Comparison of Phenolic Profiles and Antioxidant Activities in Skins and Pulps of Eleven Grape Cultivars

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Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(5): 1148–1158

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Comparison of phenolic profiles and antioxidant activities in skins

and pulps of eleven grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.)

LI Fu-xiang1, LI Fu-hua1, 2, YANG Ya-xuan1, YIN Ran3, MING Jian1, 2

College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, P.R.China
Research Center of Food Storage & Logistics, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, P.R.China
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Rutgers University, NJ 008854, USA

Eleven grape cultivars were analysed to explore the variety differences of fresh grape phenolic profiles. The results
showed that free phenolics were predominant in grape skins and pulps, and showed the higher antioxidant activities than
bound. In 11 cultivars, Muscat Kyoho extracts had the highest total phenolic content in skins (10.525 mg GAE g–1 FW)
and pulps (1.134 mg GAE g–1 FW), and exhibited the highest DPPH radical scavening capacity (EC50=11.7 µg mL–1) and
oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) value (190.57 µmol TE g–1 FW) of free phenolic in skin. In addition, the most
abundant phenolics in grape skins were found to be flavonoids such as kaempferol in Kyoho skin (541.2 µg g–1 FW), rutin,
catechin and epicatechin in Muscat Kyoho skin (262.3, 86.3 and 70.0 µg g–1 FW, respectively). Furthermore, the principal
component analysis showed a strong difference of phenolic profiles with the cultivars, existing forms and distributions.
Pearson correlation coefficient analysis showed a significant linear correlation between total phenolic content and antioxidant
activity (P<0.05). Therefore, both skins and pulps were rich sources of bioactive phenolic compounds, and Muscat Kyoho
was the ideal source among all samples.

Keywords: grape phenolics, varietal diversity, antioxidant activity, principal component analysis

minerals, etc.) and bioactive compounds (phenolic acids,

flavonoids, isoflavonoids, thiols, carotenoids, ascorbic acid,
1. Introduction tocopherols, etc.) (Yang and Xiao 2013; Fabani et al. 2017).
Phenolic compounds as one kind of phytochemicals have
Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) has a long history of cultivation and
various nutritional and healthy properties, such as antibacterial,
consumption. Fresh grape is rich in nutrients (dietary fiber,
anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, and hypolipidemic activities
(Kemperman et al. 2013; Jara-Palacios et al. 2014; Shahidi
and Ambigaipalan 2015). Extensive literatures investigated
the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of grape
Received 12 July, 2018 Accepted 30 September, 2018
LI Fu-xiang, E-mail:; Correspondence products, especially wine and raisin (Jacob et al. 2008; Fang
MING Jian, Tel: +86-23-68251298, Fax: +86-23-68251947, et al. 2010; Williamson and Carughi 2010; Meng et al. 2011;
De Castilhos et al. 2017). However, information on the
© 2019 CAAS. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open phenolic profile of fresh grape is scarce.
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:// The phenolic profiles of grapes depend on various factors
doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(18)62138-0 such as variety, maturity (Fanzone et al. 2011), genetic
LI Fu-xiang et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(5): 1148–1158 1149

diversity (Bustamante et al. 2017), viticulture practices 2.2. Grape samples

(De Pascali et al. 2014), soil characteristics (Cheng et al.
2015), environmental stress and vine health status (Rusjan Grapes with a characteristic scent were harvested in August
et al. 2012). The phenolic composition of grapes strongly 2017 from the Experimental Farm of Southwest University,
depends on grape varieties (Yang and Xiao 2013; Aubert Chongqing, China. The pictures, flavor characteristics and
and Chalot 2018). The (+)-catechin content of cv. Muscat de other information of the collected grapes were summarized
Hambourg (19.3 mg kg–1 fresh weight (FW) of samples) was in Table 1. Fresh grapes were picked randomly distributed
higher than that of cv. Italia (3.1 mg kg–1 FW), the caftaric throughout different vines at the appropriate ripeness, and
acid content of cv. Alphonse Lavallée (93.8 mg kg–1 FW) then packed in black polyethylene bags. For each cultivar,
was higher than cv. Centennial Seedless (25.6 mg kg–1 FW) skins (30 g) and pulps (75 g) were separately packed, and
(Aubert and Chalot 2018). The grape quality and sensory then stored in the dark at –40°C until analysis within three
properties are significantly affected by grape varieties weeks.
(Aubert and Chalot 2018). Therefore, it is essential to study
the influence of grape varieties on the phenolic profiles. 2.3. Determination of the soluble solid content (SSC),
Distribution of phenolic compounds in grape is uneven. titratable acidity (TA) and SSC/TA ratio
About 64% of total free phenolic compounds are in the
seeds, 30% are in the skin, and 6% are in the pulp. Phenolic
The SSC, TA and SSC/TA ratio were measured using
compounds in the seeds, skin and pulp are represented
the method described by Ali et al. (2016) with a slight
by flavan-3-ols, flavonols and hydroxycinnamic acids,
modification. The SSC was measured with PAL-2 digital
respectively (Teixeira et al. 2013; Yilmaz et al. 2014).
refrectometer (Atago Co., Japan) and expressed as the
The phenolic compounds in fruits are in both free and
percent. TA was determined by the titration of grape juice
bound forms. Bound phenolics, are mainly associated with
against 0.01 mol L–1 NaOH, and given as the percent of
the cell wall material, and cannot be digested through the
tartaric acid. The SSC/TA ratio was calculated by dividing
stomach and small intestine but reach the colon completely,
SSC with corresponding TA value of the grape sample.
where they are released to exhibit bioactivity with health
benefits. Most of studies investigated the free phenolics of
2.4. Extraction of free and bound phenolics
grape (Sun et al. 2002; Teixeira et al. 2013; Yilmaz et al. 2014;
Belviso et al. 2017; Aubert and Chalot 2018). The bound
Grape skins and pulps were prepared according to the
phenolic profiles of grapes still remain unclear.
method described by Sun et al. (2002) and Wolfe et al.
The objective of this study is to: (1) investigate the
(2003) with a slight modification. Briefly, the fresh pulps
composition and distribution of free and bound phenolic
(25 g) or skins (10 g) were extracted with 50 mL chilled
compounds, as well as their antioxidant activities in skins
acetone solution (80%, v/v), respectively. The mixture
and pulps of 11 grape cultivars; (2) evaluate the correlation
between the phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities was homogenized for 10 min at 10 000 r min–1 by a high
by the principal component analysis (PCA) and the Pearson speed dispersator (XHF-D; Ningbo Scientz Instrument Co.,
correlation coefficient method. China). The supernatant was collected. The residue was
re-extracted twice with the same procedures. All filtrate
2. Materials and methods was collected and evaporated at 45°C until approximately
90% of the filtrate was evaporated by a rotovapor (RE-
2.1. Materials 52AA; Shanghai Yarong Instrument Co., China). The free
phenolic extracts were recovered with water to a final
1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8- volume of 25 mL. The soluble free phenolic extracts were
tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid (Trolox), as well as stored at –40°C until analysis within three weeks. The
phenolic standards were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich residues from the above soluble free phenolic extraction
(St. Louis, MO, USA), and the purity of each compound were digested with 20 mL (2 mol L–1) NaOH for 90 min
was >98%. 2,2´-Azobis (2-methylpropionamidine) with shaking in darkness. The mixture was acidified to
dihydrochloride (ABAP) was purchased from Tokyo pH=2 with concentrated HCl, and extracted for five times
Chemical Industry (Tokyo, Japan). Acetonitrile (HPLC with 100 mL ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate fraction
grade) and formic acid (HPLC grade) were obtained from was evaporated at 45°C to dryness. The bound phenolic
Tianjin Shield Fine Chemicals Company (Tianjin, China). extracts were reconstituted in 10 mL of water and stored
Other chemicals were of analytical grade. at –40°C until analysis within three weeks.
1150 LI Fu-xiang et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(5): 1148–1158

