BCR Sequncial Extraction

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Application of a modi®ed BCR sequential extraction (three-step)

procedure for the determination of extractable trace metal contents in

a sewage sludge amended soil reference material (CRM 483),
complemented by a three-year stability study of acetic acid and
EDTA extractable metal content

G. Rauret,a J.-F. LoÂpez-SaÂnchez,a A. Sahuquillo,b E. Barahona,c M. Lachica,c A. M. Ure,d

C. M. Davidson,d A. Gomez,e D. LuÈck,f J. Bacon,g M. Yli-Halla,h H. Muntaub and
Ph. Quevauvilleri
Universidad de Barcelona, Departamento de QuõÂmica AnalõÂtica, Av. Diagonal, 647, E-08028
Barcelona, Spain
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Environment Institute, I-21020 Ispra, Italy
EstacioÂn Experimental del Zaidin, CSIC, Prof. Albareda 1, E-18008 Granada, Spain
University of Strathclyde, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Cathedral Street,
Glasgow, UK G1 1XL
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Unite d'Agronomie, BP 81, F-33883
Villenave d'Ornon, France
Bundesanstalt fuÈr Materialforschung und -pruÈfung, Unter Den Eichen 87, D-12205 Berlin,
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, UK AB9 2QJ
Agricultural Research Centre, Institute for Soils and Environment, FIN-31600 Jokioinen,
European Commission, Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme, Rue de la Loi 200
(MO 75 3/9), B-1049 Brussels, Belgium

Received 23rd February 2000, Accepted 7th April 2000

Published on the Web 11th May 2000

This paper provides additional data on a sewage sludge amended soil certi®ed reference material, CRM 483,
which was certi®ed in 1997 for its EDTA and acetic acid extractable contents of some trace metals, following
standardised extraction procedures. The additional work aimed to test the long-term stability of the material
and the applicability of an improved version of the BCR three-step sequential extraction procedure on the
sewage sludge amended soil (CRM 483). The paper demonstrates the CRM 483 long-term stability for EDTA
and acetic acid extractable contents of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn and gives the results (obtained in the
framework of an interlaboratory study) for the extractable contents of the same elements in the CRM 483,
following the BCR three-step sequential extraction scheme. The aqua regia extractable contents following the
ISO 11466 Standard are also given. The data are given as indicative (not certi®ed) values.

Introduction As a result, sewage sludge amended soil CRMs are now

available for the quality control of determinations of EDTA
The increasing concern to assess the bioavailable metal fraction and acetic acid extractable trace element contents (CRMs 483,
and the mobility of trace metals in the environment is re¯ected 484 and 600),9,10 and a sediment CRM was certi®ed for its
by a considerable increase in the frequency of soil and sediment extractable trace element contents following a three-step
analysis based on operationally-de®ned extraction procedures sequential extraction (CRM 601),11 which was recently
over the last ten years. Single and sequential extraction schemes improved for its application in further sediment certi®cation
were designed in the 80's in order to assess the different campaigns.12,13 These CRMs are the ®rst ones to be certi®ed
retention/release of metals in soil and sediment samples.1±5 for their extractable trace element contents. The results of these
However, the lack of uniformity in the different procedures certi®cations and the work performed to select, improve and
used did not allow the results to be compared worldwide nor harmonise the extraction schemes have been published in the
the procedures to be validated. The results obtained are de®ned open scienti®c literature.13±16
by the determination of extractable elements using a given Although the studies carried out on CRM 483 for
procedure and, therefore, their signi®cance is highly dependent certi®cation proved the material to be stable for EDTA and
on the extraction protocol performed. Moreover, the lack of acetic acid extractable contents over a 12 month period, it was
suitable reference materials for this type of study did not enable highly recommended that the stability be checked three years
the quality of the measurements to be controlled. Because of later, this was performed for these extractants. In addition,
the many pitfalls likely to occur in the use of extraction considering the interest shown by the soil scientists with respect
protocols for soil analysis, the European Commission through to the three-step sequential extraction scheme (originally
the BCR programme and its successors has conducted a series developed for sediment analysis),17,18 a trial has been organised
of interlaboratory studies, which were successfully concluded to test the suitability of this scheme on a soil CRM, namely
by the certi®cation of soil and sediment reference materials.6±8 CRM 483. This paper describes the results obtained when the

