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Republic of the Philippines



In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject of

Practical Research 2

Practical Research Teacher

October 2020


The researcher is very thankful that she finish her research in time. Despite all the hardship that
the researcher encounter and it become challenge to the researcher, but no matter how hard it is
the researcher tried her best to fulfill what she need to do.
First of all I want to thank you to our Almighty God for giving the researcher strength and
courage to do her research study. God also guide the researcher the researcher to the path of what
they need to do.
Second to the teachers that has long patience to their students even though the students give hard
time to them. They also encourage the researcher to finish the research study given by them.
Third to all parents of the researchers who are willing to give their full support to their children
and to motivate them in a good way. And to our classmates that always reminding us that we
have research study to accomplish.
Next to all respondents to help to succeed and to finish our research study. Thank you very much.


This research is dedicated to all researchers, to all youth or students and to other respondents,
next researchers to our school, to our teachers and also to God. They are the guides and gave us
strength and inspiration in this research to achieve the desire research.

To teachers and parents who guide and support us. To students who have their knowledge and
support us. To all respondents who help the researcher to sum up this research to be successful.
And also to God that did not stop to help and to guide the researcher to finish this study.

To the next researchers, this is dedicated to use this as tool or as help to continue their research.
This is also dedicated to our great and dear teachers to support and the one shaped our talent.
This is dedicated to all of you.


Online selling plays a role in every humans life. Online selling as we all know, our generation is
going to search and follow new techniques.

This research study is intended to know the important of online selling business to people
especially in this pandemic in Mangino, Gapan City.

This researcher use survey-questionnaire as instrument to collect data. The researcher give an
questionnaire to chosen participants. After answering, this is collected and checked properly to
determine the Importance of online selling business to people especially in this pandemic in
Mangino, Gapan City.

The information gathered is presented by textual and graphical presentation.

Researcher took the following conclusion by the data gathered.

Through this research, the researcher found out the importance of online selling business to the
people especially in this pandemic in Mangino, Gapan City.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ii

Dedication …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ii

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. iii


CHAPTER I………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1-3

INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

CHAPTER II ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4-8

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE …………….………………………………………………………………………………………… 4-7

FOREIGN ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 – 5

LOCAL………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Advantage and Dis-advantage ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7 -8

CHAPTER III ….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 -10

METHODS AND PROCEDURES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

METHOD OF RESEARCH ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9

SUBJECTS OF THE STUDY ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9

DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

STATISTICAL TREATMENT APPLIED …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

DESCRIPTION AND RESEARCH INSTRUMENT …………………………………………………………………………………… 10

CHAPTER IV ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 -18


CHAPTER V …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS ………………………………………………………………….. 19

SUMMARY …….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19

CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19.

RECOMMENDATION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20-28

APPPENDIX A ( Curriculum Vitae) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 -22

APPPENDIX B ( survey questionnaires) ………………………………………………………………………………………23- 24

WeAPPPENDIX C ( BIBLIOGRAPHY) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 25- 26

APPPENDIX D ( Pictures) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27- 28

We live in a time and age where all is just a button press away. Where everything you are

looking for is just in online. Just one click and search you will find what are you looking for. E-

commerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and

selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute

these transactions. Online selling is big help now to us. Just one click, one search you will find

what are you looking for. Even if it’s from other countries. And online selling help the people

during pandemic especially to those people who lose their job. Our lives right now, is not easy.

And now online selling business is big help now. Online selling is Making savings in set-up and

operational costs. You don’t need to rent high street premises, pay shop assistants or answer a lot

of pre-sales queries. Reducing order processing costs customer orders can automatically come

straight into your orders database from the website. Online selling have big impact to us now.

Because it help the people during pandemic. Online selling give the people a job and also being

safe at home. It help to give and support one people.

I choose this because I know that online selling is having a big impact to the people

nowadays. And It will be a big help to me to know the Importance the Online selling to the

people during pandemic. And how online selling business help them. How it work. How online

selling business provide their needs during pandemic. Online selling is a big help to the people.

