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U . S.

Department of Commerce Research Paper RP1825

National Bureau of Standards Volume 39, September 1947
Part of the Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards

Acid-Base Reactions in Benzene and Other Organic

Solvents: Behavior of Bromphthalein Magenta with
Different Classes of Organic Bases
By Marion Maclean Davis and Priscilla 1. Schuhmann

Practical and th eoretica l aspects of acid-base reactions in benzene and other organic
solvents al'e discussed . The synthesis of th e indicators bromphtha lein magenta E and B
(the ethyl and n-butyl esters of t etrabromopheno lph tha le in ) an d of their t etraalkylam-
monium salts is descri bed. Qualitative and spectrophotometric data concern ing the color
reactions of the indicators with primary, second a ry, and t erti a ry a li phatic amines , s ubstituted
guan idines, a nd other n itrogen bases in benz ene and other types of organic solvents are
presen ted. An expla nati on off ered for the color phenom ena is also applicable to ulfon e-
phthalcins and ot her indicators.
Examples are given of the qu antitative m eas urement of the relative reac tivity of bases
with bromphthal ein magenta in benze ne. Illust rations a re furni she d of the app lication of
the ind icato rs to the quantitative estimation of acids an d bases, to measu rem ents of th e
relative s trengt,h s of orga ni c ac ids, and to the differen tiation o f primary, secondary, and
tertiary a liphatic a min es.
During t he sp ectrophotometric inves t igations, it was necessar y to des ign new types
of a bso rption cells s uitab le fo r vo latile solvents a nd for th in laye rs of solu t ion. A desc ription
of the e cells is given.

1. Introduction B ecause an under standin g of t llC work d escrib ed

in this paper r eq llires som e famili ari ty with this
Practical m ethods for m easuring acidity and
theory, a bri ef explanation will be pres en ted.
basicity in organic m edia have not kept pace with
The Bronsted-Lowry theory oj acidity and ba8ici-
scientific and industrial n eed. Moreover , the
ty .- According to the Bronsted-Lowry theory
fundamental principles governin g acid-ba e r e-
[1 to 5 J I an acid is defin ed as a proton cLonor and a
actions in t he various ty pes of organic solvents
base is defined as a proton acceptor, as indi cated
are less understood than tbe principles governing
111 t he following r elationship:
these r eactions in aqueous m edia and arc con-
siderably less familiar to the average ch emist. k --7B + H+. (1)
This is understandable, as tbe great variety of acid base
organic solven ts now commercially available at
moderate cost were for the most p art chemical Thus, when a compound b ehaves as an acid it
curiosities or completely un1cnown b efore World is converted by loss of a proton into a base and,
vVar I. As a r esult, there has been an overem- conversely, a base upon combination with a
phasis of certain concepts tb at wer e develop ed in proton b ecomes an acid. A sub tance that acts
the study of aqu eous system s. In particular, the as a base do es so because it possesses a p air of
t h eory that acidic and basic b ehavior are due, unshared electrons. In other words, a base is an
resp ectively, to hydrogen and hydroxyl ions has electron donor and an acid is an electron acceptor.
been firmly implanted in the minds of most Later i t will b e seen that this definition leads to a
chemists who r eceived their scien tific training still more general concept of acids and bases.
prior to the last 10 or 20 years. Since th en , the Either the acid 01' the base m ay b e a cation , an
more general Bronsted-Lowry con cep t of acids I Figures in brackets indicate the literature references at the end of this
and bases has gained increasing accep tance. paper.