228 J. Environ. Monit., 2000, 2, 228±233 DOI: 10.1039/b001496f

This journal is # The Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
BCR three-step sequential extraction procedure is applied to Analytical methods used in the trial
the soil CRM 483.
Various potential sources of irreproducibility in the original
BCR sequential extraction scheme19 were investigated using the
lake sediment CRM 601.12 The scheme is based on the use of
Preparation and characterisation of the CRM 483 acetic acid to liberate exchangeable/acid-extractable metals
The material was collected from Great Billings Sewage Farm (Step 1), then the metals associated with the reducible phases
(Northampton) in 1991.14 Field-moist soil was collected by are solubilised using hydroxylamine hydrochloride (Step 2)
multiple sampling to a depth of 10 cm and bulked into and, ®nally, the metals released by oxidation with hydrogen
polyethylene bags for transport to the Macaulay Land Use peroxide are extracted in 1.0 mol l21 ammonium acetate. Of
Research Institute (Aberdeen, UK) where it was air-dried at the variables considered, the pH of the hydroxylamine
30 ³C for 3 weeks on paper-lined aluminium trays. The dried hydrochloride in Step 2 proved to be most important.
material was then gently rolled with a wooden roller to break Improved precision could be obtained when the hydroxylamine
up large aggregates, sieved through a 2 mm round-hole sieve hydrochloride concentration was increased from 0.1 to
and stored in tightly-sealed polyethylene bags. The soil sample 0.5 mol l21 and when the relative centrifugation acceleration
was thoroughly mixed and homogenised by rolling it on a clean was increased from 1500 to 3000g. These observations
polyethylene sheet for 3 d with occasional mixing by hand. prompted slight modi®cations to the extraction scheme. The
Additional details on coning and quartering of the material are modi®ed procedure was applied to the CRM 601, for
given elsewhere.14 Bottling was carried out, using a nylon comparison with the original procedure20 and has been used
spatula, into pre-cleaned brown glass bottles (capped by for the certi®cation of a new sediment reference material (CRM
polyethylene screwcaps), each containing approximately 70 g. 701), which will be discussed before Summer 2000.
A total of 1280 bottles were obtained and 128 bottles (two from The modi®ed scheme was applied to the CRM 483 in a
each ®nal half-sample) were set aside for homogeneity and small-scale interlaboratory study in which six laboratories
stability testing, of which the results are described elsewhere.9,14 participated, namely: Agricultural Research Centre, Jokioinen
(Finland); Bundesanstalt fuÈr Materialforschung und PruÈfung,
Berlin (Germany); EstacioÂn Experimental del Zaidin, Granada
(Spain); Institut National de Recherche Agronomique,
Long-term stability of the material Villenave d'Ornon (France); Macaulay Land Use Research
The long-term stability of the material with respect to its Institute, Aberdeen (United Kingdom); and University of
EDTA and acetic acid extractable trace element contents was Barcelona, Department of Analytical Chemistry (Spain).
veri®ed by the EstacioÂn Experimental del Zaidin, CSIC Each laboratory that took part in the collaborative exercise
(Granada, Spain) after three years storage of the CRM. Five to test the sequential extraction procedure on CRM 483 was
independent determinations were carried out for each element requested to make a minimum of ®ve independent replicate
(Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) from ®ve different bottles of the determinations of each element on at least two different
CRM 483 on different days and following strictly the EDTA bottles of the CRM on different days, following strictly the
and acetic acid extraction protocols. The techniques used to modi®ed BCR sequential extraction scheme described in
determine the metal concentrations in the extracts were Appendix 1. The participants were also encouraged to
generally FAAS (¯ame atomic absorption spectrometry) or determine the aqua regia extractable trace element contents
ETAAS (electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry) (using the ISO Standard 11466) in the original sample and in
depending on the concentration level in the extracts. the residue after extraction in order to provide an additional
The results obtained from the stability trial after three years, control tool for the quality of analyses (Appendix 2). Analyses
the certi®ed values (obtained in 1997) and their respective were carried out under a suitable quality control regime, using
uncertainties (half-width of the 95% con®dence intervals) are CRM 601 as a means of verifying the accuracy of the
given in Table 1 as mass fractions of the respective extracts measurements.
(based on dry mass) in mg kg21. For both extractants, the The methods of ®nal determination were ¯ame atomic
amounts extracted for Cd, Cr, Cu, and Zn compared well with absorption spectrometry (FAAS); electrothermal atomic
the certi®ed values and the uncertainties were of similar absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) or inductively coupled
magnitude to those obtained in the certi®cation exercise. Lower plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). All precau-
values were obtained for acetic acid extractable Pb and EDTA tions were taken with respect to the protocol application and
extractable Ni; however, the good agreement obtained for the calibration. The entire participants reported their experi-
EDTA extractable Pb and acetic acid extractable Ni let us mental conditions in order to demonstrate the traceability of
consider that the deviations observed were due to an analytical the results, in particular, with respect to the calibrants and
artefact rather than to instability problems. These results calibration procedures used (veri®ed stoichiometry and purity)
demonstrate the stability of CRM 483 for EDTA and acetic and the operational conditions related to the sequential
acid extractable trace element contents after three years from extraction scheme. Details on the experimental conditions
the preparation of material. are available elsewhere.21

