Wk4 Disc v3 Fall2021 Prob

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Calculus II Discussion Set (Week 4) Fall 2021

1. Let C be the curve parametrized by r(t) = (cos t)i + (sin t)j + tk. 4. Let y = f (x) be any twice-differentiable function on R.
(a) Find T(t), N(t), and B(t). (a) Derive the following formula for the curvature at a point (a, f (a))
on the graph:
(b) Find the curvature κ(t) of this curve by using the formula |f 00 (a)|
κ(a) = .
|T0 (t)| (1 + [f 0 (a)]2 )3/2
κ(t) = .
|r0 (t)|
(b) Using the result in (a), find the curvature of the parabola y = x2
at the point (1, 1).
(c) Find the arc length parameter s = s(t) for the curve with the
base point r(0). (c) Explain why the curvature of the graph is zero precisely when
f 00 (x) = 0.
(d) For the arc length parameter you found in (c), express t in terms
of s, then consider the vector function (d) Explain why, if x = a is a critical point of f , |f 00 (a)| equals the
curvature of the graph at (a, f (a)).
(e) Find all the points on the graph of y = sin x where the curvature
(which is called a reparametrization of C in terms of s). Then, is zero.
using this reparametrization of C, find T(s), N(s), and B(s).
(e) Recall that the scalar function τ (s) satisfying

B0 (s) = −τ (s)N(s)
is called the torsion of C. Find τ (s).

2. True or false?
(a) Curvature can never be negative.
(b) The tangential scalar component of a particle’s acceleration can
never be negative.
(c) The normal scalar component of a particle’s acceleration can never
be negative.
(d) Torsion can never be negative.

5. Let r(t) be a smooth curve in R3 such that its torsion is always zero.
(a) Explain why the curve’s binormal vector B does not change.
(b) Show that B · r does not change.
(c) Show that the curve lies on a plane.

3. What is the diameter of the tightest circle that a figher jet flying at
Mach 0.8 (981 km/h) can make without making the pilot lose con-
sciousness? Use a calculator and the following information:
• 1 g ≈ 9.8 m/s2
• Modern figher pilots can typically handle up to 9 g.

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