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I. Introduction

In this topic, we will talk about the foundation of every policeman that might affect on the good
performance of their duties like understanding the meaning pnp badge, also by familiarizing different
pnp uniforms, and his oath. Lastly, by understanding what being a policeman is, as a Filipino.

II. Content


The PNP Badge now pinned on your left breast is the symbol of that legal authority. It is so
placed, nearer your heart, to remind you of the fidelity and dedication to duty expected of you as a
public servant. *You have been entrusted with the badge as a symbol of your worthiness as a police
officer to serve and protect the people from whom you derived the power and authority to enforce the
laws of the land without fear or favor. *You are to oversee the general welfare of the people and
ensure that peace and order is maintained at all times. You shall ever be mindful that the police are
the protector of the weak, defender of the innocent, and advocate of human rights. At the center of
your badge is the PNP seal held bravely by our hero Lapu-Lapu, the first Filipino to defend our
country against foreign invaders despite being inferiorly equipped. *Inside the seal are the virtues of
service, honor and justice. They remind you to always render the highest form of public service for
our fellowmen. You are to serve the citizenry with the commitment of sacrifice and willingness to die
in service of God, country and people. *Walk tall, head up and bravely face the daily dangers of duty.
Keep the badge unsullied and free of any breach of fidelity. *Your dignity as a police officer
symbolized by the badge is now pinned on you heart. Never swerve from your solemn oath of office
violate your vows or betray the public trusted. You are a police officer Wear your badge with honor.

swiftness and ferocity, power, courage and immortality.

PNP SHIELD - Symbol of protection of all citizens

THREE STARS - Stands for Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao which constitute the Republic's Territorial
integrity over which the PNP must enforce the law and maintain peace and order with
professionalism, zeal and dedication in keeping with the highest ideal and traditions of service to God,
Country and People

Eight Sun Rays - Represents eight (provinces whose ideals of courage gallantry patriotism led to
their revolt against Spain.

Lapu-Lapu - Symbolizes the bravely of the Philippine National Police

SERVICE, HONOR, JUSTICE - Services is the vibrant and cogent deeds and actions in response to
the need and wants of the people in distress: Honor could be task or mission and Justice dispensed
to everyone whatever is due to him without favoritism or discrimination of any part

Laurel Leaves - Symbolizes the competency brilliance and honor in the field of endeavor expected
from each and every member of the PNP Philippine National Police - Identify of solidarity


Most people can identify a police officer by the official police uniform. Mired and stocked on a
busy street and in need of help, the mere sight of police officer in a distinctive uniform is a sigh of
relief for most citizens. Most, if not all, drivers willingly submit and obey to the hand directions of a
police officer in proper uniform. Criminals usually curb their unlawful behavior when they spot a
uniformed police officer in the area. A police officer wearing a snappy uniform while performing
his/her duty commands awesome respect and obedience from the citizens.

Good grooming means being neat and being properly dressed. As a public servant, being well-
groomed helps build self-confidence, and earns awesome respect and high regard from the people. It
makes one feel proud of himself knowing that others appreciate his ways and his appearance.

More importantly, the uniform bespeaks not only of the authority and prerogatives of the peace
keeper and law enforcer and donning or wearing such uniform but, equally worthwhile, the
intellectual, moral and spiritual cast and mold of the person inside that uniform.
If a policeman is neglectful or remiss his interior breeding, upbringing, and posturing, there
surges the imminent and potential likelihood that such shortcomings would find shape and form his
untidy, sloppy and repulsive uniform.


were conceptualized to run after illegal manufacture, distribution, sale and unauthorized use of PNP
uniform, insignias and other accoutrements, including the materials for their production. Several
guidelines and directives concerning PNP's effort to operate and implement "TAMANG BIHIS" were
issued and properly disseminated. Yet the PNP's campaign seems in vain on the grounds that
unscrupulous individuals are engaged in the manufacture of illegal and substandard PNP uniform.
• The purpose of this LOI prescribes the courses of action that must be carried out by all PNP
units and offices in implementing stricter measures of compliance in the proper wearing of authorized
and prescribed PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements. Additionally, this LOI provides
additional procedures to be under taken to control the proliferation of unauthorized and substandard
police uniforms. NHQ TASK FORCE “BANTAY BIHIS” • Dated November 21, 2007
• Identify all PNP recognized manufacturers, dealers and suppliers of PNP uniforms, insignias
and accoutrements and inform in the salient provisions of this LOI:
•Conduct inspection to PNP personals to ensure that they are all complying with the prescribed
PNP uniform, insignias, and accoutrements.
•Gather information through intelligence efforts regarding illegal and unauthorized
manufacturing, distribution, sale, and illegal use of PNP uniforms and individual equipment:
•Initiate case build-up on Organized Crime Group (OCGs) or individuals disguising as
policemen in the conduct nefarious activities:
•Exercise visitorial power to all known dealers, manufacturers and sellers of PNP uniforms,
insignias and accoutrements pursuant to the provisions of EO 297 and its IRR: and •File
administrative, civil and/or criminal charges against violator of RA 8293 and related laws then
recommend for the immediate closure and cancellation of business permit.

In raising their hand in solemn attestation and affirmation of their oath, our new breed of peace
keepers and law enforcers, imbued and invigorated as they are with their collateral concern and
commitment to socio-economic development and nation-building, have plunged themselves, in
consortium with the other relevant agencies and instrumentalities of the Republic, into a vast
battlefield on which to wage constructive wars.

It is with greater relevance to have to point out just the same the sacrificial implication of the
oath engendering a beatific irony, if we are to consider the fact that while on one hand the member of
the police service is impliedly exhorted under his oath to love his country and endear his family, on
the other hand, when, in response to the same oath, the supreme cause of his official duty exacts
upon him to offer his very life, he cannot help but leave behind him forever his endeared family and
his beloved country.


 A Filipino policeman is a protector and a friend of the people.

 His badge is the symbol of the citizen’s faith and trust, his uniform a mirror of decorum and
 His whole human person an oblation of enduring love for homeland, fellowmen and God.
 A Filipino policeman emulates the valor of Lapu-Lapu, serenity of Rizal, the leadership of
Aguinaldo, the courage of Bonifacio, the idealism of Del Pilar, the wisdom of Mabini and the
fortitude of Gomez, Burgos and Zamora.
 A Filipino policeman has oath for his republic to uphold: to defend the constitution, honor the
flag, obey the laws and duly constituted authorities. He has covenant with his people to
comply: to safeguard and protect them even beyond the call of duty. And he has a legacy for
his family to fulfill: to bequeath unto them the one and only treasure of his life – an
unblemished name.


Module in Criminology 6 (Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards). University of the Cordilleras –
College of Criminal Justice Education.

PNP Ethical Doctrine

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