Table 1 Results (mg kg21) obtained in the long-term stability study (three years) of the acetic acid and EDTA extractable metal contents in CRM

Acetic acid EDTA

Element Obtained Certi®ed Obtained Certi®ed

Cd 19.1¡0.3 18.3¡0.6 25.3¡0.7 24.3¡1.3

Cr 18.8¡0.9 18.7¡1.0 30.0¡0.3 28.6¡2.6
Cu 34.3¡0.8 33.5¡1.6 222¡9.0 215¡11
Ni 26.2¡1.1 25.8¡1.0 24.5¡1.0 28.7¡1.7
Pb 1.72¡0.1 2.10¡0.25 220¡4.0 229¡8
Zn 644¡29 620¡24 648¡18 612¡19

J. Environ. Monit., 2000, 2, 228±233 229

Results of the interlaboratory trial were found to cause variability between results obtained, for
the same sample, by different analysts.
All the results submitted by the participating laboratories were
discussed at a technical evaluation meeting to con®rm the
accuracy of the methods of analysis. For each set of results (®ve Conclusions
replicates), the mean value and the standard deviation were
calculated. All the sets of results were found acceptable on It is recognised that vital information on the distribution of
technical grounds and so were accepted and used for the trace metal fractions may be lost when soil samples are dried.
calculation of the indicative values given in Tables 2 and 3. One However, drying is certainly the best compromise to achieve
of the laboratories did not perform aqua regia extraction test stability of samples and interlaboratory comparability since
for pseudo-total determination and for Cd in the residue after moist soils are more dif®cult to homogenise and, where
sequential extraction. immediate extraction is not possible, microbial and chemical
The indicative values were calculated as the arithmetic means reactions may lead to transformations of the fractionation
of laboratory means (taking into account the number of sets pattern.18 Results of extraction of ®eld-moist samples versus
accepted after technical scrutiny); these values (mean of p air-dried soils indeed showed that recoveries with respect to
accepted sets of results) and their standard deviations and the aqua regia pseudo-total values are lower than for air-dried
corresponding relative standard deviation (RSD) (%) are given soil.18 This suggested that changes may occur during drying,
in Tables 2 (sequential extraction) and 3 (aqua regia) as mass which might limit the environmental relevance of results
fractions of the respective extracts (based on dry mass) in obtained from extraction of trace metals from dry soils.
mg kg21. Besides, however, the long-term stability of extractable trace
Table 4 summarises the data (in mg kg21) for extracted metal contents in dry samples, as demonstrated in the present
metal. The aqua regia results from the original sample are study, shows that CRMs represent a good tool for achieving
compared with the sum of the extracted metals from the three comparability of measurements on a long-term basis. Further
steps plus residual (S3 stepszaqua regia extractable from work is certainly recommended to determine the best way of
residue). No signi®cant differences were observed between the stabilising samples (including reference materials) so that the
total metal extracted following the aqua regia protocol and the original trace metal pattern is maintained, during storage, prior
sum of extracted metals following both sequential extraction to application of methods such as sequential extraction.18
As mentioned above, the effect of pH variability on the
procedures, this indicates the good quality of the results
extractability of trace metals in sediment has also been
thoroughly studied in the sediment CRM 601.12 A systematic
study has been made of variables such as pH of the extractant,
type of acid used in pH adjustment, extraction temperature,
Discussion extraction time, method used to separate liquid and solid