Table 1 The grape varieties investigated

Variety Name Presence of seed Flavor characteristic Original location
Gold Finger (Vitis vinifera L.×V. labrusca L.) Exist Rock candy flavor, milk flavor Japan

Hakuho (V. vinifera L.×V. labrusca L.) Exist Strawberry flavor Japan

White Olympia (V. vinifera L.×V. labrusca L.) Exist Banana flavor Japan

Shine Muscat (V. vinifera L.×V. labrusca L.) Exist Rose flavor Japan

Kyoho (V. vinifera L.×V. labrusca L.) No Strawberry flavor Japan

Muscat Kyoho (V. vinifera L.×V. labrusca L.) Exist Rose flavor China

Beni Fuji (V. vinifera L.×V. labrusca L.) No Creamy Japan

Red Bharati (V. vinifera L.) Exist No flavor Japan

Summer Black (V. vinifera L.×V. labrusca L.) No Strawberry flavor Japan

Hutai-8 (V. vinifera L.×V. labrusca L.) Exist Rose flavor China

Moldova (V. vinifera L.) No Strawberry flavor Moldova

2.5. Determination of the phenolic content et al. 2010; Sandhu and Gu 2010). The HPLC system
was consist of Shimadzu LC-20AD pump, Shimadzu
The contents of free and bound phenolics in grapes were SIL-20A autosampler, and a Shimadzu SPD-M20A diode
measured by the Folin-Ciocalteu colorimetric method array detector (DAD). The grape phenolic extracts
as reported previously (Singleton et al. 1999) with a were analysed on a Hypersil BDS C 18 column (5 µm,
slight modification. Briefly, 0.2 mL of the appropriate 250 mm×4.6 mm i.d.; Thermo Fisher Scientific, New York,
dilutions of extracts and 0.8 mL water were mixed. Then, USA) with the column temperature 40°C and the flow rate of
0.2 mL Folin-Ciocalteu reagent was added. After 6 min, 0.7 mL min–1. The gradient system included: A, water
the reaction was neutralized with sodium carbonate (2 mL, including 0.1% formic acid; B, acetonitrile. The elution
7%, w/v), and 1.6 mL water was then added. The samples program was the following: 10% B at 0–5 min; 10–40% B
were given the resting time for 90 min in darkness. The at 5–50 min; 40–90% B at 50–55 min; 90% B at 55–62 min;
absorbances of samples were measured at 760 nm by 90–10% B at 62–65 min; 10% B at 65–75 min. The injection
a UV-vis spectrophotometer (UV-722; Shanghai Jinghua volume was 20 µL. The wavelength range of scanning was
Instrument Co., China). The gallic acid was the standard. 190–800 nm, and wavelength at 280 nm was analyzed.
The phenolic content was expressed as milligram gallic Phenolic compounds were identified by comparing the
acid equivalents per gram of grape in fresh weight (mg retention time in specific wavelength spectra with those of
GAE g–1 FW). authentic standards.

