Lab 11

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WEEK 11.

CSS 312 Computer Networks 1

HANDS-ON in class lab


1. Practice on Real Equipment

3. SSH
4. Teamwork

What should be installed on your Laptop at home

Windows users:

1. Putty from

2. Drivers for communication adapter

Mac users:

You don’t need to install anything just open terminal and do the following:

cd /dev/

ls -l | grep usb

screen {tty}

details on

For Linux Users

1. Install minicom from terminal root

apt-get install minicom

2. check the serial port from terminal root rights

sudo -s
dmesg | grep tty
Write down the output
3. configure minicom

a. minicom -s on terminal
b. Press A to change the port (write the port that you get from part 2)
c. Press Enter
d. Press E to chage the Bps
e. Press C(9600) and Q
f. Press Enter
g. Save configurations and name it

4. Connect to a cisco device

minicom {name fron part 3g}

details on


1. Form a team
2. Depending on a given device connect devices as in the figure above
3. Configure Basic IOS Configurations (DO NOT SAVE CONFIGURATIONS)
a. Use easy password cisco everywhere
4. Configure SSH
5. Configure SVI and give IP to your laptop (SWITCH)
6. Configure IP addresses on router and laptop (ROUTER)
7. Connect another laptop and check connectivity:
a. Ping
b. Ssh

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