You don’t need to go to market because, in online you can see what you are finding. The people

don’t need to sacrifice their health to go to market because of the products the people needs. And

online selling is one of safe job nowadays. Imagine you are just in house and get a job and earn

money. It is a safe job.

This research is all about Online selling. I conduct this because I want to know what is

the Importance of Online business to the people especially in this pandemic. Everyone suffers

today because of pandemic some are losing their job, I want to know the importance of online

business to them during pandemic. How online selling help them. Today, Online selling is

famous to all now. It can see at social media. You can easy talk to the seller and ask how much

that and know more information about the products. It easy to know and to find what are you

looking for.

The purpose of this study is to know the importance of online selling, especially to the

people in this pandemic. To know how they survive with the help of Online selling. I choose this

because this will help the E-commerce to know what is the Importance of online selling

nowadays. And how important having online business now. And to help the people to know that

online selling is important nowadays especially in this pandemic.


 What is the help of online selling to people during pandemic?

 What is the Important of online selling

 How online selling business provide their needs during pandemic.

E-commerce – To help the E-commerce to know what is the Importance of online selling during

Consumer – They would able to know what is their help to the Online seller during pandemic.

Future Learner: They can use it as a tool or as a help to continue their research.


This study was conducted with Fifteen (15) respondents from Mangino, Gapan City,

Which randomly selected. They were give Twelve (12) survey-questionnaires to answer the

question made by the researcher.

 Online selling – online selling plays a role in every humans life. It is the act of selling

good products and services via an internet or mobile app, online classified advertisement,

online shop. Online selling is we all know our generation is going to search and follow

new techniques. Online selling is useful for today’s youth. People have no time to spend

on shopping so, online is the best way.

 Social Media – Is any digital tool that allows users to quickly create and share content

with the public.

 Internet – Is the invention of modern and high technology science. It provide us amazing

facility of searching any information from any corner of the world by anyone. We can say

it is a network of networks.


Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the

buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to

execute these transactions. Ecommerce is often used to refer to the sale of physical products

online, but it can also describe any kind of commercial transaction that is facilitated through the


The history of ecommerce begins with the first ever online sale: on the August 11, 1994 a

man sold a CD by the band Sting to his friend through his website NetMarket, an American retail

platform. This is the first example of a consumer purchasing a product from a business through

the World Wide Web—or “ecommerce” as we commonly know it today.

Global retail ecommerce sales are projected to reach $27 trillion by 2020.


According to eMarketer, ecommerce sales rose 16.4% in 2013 over the previous year to

262.3 billion dollars and is estimated to climb to 440 billion dollars by 2017. However, the

percentage of online sales to all retail sales is still relatively small. Consider this: only 11% of

Macy’s sales are online. But, that meager 11% represents 3.1 billion dollars per year.




Over the past decade, consumers constantly change the way they want to shop and

merchants are trying to keep up. Shoppers fluidly search, compare, and buy from online sites,

marketplaces, mobile apps, physical stores, and social sites. As innovative technology aids their

journey, consumers are looking for remarkable experiences across these digital and physical

touchpoints with brands.

E-commerce selling has many advantages for a long-term strategy to win over customers.

Look no further than direct-to-consumer brands who are disrupting the retail landscape by

creating digital-first approaches to create loyal customers. Last year, 81% of consumers plans to

shop direct-to-consumer brands within the next five years. Where have these brands built their

enterprises? Online. As you consider selling online, look at the top advantages of eCommerce



The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused the rise and fall of

several industries worldwide. Even though e-commerce platforms have long been on the rise, the

process was fast-tracked when quarantine guidelines were put into place.

With the absence of traditional shopping channels, customers have flocked to e-commerce
platforms to secure purchases and transactions. Many stores and restaurants have also
transitioned online to serve their target market.

Even though various e-commerce platforms were established pre-pandemic, its identity
strengthened since the start of quarantine. Mr. Carbonell shared that Lazada has witnessed
significant growth.

