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11/8/22, 8:57 PM Bài kiểm tra kết thúc Chương 4

 Trở về 'Bài kiểm tra kết thúc Chương 4'

Bắt đầu vào lúc Tuesday, 8 November 2022, 8:35 PM
Trạng thái Hoàn tất
Kết thúc lúc Tuesday, 8 November 2022, 8:55 PM
Thời gian thực 19 phút 7 giây
Điểm 9,26 trong tổng số 10,00 (93%) 1/10
11/8/22, 8:57 PM Bài kiểm tra kết thúc Chương 4

Câu hỏi 1
Exercise 1. Choose the letter of the correct answer. 
Đúng một phần

Đạt điểm 1,44

trên 1,65  1. New Belgium Brewing (NBB), America's first wind-powered brewery,________ to make both a better beer and a better

A. aims 

2. Founded by husband-and-wife entrepreneurs Jeff Lebesch and Kim Jordan, the company ________ European-style beers
with intriguing brands such as Fat Tire and Sunshine Wheat. 

D. offers 

3. Lebesch________ up with this idea for brewing beers with unique names while touring Belgium on a bicycle. 

A. comes 

4. Returning home with a special yeast strain, Lebesch experimented in his basement and________ a beer that he named Fat
Tire Amber Ale in honor of his bicycle trip. 

C. created 

5. By 1991, he and his wife________ in bottling and delivering five Belgian-style beers to stores in and around their
hometown of Ft. Collins, Colorado. 

D. had succeeded 

6. Caring for the environment, NBB employees________ paper and as many other supplies as possible. 

D. recycle and reuse 

7. Lebesch and Jordan________ the entrepreneurial spirit of the workforce through employee ownership. In fact, employees
share in decisions, serve as taste testers, and receive detailed information about NBB's financial performance. 

B. have unleashed 

8. If the success of NBB continues, no one doubts that NBB________ to be one of America's best business success stories. 

A. will continue  2/10
11/8/22, 8:57 PM Bài kiểm tra kết thúc Chương 4

Câu hỏi 2
Exercise 2. Choose the letter of the correct answer. 
Đúng một phần
1.Along with creativity in the visual arts, the late fifth century B.C ________an increase in drama. 
Đạt điểm 1,44
trên 1,65
D. saw   

2. Drama, as we know it in the West,________ in fact a creation of the Greeks. 

A. is 

3. Theatergoing was more than a festive activity for Athenians; it________ as an important part of a citizen's education and
was supported by the state. 

D. was regarded 

4. Tragedies and comedies, as well as other theatrical events,________ performed annually at the festival of Dionysus. 

B. were 

5. The ruins of the better preserved theater at Epidaurus and the theater of Dionysus on the Akropolis________ us a clear
idea of the circular orchestra-where the chorus sang and danced-and the theatron, the horseshoe-shaped area for the

D. had given 

6. A skene, or backdrop against which the actors________ , was set up in the back of the orchestra, facing the audience. 

B. performed 

7. Acoustics in this theater________ still remarkable. 

A. are 

8. In fact, a clear voice from the orchestra is deflected by the stone sides and________ without any form of artificial

C. can be heard 

Câu hỏi 3
Exercise 3.  Put in there is or it is.

Đạt điểm 1,65

trên 1,65 1 There is    a new teacher in the school.

2 There is  some fresh milk in the fridge.

3. There is  no sugar in your coffee,

4 “Whose coat is that?” ‘ It is  Ann's.'

5 There is  a problem with the car.

6 There is  a present in my bag,

7 There is  a mistake on this page.

8 “What's that noise?”  It is  the children playing.'

9  We've got a new flat. It is   quite small.

10 ‘Have you seen my purse? '. It is    on the floor.' 3/10
11/8/22, 8:57 PM Bài kiểm tra kết thúc Chương 4

Câu hỏi 4
Exercise 4. Put the words in the right order.
Đúng một phần

Đạt điểm 1,47

trên 1,65 1 problem seems to there be a

2 much soup is there in salt the too

3 snow is to tomorrow there likely be

5 any for letters me there were?

6 with wrong something there is car the

7 singing the bus was a woman there on

8 shout to there no need is

9 must somebody be there home at

10 there an exam next will week be?


- Viết đầy đủ chủ ngữ và vị ngữ. Đầu câu phải viết hoa, cuối câu phải có dấu câu.
- Viết đầy đủ cho dạng phủ định. Ví dụ: It is
- Giữa 2 từ phải có khoảng cách


There seems to be a problem.


There is too much salt in the soup.

There is likely snow to be tomorrow.

Were there any letters for me?

There is something wrong with the car.