2.6. Phenolic profiles analysis by HPLC-DAD 2.7. Antioxidant activity analyses

Phenolic compounds were determined by a Shimadzu Free radical scavenger assay The free radical scavenging
HPLC system that performed as described previously (Iii capacity of grape extracts were measured based on the
LI Fu-xiang et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(5): 1148–1158 1151

method (Brand-Williams et al. 1995; Li et al. 2013) with a Co., China). The absorbance of freshly prepared DPPH
slight modification. Briefly, 1 mL extract was mixed with the solution was measured prior to analysis. The distilled water
stock solution of DPPH (5 mL, 0.1 mmol L–1) freshly prepared and ascorbic acid were used as the blank and standard,
in ethanol. After keeping in the dark at 20°C for 30 min, respectively. DPPH antioxidant capacity of the phenolic
the absorbance was then measured at 517 nm by a UV-vis extracts was expressed as the percent of DPPH-free radical
spectrophotometer (UV-722; Shanghai Jinghua Instrument scavening activity using the eq. (1):
DPPH-free radical scavenging activity (%)=[1–(Asample–Ablank)/ADPPH]×100 (1)
The extract concentration providing 50% of DPPH free of correlation analysis was determined between the contents
radicals scavenging activity (EC50) was calculated by plotting of individual phenolic compounds, free and bound phenolics
the scavenging activity percentage against the extract determined. Correlation significance was defined at the 0.01
concentration. Where, Asample, Ablank and ADPPH, are the or 0.05 level by SPSS Software 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago,
absorbance of sample, distilled water and DPPH solution, IL, USA).
respectively. Principal component analysis Principal component
Oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay The oxygen analysis (PCA) was applied to check for similar characteristics
radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of extracts were of samples, as well as to associate response variables by
measured by the method reported by Wolfe et al. (2008) with SPSS software 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Data
a slight modification. In brief, grape extracts were diluted by that contained 11 objects×12 or 16 variables were processed
75 mmol L–1 phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) with the appropriate using the covariance matrix with autoscaling. Where the 11
concentration (20 µL/well) to a 96-well black microplate in objects were the number of samples, the variables were the
triplicate. The microplate was then incubated at 37°C for phenolic compounds and total phenolic contents determined
10 min, and mixed with 0.96 mmol L–1 fluorescein (200 µL/ by HPLC-DAD, and antioxidant activity (DPPH and ORAC).
well). Reactions were incubated at 37°C for 20 min, then The initial matrices were 11×16, 11×16, 11×16, and 11×12
adding 119.4 mmol L–1 ABAP (20 µL/well). Fluorescence for free and bound phenolics of skin and pulp samples,
intensity was recorded immediately at excitation wavelength respectively.
of 485 nm and emission of 520 nm for 35 cycles every
4.5 min by Multi-Mode Microplate Reader (Synergy H1 MG; 3. Results
Biotek, Vermont, USA). Phosphate buffer and trolox were
used as the blank control and standard, respectively. The 3.1. Physicochemical properties of the 11 grape
ORAC value was expressed as µmol Trolox equivalents varieties
of one gram grape in fresh weight (µmol TE g–1 FW) and
calculted by the eqs. (2) and (3): Muscat Kyoho showed the highest soluble solid content
AUC=(0.5×f1/f1+f2/f1+f3/f1+...+fn/f1+...+f34/f1+0.5×f35/f1)×CT (20.18%), Shine Muscat showed the lowest SSC (12.83%),
(2) and the SSC of other grape varities ranged from 14.35 to
ORAC value=(AUCsample–AUCblank)/(AUCtrolox–AUCblank)(3) 18.93% (Appendix A). The titratable acidity (TA) of all the
Where, AUC is the area under the fluorescence vs. time grape varities ranged from 0.301% (Red Bharati) to 0.553%
curve, ƒ1 is the first fluorescence recording value, ƒn is the (Moldova). Red Bharati exhibited the highest ratio of SSC
nth fluorescence recording value, CT is the time of interval to TA (58), and the ratio of the rest grape varities ranged
measure. from 28 (Moldova and White Olympia) to 54 (Muscat Kyoho).

2.8. Statistical analyses 3.2. Total phenolic content (TPC) of the grape skins
and pulps
The statistical significance evaluation of measured
differences were analyzed using one-way analysis of As shown in Table 2, most of the phenolic compounds were
variance (ANOVA), the differences between means were detected in the skins, whereas very low concentrations in the
performed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test, and pulps. The TPC of grape skins (1.296–10.525 mg GAE g–1
significance was defined as P<0.05 by the SPSS software FW) were higher than those of pulps (0.189–1.134 mg GAE
20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). All data were reported g–1 FW). Muscat Kyoho had the highest TPC in its pulp and
as mean±SD for three replications, but not field replicates. skin, while Shine Muscat had the lowest TPC value. The TPC
The charts were created using the Sigmaplot software of skins were 6.5 to 17.8 times higher than those of pulps.
(Graph Pad Software, San Diego, CA, USA). Free phenolic compounds were the dominant both in pulps
Correlation coefficient analysis The Pearson’s coefficient (about 85–98% of TPC) and skins (about 78–97% of TPC).
1152 LI Fu-xiang et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(5): 1148–1158

Table 2 Phenolic contents of different parts of grape varieties (mg GAE g–1 FW)
Pulps Skins
Free Bound Total Free Bound Total
Gold Finger 0.567±0.135 bc 0.047±0.005 a 0.578±0.166 bc 3.517±0.129 e 0.271±0.018 cde 3.788±0.111 e
Hakuho 0.498±0.164 bc 0.025±0.004 a 0.524±0.168 bcd 3.886±0.774 e 0.149±0.121 e 4.374±0.591 de
White Olympia 0.309±0.053 cd 0.033±0.015 a 0.343±0.064 cd 5.879±0.353 cd 0.241±0.057 de 6.121±0.326 cd
Shine Muscat 0.170±0.036 d 0.019±0.003 a 0.189±0.033 d 1.017±0.118 f 0.278±0.020 cde 1.296±0.136 f
Kyoho 0.590±0.184 bc 0.089±0.096 a 0.682±0.270 bc 8.159±2.222 b 0.689±0.034 a 8.847±2.256 ab
Muscat Kyoho 1.084±0.164 a 0.050±0.013 a 1.134±0.173 a 10.188±0.772 a 0.337±0.007 bcd 10.525±0.779 a
Beni Fuji 0.289±0.034 cd 0.045±0.012 a 0.327±0.034 cd 4.549±0.807 de 0.719±0.028 a 5.152±1.134 de
Red Bharati 0.592±0.166 bc 0.109±0.027 a 0.701±0.193 bc 8.193±0.313 b 0.627±0.017 a 8.820±0.329 ab
Summer Black 0.679±0.035 b 0.056±0.029 a 0.735±0.063 bc 8.474±0.293 b 0.394±0.045 bc 8.868±0.338 ab
Hutai-8 0.781±0.106 b 0.041±0.002 a 0.823±0.110 b 5.912±0.821 cd 0.359±0.006 bcd 6.271±0.816 cd
Moldova 0.591±0.066 bc 0.026±0.002 a 0.616±0.066 bc 7.542±0.547 bc 0.459±0.083 b 8.002±0.487 bc
Data are mean±SD (n=3). Values with different letters in each column are significantly different (P<0.05).