phases after extraction, increase in extractant concentration,
Recent attempts were made to apply the BCR sequential and investigation of alternative reagents. This study has
extraction scheme to a range of soil samples with different revealed some sources of uncertainty, merely related to pH
physico-chemical properties,17 with slight modi®cations, e.g., variability, which justi®ed slight modi®cations to the scheme,
addition of water soil extraction as a ®rst step. The procedure of which the modi®ed version is given in Appendix 1.
was found useful to improve the evaluation of trace metal The application of the modi®ed BCR sequential extraction
behaviour in soils and was recommended for investigations scheme to the soil CRM 483 shows that a good interlaboratory
of soil±plant relationships.17 Sources of variability in the comparability could be obtained for the three steps of the
application of this scheme to an industrially-contaminated soil procedure (see Table 2), with RSDs ranging from 3 to 11% for
were investigated by other authors,18 showing that improve- the ®rst step (except for chromium and lead), 6 to 17% for the
ments would be desirable for achieving a better interlaboratory second step, and 22 to 39% for the third step. In some cases
comparison. In particular, small differences in pH at Step 2 (e.g., Pb in the ®rst step), the large RSD was due to a closeness

Table 2 Indicative values: extractable trace metal contents (mg kg21) following the BCR three-step sequential extraction scheme

Element Mean s RSD (%) pa Techniques used

First stepÐ
Cd 10.0 0.77 2.8 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Cr 9.4 3.5 37 6 ETAAS, ICP-AES
Cu 16.8 1.5 8.9 6 FAAS, ETAAS, ICP-AES
Ni 17.9 2.0 11 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Pb 0.76 0.70 93 6 ETAAS, ICP-AES
Zn 441 39 8.9 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Second stepÐ
Cd 24.8 2.3 9.2 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Cr 654 108 17 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Cu 141 20 15 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Ni 24.4 3.3 13 6 FAAS, ETAAS, ICP-AES
Pb 379 21 5.5 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Zn 438 56 13 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Third stepÐ
Cd 1.22 0.48 39 6 ETAAS, ICP-AES
Cr 2215 494 22 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Cu 132 29 22 6 FAAS, ETAAS, ICP-AES
Ni 5.9 1.4 24 6 ETAAS, ICP-AES
Pb 66.5 22 34 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Zn 37.1 9.9 27 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
p, sets of results (each of 5 replicates). Individual results and graphical representations are available upon request to the University of
Barcelona (contact one of the ®rst authors of this paper).

230 J. Environ. Monit., 2000, 2, 228±233

Table 3 Indicative values: aqua regia extractable trace metal contents (mg kg21)

Element Mean s RSD (%) pa Techniques used

Aqua regia (residue)Ð

Cd 0.423 0.160 38 5 FAAS, ICP-AES
Cr 183 40 22 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Cu 43.3 3.8 8.8 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Ni 15.2 4.3 28 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Pb 76.9 17 22 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Zn 82.1 9.6 12 6 FAAS, ICP-AES
Aqua regia (pseudo-total)Ð
Cd 36.4 2.8 7.7 5 FAAS, ICP-AES
Cr 3392 484 14 5 FAAS, ICP-AES
Cu 362 12 3.3 5 FAAS, ICP-AES
Ni 63.8 7.7 12 5 FAAS, ICP-AES
Pb 501 47 9.4 5 FAAS, ICP-AES
Zn 987 37 3.7 5 FAAS, ICP-AES
p, sets of results (each of 5 replicates). Individual results and graphical representations are available upon request to the University of
Barcelona (contact one of the ®rst authors of this paper).