There was a woman singing on the bus.


There is no need to shout.

There must be somebody at home.

Will there be an exam next week? 4/10
11/8/22, 8:57 PM Bài kiểm tra kết thúc Chương 4

Câu hỏi 5
Exercise 5.  Past tenses: mixed uses. Complete the sentences with the correct tenses.
Đạt điểm 1,70
trên 1,70 - Đáp án viết thường
- Dạng phủ định không viết tắt, phải viết đầy đủ. Ví dụ: It is

►That summer, the river that ran through the town dried up. (run

1.When I ........ home, Bill .......... the washing machine. (get; repair) 


was repairing

2. We had a lovely room that .......... out over the sea. (look)


3. On holiday I .......... tennis every day. (play)


4. When I phoned Laurence ............ he round straight away. (come)


5. I ..... until I was thirty. (smoke)


6. Nobody .......... why she married him. (understand)


7. I went upstairs and found that a bird ............ round the bedroom. (fly)

was flying

8. The castle ......... the road that .........   from Carlisle to Edinburgh. (protect, go)



9. When I ....... ) Jane she ............ . alone in the darkness. (find; sit)


was sitting

10. When Carl was in China he ............ to Maggie every week. (write)


11. When I walked in I ............. the music that they ............, so I............out again. (not like; play; walk)

did not like

were playing 5/10
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walked 6/10
11/8/22, 8:57 PM Bài kiểm tra kết thúc Chương 4

Câu hỏi 6
Exercise 6. Choose the best tenses (simple past, past progressive, present perfect, present perfect progressive, past
Đúng một phần
perfect, past perfect progressive).
Đạt điểm 1,56
trên 1,70 Note:

Không viết tắt dạng khẳng định hay phủ định của động từ (ex: I will, I do not,...)
Câu có 2 chỗ trống thì phải điền cả 2 (theo thứ tự tương ứng)

1. Reports are coming in that a train ........... near Birmingham. According to eyewitnesses, it ........... a concrete block which
somebody ......... on the line. (crash; hit, put)

has crashed


had put

2. Halfway to the office Paul .......... round and ............ back home, because he ....... to turn the gas off. (turn; go; forget)



had forgotten

3. I ...........housework all day today. I ....... every room in the house. (do; clean)

have been doing

have cleaned

4. I .................. in bed thinking about getting up when the doorbel l................. (lie; ring)

was lying


5. It wasn't surprising that she ............. getting toothache. She .............. to the dentist for two years. (start; not go)


had not gone

6. I ............ a lot of bridge recently. (play)

had been playing

7. When I ........... home everybody ......... TV. (get; watch)


was watching

8. We ........... your mother for ages. (not see)

have not seen 7/10
11/8/22, 8:57 PM Bài kiểm tra kết thúc Chương 4

9. How long ............ English? (you learn)

have you been learning

10. London ............ a lot since we first ............. to live here. (change, come)

has changed


11. ‘How many times ......... this film?' ‘This is the first time I ........ it.’ ' (you see; see)

have you seen

have seen

12. 'Who's that?' ‘I ........ him before in my life.' (never see)

have never seen

13. I hear Joe ........ married last summer. (get) 


14. I ................ where she .......... her husband. (often wonder, meet)

often wondered


15. .................... Pam Marshall's latest book? (you read)

Have you read

16. They ............................ a new fuel-it's half the price of petrol, and much cleaner. (just discover)

have just discovered

17. ................................... the storm last night? (you hear)

Did you hear

18. My sister .................. married three times. (be)

has been

19. While she ............... on the phone the children ............. fighting and ................ a window. (talk; start, break)

was talking



20. He used to talk to us for hours about all the interesting things he ..................... in his life.(do)

had done 8/10
11/8/22, 8:57 PM Bài kiểm tra kết thúc Chương 4

21. You know, she ............. looking at that picture for the last twenty minutes. (stand)

has standed

22. The old cross ....................... on top of the hill as long as anybody can remember. (stand)

has standed

23. I ............................. this job in January. (get)


24. When I ............... at school we all ..................... my rugby. (be, play)



25. After he ................ breakfast he ...................... down to write some letters. (finish; sit) 

had finished


26. When I ................. him he ................  as a waiter for a year or so. (meet; work)


had been working

27. I .............................................................. to ski. (never learn)

have never learned

28. .............................. in the bathroom yet? (you finish)

Have you finished

29. We .............................. in Scotland until I ...................... eighteen. (live; be)



30. She ......................... a hard life, but she's always smiling. (have)

has had

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11/8/22, 8:57 PM Bài kiểm tra kết thúc Chương 4

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