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In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The
entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given
for each part. You must choose your correct answers by clicking the letter A, B, C or D.

1. A B C D

2. A B C D
3. A B C D

4. A B C D
5. A B C D

6. A B C D
7. A B C D

8. A B C D
9. A B C D

10. A B C D
Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will
not be printed in your screen and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question
or statement and click on (A), (B), or (C) to mark your answer.
Example: A B C
You will hear: Where did you last see Ms. Montgomery?
You will also hear:
(A) Yes, I can see it on the flat screen.
(B) It was about three weeks ago.
(C) At the First Street coffee shop.
The best response to the question “Where did you last see Ms. Montgomery?” is choice (C), “At the
First Street coffee shop” so (C) is the correct answer. You should click on (C).

Question 11. Click your best answer A B C

Question 12. lick your best answer A B C
Question 13. Click your best answer A B C
Question 14. Click your best answer A B C
Question 15. Click your best answer A B C
Question 16. Click your best answer A B C
Question 17. Click your best answer A B C
Question 18. Click your best answer A B C
Question 19. Click your best answer A B C
Question 20. Click your best answer A B C
Question 21. Click your best answer A B C
Question 22. Click your best answer A B C
Question 23. Click your best answer A B C
Question 24. Click your best answer A B C
Question 25. Click your best answer A B C
Question 26. Click your best answer A B C
Question 27. Click your best answer A B C
Question 28. Click your best answer A B C
Question 29. Click your best answer A B C
Question 30. Click your best answer A B C
Question 31. Click your best answer A B C
Question 32. Click your best answer A B C
Question 33. Click your best answer A B C
Question 34. Click your best answer A B C
Question 35. Click your best answer A B C
Question 36. Click your best answer A B C
Question 37. Click your best answer A B C
Question 38. Click your best answer A B C
Question 39. Click your best answer A B C
Question 40. Click your best answer A B C
Directions: You will hear several conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer
three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each
question and click answer (A), (B), (C) or (D). The conversations will not be shown on your screen
and will be spoken only one time.


41. Who is the man?
A. An apartment resident
B. An apartment manager
C. A guest
D. An architect
42. What is the woman looking for?
A. A place to meet her client.
B. A place to hold her meetings with her employees.
C. A place to study for exam.
D. A place to just sleep for two months.
43. What does the woman say she will do?
A. Come back soon after she checks out from her hotel.
B. Find another place to live.
C. Make a contract with them as soon as she can.
D. Visit other places too, then come back


44. When are the calendars supposed to arrive?
A. Yesterday.
B. Today.
C. Tomorrow.
D. Next month.
45. What will boss do if the calendar doesn’t arrive soon?
A. Change the calendar company.
B. Wait until tomorrow to plan.
C. Call the delivery company.
D. Order to another company.
46. What can you assume about the boss?
A. He is a lazy man.
B. Ha has a specialty in planning marketing.
C. He likes planning ahead.
D. He is very generous.


47. How did the man spend his time off?
A. At the beach.
B. Taking care of his sick mother.
C. Repairing his house.
D. Finding a new house.
48. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
A. New house.
B. Sick mother.
C. Vacation.
D. Roof.
49. What did the woman’s friend tell her about?
A. Hiking at the mountains.
B. Exciting gambling in Las Vegas.
C. Great vacation at the ocean.
D. Business trip in New York.


50. Where is Dave going?
A. The bookstore.
B. Corner coffee.
C. The market place.
D. The café.
51. Why is the woman going to get a cup of coffee?
A. Her co-worker asked her to.
B. Her neighbor asked her to.
C. Her children love the coffee at this café.
D. Dave asked her to.
52. How does Dave feel about the woman coming with him?
A. He is upset that she has to come with him.
B. He would rather go by himself.
C. He enjoys her company.
D. He will go to the café later.
53. What does the woman suggest the man do?
A. More practice.
B. Participate in a speech contest
C. Ask another employee to do the speech part for him
D. Practice the speech by himself.
54. How will the club help him?
A. More confident making speeches.
B. More customers.
C. The boss’s attention.
D. Improving his sales.
55. How can he join the club?
A. Pay 50.000 won a month to join.
B. Give them his résumé.
C. Bring his application.
D. Just telling them what he wants to do.
56. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
A. When the consultant can start working for the man’s company.
B. The salary the consultant will agree on with the scout.
C. The day the consultant can come to the man’s company.
D. The cost for the consultant visiting.
57. When will the consultant visit?
A. Tuesday.
B. Wednesday.
C. Thursday.
D. Friday
58. How does the man feel about the consultant?
A. He likes the consultant.
B. He charges a lot for a visit.
C. He is famous but not so professional.
D. The man doesn’t know him well
59. Who most likely is Janet Barton?
A. An ex-employee.
B. A consultant.
C. An ex-boss.
D.A stock agent.
60. Whom is the woman going to ask for Janet Barton’s address?
A. Janet Barton.
B. Tim.
C. Tim’s supervisor.
D. She will look it up in the address book.
61. What is the woman sending Janet Barton?
A. The history of sales.
B. The information about their employees.
C. The record of increase in salary.
D. The record of imports.
62. What is taking place in the conversation?
A. Making arrangements for his flowers.
B. Paying for some flowers.
C. Getting the flowers he bought.
D. Putting some flowers together.
63. Why does the man need to wait?
A. The office computer is not functioning.
B. They have to find his flowers.
C. They are waiting for the computer engineers.
D. They have to calculate the price for the flowers.
64. What does the woman ask the man to do?
A. Run to get his wallet in his car.
B. Pay with a credit card.
C. Wait.
D. Go to another flower shop.
65. What are the speakers talking about?
A. New computer system.
B. New filling system.
C. Many changes in a rival company.
D. New manager of the filling department.
66. What does the woman say about the new change?
A. It should have been installed sooner.
B. It is the manager’s mistake to install it.
C. She liked the old filling system.
D.She wants to transfer her files herself.
67. What is the weak point for having the new system?
A. It will be harder to access the files.
B. It will take longer to find files.
C. It will be more complicated to update files.
D. It will be more expensive for the company.
68. Where most likely does Mr. Wang work?
A. At the safety inspection office.
B. In the company.
C. At a safety campaign office.
D. At a legal office.
69. What is happening next week?
A. The factory will be having a tour.
B. The factory’s safety practices will be inspected.
C. The factory will be renovated.
D. The factory will receive new machines.
70. What did the woman hope for?
A. A day of no work.
B. Renovation of the factory.
C. Cleaning of the whole factory.
D. Increase in their salary

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three
questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and
choose the letter A, B, C, or D. The talks will not be shown on your screen and will be spoken only
one time.