Table 4 Comparison of results (mean¡s) obtained following sequential and aqua regia extraction protocols

Element/mg kg21

Cd Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn

Step 1 10.0¡0.77 9.40¡3.5 16.8¡1.5 17.9¡2.0 0.756¡0.70 441¡39

Step 2 24.8¡2.3 654¡108 141¡20 24.4¡3.3 379¡21 438¡56
Step 3 1.22¡0.48 2215¡494 132¡29 5.9¡1.4 66.5¡22 37.1¡9.9
Residue 0.423¡0.16 183¡40 43.3¡3.8 15.2¡4.3 76.9¡17 82.1¡9.6
S3 stepszresidual 36.44¡2.5 3061¡507 333¡35 63.4¡5.9 523¡35 998¡70
Pseudo-total 36.40¡2.8 3392¡484 362¡12 63.8¡7.7 501¡47 987¡37
Relative error (%) 0.12 29.75 27.98 20.63 4.42 1.13

of the extractable content with the detection limits of some of Solution A (acetic acid, 0.11 mol L21). Add, in a fume
the techniques used by the participants. However, the overall cupboard, 25¡0.1 mL of glacial acetic acid to about 0.5 L of
results enabled to conclude that the new version of the BCR distilled water in a 1 L graduated polypropylene or poly-
extraction protocol would be suitable for the analysis of ethylene bottle and make up to 1 L with distilled water. Take
contaminated soil samples. 250 mL of this solution (acetic acid, 0.43 mol L21) and dilute to
1 L with distilled water to obtain an acetic acid solution of
0.11 mol L21.
Financial support to the project by the European Commission Solution B (hydroxylammonium chloride (hydroxylamine
through the contract SMT4-CT96-2087 is acknowledged. hydrochloride), 0.5 mol L21). Dissolve 34.75 g of hydroxylam-
monium chloride in 400 mL distilled water. Transfer the
solution to a 1 L volumetric ¯ask, and add, by means of a
volumetric pipette, 25 mL of 2 mol L21 HNO3 (prepared by
weighing from a suitable concentrated solution). Make up to
Appendix 1: Standardised procedure BCR sequential 1 L with distilled water. Prepare this solution on the same day
extraction the extraction is carried out.

Apparatus Solution C (hydrogen peroxide, 300 mg g21, i.e., 8.8 mol

All laboratory-ware, including the centrifuge tubes, shall be of L ). Use the hydrogen peroxide as supplied by the
borosilicate glass, polypropylene or PTFE. manufacturer, i.e., acid-stabilised to pH 2±3.
Vessels in contact with samples or reagents shall be cleaned
by soaking in 4 mol L21 HNO3 (overnight) and rinsed Solution D (ammonium acetate, 1.0 mol L21). Dissolve
repeatedly with distilled water before use. 77.08 g of ammonium acetate in 800 mL distilled water.
Perform the extractions using a mechanical end-over-end Adjust the pH to 2.0¡0.1 with concentrated HNO3 and
shaker, at a speed of 30¡10 rpm. Record the speed. Carry out make up to 1 L with distilled water.
the centrifugation at 3000g for 20 min.
Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn should be determined as follows:
(i) Vessel blank. To one vessel from each batch, taken
All reagents should be of analytical grade or better. through the cleaning procedure, add 40 mL of Solution
A. Analyse this blank solution along with the sample solutions
from Step 1 (described below).
Water. Glass-distilled water should be used throughout. (ii) Reagent blank. Analyse a sample of each batch of
Alternatively, doubly deionised and ®ltered water (e.g., MilliQ solutions A, B, C and D.
or equivalent) may be used. Simple deionised water should not (iii) Procedural blank. With each batch of extractions, a
be used since it may contain organically complexed metal ions. blank sample (i.e., a vessel with no soil) shall be carried through

