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12/27/22, 8:24 AM Mixed Use Buildings

Mixed Use Buildings

Colloquially, “mixed use” is meant to refer to a building or space
that contains multiple occupancy types.

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I​ n the AEC world, the terms “mixed use” and “mixed use building” are
commonplace. Developers refer to new buildings that contain both office and
retail spaces as mixed use projects. Architects and Engineers refer to a floor
containing multiple occupancy types as mixed use. You’ll even hear AHJs drop
the term mixed use in plan review meetings on occasion.Colloquially, “mixed
use” is meant to refer to a building or space that contains multiple occupancy

But did you know that other than parking garages, the building code has essentially no
requirements pertaining to a mixed use building?

 In fact, if you search for “mixed use” in the International Building Code (IBC),
you won’t find any requirements related to building height, building area,
construction type, fire-rated construction or means of egress. *So why is “mixed
use” a common term in the AEC world but not addressed in the codes? Long
story short: there is a difference between use and occupancy in the IBC and
people frequently confuse the two. We’ll do a full analysis of the differences
between use and occupancy in a later article, but here is a simple way to
understand the difference. 1/4
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This is both a mixed use and mixed occupancy building (image courtesy of Brett

Mixed Use Vs. Mixed Occupancy

The use of a space is a description of how the space will actually be used. This
could be a broad, general description such as “office” or “conference room”, or it
could be more specific, such as “visiting team locker room and shower.” The use
of a space is helpful in determining (1) the occupancy classification and (2) the
appropriate occupant load for a space.

On the other hand, the occupancy classification of a space is 1 of 10 categories

(plus sub categories) in Chapter 3 of the IBC. These occupancies are:

Assembly – Groups (A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5)

Business – Group B
Educational – Group E
Factory – Group F
High Hazard – Groups H-1, H-2, H-3
Institutional – Groups I-1, I-2 (both with Conditions 1 and 2)
Mercantile – Group M
Residential – Groups R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 2/4
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Storage – Groups S-1, S-2

Utility and Miscellaneous – Group U

While occupancy classification is limited to this list, there are essentially an

unlimited number of potential uses for a building or space. The use of a space is
certainly a factor in determining the occupancy classification, but it is not the
only one. Chapter 3 of the IBC has very specific definitions for each occupancy
group, and these definitions can result in the occupancy classification of a
building or space varying from what might be expected based on the use.

For example, most offices and places of business have conference rooms, where
multiple people come together for meetings, presentations or collaboration. The
use of such spaces might lead you to think that the conference room is an
assembly occupancy. But per IBC 303.1, if your office has a conference room
with 49 people, the conference room is considered a business occupancy. There
are many similar examples where the use of a space does not necessarily align
with the occupancy, so always refer to the definitions in Chapter 3 when
determining the occupancy classification.

Now getting back to the original discussion, “mixed use buildings” do not have
specific requirements because nearly every building contains multiple uses.
Does your office suite have a storage area? You have at least two uses there.
Does your retail store have an office in the back? Multiple uses. Does your
apartment building contain an amenity space? You get the point.

So when people use the term “mixed-use,” it doesn’t mean much from a code
standpoint, and practically, almost all buildings contain multiple uses. But what
most folks intend to convey by this term is that the building has at least two
distinct occupancy types, which the IBC would consider “mixed occupancy.”
And unlike “mixed-use,” there are numerous requirements for “

mixed occupancy

buildings” in the IBC. In fact, IBC Chapter 5 has sections for allowable height,
allowable area, allowable number of stories and required separation of
occupancy, all of which are impacted when a building is mixed occupancy.

Conversationally, “mixed use building” is generally understood to mean a
building containing multiple occupancy types. Architects, engineers, contractors 3/4
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and code officials all use this term and it typically does not create a
misunderstanding. But as far as the code language goes, mixed use doesn’t
mean anything for the requirements for a building. Mixed occupancy, on the
other hand, carries many code requirements that must be understood for a
code-compliant building design.*While IBC 508 is entitled "Mixed Use and
Occupancy,' it does not actually have specific requirements for mixed use
buildings, only mixed occupancy buildings. 4/4

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