According to Mr. Carbonell, some of the most popular products in Lazada’s platform are
groceries, medical items, and ready-to-eat products.

According to Ms. Mesina, proper research and development are needed to ensure the
quality of Cantina’s products even in the new normal.

According to Mr. Gonzales that quarantine has challenged e-commerce platforms,

restaurants and other online sellers to develop its services since it will reflect on customers.

According to Mr. Uy Chan that the new normal has also urged online sellers, e-commerce
platforms and restaurants to refine collaboration methods with its partner channels to ensure
quality service.

In addition, Mr. Carbonell noted that e-commerce platforms and online sellers would
continue to grow, even in a post-pandemic society.

Online selling platforms have witnessed significant growth in customer behavior during
the pandemic. With this, it’s up to business sectors to improve its services to ensure loyalty
among its target market.


Advantages of E-Commerce

 It reduces geographic boundaries, allows you to address a global market by expanding

the base of potential customers.

 It is always open, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Consumers can make purchases
wherever they are, at any time of the day, with the convenience of home delivery.

 It offers competitive prices. Opening an e-commerce allows direct sale of low priced
products with promotions or discounts, reduces distribution costs through
intermediaries and thus generates higher revenue.

 E-commerce can help physical stores to increase sales through the integration between
online and offline sales channels, ie omnichannel.
 It lets you track visitors behavior on your website, such as visits, geographic origin, time
spent, visited pages, purchases, and profiling your customers by collecting a large
amount of useful sales data: age, gender, preferences, interests etc.
 It ensures a faster and easier store management. Tasks like billing, shipments, orders,
become easier and faster to handle because they run directly through the e-commerce

Disadvantages of e-commerce

 Increased competition. With e-commerce not only potential customers increase, but
also direct competitors. Getting the right online visibility within the industry is therefore
neither easy nor for granted.
 Lack of physical contact with the product. In the online store, customers can not touch
the products or try them.
 Lack of shop assistants. In the online store, customers usually buy with total autonomy
or rather in total loneliness.
 Lack of confidence is another disadvantage.
 Delivery time and shipping costs may sometimes be a deterrent.



The research methods the researcher use is survey. The survey use 15 (fifteen) people to

survey. In this research I use convinience sampling for choosing random people to survey. I will

distribute my survey through online. I design the questionnaire by an closed ended question

because I am using quantitative research.


The research respondents are the online sellers in Mangino, Gapan City. The research was

conducted at Mangino, Gapan City this place was selected for knowing the Importance of Online

selling business to people especially in this pandemic in Mangino, Gapan City. This study was

been implemented on the people of Mangino, Gapan City. This study has tested the Importance

of Online selling business to people especially in this pandemic in Mangino, Gapan City. The

research study was implemented in Mangino, Gapan City.


The instrument used in the study are researcher-made questionnaires. The questionnaire

will be designed in a way that it shall meet the main objective of the study which is to determine

the importance of online selling business to people especially in this pandemic in Mangino,

Gapan City.


The researcher submitted the questionnaire to the respondents through online. The

respondents we’re given a short briefing in answering the survey questionnaires. The survey

were answered with complete presence of mind and integrity by the respondents. The type of

data and information analysis was decided by the people who were behind of this case study.

This analysis method was chosen by the group or easy understanding and interpretation of the

data and information through pie chart presentation.


In this research paper, the data are test through statistics. Only the tallying and getting

the percentage are things that the researcher need to do. The researcher get the number of

respondents to tally and get the percentage. They also get the tally in every questions that

corresponds an answer that they give to their respondents and then get the percentage of it.


1. Do you experience challenges as a online seller during pandemic?

On question number
Do you experience challenges as a online seller during pandemic? 1, 15 answered yes
which is 100% of 15
respondents. While 0
Yes answered no which
0% of 15 respondents.
This chart shows that
more people are
experience challenges
Yes; 100.00%
as a online seller
during pandemic.