J. Environ. Monit., 2000, 2, 228±233 231

the complete procedure and analysed at the end of each Recommendations
extraction step.
After each addition of Solution C or any heating treatment
during the third step, take care of the sample during the ®rst
Sequential extraction procedure 15 min in order to avoid or detect losses of material.
Determine the extractable contents of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and The calibrant solutions should be made up with the
Zn using the procedure described below. Carry out all the appropriate extractant solutions.
extractions on the sediment as received in the glass bottle. Where ETAAS is the technique used for quanti®cation, the
Before subsampling the sediment, shake the contents of the method of standard additions is strongly recommended for
bottle manually for 3 min. Take the sample using a suitable calibration.
plastic (see apparatus, above) spatula. As an internal check on the procedure, it is recommended
For each batch of extractions, dry a separate 1 g sample of that the residue from Step 3 be digested in aqua regia and the
the sediment in a layer of about 1 mm depth in an oven total amount of metal extracted (i.e., sum of Step 1zStep
(105¡2 ³C) until constant weight. From this, a correction ``to 2zStep 3zresidue) compared with that obtained by aqua regia
dry mass'' is obtained which shall be applied to all analytical digestion of a separate, 1 g sample of the sediment. The residue
values reported (i.e., results shall be quoted as quantity of metal from Step 3 should be transferred to a suitable (see Apparatus)
per g dry sediment). digestion vessel with about 3 mL water and should be digested
Perform the extractions by shaking in a mechanical, end- following the re¯ux procedure (ISO Standard 11466, see
over-end shaker at a speed of 30¡10 rpm and a room attached procedure). The same procedure should be used for
temperature of 22¡5 ³C. The sediment sample should be in aqua regia digestion of the original sediment.
suspension during shaking. Measure and report the tempera-
ture of the room at the start and at the end of each step of the
extraction procedure. Perform the sequential extraction
according to the steps described below: Appendix 2: Standardised procedure aqua regia
extraction protocol
Step 1. Add 40 mL of Solution A to 1 g sediment in an 80 to
100 mL centrifuge tube, stopper and extract by shaking for 16 h The following digestion method, according to the ISO
at 22¡5 ³C (overnight). No delay should occur between the Standard 11466, was adopted as the common method for the
addition of the extractant solution and the beginning of the interlaboratory trial. This international standard has been
shaking. Separate the extract from the solid residue by proposed for the determination of extractable metals in soils
centrifugation at 3000g for 20 min and decantation of the and similar materials containing less than about 20% m/m
supernatant liquid into a polyethylene container. Stopper the organic carbon according to ISO10694. Materials containing
container and analyse the extract immediately, or store in a more than about 20% m/m organic carbon will require
refrigerator at about 4 ³C prior to analysis. Wash the residue by treatment with additional nitric acid.
adding 20 mL distilled water, shaking for 15 min on the end-
over-end shaker and centrifuging for 20 min at 3000g. Decant Reagents
the supernatant and discard, taking care not to discard any of
The reagents used shall meet the purity requirements of the
the solid residue.
subsequent analysis. Their purity shall be veri®ed by perform-
ing a blank test.
Step 2. Add 40 mL of a freshly prepared Solution B to the
residue from Step 1 in the centrifuge tube. Resuspend by
manual shaking, stopper and then extract by mechanical Water. The water used shall comply with Grade 2 of ISO
shaking for 16 h at 22¡5 ³C (overnight). No delay should 3696, or better. Deionised water may be used, providing that it
occur between the addition of the extractant solution and the meets the requirements given above. It is recommended that the
beginning of the shaking. Separate the extract from the solid same batch of water is used throughout a given batch of
residue by centrifugation and decantation as in Step 1. Retain determinations and the blank determinations are carried out.
the extract in a stoppered polyethylene container, as before, for
analysis. Wash the residue by adding 20 mL distilled water, Hydrochloric acid. c(HCl)~12.0 mol L21, r~1.19 g mL21.
shaking for 15 min on the end-over-end shaker and centrifu-
ging for 20 min at 3000g. Decant the supernatant and discard, Nitric acid. c(HNO3)~15.8 mol L21, r~1.42 g mL21.
taking care not to discard any of the solid residue.
Nitric acid. c(HNO3)~0.5 mol L21, dilute 32 mL of
Step 3. Add carefully, in small aliquots to avoid losses due to
15.8 mol L21 nitric acid with water to 1 L.
a possible violent reaction, 10 mL of Solution C to the residue
in the centrifuge tube (see recommendations). Cover the vessel
loosely with its cap and digest at room temperature for 1 h with Apparatus
occasional manual shaking. Continue the digestion for 1 h at Clean all the glassware by carefully immersing in warm
85¡2 ³C, with occasional manual shaking for the ®rst 30 min; 0.5 mol L21 nitric acid for a minimum of 6 h and then rinse
in a water bath, and then reduce the volume to less than 3 mL with deionised water.
by further heating of the uncovered tube. Add a further aliquot
of 10 mL of Solution C. Heat the covered vessel again to
85¡2 ³C and digest for 1 h, with occasional manual shaking Reaction vessel. Of nominal volume 250 mL (round-
for the ®rst 30 min. Remove the cover and reduce the volume of bottomed ¯ask type).
liquid to about 1 mL. Do not take to complete dryness. Add
50 mL of Solution D to the cool moist residue and shake for Re¯ux condenser. Straight-through type, with conical
16 h at 22¡5 ³C (overnight). No delay should occur between ground-glass joints. Water-cooled condensers with a minimum
the addition of the extractant solution and the beginning of the effective length of at least 200 mm have been found suitable.
shaking. Separate the extract from the solid residue by The effective length is the internal surface, which is in contact
centrifugation and decantation as in Step 1. Stopper and with the cooling water. The overall external length of such
retain as before for analysis. condensers is usually at least 365 mm.

