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Department of Biomedical Engineering Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Khulna-9203 PROJECT REPORT Course Title: Telemedicine and Health Care Laboratory
Course No: BME 4232 Submitted by: Nuren Durdana Anika Roll No :1715019 Year: 4th,
Term :2nd Department of Biomedical Engineering Khulna University of Engineering and
Technology Smart Colorimetric Analyzer for Telemedicine Applications Group No: 04
Introduction: Background Study Colorimetric analysis is the determination of
concentration of a chemical compound or analyte through comparing color changes in
a solution. The device or method that is used to perform colorimetric analysis is called

A prepared solution absorbs a certain wavelength of light when monochromatic light

passes through this light-sensitive gadget. It calculates how much light is absorbed and
transmitted through the solution. The principle of Colorimeter is based on the
photometric technique that states when an incident light of intensity (I0) passes through
a solution, then Part of the incident light is reflected (Ir) Part of the incident light is
transmitted (It) Part of the incident light is absorbed (Ia) Therefore, I0 = Ir + It + Ia Here,
the value of reflected light (Ir) is eliminated as I0 and It values are can calculate Ia.
Values for the amount of light absorbed and transmitted are measured by keeping Ir

The principle of colorimetric analysis is based on Beer- . The optical attenuation of a

physical substance containing a single, uniformly concentrated attenuating species is
correlated with the optical path length through the sample and the species' absorptivity
by the Beer-Lambert law. This expression is: where, A is the absorbance H is the molar
attenuation coefficient or absorptivity of the attenuating species C is the concentration
of the attenuating species Cl is the optical path length in cm.
Smart Colorimetric Analysis: Smart Colorimetric Analysis refers to colorimetric detection
performed and assisted by any smart electronic component like smartphone, PC or
Arduino based color sensors. The color changes of an analyte can be assessed by an
Arduino based color sensor and concentration change can be determined from the
color change displayed on a smartphone-based app. Our project focuses on this aspect.
We have developed a project that will detect the color change of a biological analyte
that includes urine due to concentration change using color sensor which can be
transmitted using a Bluetooth module and displayed in a smartphone app of the patient
or physician. This project will aid in telehealth and telemedicine.

In rural area, lack of hospitals, physicians, nurses, diagnostic centers, transport, situations
from natural calamities or outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics, decreased funding or a
lack of staff restrict access to care to the rural people and over-all to general mass.
Telemedicine and Telehealth can elevate this issue by ensuring remote clinical and
health support. Telemedicine is the use of information and communication technology
to transfer medical information for the delivery of clinical and educational services.

Telehealth is the passive capture of biometric and digital health information for
self-monitoring and self-managing health and care to enhance well-being of individual.
Colorimetric analysis can be performed for glucose analysis in urine by performing basic
. Glucose measurement is crucial to determine diabetic status in any patient. Diabetes
mellitus is a disorder in which blood sugar (glucose) levels are abnormally high because
the body does not produce enough insulin to meet its needs.

Bect’s cantest e esence ucosinurbyvi observing changes in color of solution according to

the concentration of glucose. Benedict ’s mixed with urine can display 3 different colors:
Brick Red, Green or Yellow. Color manifestation indicates different level of diabetes and
no color change indicates a healthy diabetes free individual. But patients in rural area or
suffering from any immobility disability may find it difficult to come to specialists
frequently for diabetes monitoring. In that case our project will help to perform
diagnosis and send data to patient or physician remotely.

Objective: ? Perform smart colorimetric analysis to measure the presence and

concentriof glucos urings reagent. ? Bridge the gap between rural people and health
care professionals and remote diagnostic centers. ? It will also provide non-invasive and
early diagnosis of diseases by assessing concentration change of biological analytes.
Commercial Products: Colorimetric Water Analysis: CHEMetrics, Inc. As the water-based
sector grows, so does the demand for water analysis. Colorimetry is used to test for a
number of analytes and is one of the most reliable methods of water analysis.
In test kits for colorimetric water analysis, the concentration of the target analyte results
in a change in color in the sample solution, which may be seen visually or detected by
instruments. By reducing time, being ideal for field applications of colorimetric water
analysis, and being easy to use, test kits are advantageous to the analyst. ECD - Model
CA6 - Copper Analyzer The Model CA-6 Copper Analyzer is an online sequential sample
analyzer that uses colorimetric techniques to execute a series of sampling, analysis, and
result processing.