2. Did online selling

provide your needs during
Did online selling provide your needs during pandemic? pandemic?

Yes On question number 2, 12

27.00% No
answered yes which is 73% of
15 respondents. While 3
answered no which 26% 15
respondents. This chart shows
that more people are agreed that
online selling provide their needs
during pandemic.
3. Did online selling have big impact to the people during pandemic?
On question number 3, 15
answered yes which is 100% of 15
Did online selling have big impact to the people during pandemic? respondents. While 0 answered no
which 0% of 15 respondents. This
chart shows that more people are
Yes agreed that online selling have big
Impact during pandemic.

11 100.00%
Is online selling help you during pandemic? 4. Is online selling help you during
No; 7.00% No On question number 4, 14
answered yes which is 93%
of 15 respondents. While 1
Yes; answered no which 7% of 15
93.00% respondents. This chart
shows that more people are
agreed that online selling
help them during pandemic.

5. Do you enjoy online selling?

On question number
Do you enjoy online selling? 5, 12answered yes which
is 80% of 15 respondents.
While 3 answered no
No; 20.00% No while 20% of 15
respondents. This chart
shows that more people
enjoy online selling.
Yes; 80.00%

Can you say online selling is a good job?
On question number 6, 13 answered yes which
Can you say online selling is a good job?
is 87% of 15 respondents. While 2 answered no
while 13% of 15 respondents. This chart shows Yes
that more people agreed that online selling is a No; 13.00% No
good job.
Is online selling is a safe job during pandemic? Yes; 87.00%

No; No 7. Is online selling is a safe job during

On question number 7, 12 nswered yes which is 80% of 15 respondents. While 3 answered no
while 20% of 15 respondents. This chart shows that more people say that online selling is a safe
job during pandemic.
8. How often do you post in your social media account about your products?

How often do you post in your social media account about your products? On question number 8, 1
answered Extremely often
which is 7% of 15
at all of - of - Extremely often respondents. 10 answered
Slightly ten; 6.28%
6.56% Quite Often Quite Often which is 63%
12.18% Moderately Often of 15 respondents. 2
Moderately Slightly often
Often; 12.18% Not at all often answered Moderately often
which is 13% of 15
Quite Often;
62.79% respondents. 2 answered
slightly often which is 13%
of 15 respondents. While 1
answered not at all often
which is 7% of 15 respondents. This chart shows that more people Quite Often post in their
social media about their products.
9. How would you rate, how important online selling is?

How would you rate, how important online selling is? On question number 9, 0
answered in 1 which is 0%
of 15 respondents. 0
answered in 2 which is 0%
1 of 15 respondents. 0
2 answered number 3 which
is 0% of 15 respondents. 0
20.00% 5 answered number 4 which
6 is 0% of 15 respondents. 0
7 answered number 5 which
is 0% of 15 respondents. 1
53.00% 13.00% answered in 6 which is 7%
of 15 respondents.3
answered in 7 which is
20% of 15 respondents. 2
answered in 8 which is
13% of 15 respondents. 8
answered in 9 which is
53% of 15 respondents. While 1 answered in 10 which is 7% of 15 respondents. This chart shows
that more people agreed that online selling is Important

10. How would you rate the
How would you rate the help of online selling this pandemic? help of online selling this

1 On question number 10, 0

2 answered in 1 which is 0% of
13.13% 3 15 respondents. 0 answered in
2 which is 0% of 15
13.13% 6 respondents. 0 answered
7 number 3 which is 0% of 15
8 respondents. 0 answered
number 4 which is 0% of 15
respondents. 0 answered
number 5 which is 0% of 15
respondents. 2 answered in 6
which is 13% of 15
respondents.0 answered in 7
which is 0% of 15 respondents.
2 answered in 8 which is 13% of 15 respondents. 8 answered in 9 which is 53% of 15
respondents. While 3 answered in 10 which is 20% of 15 respondents. This chart shows that
more people agreed that is a big help during this pandemic.