3.3. Identification and quantitation of phenolic com- g–1 FW), and epicatechin was the most abundant in Muscat
pounds by HPLC Kyoho (45.5 µg g–1 FW). Resveratrol was only determined in
Summer Black and Moldova in minor quantities (1.9 µg g–1
As shown in Table 3 (skins) and Table 4 (pulps), a total of FW). For bound flavonoids, catechin was the most abundant
13 phenolic compounds were detected, including seven in Red Bharati (9.8 µg g–1 FW), rutin and isoquercitrin were
phenolic acids, five flavonoids, and resveratrol. not determined in the grape pulps. It suggested that the
Phenolic compounds in grape skins As shown in phenolic compounds of grape skins and pulps were different
Table 3, the most abundant phenolics in grape skins were between free and bound forms.
flavonoids (accounts for 79% of free phenolics and 56% of
bound phenolics). The flavonoids of grapes were strongly 3.4. Antioxidant activities
different in grape varieties. This result was in agreement
with that in Di Lecce et al. (2014). For free flavonoids, The DPPH radical scavenging capacity The results of
kaempferol was the most abundant flavonoids in Kyoho DPPH radical scavenging capacity of grape extracts were
(541.2 µg g–1 FW), while rutin (262.3 µg g–1 FW), catechin shown in Fig. 1-A and B for pulps and skins, respectively.
(86.3 µg g–1 FW) and epicatechin (70.0 µg g–1 FW) were For skins, the free phenolics of Muscat Kyoho presented
the most abundant in Muscat Kyoho. Compared to free the highest radical scavenging capacity (EC50=11.7 µg mL–1),
flavonoids, the concentrations of bound flavonoids were while Shine Muscat showed the lowest antiradical capacity
lower. For free phenolic acids, the highest concentration (19.2 µg mL–1). However, for the bound phenolics, Shine
of gallic acid was in White Olympia (81.8 µg g–1 FW). For Muscat presented the highest radical scavenging capacity
bound phenolic acids, gallic acid and caftaric acid were in (19.3 µg mL–1), followed by Muscat Kyoho (23.3 µg mL–1).
all varieties except Beni Fuji and Hutai-8, while caffeic acid In general, the DPPH free radical scavenging ability of
and p-coumaric acid were detected in all varieties. The most free phenolics was about 1.8 times stronger than bound
abundant bound resveratrol was in Summer Black (172.6 µg phenolics in skins.
g–1 FW). The contents of resveratrol were significantly For pulps, the free phenolics of Beni Fuji presented the
different (P<0.05), which was in agreement with the result highest antiradical capacity (EC50=14.1 µg mL–1) and stronger
reported by Okuda and Yokotsuka (1996). than ascorbic acid (EC50=17.9 µg mL–1), followed by White
Phenolic compounds in grape pulps The composition of Olympia (EC50=17.1 µg mL–1) and Red Bharati (EC50=17.5 µg
phenolic compounds in grape pulps was similar to that of mL–1), while Shine Muscat performed the lowest scavenging
skins. However, the content of phenolic compounds in grape capacity (EC 50=33.9 µg mL –1). For bound phenolics,
pulps was lower than that of skins. Phenolic acids were the Moldova presented the lowest EC 50 value of 23.2 µg
most abundant phenolics in grape pulps (accounts for 53% mL–1. The DPPH free radical scavenging ability of free
of free phenolics and 54% of bound phenolics), which was phenolics were about 1.6 times higher than those of bound
in accordance with the report (Pantelić et al. 2016). For free phenolics. The free phenolics and bound phenolics in skins
phenolic acids, gallic acid was the most abundant in Gold exhibited higher antiradical capacity than these in pulps.
Finger (44.9 µg g–1 FW), and caftaric acid was the most Generally, Muscat Kyoho, Beni Fuji and Red Bharati took
abundant in Hutai-8 (192.3 µg g–1 FW). For free flavonoids, advantages in scavenging DPPH free radical.
