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DATE: 16/03/2022



A legend tells that Cantuña was a great architect and direct descendant of the real estate
businessman Mr. Damian Cantuña.

The council of his father's company ordered Cantuña the great task of building a skyscraper in
Quito that was to be known as "The tallest", the pay was considerable, but he had to comply
within six months, otherwise he would not They would pay nothing.

Cantuña after six months of work and seeing that the deadline was coming to an end, and the
skyscraper was not finished because the materials he asked for from a Chinese company had
not arrived, his desperation invaded him, and his suffering reached the ears of Antonio Martinez
better known as the "devil" since in the business world he was known for his bad faith when
making some kind of millionaire deal.

Antonio presented himself offering to make a pact with the following conditions Cantuña would
give him his father's company as payment. Cantuña accepted, and several men began to work
as soon as darkness fell on the city.

Suddenly Cantuña realized how fast they were working and that he was going to lose his father's
company, a company which had been from generation to generation, so he decided to deceive

Cantuña took several pieces from the elevators and hid them, when Antonio believed that he
had finished the work within the established period, he approached Cantuña to take over the
company of Cantuña's father but Cantuña told him The deal has been broken since in the
elevators are missing several pieces.

Antonio, amazed, saw how a simple mortal had deceived him. Thus, Cantuña saved his father's
company and Carlos, feeling cheated, took refuge in Galapagos in his famous mansion terrified
by the fact that someone had deceived him.

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