71. What is the man calling about?
A. A document
B. A flight voucher
C. A piece of luggage
D. A flight ticket
72. Where will Ms. Parker receive the delivery?
A. At her hotel
B. At the airport
C. At her office
D. At the agency office
73. When will Ms. Parker receive the shipment?
A. This afternoon
B. This evening
C. Tomorrow morning
D. Tomorrow afternoon
74. What is the purpose of the announcement?
A. To tell customers its closing time
B. To remind people about next month’s sale
C. To request that Mr. Spencer visit the customer service desk
D. To announce that the mall is going out of business
75. Where are customers directed to go to find more information?
A. To the exits
B. To the elevators
C. To the website
D. To the information desk
76. What change is expected this weekend?
A. The store will have new products
B. A website will be open
C. A special movie is being shown
D. The store will open earlier


77. Who most likely is the speaker?
A. A travel agent
B. An actor
C. A tour guide
D. A pilot
78. What is included in the tour?
A. A tour of the museum
B. A ride in a helicopter over the Falls
C. A restaurant lunch
D. A stopover in the souvenir store
79. How much does the Maid of the Mist ride cost?
A. $10
B. $15
D. $25
80. Who is speaking?
A. A promoter
B. A chairman
C. A new employee
D. A VP of Sales
81. What is this speech about?
A. A new high-tech product
B. A board meeting
C. A reduction in costs
D. An increase in sales
82. According to the speech, what will happen now?
A. A new factory will be built
B. Employment will be laid off
C. The chairman will retire
D. The company will keep their factory
83. What is this announcement about?
A. A radio announcer
B. A concert
C. A movie
D. A TV program
84. What is Mr. Young’s profession?
A. A news reporter
B. An athlete
C. A guitarist
D. A movie actor
85. At what time will the concert be broadcast?
A. At 7:00 p.m.
B. At 7:30 p.m.
C. At 8:00 p.m.
D. At 8:30 p.m.
86. Who is Mr. Lambough?
A. A professor of economics
B. A communications director
B. A professional consultant
D. A computer programmer
87. How does the speaker know Mr. Lambough?
A. He is a close personal friend
B. He has read several of Mr. Lambough’s books
C. He attended one of Mr. Lambough’s lectures
D. He read Mr. Lambough’s newspaper columns
88. What does the speaker say about his group?
A. It is diverse
B. It’s small
C. It’s international
D. It’s growing
89. Who is Chrissie Jackson’s profession?
A. A radio host
B. A teacher
C. A singer
D. A novelist
90. What is the name of Ms. Blackman’s new novel?
A. A Novel Idea
B. Under the Willow Tree
C. Breakthrough Achievement
D. An American Life
91. How long has Ms. Blackman worked in her profession?
A. Two years
B. Five years
C. Ten years
D. Fifteen years
92. What is being advertised?
A. A furniture
B. A home office expansion
C. A car dealership
D. A door-to-door salesperson
93. What has the company recently done?
A. Moved to a new area
B. Expanded its showroom
C. Hired new sales representatives
D. Introduced new products
94. What’s the company offering this week only?
A. Free additional products
B. Product warranty
C. Free delivery
D. Discounts
95. Where did the meeting take place?
A. In the part
B. At the police headquarters
B. At a news station
D. At city hall
96. What is the subject of the discussion?
A. Developing a city park
B. The construction of city hall
C. A strike at the police department
D. Waste removal negotiations
97. Why do some people object to the project?
A. It will waste valuable land
B. It’ll cause traffic jam
C. It will make the downtown area crowded
D. It’ll take too long to complete


98. What is being installed?
A. A security system
B. A new phone line
C. A few elevators
D. Soundproof walls
99. When are employees able to return to work?
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Thursday
100. What does Mr. O’Neil offer to do?
A. Provide a detailed description of the new system
B. Allow staff to take documents home
C. Carry computer equipment downstairs
D. Introduce Roger to the security manager



In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts ad answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within
the time allowed.
You must click your answers on your screen.

Directions: You will see a sentence with a missing word. Four possible answers follow the sentence.
Choose the best answer the question and click the corresponding letter on your screen.
Question 101. Most viruses in home computers are accidental and computer owners do not ---
---- install the corrupted software onto their computers.
A. known
B. knowingly
C. knowledge
D. knowledgeable

Question 102. The new registers at Seafood Grill quickly print ------- the customer's check at
the touch of a button.
A. of
B. within
C. between
D. out

Question 103. Land ------- at Green Thumb Industries are working together with the city
council and the mayor to come up with reasonable ideas for more park space in the community.
A. developers
B. developments
C. developed
D. develops

Question 104. The new corporate initiative is to create a ------- working environment to ensure
the happiness and well-being of all company employees.
A. pleasant
B. tender
C. confident
D. fragile

Question 105. Mr. Jones took out several unneeded videos from his power point presentation
thinking that they would be too ------.
A. distract
B. distraction
C. distractedly
D. distracting

Question 106. Our weekly meeting will be scheduled as planned and everyone is invited to
join us for the ------- of company employee’s birthdays for the month of June afterwards.
A. progress
B. celebration
C. approval
D. encouragement