catechin was the most abundant in Red Bharati (134.5 µg The oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) As
Table 3 Contents of phenolic acids, selected flavonoids, and resveratrol of grape skins (µg g–1 FW)1)
Phenolic acids Flavonoids
Variety RES Total
Free phenolics
Gold Finger 56.4±3.9 b 22.2±0.8 c – 7.7±0.3 e – 4.1±0.0 d – 28.7±0.9 de – 99.2±5.2 cd 31.9±3.2 c 120.2±27.6 g 370.3±40.3 e
Hakuho 17.1±0.4 de 47.1±2.5 a – – 12.4±0.5 bc – – – 22.7±4.4 bc 73.7±7.0 de 40.8±6.1 c 199.0±24.4 efg – 412.8±39.4 e
White Olympia 81.8±8.9 a 37.6±1.7 b 20.1±0.6 a 16.1±1.8 cd 11.4±0.2 bc – – 45.2±1.1 cd 31.7±3.8 b 17.5±4.5 f 33.0±4.5 c 433.1±10.4 bc – 727.6±7.4 cd
Shine Muscat 6.5±2.5 efg 8.0±0.1 e 13.5±0.3 c – – – – 18.1±0.3 e – 53.2±6.8 ef 4.4±0.2 c 29.1±2.4 h – 132.9±11.8 f
Kyoho 11.2±0.5 defg 15.2±0.5 cde 15.8±0.4 b 18.5±0.1 c – 9.2±0.1 bc 3.7±0.3 a 52.1±4.9 bc – 98.0±10.2 cd 45.9±1.0 c 541.2±24.3 a 33.4±2.9 c 844.3±31.3 bc
Muscat Kyoho 10.1±1.0 defg 12.9±0.4 de – 35.6±1.2 b 14.9±0.4 b 18.2±0.2 a – 86.3±4.4 a 70.0±0.6 a 262.3±21.9 a 249.6±37.2 b 469.7±18.1 ab – 1 229.5±73.7 a
Beni Fuji – 17.4±1.7 cd 12.5±0.4 cd 20.6±0.4 c – – – 33.2±4.7 de 12.8±0.5 d 30.3±0.6 f – 281.7±17.3 de 9.6±0.2 cd 418.2±23.6 e
Red Bharati 13.7±0.6 def 40.4±3.6 ab 11.0±1.0 d 9.2±2.4 e – 4.3±0.1 d – 16.5±0.6 ef 23.7±1.4 bc 143.1±7.6 b 212.1±12.8 b 362.7±45.0 cd 149.2±11.0 a 985.8±54.0 b
Summer Black 4.3±0.3 fg 18.3±2.5 cd – 12.4±1.9 de – 11.6±2.4 bc – 64.0±6.8 b 31.0±3.0 b 236.0±3.0 a 374.3±16.1 a 464.5±11.9 ab 172.6±3.3 a 1 388.9±8.8 a
Hutai-8 19.2±1.0 d 32.7±3.3 b – 41.9±1.2 a 9.2±0.2 c 8.8±0.2 c 3.4±0.1 a 39.4±9.2 cd 18.3±1.3 cd 92.4±1.1 cd 32.2±6.3 c 238.6±26.4 ef 74.2±16.5 b 610.4±71.0 d
Moldova 34.3±1.4 c 35.2±1.0 b – – 61.3±4.6 a 12.2±1.3 b – 28.4±5.5 de 30.6±3.8 b 123.6±1.5 bc 34.8±0.5 c 172.6±6.9 fg 95.2±0.5 b 628.2±15.8 d
Bound phenolics
Gold Finger 2.6±0.4 C 11.8±0.4 ABC 3.8±0.1 B – 10.3±2.8 CDEF – 1.3±0.1 E – – 5.0±0.3 B – 23.4±2.7 D – 58.3±0.0 FG
Hakuho 1.3±0.3 C 12.2±3.6 ABC 3.7±0.2 B – 8.4±0.2 DEFG – 0.7±0.1 E 24.8±1.3 C 4.9±0.4 DE 3.7±0.2 BCD 0.9±0.3 BC 14.1±1.6 E 0.3±0.1 BC 75.0±2.6 FG
White Olympia 0.8±0.1 C 14.5±0.2 AB 5.0±0.1 AB 5.6±0.4 A 11.2±0.1 CDE – 1.8±0.1 E 11.4±0.8 CD 7.2±0.3 D 3.0±0.1 BCD 1.0±0.6 BC 22.2±0.1 D – 83.7±1.0 DEFG
Shine Muscat 5.6±0.4 B 6.8±0.4 BCD 4.6±0.7 B – 11.5±0.6 BCD 1.9±0.1 D 1.6±0.5 E 11.5±1.3 CD 22.8±0.8 A 5.4±1.0 B 2.2±0.9 AB 4.4±1.1 F – 78.3±4.0 EFG
Kyoho 29.7±1.5 A 19.7±5.9 A 7.1±1.7 A 5.6±0.6 A 18.3±1.6 A 8.3±1.2 B 41.5±4.6 A 70.0±10.2 A 15.5±1.1 B 24.3±1.4 A – 5.5±0.3 F 2.7±0.2 A 248.0±27.3 A
Muscat Kyoho 2.2±0.0 C 4.3±0.1 CD 4.2±0.0 B 2.8±0.1 B 5.5±0.2 G 2.0±0.1 D 2.7±0.2 E 18.5±1.1 C 2.8±0.2 EF 2.0±0.1 CD – 3.8±0.7 F – 50.9±0.2 G
Beni Fuji 6.4±0.4 B 11.3±1.3 ABC – – 13.1±0.0 BC 5.1±0.3 C 23.2±0.5 C 42.3±0.6 B – 5.2±0.9 B – 70.3±3.0 A – 177.1±6.1 B
Red Bharati 2.6±0.1 C 7.4±1.0 BCD 4.4±0.2 B 4.9±0.6 A 7.2±0.3 FG 2.2±0.1 D 6.4±1.9 E 13.6±1.0 CD 10.6±1.9 C 4.5±1.2 BC 3.4±1.1 A 46.4±0.9 B 0.3±0.0 BC 114.0±2.0 CDE
Summer Black 0.8±0.1 C 4.2±0.3 CD – – 7.5±0.2 EFG 2.3±0.0 D 14.4±0.3 D 21.3±3.8 C – 1.8±0.0 CD – 40.9±1.8 B – 93.3±7.0 CDEF
Hutai-8 0.8±0.1 C – 7.0±0.3 A 2.9±0.2 B 11.6±0.1 BCD 5.5±0.6 C 28.1±0.1 C 49.0±2.6 B 7.0±0.7 D 1.2±0.1 D – 1.2±0.1 F 0.2±0.0 CD 114.4±4.5 CD
Moldova 6.2±0.6 B 6.4±2.2 BCD 4.7±0.0 B – 15.2±0.1 AB 10.9±0.4 A 34.5±0.3 B 14.4±1.5 C – 3.0±0.0 BCD – 31.8±0.4 C 0.6±0.0 B 127.5±5.6 C
GA, gallic acid; CAT, caftaric acid; DHB, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid; VA, vanillic acid; CAF, caffeic acid; SYA, syringic acid; p-CMA, p-coumaric acid; C, (+)-catechin; EC, (–)-epicatechin;
RT, rutin; IQE, isoquercitrin; KAE, kaempferol; RES, resveratrol.
Data are mean±SD (n=3). Values with different capital or lowercase letters in each column are significantly different (P<0.05). –, not found.