232 J. Environ. Monit., 2000, 2, 228±233

Absorption vessel. Non-return type. The absorption vessel is of releasing agents, depending on the element(s), of interest,
only necessary when mercury is to be determined. and the spectroscopic method chosen. The ¯ask should not,
therefore, be ®lled to the mark at this stage, until the further
Roughened glass beads. Diameter 2±3 mm (or anti-bumping steps in the analysis have been decided upon.

Temperature-controlled heating apparatus. Capable of heat-

ing the contents of the reaction vessel to re¯ux temperature.

Extraction procedure References

Weigh approximately 3 g (see Note 1 below), to the nearest 1 A. Tessier, P. G. C. Campbell and M. Bisson, Anal. Chem., 1979,
0.001 g, of the air-dried material into the reaction vessel. (The 51, 844.
2 M. Meguellati, D. Robbe, P. Marchandise and M. Astruc, Proc.
water content of the air-dried material should be determined in Int. Conf. Heavy Metals in the Environment, Heidelberg, Vol. 1,
a different subsample according to ISO 11465.) CEP-Consultants, Edinburgh, 1987, p. 1091.
Add 0.5 mL to 1.0 mL of water to obtain a slurry, and add, 3 W. Salomons and U. FoÈrstner, Environ. Technol. Lett., 1980, 1,
while mixing, 21 mL of 12.0 mol L21 HCl followed by 7 mL of 506.
15.8 mol L21 HNO3 , drop by drop if necessary, to reduce 4 E. A. Thomas, S. N. Luoma, D. J. Cain and C. Johansson, Water,
foaming. Air, Soil Pollut., 1980, 14, 215.
5 M. Kersten and U. FoÈrstner, Mar. Chem., 1987, 22, 299.
Add 15 mL of 0.5 mol L21 HNO3 to the adsorption vessel, 6 A. Ure, Ph. Quevauviller, H. Muntau and B. Griepink, EUR
connect the vessel to the re¯ux condenser and place both on top Report, 14763 EN, European Commission, Brussels, 1993.
of the reaction ¯ask. 7 Ph. Quevauviller, Trends Anal. Chem., 1998, 17, 289.
Allow to stand for 16 h at room temperature to allow for 8 Ph. Quevauviller, Trends Anal. Chem., 1998, 17, 632.
slow oxidation of the organic matter of the soil. 9 Ph. Quevauviller, M. Lachica, E. Barahona, G. Rauret, A. Ure,
Raise the temperature of the reaction mixture slowly until A. Gomez and H. Muntau, EUR Report, 17127 EN, European
re¯ux conditions are reached and maintain for 2 h, ensuring Commission, Brussels, 1997.
10 Ph. Quevauviller, G. Rauret, J.-F. LoÂpez-SaÂnchez, R. Rubio,
that the condensation zone is lower than 13 of the height of the A. Ure and H. Muntau, EUR Report, 17555 EN, European
condenser. Commission, Brussels, 1997.
Allow to cool slowly to room temperature. 11 Ph. Quevauviller, G. Rauret, J.-F. LoÂpez-SaÂnchez, R. Rubio,
