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adult (N) grown-up

Children have to go with adult,

adventure (n)
exploit, exciting experience, expedition
The sailor told them about his adventure,

afraid (adj)
frightened, scared, terrified, worried (by), anxious
I am afraid of large spiders.

l. once more, another time
Olivia loved the book so much that she read it again.
2. repeatedly, over and over
Joseph jumped again and again.

aid (n)
l. help, assistance
Grace gave aid to the stranded boy.
2. emergency help, relief, supplies
blend (v)
mix, combine, stir together.

eg: Blend the blue and yellow to make green. d

blot (n)
stain, mark, splodge, smudge, smear.
eg: There is a blot on the page.

blow up (v)
1. inflate, put air into
eg: I need to blow up the balloons.

2. bomb
eg: The soldiers are going to blow up a bunker.

blurred (adj)
fuzzy, out of focus, hazy, vague, blurry
eg: The photo is blurred so I cannot see his face clearly.
opposite: clear

body (n)
l. figure, physique
The athlete has a well-toned body
2. corpse, remains, carcass
eg: They buried the hamster's body in the garden.

bog (n)
marsh, swamp, fen, quagmire
eg: The giant lost his shoes In Q bog.
bold (adj)

brave, confident, heroic, fearless, plucky, courageous

eg: The bold knight attacked the dragon.

boring (adj)

dreary, dull, uninteresting

eg: The film was so boring that I fell asleep.

bossy (adj)

overbearing, domineering, pushy

The bossy boy told his brother what to do.

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