Question 107. Two delays, a thunderstorm and a missed connection combined to make Mr.
Cox's cross country flight _____ miserable.
A. exceptional
B. exception
C. exceptions
D. exceptionally

Question 108. "Customers come first" has always been one of the key business _____ at M &
M Mortgages.
A. principal
B. principles
C. principals
D. principle

Question 109. _____ clients should be apprised of purchasing arrangements before they
commit to a long-term contract.
A. Prospective
B. Perspective
C. Perceptive
D. Provocative

Question 110. The Xerxes Corporation plans _____ next year with the opening of branch
offices in Zurich, Amsterdam and Tokyo.
A. expand
B. expanding
C. expands
D. to expand

Question 111. _____ heavy rain, this afternoon's baseball game has been rescheduled for
A. Due to
B. Because
C. As
D. Despite

Question 112. During the meeting, Zeke Grabowski made _____ loud and clear about his
position on the firm's proposed acquisition of Penny Pharmaceuticals.
A. him
B. he
C. himself
D. his

Question 113. To be valid under state law, the contract requires the _____ of the company's
CFO as well as its chairman.
A. name
B. signature
C. autograph
D. moniker

Question 114. Though not a sworn vegetarian, Chairman Harold Hopper _____
eats meat.
A. often
B. seldom
C. occasionally
D. sometimes

Question 115. We cannot overemphasize the _____ of delivering the shipment by no later
than noon on Friday the 13th.
A. important
B. import
C. importance
D. importantly
Question 116. Mr. Zenter explained that he _____ couldn't justify the capital expenditure
required to finance Ms. Ruble's start-up company.
A. simply
B. simplify
C. simple
D. simplicity

Question 117. Channel 2's weather forecasts are more reliable than Channel 7's, because its
meteorologists have better credentials and are more _____.
A. experience
B. experiencing
C. experiential
D. experienced

Question 118. Rucker Limited's second-quarter earnings were significantly affected by a

_____ economy, which has led to rising unemployment and threat of increased inflation.
A. stable
B. rapid
C. patient
D. stagnant

Question 119. Since the restaurant had _____ out of lobster, it gave us a discount on prawns
and chips.
A. run
B. been
C. lost
D. put

Question 120. If the intended _____ is not at home, leave notification that the package may be
picked up at the post office during regular business hours.
A. receiver
B. receptionist
C. reciprocal
D. recipient

Question 121. Research director Tom Montgomery said he can't predict when the new
arthritis drug will be ready, but he assured the board that his department is _____ making
A. definite
B. definition
C. definitely
D. definably

Question 122. Ms. Griffiths was eliminated as a candidate when she answered yes to the
question, "Have you ever _____ anything from a previous employer?"
A. stolen
B. stealing
C. stole
D. steal
Question 123. History demonstrates that the most efficient way to grow money is through
______ interest, rather than reinvesting dividends in multiple stocks.
A. compound
B. unstable
C. toxic
D. declining

Question 124. Ms. Balfour is a talented singer and songwriter, but playing piano is her
A. specialties
B. special
C. specialty
D. specializes

Question 125. The CEO of VitaTech announced that the company's fourth quarter earnings
forecast will be _________ to the press today.
A. published
B. exchanged
C. demoted
D. released

Question 126. The waiter did not deliver our _______ drinks until long after the appetizers
had been eaten.
A. targeted
B. requested
C. served
D. contacted

Question 127. Some workers still need _______ of the rules pertaining to common courtesy
among colleagues in the workplace.
A. to be reminded
B. remind
C. be reminding
D. have reminded

Question 128. ________ Mr. Crowder and Ms. Brighton, the manager suggests that we hire
the one with the most experience.
A. Of
B. Between
C. On
D. Through

Question 129. When they are competing against brand-name chains, stores relying ________
on word-of-mouth referrals should consider purchasing a print advertisement.
A. otherwise
B. further
C. solely
D. less

Question 130. Mr. Reynolds _____ his secretary, Miss Stamolis, to pick up his dry cleaning
by promising to give her Friday afternoon off.
A. had
B. let
C. got
D. made

Question 131. Do you need our……………………..evening’s details?

A. assist
B. assisting
C. assistance
D. assistant

Question 132. The event did not go off well because the…………………..did a poor job of
organizing it.
A. coordinator
B. coordination
C. coordinated
D. coordinates

Question 133. . ……………..speaking, the event was poorly organized.

A. General
B. Generally
C. Generality
D. Generalizations

Question 134. When the event planner saw the hotel ballroom, she knew that the size
wasn’t……………….., but the price was right.
A. ideal
B. ideally
C. idealize
D. idealist

Question 135. Joshua quit his job and started his own business as an events …………………
A. planned
B. plans
C. planner
D. planning

Question 136. Like restaurants, caterers are subject to…………… concerning safe food
A. regulate
B. regulations
C. regulatory
D. regulating

Question 137. Floor managers need to have great leadership and personnel skills to -------
communicate with their employees.
A. effect
B. effective
C. effectively
D. effectiveness
Question 138. In the report, I have added the last quarterly statement ------- you requested.
A. then
B. that
C. what
D. when

Question 139. Dunder Mifflin Supply Company is now able to send their orders ------- from
their customer's invoices.
A. jointly
B. diversely
C. separately
D. partially

Question 140. The storm warning in the area has caused tonight's baseball game to be -------
until next Tuesday.
A. expected
B. scheduled
C. continued
D. postponed

Directions: You will see four passages, each will three blanks. Under each blank are four answer
options. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the statement.