LI Fu-xiang et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(5): 1148–1158

4. Discussion
differences (P<0.05).
(4.19 µmol TE g–1 FW).

by Kyoho, Red Bharati, Hutai-8 and

Moldova, Hutai-8 were the second

For pulps, the average ORAC values

was beneficial for human health.

In general, the ORAC of free

showed higher ORAC values than these

Kyoho had the highest ORAC value
For the free phenolics, the variety of
µmol TE g–1 FW for bound phenolics.

eaten. Our result showed that the most

pulp, but skins and seeds were seldom
the highest ORAC value. There were
Hutai-8 (12.47 µmol TE g–1 FW) had

grapes are commonly consumed with

Grapes were rich in phenolic acids and
Black, and others had no significant
ORAC value (9.62 µmol TE g–1 FW). For

flavonoids (Yilmaz et al. 2014). Fresh

vegetables rich in phenolic compounds
highest ORAC, subsequently followed

Consumption of fresh fruits and

(4.73 µmol TE g–1 FW), followed by Red
no significant differences in the ORAC
Hakuho (12.51 µmol TE g–1 FW) and
g–1 FW, and 1.50 µmol TE g–1 FW for
of the ORAC values of free phenolics
shown in Fig. 2, for skins, the average

in pulps. Muscat Kyoho showed the

The free and bound phenolics in skins
(P<0.05). For the bound phenolics,
Muscat Kyoho (16.24 µmol TE g–1 FW),
TE g–1 FW, 87.16 µmol TE g–1 FW), and
(103.33 µmol TE g–1 FW, 93.15 µmol
value (190.57 µmol TE g–1 FW); Kyoho,
Muscat Kyoho had the highest ORAC
was 72.13 µmol TE g–1 FW, and 10.44

of free phenolics was 10.18 µmol TE

g–1 FW); Gold Finger showed the lowest

phenolics were stronger than bound

Bharati, Muscat Kyoho and Summer
Shine Muscat presented the lowest

values of the rest eight grape pulps

bound phenolics. For the free phenolics,
the highest ORAC value (16.14 µmol TE

phenolics both in grape pulps and skins.

