Ip21 Hw9 Sol

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Introduction to Photonics

Homework Problem Set # 9


1. For a TE-polarized light ray (or planewave), with wavelength  = 1.0m, entering from
fused silica to water:
(a) Plot the reflection coefficient with different incidence angles from 0∘to 90∘.
(b) Plot the reflectance with different incidence angles from 0∘to 90∘.


Note that only the real part of the reflection coefficient (when the incidence
angle is larger than critical angle) are plotted.

2. Consider a planewave ( = 500nm = 0.5m) propagating through a calcite crystal,

along a direction which is 30° from the crystal optic axis, what are the refractive
index for e-ray?
no ne
ne ( ) 
ne cos2 ( )  no sin 2 ( )
2 2

Given that   30

 ne (30 )   1.6100;
(1.4864) 2 (3 / 4)  (1.6584) 2 (1 / 4)

Wollastron Prism
3. For a Wollastron prism made of calcite with wedge angle = 45 as shown in the
diagram given below (Calcite: ne = 1.4864, no = 1.6584 at  = 589.3nm)
(1) Is the angle of deviation of different polarization is correct in the figure?
and why?
(2) Determine the angle between the emerging o-beam and e-beam for
wavelength  = 589.3nm (sodium light).

The angle of incidence at the diagonal interface: 1 = 45;
For the planewave component with vertical polarization, the refractive index change
is from ne to no upon crossing the interface;
By Snell’s Law,
nesin(45) = nosin(2);
(or) sin(2) = nesin(45)/no = 1.4864(1/2)/1.6584 = 0.634;
 2 = sin-1(0.634) = 39.3 ----- (i)
For horizontal polarization, the refractive index change is from no to ne upon crossing
the interface;
By Snell’s Law,
Nosin(45) = nesin(2’);
(or) sin(2’) = nosin(45)/ne = 1.6584(1/2)/1.4864 = 0.789;
 2’ = sin-1(0.789) = 52.1 ----- (ii)
Hence, from (i) and (ii), the angle between the 2 component:
 = 2’ - 2 = 52.1 = 39.3 = 12.8 
The diagram is incorrect. The exit beams polarization state should be as shown in red
in the diagram given below.

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