several minutes each Friday manually filling the work times of each day, delaying their exit time and risking inputting wrong values into the Time Sheet fields. PPM Filler comes to improve this lack of automation, providing IT agents with a useful and user friendly tool, to improve their work environment and reduce their workload.

-The first deliverable will include a resume about the PPM Filler purpose, benefits, capabilities and features. -The second deliverable will include a Beta version of the software, with a user guide to know how it works. -The third deliverable will include the last application version, with complete documentation and project report.

-Even PPM Filler will be a business use application; it will be used by HP without any cost, just with the mere purpose of providing IT agents of a useful and necessary tool for their daily job. The application will be distributed just on the Premier Support group for testing purposes, and after 1 week it will be released for the entire IT floor.

2 Project Management IICO-2011 Olivier Lopez Ch

Some constraints we can find are:

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Limited work time: The application is being developed on free times at work, so the availability to work on the PPM Filler depends on how busy the day is. About the money constraint, is referred to the money expended to develop the application like transport or per diem expenses, because as said before, the application is not going to represent any cost for the users. Knowledge: Even the application is being developed by a Computer Engineer student, PPM Filler involves code not seen yet on the university, so study is required while on the develop process, to be able to implement all the required features. Limited Personnel: Even PPM Filler is a simple application, theres just one person involved on the development of it, so all the programming tasks are assigned to one single developer.

Success Factor:
-Personally, just the fact of developing an application with features never seen before on our student level, and providing our partners of a useful tool like this, is enough to say we have achieved a 100% success rate. Thanks to PPM Filler, the Time Sheets management is not going to be a headache anymore, and the task is going to be completed in a matter of seconds, instead of minutes. Also, the company is going to get benefits of PPM Filler, getting a tool that automates processes that are being done manually up to today.

3 Project Management IICO-2011 Olivier Lopez Ch

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