the bound phenolics, Beni Fuji presented
Table 4 Contents of phenolic acids, selected flavonoids, and resveratrol of grape pulps (µg g–1 FW)1)
Phenolic acids Flavonoids
Variety RES Total
Free phenolics
Gold Finger 44.9±4.8 a 42.2±0.8 cde 5.9±0.6 b 2.9±0.3 a – 2.6±1.2 cd – 27.6±8.6 de 9.3±2.0 fg 5.8±1.2 ab 1.9±0.1 bcd 21.8±1.6 a – 165.0±17.9 b
Hakuho 5.3±0.4 b 85.6±2.5 bc 7.3±0.1 b 2.0±0.3 ab 4.4±0.6 b 3.9±0.8 bc – 45.1±1.2 cd 36.9±1.8 ab 8.5±0.2 a 3.0±0.3 bc 1.8±0.2 cd – 203.8±0.5 ab
White Olympia 43.1±0.5 a 32.2±3.7 de – 4.2±0.0 a – 4.0±0.3 bc – 55.8±0.5 bc 15.6±0.2 ef – – 5.8±0.2 b – 160.7±5.1 b
Shine Muscat 3.0±0.2 b 48.5±1.5 cde – – 4.8±0.0 b 1.4±0.0 de – 13.0±0.7 ef 4.4±0.2 g 5.7±0.7 ab 0.8±0.1 cd – – 81.6±1.6 c
Kyoho 2.3±0.2 b 68.6±0.3 bcd 6.0±0.0 b – 4.8±0.1 b 5.6±0.0 ab – 67.7±3.2 b 26.8±0.5 cd – – 5.2±0.5 bc – 187.0±3.2 ab
Muscat Kyoho 27.8±0.5 a 56.9±2.0 cde 12.2±3.0 a 3.5±0.7 a 4.8±0.7 b 2.8±0.5 cd 6.6±1.0 a 25.5±2.8 ef 45.5±6.3 a 4.1±2.0 ab 4.1±0.7 b 7.6±1.7 b – 201.2±6.0 ab
Beni Fuji 1.4±0.0 b 109.6±23.7 b – 3.9±0.2 a – 7.9±0.6 a – 61.8±5.7 bc 32.0±1.9 bc – – 5.4±1.2 b – 222.0±30.5 ab
Red Bharati 3.8±0.1 b 21.8±5.7 e – – – 5.7±0.5 ab – 134.5±1.2 a 18.8±0.8 de 6.3±0.9 a 10.1±0.9 a – – 201.0±7.9 ab
Summer Black 3.4±0.1 b 17.5±2.5 e – – 5.0±0.1 b 1.8±0.0 cde – 18.6±1.3 ef 19.1±0.7 de 6.0±0.8 a – 7.5±0.3 b 1.9±0.4 a 80.8±3.3 c
Hutai-8 7.5±3.3 b 192.3±28.0 a – 2.3±1.4 ab 7.0±0.1 a 1.8±0.1 cde – 8.3±0.2 f 27.4±2.2 cd – – 5.1±1.1 bc – 251.7±35.9 a
Moldova 4.8±0.7 b 12.4±5.6 e 6.5±0.5 b – 7.9±0.7 a – – 18.2±3.4 ef 6.5±0.1 g – – 1.8±0.2 cd 1.9±0.8 a 60.1±0.5 c
Bound phenolics
Gold Finger 1.2±0.4 B 2.9±0.1 BCD 1.7±0.1 B 1.0±0.1 C 2.8±0.0 C – – – – – – 2.4±0.0 BCD – 12.0±0.5 CDE
Hakuho 0.6±0.1 CD 1.5±0.2 CD 1.4±0.0 B 1.0±0.0 CD – – – – – – – 1.8±0.5 BCDE – 6.3±0.6 E
White Olympia – 5.8±0.1 B – 1.3±0.0 BC 2.1±0.1 D – – 5.5±0.6 B 1.6±0.3 B – – 0.8±0.1 EF – 17.2±1.2 C
Shine Muscat – – – 0.4±0.0 DE 2.8±0.2 C – – 1.4±0.0 D – – – 1.0±0.3 DEF – 5.7±0.1 E
Kyoho 1.0±0.1 BC 4.7±0.2 BC 2.8±0.0 A 1.6±0.0 B 3.7±0.2 B – 0.6±0.2 B 9.6±1.7 A 9.3±2.2 A – – 2.6±0.2 BC – 36.1±4.3 A
Muscat Kyoho 0.4±0.0 D 2.7±0.9 BCD – 0.9±0.1 CD 2.7±0.1 CD – – 1.9±0.5 CD – – – 3.2±0.3 AB – 11.8±1.8 CDE
Beni Fuji 0.4±0.1 D 9.2±0.6 A – 1.8±0.1 AB 4.7±0.1 A – 0.2±0.0 CD 4.9±0.2 B 1.0±0.0 B – – 2.4±0.3 BCD – 24.8±0.6 B
Red Bharati 1.8±0.1 A 4.6±0.8 BC 1.8±0.2 B 0.8±0.2 CD 3.0±0.1 C – 0.2±0.0 CD 9.8±0.4 A – – – 4.4±0.7 A – 26.5±0.8 B
Summer Black 0.1±0.0 D 2.9±0.3 BCD 1.8±0.5 B – 3.0±0.0 C 0.7±0.0 A 1.8±0.0 A 4.7±0.3 BC – – – – – 15.1±1.4 CD
Hutai-8 0.1±0.0 D 4.1±0.6 BC – 2.2±0.4 A 3.8±0.4 B – 0.2±0.0 CD 1.9±0.3 D – – – 1.4±0.2 CDEF – 13.6±1.6 CD
Moldova 0.3±0.0 D – 1.7±0.0 B 0.8±0.0 CD 2.7±0.0 C – 0.3±0.0 C 2.8±0.2 BCD – – – – – 8.7±0.3 DE
GA, gallic acid; CAT, caftaric acid; DHB, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid; VA, vanillic acid; CAF, caffeic acid; SYA, syringic acid; p-CMA, p-coumaric acid; C, (+)-catechin; EC, (–)-epicatechin;
RT, rutin; IQE, isoquercitrin; KAE, kaempferol; RES, resveratrol.
Data are mean±SD (n=3). Values with different capital or lowercase letters in each column are significantly different (P<0.05). –, not found.

(Fig. 4).
LI Fu-xiang et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(5): 1148–1158

antioxidant activities.

dominant (Figs. 3-C and 4-C).

health benefits among the 11 grapes.

(–)-epicatechin, rutin, isoquercitrin

The phenolic compounds in skins and

abundant phenolics in grape skins were

Compared to other free phenolics in

free phenolics, free syringic acid and
showed the highest contents of total
antioxidant capacity. It means that
phenolic compounds, and the strongest

showed in Figs. 3-A and 4-A. Compared

result was in accordance with the reports

acids such as p-coumaric acid and

2015; Pantelić et al. 2016). Muscat

with p-coumaric acid, vanillic acid and

some free flavonoids: (+)-catechin,

in skins, Kyoho skin was characterized

and bound forms. For free phenolics
were identified using the loading plots
Pantelić et al. 2016). The contents of

pulps were different between the free

4-A). While for pulps, free phenolic
were the dominant (Figs. 3-A and
skins, free rutin, catechin, isoquercitrin,
The phenolic compounds of grapes
strongly depended on varieties, as
The phenolic compounds of grapes
variables responsible for the clustering
Muscat Kyoho may have the greatest
Kyoho had the highest content of total
(Yilmaz et al. 2014; Cosmulescu et al.
contents of phenolic compounds. This
and ORAC showed similar trend to the
previously (Pantelić et al. 2016). The
results were consistent with the report
were higher than in the pulps. These
reported before (Di Lecce et al. 2014;

3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid were the

were different in skins and pulps.
and kaempferol, and the strongest
to other varieties, Muscat Kyoho
shown in Fig. 3, the main influential
The PCA correlation plots were
antioxidant activities assayed by DPPH
total phenolic contents in the skins
than the bound phenolics, and the

(–)-epicatechin, and kaempferol

free phenolics in grapes were higher
phenolic acids. Similar results were
flavonoids, and in grape pulps were
LI Fu-xiang et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(5): 1148–1158 1155

VC Free phenolics Bound phenolics

60 60

50 A

EC50 values (μg mL–1)