Question (141)

Less Paper, Less Waste

Embracing a reduce, reuse, recycle mentality ______ us to rethink our approach to how we share
upcoming educational opportunities with you.
(A) has led
(B) will have led
(C) will lead
(D) did lead
Question (142)
As always, we will produce four catalogs per year, but as we enhance our Web site, we're about to
change what we send to you. Watch for these exciting changes to our Web site this spring. By
changing our catalog size and scope we're able to _________ our paper consumption significantly
and use FSC-certified paper and print products.
(A) reuse
(B) recycle
(C) reduce
(D) replenish
Question (143)
This brochure-style catalog is printed _________ Sonoma Gloss, an FSC-certified, recycled paper
made with up to 30 % post-consumer waste and manufactured by the West Linn Paper Company, a
regional paper manufacturer in West Linn, Oregon. The brochure is printed by a local, FSC-certified
printing company.
(A) at
(B) by
(C) in
(D) on
Question (144)
Dear Health and Dental Plan Member,
This reminder is concerning your AARP-approved Dental Plan with United Discount Dental. When
you first enrolled, you elected to secure our best rates by choosing to pay for the Plan annually,
_________ saved you $24 per year. You will be happy to know that our rates remain at the same low
rates as last year, with no increases.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) whereas
(D) thus
Question (145)
It's almost time for your annual renewal payment, which will be taken 30 days _________ to your
renewal month of March, making the annual payment due on February 1. Plan members who initially
enrolled using a credit card or debit card will be renewed by using the same credit card or debit card.
If you originally paid with
a check or money order, please mail the annual fee to us and call us to let us know it's coming.
(A) before
(B) after
(C) prior
(D) near
Question (146)
Please call us at 866-640-0480 upon the _________ of this reminder to review your coverage and
payment choices; you may make changes, add or subtract family members, update your address or
phone number and make sure your coverage is staying in force. The review of your coverage is of
course absolutely free and it is a good reminder to make sure you are getting all the value we have to
offer in this excellent plan.
(A) receipt
(B) date
(C) expiration
(D) notice
Question (147)
Hi Jake,
I saw your contact information on the Web. Please allow me myself. I am the Managing Editor of
Timeshare World magazine. My company, Timeshare International, is a timeshare user group that
facilitates the exchange of vacation weeks for its members. We publish member magazines several
times a year.
(A) introducing
(B) introduce
(C) introduces
(D) to introduce
Question (148)
Right now I am looking to commission a 1,500 word article on Hainan Island, China (photo-text
package if possible). Have you by chance there in the past several years and would you be
Unfortunately Timeshare doesn't send journalists on assignments, so I am definitely looking for a
writer who has already been to the island or can go there on their own.
(A) gone
(B) been
(C) went
(D) come
Question (149)
If you are interested, I would be happy to send more details. Or, if you haven't visited Hainan but
know of any writers who have, I would _________ any contacts. I can be reached at
(A) loathe
(B) idolize
(C) appreciate
(D) recommend
Question (150)
Please be advised that the undersigned is the holder of a certain promissory note made by you dated
Oct. 20, 2011, in the _____ principal amount of $5,578.69.
(A) original
(B) unique
(C) first
(D) standard
Question (151)
You are _________ notified that you have defaulted under said note because you have failed to pay
the installment due May 20, 2012, in the amount of $159.33. Therefore, demand is made upon you
for full payment of the entire balance due on said note in the amount of $4,884.92, including interest
accrued to date.
(A) nevertheless
(B) whereupon
(C) belatedly
(D) hereby
Question (152)
If the entire amount due is not received on or before June 30, 2012, I shall instruct legal counsel to
commence legal proceedings _________ you.
(A) on
(B) toward
(C) against
(D) before


Directions: You will see single and double reading passages followed by several questions. Each
question has four answer choices. Choose the best answer to the question and fill in the
corresponding oval on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-155 refer to the following memo.

To: All Employees, Knight Accounting Agency
From: Ted Knight, Chief Executive Officer
Subject: Staff Retreat

I am writing to remind you that our annual staff retreat will be held on Wednesday, December 13
and Thursday, December 14 at the City Convention Center, 1510 Parkland Avenue. Attendance is
mandatory for all employees. Please plan to arrive promptly at 8 a.m. on both days; continental
breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Our annual staff retreat is an opportunity to acknowledge our accomplishments, receive training
and support, and set our goals for the coming year. We've hired a professional trainer to start the
retreat with some fun and informative activities designed to help us work more effectively as a team.
Next, we'll meet in small groups to talk about our jobs and what we can do to become more
successful. Finally, we'll come together as a group to share insights and to write our mission
statement and objectives for next year.

In preparation for the retreat, please write a personal mission statement and a brief description of
your job. Please email these to me at no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, December
12. I will compile your responses into a handout that will be distributed to all employees. In addition,
managers should submit to me a list of objectives for their divisions no later than 10 a.m. on
Tuesday, December 13. Taking a few moments out of your busy schedules to do this advance
preparation will make the retreat more valuable for all of us.

I look forward to seeing you at the City Convention Center! Feel free to contact me if you have any

153. What is the memo mainly about?

A. Some mandatory meetings for managers
B. A proposed luncheon for new employees
C. A required employee training session
D. An optional planning retreat for the staff
154. Who will lead a session on teamwork?
A. The company president
B. A hired facilitator
C. A group of executives
D. The business manager
155. When is the deadline for managers to submit their list of division goals?
A. December 12
B. December 13
C. December 14
D. December 15

Questions 156-157 refer to the following timetable

Route 187
Parker Avenue – Airport

Note: All times are approximate. Arrive at your stop at least five minutes early. For your safety,
please stand on the sidewalk behind the yellow line painted on the curb while waiting for your
Southbound Northbound

Main St Coal Av Lark Rd Airport Airport Lark Rd Coal Av Main St

7:30a 7:42 7:51 7:57 8:00a 8:06 8:15 8:27
8:30 8:42 8:51 8:57 9:00 9:06 9:15 9:27
9:30 9:42 9:51 9:57 10:00 10:06 10:15 10:27
10:30 10:42 10:51 10:57 11:00 11:06 11:15 11:27
11:30 11:42 11:51 11:57 12:00p 12:06 12:15 12:27
12:30p 12:42 12:51 12:57 1:00 1:06 1:15 1:27
1:30 1:42 1:51 1:57 2:00 2:06 2:15 2:27
2:30 2:42 2:51 2:57 3:00 3:06 3:15 3:27
3:30 3:42 3:51 3:57 4:00 4:06 4:15 4:27
4:30 4:42 4:51 4:57 5:00 5:06 5:15 5:27
5:30 5:42 5:51 5:57 6:00 6:06 6:15 6:27
6:30 6:42 6:51 6:57 7:00 7:06 7:15 7:27
7:30 7:42 7:51 7:57

Thank you for using Parker Valley Public Transportation. Call 832-8362 for customer assistance.