11.How would you rate the affect of online
How would you rate the affect of online selling to you in this pandemic? selling to you in this ppandemiOn question
1 number 11, 0 answered in 1 which is 0% of
15 respondents. 0 answered in 2 which is 0%
4 of 15 respondents. 0 answered number 3
20.00% 13.00% 5 which is 0% of 15 respondents. 0 answered
7.00% 6
number 4 which is 0% of 15 respondents. 0
20.00% 8 answered number 5 which is 0% of 15
40.00% 9 respondents. 2 answered in 6 which is 13% of
10 15 respondents.1 answered in 7 which is 7%
of 15 respondents. 1 answered in 8 which is
7% of 15 respondents. 5 answered in 9
which is 33% of 15 respondents. While 8 answered in 10 which is 53% of 15 respondents. This
chart shows that more people agreed that online selling sa having big affect during pandemic.

In a scale of 1-10. How Important the online selling to the people who1 lose their job during pandemic? 12. In a scale of 1-10. How Important
the online selling to the people who
3 lose their job during pandemic?
7.00% 5
53.00% 7
33.00% 8On question number 12, 0 answered in
91 which is 0% of 15 respondents. 0
answered in 2 which is 0% of 15
respondents. 0 answered number 3
which is 0% of 15 respondents. 0
answered number 4 which is 0% of 15 respondents. 0 answered number 5 which is 0% of 15
respondents. 1 answered in 6 which is 7% of 15 respondents.0 answered in 7 which is 0% of 15
respondents. 1 answered in 8 which is 7% of 15 respondents. 8 answered in 9 which is 33% of
15 respondents. While 8 answered in 10 which is 53% of 15 respondents. This chart shows that
more people agreed that online selling is important to people who lose their job.

This study describe the Importance of online selling business to the people especially in
this pandemic in Mangino, Gapan City Nueva Ecija. As a viewed in the survey conducted online
selling business has a big impact on people during pandemic. All data was gathered from Fifteen
(15) respondents in Mangino, Gapan City. In the age of 15 to 37 years old. The data are test
through statistics. Only the tallying and getting the percentage are things that the researcher need
to do.
From the findings of this study, the following are information that the researchers
1. Online selling have big impact now during pandemic.
2. Online selling is important especially during pandemic.
3. Based on the survey that researcher gathered they found out that most of people are in
online selling now
The following are recommendation derived from the output of this study.
It is recommended to E-commerce they have a big help to others and also to online selling during
To today's people or world. Online selling is useful because, it is pandemic people have no time
spend on shopping.
Social media should acknowledge online selling is now useful for today’s youth.


( Curriculum Vitae)

Mariñas, Ma. Isabel DS.
P.Cruz Subdivision Mangino Gapan City


Personal information

Age: 17
Birthdate: April 20 ,2003
Birthplace: PJG Hospital, Cabanatuan City
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Height: 5’3
Weight: 52
Name of Father: Eugene G. Mariñas
Occupation: Overseas Filipino Worker
Name of Mother: Marissa DS. Mariñas
Occupation: House Wife

(Survey Questionnaire)



1. Do you experience challenges as a online seller during pandemic?

o Yes
o No
2. Did online selling provide your needs during pandemic?
o Yes
o No
3. Did online selling have big impact to the people during pandemic?
o Yes
o No
4. Is online selling help you during pandemic?
o Yes
o No
5. Do you enjoy online selling?
o Yes
o No
6. Can you say online selling is a good job?
o Yes
o No
7. Is online selling is a safe job during pandemic?
o Yes
o No
8. How often do you post in your social media account about your products?
o Extremely often
o Quite often
o Moderately often
o Slightly often
o Not at a often

Scale of 1-10

9. How would you rate, how important online selling is?

10. How would you rate the help of online selling this pandemic?
11. How would you rate the affect of online selling to you in this pandemic?
12. In a scale of 1-10. How Important the online selling to the people who lose their job during





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