EC50 values (μg mL–1)

40 A 40 D C
aE F F
30 E D C E 30 H b
cd cd de c
20 aH b 20 g f g
f d de c c c e c h
10 10

0 0
Fi C
hi Ha er
Sh O uho

M pia

us K at
t K ho

R ni o
m ha ji

Bl i
H ck
M ai-8

Fi C
hi Ha er
Sh O uho

M pia

us K at
t K ho

R ni o
m ha ji

Bl i
H ck
M ai-8
er rat

er rat
Su d B Fu

Su d B Fu
Be oh

Be oh





ca yo

ca yo
in lym

in lym
te k


te k










Variety Variety

Fig. 1 The EC50 values of free and bound phenolics in skins (A) and pulps (B) of different grape varieties in the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-
2-picrylhydrazyl) free radical scavenging experiments (mean±SD, n=3). Values with different capital or lowercase letters within
the same bar are significantly different at P<0.05.

Muscat Kyoho (skins) a D

Kyoho (skins) b B
Moldova (skins) bc AB
Hutai-8 (skins) bc D
Red Bharati (skins) c B
Summer Black (skins) d C
White Olympia (skins) de E
Hakuho (skins) ef F
Beni Fuji (skins) fg A
Gold Finger (skins) gh FG
Shine Muscat (skins) i E

Muscat Kyoho (pulp) hi HI
Hakuho (pulp) hi I
Hutai-8 (pulp) hi I
Kyoho (pulp) i F
Summer Black (pulp) i HI
Red Bharati (pulp) i GH
Beni Fuji (pulp) i I
Gold Finger (pulp) i I
Moldova (pulp) i I Free phenolics
White Olympia (pulp) i I Bound phenolics
Shine Muscat (pulp) i I

0 50 100 150 200

The ORAC values (μmol TE g–1 FW)

Fig. 2 The ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) values (µmol TE g–1 FW) of free and bound phenolics in grape skins and
pulps (mean±SD, n=3). Values with different capital or lowercase letters within the same bar are significantly different at P<0.05.

3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (Figs. 3-A and 4-A). For bound For bound phenolics in pulps, Kyoho pulp showed high
phenolics in skins, Kyoho skin was characterized with contents of catechin and (–)-epicatechin (Figs. 3-D and 4-D).
phenolic acids, catechin, rutin, and resveratrol (Figs. 3-B Correlations between the total phenolic contents and
and 4-B). For free phenolics in pulps, Kyoho pulp was antioxidant activities were analyzed, the results were shown
characterized with gallic acid and rutin (Figs. 3-C and 4-C). in Appendix B. There were significant correlations between
1156 LI Fu-xiang et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(5): 1148–1158

A Variables/Loadings plot for data B Variables/Loadings plot for data

1.0 1.0
0.5 RES 0.5 VA
PC2 (14.98%)

PC2 (20.08%)
0 0
–0.5 DHB p-CMA
–0.5 SYR

–1.0 –1.0
–1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 –1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0
PC1 (42.63%) PC1 (44.64%)
C Variables/Loadings plot for data D Variables/Loadings plot for data
1.0 1.0
0.5 EC 0.5
PC2 (19.08%)

PC2 (19.68%)
–0.5 SYA

–1.0 –1.0
–1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 –1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0
PC1 (30.98%) PC1 (41.26%)

Fig. 3 Loading plots of free and bound phenolics in grape skins (A and B, respectively) and pulps (C and D, respectively). FPC,
the total free phenolic contents determined by HPLC-DAD; BPC, the total bound phenolic contents determined by HPLC-DAD.
GA, gallic acid; CAT, caftaric acid; DHB, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid; VA, vanillic acid; CAF, caffeic acid; SYA, syringic acid; p-CMA,
p-coumaric acid; C, (+)-catechin; EC, (–)-epicatechin; RT, rutin; IQE, isoquercitrin; KAE, kaempferol; RES, resveratrol; DPPH, the
EC50 values of DPPH free radical scavening assays; ORAC, the oxygen radical absorbance capacity values.

A Samples/Scores plot of data B Samples/Scores plot of data

2.0 Moldova

White Olympia Shine Muscat

1.0 1.0
PC2 (14.98%)

PC2 (20.08%)

Red Bharati Hakuho

Summer Black Kyoho
White Olympia
Gold Finger Muscat Kyoho Red Bharati
0 0 Gold Finger
Hakuho Muscat Kyoho
Shine Muscat Hutai-8

–1.0 Beni Fuji –1.0 Moldova

Summer Black
Kyoho Beni Fuji

–2.0 –2.0
–3.0 –2.0 –1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0
PC1 (42.63%) PC1 (44.64%)
C Samples/Scores plot of data D Samples/Scores plot of data
2.0 Muscat Kyoho
Beni Fuji
1.0 Hutai-8 1.0
PC2 (19.08%)

PC2 (19.68%)

Muscat Kyoho
Moldova Hakuho
White Olympia
Summer Black Gold Finger
0 0 Shine Muscat
Gold Finger White Olympia Kyoho
Red Bharati
Shine Muscat Hakuho Beni Fuji
–1.0 –1.0 Moldova

Red Bharati
Summer Black
–2.0 –2.0
–3.0 –2.0 –1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0
PC1 (30.98%) PC1 (41.26%)

Fig. 4 Principal component scores plots of free and bound phenolics in grape skins (A and B, respectively) and pulps (C and D,

the contents of phenolics determined by HPLC-DAD and contents and ORAC values in pulps (P<0.01). There was
the ORAC values in skins (P<0.05), the bound phenolic no significant linear correlation between DPPH and ORAC
LI Fu-xiang et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(5): 1148–1158 1157

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Executive Editor-in-Chief WANG Qiang

Managing editor WENG Ling-yun

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