156. Where is this timetable most likely to be found?

A. At a subway station
B. At an airport boarding gate
C. At a bus stop
D. In a train station
157. When does the last northbound run pass Lark Road?
A. 6:06 pm
B. 6:51 pm
C. 7:06 pm
D. 7:51 pm.
Questions 158-160 refer to the following announcement
Internal Job Posting
Plainview Distributors, Inc.
Supply Chain Manager

Due to rapid growth, Plainview Distributors is seeking applications for a Supply Chain Manager.
This is a career advancement opportunity open to current employees only. The Supply Chain
Manager will oversee all aspects of warehouse storage and transportation for product deliveries in
the southwestern United States. The Supply Chain Manager will be required to work out of the
Phoenix office, and frequent movement within the region to check on branch operations
(approximately ten trips per year) will be expected.

The successful candidate will be an experienced professional, familiar with the company and its
clients, who can manage a complex network and succeed under pressure. Preferred qualifications
include experience in one of our warehouses or truck depots, familiarity with the Southwest, and
experience in personnel management. Company benefits associated with this position include a
competitive salary, company car, personal expense account, and payment of relocation expenses, if
needed. In addition, the successful candidate will continue to receive the excellent insurance
benefits, vacation pay and tuition support offered to all staff of Plainview Distributors.

To apply, please fill out an application using our secure company website at No paper copies or phone calls, please. As part of the online
application, you will be asked to submit a current resume and a list of three (3) professional
references. Submit all application materials no later than Friday, March 28. Plainview Distributors
is an equal opportunity employer.

158. What is the announcement about?

A. A call for applications for new product suppliers
B. A career opportunity for staff members of the company
C. A job competition open to external candidates only
D. A change in company benefits affecting some workers
159. Which of the following topics is mentioned in the announcement?
A. The monthly pay rate for the job
B. The number of employees supervised
C. The amount of business travel required
D. The type of products being distributed.
160. What should interested people do?
A. Fax a resume and list of references
B. Call to request a personal interview
C. Submit an application via Internet
D. Put an application package in the mail

Questions 161-163 refer to the following memorandum

To: All Employees
From: Luke Gaston
Subject: MEMO - Late Hours Policy

We have had some problems recently with security issues on evenings and weekends. Many
employees are working overtime on end-of-fiscal year projects and find themselves alone in the
building late at night. Several employees have expressed concern to me that they feel unsafe, and
managers have also told me that they do not know how to train their employees on correct security

As your security manager, I want to assure you that I am working with the company management
to address your concerns. We have agreed that it is best to hire a full-time security guard who will
be present on evenings and weekends. However, since it will still be several weeks before the
security guard can be hired, I want to provide all employees with a list of basic security procedures
to follow when they are working late at night:

1. Leave lights on in offices and hallways. A bright work environment discourages unauthorized

2. If you hear or see any suspicious activity, call the city police department immediately.

3. If you are the last person to leave the building, make sure that all doors and windows are closed
and locked. Leave through the front door. Turn on the alarm by pressing the “AWAY” button on
the keypad near the reception desk, then enter the alarm code provided in the employee manual.
Close the door firmly when you leave, and the alarm will automatically be activated.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at I look forward
to working with you to make our company a safe and productive place to work.

161. What is the subject of the memorandum?

A. A recent break-in
B. An alarm malfunction
C. A new security protocol
D. A security system code change.
162. Who is the author of the memorandum?
A. The head of the police department
B. An employee in charge of safety
C. The new company security guard
D. A concerned department manager
163. What should employees do if they encounter a threatening situation?
A. Call the security guard
B. Email the security manager
C. Turn on the burglar alarm
D. Contact the local authorities

Questions 164-167 refer to the following news article.

Hard Times Ahead for Local Graduates

Billy Roybal just graduated from Centerville Community College with a degree in semiconductor
manufacturing technology. Like the other 30 students who enrolled in his class two years ago, he
was told that after graduation, he was virtually guaranteed a well-paying job at the Supreme
Semiconductor plant.
However, Billy and most of his classmates are either out of work or preparing to move elsewhere.
The reason: Supreme Semiconductor recently announced a hiring freeze.

Graduates of the community college training program aren't the only ones who are upset. Officials
at Centerville City Hall are debating whether to sue Supreme Semiconductor for breach of contract.
Five years ago, the city partnered with Centerville Community College and Supreme
Semiconductor in an innovative training agreement. The city agreed to give the semiconductor
company a significant tax break in return for funding the training program at Centerville
Community College. Supreme Semiconductor, for its part, hoped to benefit with a steady stream of
well-trained local workers who would help the company expand over the next 20 years.

However, changes in the highly competitive computer technology industry have led to less business
for Supreme Semiconductor. Furthermore, pulling out of its contract to sponsor the community
college program may not be the only downside. Karl Thompson, president of Supreme
Semiconductor, told Central Valley Daily News that various problems could force the company to
close by the end of the year, resulting in a loss of over 300 jobs in the Centerville area. He also said
that company executives are hoping to meet with city officials to find some way of avoiding a

In the meantime, there are no easy answers for graduates such as Billy. He says finding a high-
paying job is more important to him than staying in Centerville, so if a suitable job doesn't
materialize within a few months he plans to look for employment in another state. As he and others
leave, hopes for a bright future for the computer technology industry and Centerville are quickly
fading. Some city officials are still hoping there is some way to keep Supreme Semiconductor open.
Without it, said Mayor Charles Laughlin, the economy of Centerville will suffer a major blow.

