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Science Module I

9. Which of the following determines the development of soil in a particular place? 0000
ab c d
a) climate
b) presence of plant & animal life
c) the type ofbedrock
d) all of the above

10. Thc _ is the region of the atmosphere which absorbs harmful ultraviolet 0000
radiation. ab c d
a) ienosphere c) heterosphere
b) ozone layer d) thermosphere

lt. W&ieh of the following states the reason why the troposphere is warrnest near the 0000
ab c d
Earth'e surface?

a) Lightnrng strikes the surface which in tqrn heats the layer above.
b) The Earth's surface rerhdiates solar ,eneqgy which heats the lower
c) Radioactive elements in the Earth's crust heat atmosphere above the
d) The air is most compressed there by the weight of the atmosphere.

12. Evaporation is the process by which a liquid changes into gas. In this process, 0000
liquid water molecules become ab c d
a) tiny drops of water
b) molecules of water vapor
c) separate atoms of water
d) atoms of the hydrogen and oxygen

13. Fog is a cloud with its base at or very near the ground. The formation of fog 0000
ab c'd
generally occurs after the ground has lost heat by

a) convection b) transpiration c) radiation d) evaporation

14. Thunderstorm is a storm produced by a cumulonimbus cloud and is always 0000

ab c d
accompanied by lightning and thunder. If you hear a clap of thunder a minute after.
seeing a flash of lightning, the distance between you and the lightning is about

a)5km b) 10 km c) 20 km d) 45 km

Simulated College Admission Test I 10 MSA Math Tutoring Center

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