In order to quantify tiny levels of analyte in water, a heated colorimetric cell and an LED
light source were used in the measurement. Components: Hardware Configurations 1.
Arduino Nano V3.0 (CH340) Operating Voltage (logic level): 5V 8 analog inputs ports: A0
~ A7 14 Digital input / output ports: TX, RX, D2 ~ D13 2. Arduino Bluetooth Module
(HC-05) Bluetooth protocol: Bluetooth Specification v2.0+EDR. Sensitivity: =-84dBm at
0.1% 3. TCS230 /TCS3200 Color Sensor Recognition Module Operating Voltage: 3V-5V
High-resolution conversion of light intensity to frequency. Programmable color and
full-scale output frequency. Communicate directly with a microcontroller. Figure.1.

Hardware setup for Smart Colorimetric Analysis. Figure.2. Serial monitor of Arduino for
Red, Green and Blue. Software Framework For the user interphase development python
and KivyMD have been used. Great outcomes have been achieved using the created
interface. At first, we have the primary screen, from which we choose one of two paths
to sign- in or to login screens. The login screen verifies the provided information after
which it directs the user to the test screen, where the test is carried out using
information from the Bluetooth sensor.

The user may establish a new identity at the sign-in screen and then scroll into the test
screen, which uses the same methodology as previous. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure.3. Software
framework of the project. Methodology: Figure.4. Schematic flowchart of Smart
Colorimetric Analysis. The color sensor detects the color of a solution based on 3 basic
color components: Red,Grand Inure ucostwithBenedir,coation change of glucose in urine
results in visible color change. When the concentration of glucose is low, the color of
mixed solution is green. As concentration of glucose increases in a diabetic patient, the
color of solution changes from yellow to orange to red (light red) to brick red (dark red).

This abrupt color change can be detected by the color sensor of our project which will
eventually point to the concentration of glucose. This color change data will be sent to a
smartphone-based app via Bluetooth module. The data will be compared to the
database of color map in the application. We will define the color mapping to our
software that we have already performed using different colored solutions. If the data
match with the color code information, the application will show the concentration of
target analyte (glucose in urine) to the patient and the physician.

Result and Discussion: At-first we performed the color mapping using different colored
solutions to assemble these values in our developed app. For color mapping, initially we
prepared different colored solutions in test tubes using water paints and water and
mapped the color change manually. We will use this color mapping to assess the color
changes due to glucose concentration changes in urine. As of now, we have also used
different concentration and density of red color (light red and deep red) and mapped
them to replicate the color change due to concentration change of glucose.

The color mapping values will help the app to recognize color and show the color name
and concentration of the analyte(glucose) as output. Initially for color mapping, we used
Red (Light Red and Deep Red), Green, Blue and Yellow colored solution and noted their
R, G and B values. Our hardware setup using Arduino, Color Sensor and Bluetooth
detect color using this mapping and display the color name in the computer.

2500 2800 3000 1500 4000 1600 1800 1000 900 1500 2100 2400 1900 1600 1100 L I G H
T R E D D E E P R E D G R E E N Y E L L O W B L U E COLOR MAP R G B Figure.5. Color
Mapping for Smart Colorimetric Analysis. We prepared a sturdy hardware for our
project. The color sensor was very sensitive to color. Smallest interference of light from
test tube made a huge difference in RGB values which degraded the sensitivity and
accuracy of the project. Thus, we had to make a solid frame to place the test tube with
stability to get a relatively constant value over time. There was another problem because
of interference of light of surrounding environment.

To overcome this problem, we wrapped the frame with black tape. Finally, we got
relatively stable results for color mapping. Figure.6. Different color samples and
Hardware Frame work. The below color mapping will help to determine concentration of
glucose present in urine to detect diabetes. We can understand the concentration of
glucose from color. The colors for specific glucose concentration is given below.
Figure.7. Color Mapping for Glucose Concentration. In case of software implementation,
the last screen had an error because no attribute could be located. It's possible that this
occurred because the qualifications weren't met.

Further investigation revealed that because Python is an open-source programming

language, not all of the libraries are created or made accessible in the same version,
which might result in a software defect and an error. Conclusion: We are still in trial and
error phase. Hopefully we will debug the hardware and software related errors soon and
develop a sturdy project with high accuracy and sensitivity. It will be a door to
Telehealth and Telemedicine for remote diagnosis and monitoring. 2% 1.50% 1% 0.50%
0.20% BRICK RED RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN 0% 1% 1% 2% 2% 3% Glucose
Concentration Glucose Concentration

<1% -
1% -
1% -
1% -
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2% -
<1% -
1% -
1% -
1% -
1% -
<1% -
<1% -
<1% -
<1% -
<1% -
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