164. What is the topic of the news article?

A. A new computer training program
B. A student's struggles to graduate
C. A company that can't provide jobs
D. A city that doesn't promote growth
165. The word “virtually” in the first paragraph, line 3 is closest in meaning to
A. quickly
B. basically
C. possibly
D. legally
166. According to the article, which entity might be sued?
A. Supreme Semiconductor
B. Centerville Community College
C. The City of Centerville
D. Central Valley Daily News
167. Why is Billy Roybal thinking of leaving Centerville?
A. Training in his field is not available
B. He cannot fulfill his employment contract
C. The community college is going to close
D. He is unable to find work in the area.

Questions 168-171 refer to the following notice.

Using Your New Document Plus 250-E Office Document Shredder

We are pleased that you have chosen Document Plus for your office needs. Our Model 250-E Office
Document Shredder is powerful enough to shred all of your confidential documents, yet operates so
quietly that your co-workers will hardly even notice it. With proper operation and regular
maintenance, your Document Shredder will last for years to come. We encourage you to follow
these easy steps to ensure your satisfaction:

a. Do not attempt to feed large stacks of paper into the shredder all at once. This can cause annoying
paper jams and possibly damage the shredder. Make sure that stacks of paper are no more than ¼
of an inch thick (about 10 pages of standard-weight paper).

b. It is not necessary to remove staples before feeding documents into the shredder. However, be
sure to remove larger metal items paper clip size or bigger. Also, do not attempt to shred cardboard
or heavy manila folders.

c. Spread lubricating oil on the teeth of the shredder on a monthly basis to prevent squeaking noises
and prolong the life of the shredder.

d. Register your product! Fill out the attached postcard to provide us with your information.
Registering your product entitles you to full service under your warranty. You will also receive
mailings with helpful tips on using your shredder, as well as announcements of new products from
Document Plus.

We hope you enjoy your Document Plus 250-E Office Document Shredder. At Document Plus, we
are committed to ensuring your satisfaction. If you have any questions or complaints about your
shredder, please contact us at 800-372-1193. You can also visit our website at for helpful information.

168. Where is this notice most likely to be found?

A. On an office bulletin board
B. In an instruction manual
C. In a magazine advertisement
D. On a computer software website.

169. What regular maintenance is recommended?

A. Remove all metal objects in the machine
B. Clean and dry all shredder teeth
C. Empty shredder receptacle monthly
D. Grease the shredding component
170. Which of the following objects need to be removed before using the shredder?
A. binder clips.
B. staples.
C. cardboard.
D. manila folders.
171. How can owners register their product?
A. By visiting the website
B. By mailing a response card
C. By calling a phone number
D. By visiting a store location

Questions 172-174 refer to the following Memo.

Interoffice Memo
Allied Steel International

To: All Allied Steel Employees

From: Peter Rasmussen, Compensation Committee President
Date: September 4

Today the president of Allied Steel, Eric Nelson, announced that he had agreed to our request for a
10% pay raise for all employees. As you know, this is something that we, your representatives, have
been struggling to achieve for nearly two years. We have always argued that you, the workers who
make this company succeed, should be the company's first priority. When the company is
experiencing rapid growth, as Allied Steel has undoubtedly seen during the past five years, all
employees of the company should see the financial benefits, not just a few top executives.

While it has taken a long time for us to convince the company management to increase all salaries,
we are delighted that we have succeeded without having to form a labor union. We are not lawyers
or professional lobbyists. I and the other members of the compensation committee are simply
concerned employees who want to see fair pay for all of us. Furthermore, we did not take a
confrontational approach. We always told the company management that we think Allied Steel is a
great place to work. Our goal was not to make demands, but to present evidence from market studies
to show that our position was reasonable.

Special thanks go out to Dr. Alvin Martlin, research engineer with Allied Steel, who spent countless
hours of his personal time to do economic research in support of our efforts, showing that the
company was paying lower salaries than our competitors. I also want to thank the ten members of
the compensation committee, all of whom volunteered to participate and generously gave their time
for meetings. I want to thank, as well, Eric Nelson and the Board of Trustees of Allied Steel for
creating a work environment where the concerns of employees can be heard. Last, but not least, I
want to thank you, the loyal employees of Allied Steel, for your constant support. You've made
Allied Steel the best company in the business, and we're glad that we will now all receive pay that
is well above average in our industry.

172. What is the purpose of this memo?

A. To thank all employees for meeting company goals
B. To publicize the formation of an employee union
C. To inform the staff of recent rapid growth
D. To announce changes in worker compensation.
173. Who is Eric Nelson?
A. A key Allied Steel leader
B. An engineer with Allied Steel
C. Chairperson of a committee
D. Member of the Board of Trustees
174. According to the memo, how did the committee convince the company to award raises?
A. By documenting employee productivity
B. By presenting research on industry pay levels
C. By confronting the top executives
D. By showing that funds were available.

Questions 175-177 refer to the following letter.

Dear Employees of Consolidated Insurance,

I'm writing this because I wanted to address the rumors that have been circulating about the future
of our division. As you know, last month we were informed by company management that the
structure of the company website ? the primary task of our Electronic Resources division ? would
be reviewed. Many of you also know the reason for this review: some top executives were
complaining about what they perceived as a lack of efficiency in keeping the website current. As a
result, there are rumors going around that the website may be outsourced to an external company,
and all the employees of this division could be laid off.

I want to let you know that these rumors are absolutely false. There are no plans whatsoever for any
job cuts. Each and every one of you has an important and valuable role to play at Consolidated
Insurance, and the company is not thinking of outsourcing our web development. Because our
website is designed to provide detailed, complex information to all of our clients, it needs to be
developed and maintained by people who know our company well. The company president has
reassured me in person that he values the work of the Electronic Resources division and that our
staffing levels and mission will remain essentially the same.

