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Qiana Iorwen D. Masangya | 12-St.

John of the Cross

Freaky Friday and 13 Going on 30 are probably one of those movies that made
you laugh, made you reflect and realize lessons, and made you feel good overall.
Freaky Friday is a movie about a single mother, Tess, and her teenage daughter, Anna.
These two never get along and it comes to a point where it drives them both insane.
Later on the movie, Tess and Anna received cryptic fortunes at a Chinese restaurant.
Waking up the next day finding out they have switched bodies. 13 Going on 30, on the
other hand, is about a teenager, Jenna, who is sick of her high school life. She wants to
be an adult, hoping to have a thriving love life and career. Mysteriously, she wakes up
as her 30 years old self after wishing on her birthday.

Both films feature main characters that were switched out of their bodies into
another character. These characters experienced panic and fear not knowing how to
change back. The difference between both is that in Freaky Friday, the mother and
daughter swapped bodies, while 13 Going on 30 revolves around Jenna turning into her
30 years old self. These movies have similar encounters as the characters figure out
how to change back. During these times, they were faced with a lot of problems. In this
event, Jenna and Anna faced the same struggle of being an ‘instant’ adult. Having to
perform well in jobs, fulfilling big responsibilities, and realizing how the real world really
treats you. Conversely, Tess struggled to understand teenagers at that time. Both films
showcase the message, ‘Be careful what you wish for.’ We can sometimes be too hasty
in desiring something. We wish for certain things that give us satisfaction, but we do not
consider the consequences of it once that satisfaction is done.

At the end of these movies, everything was resolved and back to normal. They
all had a chance to change and truly understand how a lot of situations differ from one
person to another. Acknowledging these differences has led everyone to have a new
perspective in life. And with that, they all had great relationships with the people around
them after the incident. Overall, these films have impacted viewers by these lessons at
the same time provided enjoyment and comedy. It is a perfect mix of both, making them
perfect to watch with friends and family. These are highly recommended and must

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