Add the content of the absorption vessel, through the A. Ure and H. Muntau, EUR Report, 17554 EN, European
condenser tube, into the reaction vessel and rinse both with Commission, Brussels, 1997.
10 mL of 0.5 mol L21 HNO3. 12 A. Sahuquillo, J.-F. LoÂpez-SaÂnchez, R. Rubio, G. Rauret,
R. P. Thomas, C. M. Davidson and A. Ure, Anal. Chim. Acta,
Transfer the contents of the reaction vessel quantitatively to
1999, 382, 317.
a 100 mL graduated ¯ask. Rinse the vessel with 0.5 mol L21 13 G. Rauret, J.-F. LoÂpez-SaÂnchez, A. Sahuquillo, R. Rubio,
HNO3 and transfer as well. Fill the graduated ¯ask with C. Davidson, A. Ure and Ph. Quevauviller, J. Environ. Monit.,
bidistilled water up to the mark (see Note 2), close with stopper 1999, 1, 57.
and shake. 14 Ph. Quevauviller, G. Rauret, J.-F. LoÂpez-SaÂnchez, R. Rubio,
After the undissolved matter has settled, the supernatant A. Ure and H. Muntau, Fresenius' J. Anal. Chem., 1997, 357, 611.
solution shall be used for the ®nal determination of the 15 Ph. Quevauviller, M. Lachica, E. Barahona, A. Gomez, G. Rauret,
A. Ure and H. Muntau, Fresenius' J. Anal. Chem., 1998, 360, 505.
elements. 16 J.-F. LoÂpez-SaÂnchez, A. Sahuquillo, H. D. Fiedler, R. Rubio,
If the undissolved components settle too slowly or unsa- G. Rauret, H. Muntau and Ph. Quevauviller, Analyst, 1998, 123,
tisfactorily, centrifuge or ®lter with a cellulose-based mem- 1675.
brane ®lter with a medium pore size of 8 mm after ®lling the 17 J. SzaÂkovaÂ, P. TlustosÏ, J. BalõÂk, D. PavlõÂkova and V. VaneÏk,
graduated ¯ask up to the mark. Fresenius' J Anal. Chem., 1999, 363, 594.
18 C. M. Davidson, P. C. S. Ferreira and A. M. Ure, Fresenius'
J. Anal. Chem., 1999, 363, 446.
19 Ph. Quevauviller, G. Rauret, J.-F. LoÂpez-SaÂnchez, R. Rubio,
1. When analysing the residue from Step 3 of the BCR A. Ure and H. Muntau, Sci. Total Environ., 1997, 205, 223.
sequential extraction protocol, the amounts of acid to attack 20 G. Rauret, J.-F. LoÂpez-SaÂnchez, A. Sahuquillo, H. Muntau and
Ph. Quevauviller, EUR Report, 19502 EN, European Commission,
the sample should be reduced in order to maintain the same Brussels, 2000.
volume/mass ratio as in the above protocol (i.e., 7.0 mL of 12.0 21 G. Rauret, J.-F. LoÂpez-SaÂnchez, A. Sahuquillo, E. Barahona,
HCl followed by 2.3 mL of 15.8 mol L21 HNO3). M. Lachica, A. Ure, H. Muntau and Ph. Quevauviller, EUR
2. The ¯ask containing the extract could require the addition Report, 19503 EN, European Commission, Brussels, 2000.

J. Environ. Monit., 2000, 2, 228±233 233

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