With that said, I do think that all of us need to acknowledge that there have been some problems in
maintaining our large company website. As your manager, I know that the problems are caused
mainly by the challenges of implementing our new customer information database, not by any
laziness or negligence on your part. The committee that is currently reviewing our website will make
recommendations for how to solve these problems, as well as suggestions for changing the structure
of the website. I suggest that you view the committee's input positively, and consider this process as
an opportunity for us to improve our services.

I hope that this has cleared up the situation. Please email me with any questions you may have, or if
you prefer, you may make an appointment to speak with me privately.

Jack Kemp
Manager, Electronic Resources Division

175. Why did Mr. Kemp write this letter?

A. To explain how the committee-review process will work
B. To consider options for redesigning the company website
C. To announce that the company plans to lay off employees
D. To clarify that the division's work will not be reassigned.
176. What does Mr. Kemp believe is the main challenge facing the division?
A. Other managers who think workers are lazy
B. Start-up problems with the new system
C. Employees who don't understand their jobs
D. Clients who complain about the website.
177. What does Mr. Kemp ask employees to do?
A. Start looking for new jobs
B. Complain to the company president
C. Accept the committee's suggestions
D. Create a more useful website

Questions 178-180 refer to the following announcement.

Career Advancement Opportunities Available
Help Market Research Associates Expand into Europe!

Market Research Associates, America's largest research firm, is planning to open several new
consulting offices in Europe over the next several months. The first branch office will open in Paris,
where French marketing experts have been impressed with our company's ground-breaking research
on consumer preferences in French-speaking parts of Canada. We anticipate that Paris will be just
the beginning: the board of trustees believes that our successful methodology can spread to business
centers throughout Europe. This expansion will create exciting opportunities for our employees,
and we want to give you more information about them.

Employees of Market Research Associates are encouraged to attend an informational meeting on

Monday, March 5 at 3 p.m. in the Green Conference Room to learn about the plans for new
consulting offices in Europe. If you're interested in travel and want to learn new skills that can
forward your career, please attend this important meeting. You'll learn about the types of positions
available, the internal application process, and the benefits you can receive. These include full
payment of travel or relocation expenses, and paid training at a prestigious language school to bring
your conversation skills in French (or eventually other languages) up to a professional level.

You can learn more about the plans for the new Paris facility by visiting the company website and
clicking on the “Branch office in Paris” link. Should you have any further questions, please contact
Emma at the Human Resources office, or 742-2451.

178. What is the topic of the announcement?

A. Plans for expanding the company to overseas locations
B. Plans for providing a new educational benefit to staff
C. Information about the company's activities in Canada
D. Information about the new company building in France.
179. Who should attend the meeting?
A. Employees who will be moving to Paris
B. Employees who want to work abroad
C. Employees who want to receive more pay
D. Employees who can already speak French.
180. Which of the following will NOT be discussed at the meeting?
A. Foreign language training
B. Relocation benefits
C. Internal hiring procedure
D. Contract negotiations.
Questions 181-185 refer to two following e-mail messages
To: Maijorie Morgan Bill Smithers
From: Bill Smithers
Subject: Recruiting

We need to start looking at recruiting some new staff members over the summer. Our company
has gotten lots of new contracts recently. We have abundant work and need to take on two or three
new employees to help with it. We should advertise the positions as entry-level with room for
promotion. We should choose the job candidates carefully as I don’t want to have to end up firing
anyone who turns out to be a bad match. I would like the new staff members to start work by June
10. Therefore, we should ask interested candidates to submit their applications before the end of
April so that we can start interviewing in early May.
Please come up with a recruiting plan and let me know. Thanks.


To: Bill
From: Maijorie Morgan
re: Recruiting
Attachment: ad draft
Here is my plan for recruiting new staff members for this summer. I will place ads in our local
newspapers, in two major national papers, and on the major web sites by April 1. The deadline for
submission of applications wifi be April 30. We will start interviews on May 8. In the ads I will
carefully outline the qualifications we are looking for. I am attaching a draft of the ad. Please look
it over and send me your comments. I want to make sure it contains all the details you want.


181. Why does Mr. Smithers need to hire new staff members?
A. He has recently fired several employees.
B. His company has a lot of work.
C. Marjorie Morgan is leaving her job.
D. Several employees have been promoted.
182. What does Mr. Smithers ask Ms. Morgan to do?
A. Interview job candidates.
B. Send him comments.
C. Make a plan to recruit new employees.
D. Read the major national newspapers.
183. What will happen by April 30?
A. Job candidates will submit their applications.
B. Interviews will begin.
C. Two or three new staff members will be hired.
D. The new staff members will begin working.
184. The word candidates in line 7 of the first e-mail is closest in meaning to
A. advertisements
B. descriptions
C. recommendations
D. applicants
185. The word qualifications in lines 6-7 of the second e-mail is closest in meaning to
A. quantities
B. positions
C. abilities
D. salaries

Questions 186-190 refer to the following outlet and e-mail

St. George MEDIA
St. George Media, the publisher of leading consumer media titles including LIFE IN THE CITY,
MOVIE REVIEW, TEEN GOSSIP, and BRIDE & GROOM, is hiring for the following roles:
Sales & marketing
• Director, Interactive Sales
• Accounting Manager
• Interactive Marketing Manager
• Sales Manager
Web Production
• Project Manager
• Web Developer
• Web Programmer (minimum of 02 years experience)
if you have any questions or are interested in any of the above position, please send your resume
We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.
Good morning,
First of all, I want to mention that I am an avid reader of one of your magazines. The articles in
your magazine deal with real issues, and I especially like reading those columns where the readers
write in about their opinions of the issues covered in your magazine.
The reason for my contacting you this morning is because I think I can be of some help to you at
this time. I came upon your job placement ad while browsing through your magazine. I immediately
called a person I know in your company to seek more information and realized that you are planning
a major facelift of your company website and are looking for the right people.
I know that the process of putting together a viable web team can be a slow process. I also know
that it can be very costly. I used to manage a web team at my past company, and we ran into
problems we could not anticipate.
Webstarters is a company that was established in 1990 with the purpose of helping companies like
yours set up and maintain websites. We have a team of experts that understands the balance of
technology, design, and content that creates an effective web presence. Webstarters’ development
team combines professional graphic design, internet programming expertise, advanced technical
skills, and website marketing knowledge to create websites that are visually appealing, easy to
navigate, and accomplish your business goals.
I know that your intention is to have your own web team, but do not consider other alternatives like
outsourcing to a company like mine. It just might be a wise move. Please consider, and call me to
arrange a meeting to discuss the possibilities further. Thank you for your time.

Suzie Miller

186. What type of business has taken out the advertisement?

A. A web developing
B. A television studio
C. A publishing company
D. A wedding boutique
187. Which of the following individuals would be most qualified for a position mentioned in the
A. A recent college graduate with a degree in accounting?
B. A sales representative who has two months of experience in his field
C. A human resources manager with 2 years of experience
D. A computer programmer with 5 years of hand-on experience

188. What is the main purpose of the email?

A. To seek further information about an open position
B. To find out about the results of a job interview
C. To show an alternative way of conducting business
D. To subscribe to a magazine at a discounted rate
189. What is NOT mentioned about Webstarters in the email?
A. It was launched in 1990
B. It makes and maintains websites for companies
C. It is in the process of expanding its staff
D. Its owner has past experience in web-related work
190. Which of the following magazines does Ms. Miller most likely read?

Questions 191-195 refer to the following email and notice

With reference to the GSS Conference email I sent on behalf of Michael O’Brien yesterday, I would
like to seek your confirmation on the availability of the New Office Visit, Lunch & Dinner on Web,
December 6, by this coming Thursday, November 16. Additionally, if you have not yet confirmed
with me schedule for the conference, please email me ASAP.
Please note that you are expected to check in on December 6 and check out on December 8. Your
room will cost HK$800 net per night (breakfast for 1 included). However if you would like to
extend your stay by checking in at an earlier date or checking out at a later date, please let me know
because the rate will be different and booking in advance is needed.
I’ve attached some information regarding the conference with this email. Should you have any
queries, please feel free to email me at or ring me at 852 2255 1265

Thanks & Best regards



A brief schedule is as shown

Web, Dec 6-New Office Visit/ Lunch/Dinner (Optional)
Thus, Dec7-GSS Conference/Lunch/Dinner
Fri, Dec 8-GSS Conference/Lunch

All attendees are scheduled to stay at the Stardust Hotel
Hotel address: 102 Campbell Road East
Hotel telephone: 852 2268

Shuttle Bus
We suggest taking the shuttle bus from the airport to the hotel. You can simply register yourself at
Counter A at the arrive hall of the airport. The fare is HK$130 per trip per person.
Our New Office
Our New Office’s address is Unit 707, 118 Campbell Road East, which is about a 5 minute walk
from the hotel.

A map showing the locations of 1) Our New Office 2) the Stardust Hotel 3) The restaurant
where we will be dining on Dec 6 will be emailed to you later this week.

191. By when should the recipient of the email respond if they are interested in visiting the new
A. December 6
B. November 16
C. December 7
D. November 14
192. What is implied about the hotel in the email?
A. It is very expensive
B. It only has non-smoking rooms
C. It is located within a walking distance of the airport
D. It will be very busy during the time of the conference
193. For those interested, how will they most likely go to the new office?
A. A car has been arranged to pick them up
B. They will catch a cab
C. A shuttle bus is available at the hotel
D. They will walk over
194. Which of the following will NOT be sent this week?
A. A map of the hotel
B. A map of the new office
C. A map of the restaurant
D. A map of the conference place
195. Who will most likely send the maps?
A. Michael O’Brien
B. Cindy Chow
C. Edward Ngan
D. Renee Anderson
Questions 196-200 refer to the following agenda and e-mail.
International Environmental Protection Group (IEPG)
Meeting & Awards Ceremony
Thursday, August 1,20 _ 7:00 P.M.
Place: Room 1, Sofitel Hotel
1. Welcome Birsen Aksay
2. Fall projects & plans Ari Tabaku
3. Introduction of Nominating Kazadi Koite
4. Presentation of award Jakob Skolnik
Recipient: J.S.Choi, CEO
5. Reception

To: Jakob Skolnik

From: Victoria Williams
Subject: yesterday’s awards ceremony
Mr. Skolnik,
We were all concerned about your sudden illness yesterday and hope that you are feeling better to
day. I know that you will feel reassured to learn that last night’s awards ceremony went very well
despite your absence. We has Kazadi Koite lead both items 3 and 4, and I am happy to report that
he did an excellent job. The CEO of B.J. Technology accepted the award for “ most
environmentally friendly company” on his company’s behalf and expressed great delight on
receiving it. The reception was enjoyed by all. We had reserved the room for only three hours, and
one guests stayed until the last possible moment. More guests attended than we expected, so we
barely had enough room for everyone. Perhaps we should ask for a bigger room next year. Rooms
2 and 3 are also small, but either room 4 or room 6 would be a good size, I think Even though the
ceremony and reception were a great success, I have several other ideas for improvements for next
year’s ceremony. We can discuss them when you return to work. Please rest well. We hope to see
you healthy and back at work soon.


196. What company does J.S Choi work for?

B. B.J Technology
C. Sofitel Hotels
D. William Inc
197. Who presented the award?
A. Jakob Skolnik
B. Victoria Williams
C. Kazadi Koite
D. Ari Tabaku
198. In which room was the reception held?
A. Room 1
B. Room 2
C. Room 3
D. Room 4
199. What time did the reception end?
A. 3:00
B. 6:00
C. 7:00
D. 10:00
200. What does Victoria Williams suggest doing next year?
A. Asking Jakob Skolnik to present the award
B. Using a larger hotel
C. Inviting more guests
D. Reserving a different room.


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