Acid- Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 221

755528-4 7- - 3
anion, or an electrically neutral molecule, as reactions of acids in different solvents, was the
shown in the following examples: first person to recognize this clearly and h e coined
t h e expression "leveling effect" to describe the
(2) influence of water in masking diffrrences in the
intrinsic strength of acids [6, 7]. Any solvent of
(3) basic character, such as liquid ammonia or pyri-
dine, produces a comparable effect, giving NH4 +,
(4) C5H 5 NI-I+, or in general solvated hydrogen ions.
In a similar way, a solvent of acidic character, as
HS04-~H++ SO,= for example glacial acetic acid, exer ts a leveling
acids bases effect upon bases [8 to 10].
It becomes evident that solvents can be divided
Water behaves not only as an acidlbut also as a into several categories. Thry are usually classi-
base, as shown in the following equation: fied in the following way:
1. Amphiprotic solvellts.- These solvents both
HzO + H+~H30+ give and take up protons with ease. . Examples :
base acid ""Vater, alcohols. Sueh solvents can undergo se1£-
ionization, as sllOwn in eq 9. This reaction,
It is now generally accepted that the hydrogen termed "autoprotolysis," makes possible the con-
ion does not exist in aqueous media" as· H + but is
struction of a pH scale for aqueous solutions of
more accurately represented by the formula H 30 +, acids, bases, and salts.
as the proton is too readily captured}o be capable 2. Aprotic or inert solvents.- These solv(:'llts
of independent existence in the presence of a base. neither add nor release protons to an appreciable
This means that reactions such as those shown in degree . Examples: Benzene and other hydrocar-
eq 2 to 5 will not occur unless a second base is bons; chloroform and other halogenated hydro-
present. For example, a combination of eq 2 carbons. Autoprotolysis and leveling effects do
and 4 gives ·
not occur. In these solvents perchloric acid, the
strongest acid Imown, exhibits some tendency Lo
H20 + NI-I3~NH4++ 0H ­
(7) dissociate into ' its ions, but most acids show
acid! base2 aeid 2 base!
practically no ionization. In aprotic solvents,
most organic acids exist to some extent as double
of 3 and 6: molecules or "dimers." Bases such as pyridine
obviously cannot form ions. It is clear that the
HC 2H 30 2+ H20~H30+ + C 2H 30 2- , (8) term pH, which it will be recalled equals the
acid l base2 acid 2 base! ~ negative logarithm of the hydrogen-ion activity,
is not applicable to solutlOns of aCIds or bases in
and 4 and 6: aprotic solvents. However, any pair of acids and
bases will react with each other to an extent that,
H 20 + H20~H30+ + OH- (9)
depends upon their intrinsic acidic and basic
acid! base2 acid2 base! strengths. Reactions of this kind can be followed
with the aid of indicator dyes. As is generally
In all cases, the net reaction is the transfer of a Imown, an indicator dye is either an acid or a base,
proton from one molecule or ion to another. Acid l which in becoming a salt, undergoes a structural
and basel or acid 2 and hase2 are termed "conjugate modification that is accompanied by a change of
pairs." color. In some cases, the reaction of an acid and
It is obvious that any acid dissolved in water a base can be followed conductimetrically or
will react according to eq 8, just as any derivative potentiometrically, as most salts are somewha t
of ammonia will react according to eq 7. The ionized even in an inert solvent. These are the
uniform behavior of all acids and of ammonia methods of greatest practical value, although other
derivatives in dilute aqueous solution is thereby chemical methods are known.
accounted for. Hantzsch, who studied various 3. Basic 8olvents.- Examples are liquid ammo-

222 Journal of Research

nia, aliphatic amines, aniline, pyridine, ethyl Although there can be little question of .iLs
ethel', dioxane, and es ters. Basic solvents exert a widesproad occurrence, the natme of the hydrogen
pronounced leveling effect upon acids but not bridge is not clearly understood . The proton can-
upon bases. In some cases, basi c solvents exhibit not share two pairs of electrons at one time, bu t it is
weakly acidic properties and undergo slight au to- possible that a proton originally attached to atom
protolysis, as for example [11]: X penetrates to some extent an electron shell of
atom Y. The usual explanation is that elect.ronic
(10) resonance is set up , giving something in termediate
between two extreme forms, such as - 0 - H : NH3
4. Acidic solvents.-Examples are concentrated and - 0 - H: +NH 3. The simplest way of rep-
sulfuric acid, glacial acetic acid, and other organic resenting a hydrogen bridge can be illustrated by
acids. These solvents exert a strong leveling ammonium hydroxide: NH 3- H ... OH. The
effect on bases. Acidic solvents may be weakly linkage believed to be the weaker is indicated by a
basic, and autoprotolysis may occur to a very dotted line.
minor extent, as shown for acetic acid: Th e concept of the hydrogen bridge necessitates
a modification of Brons ted's hypothesis. H e
maintained that, as a conseq uence of hi s defi nition
In fact, Hantzsch attributed th e electrolytic dis- scheme eq 1, a conjugate pail' of acids and bases do
sociation of per chlol'ic acid in an aprotic solvent to not possess th e same electrical charge, so both
a similar reaction, rather than to a dissociation cannot be electrically neu tral molecules and at
into H + and CIO, - ions. least one of th ern must be an ion. However, as we
The theory oj the hydrogen bridge.- A second have just seen, a proton may be only partially
theory that is vital for the understanding of acid- surrendered by an acid and only partially captured
base reactions is that of the "hydrogen bond," by the base
preferably termed th e "hydrogen bridge" [12 to The formation of the hydrogen bridge may
23],2 This theory postulates that the proton may therefore be regarded as incipient ionization, that
be shared between two atoms, X and Y, either of is, an interm ediate step in the complete tran fer of
the same molecule or of different molecules, to a proton. The bond between hydrogen and atom
form a bridge between X and Y . In order to be X or Y is much weaker tha.n an ordinary ionic or
capable of forming a hydrogen bridge, the proton covalent bond, and rupture of a hydrogen bridge
must be part of an acidic group, which means that may lead to formation of either ions or neutral
it is ordinarily attached to a halogen, oxygen , or molecules. A familiar example is ammonia water,
nitrogen atom. In certain cases, it may be at- in which the following equilibria may be postulated:
tached to a carbon atom holding a halogen or an
unsaturated group, as in chloroform, hydrogen NH3+ HOH~NH3H ... OH~ NH4+ + 0H - (12 )
cyanide, or phenylacctylene. Atoms X and Y
The L ewis theory oj acidity and basicity.- G . N .
may be the same or different. For example,
L ewis proposed a much broader con cep t of acids
there are believed to be OHO bridges connecting
than that of Bronsted and Lowry [24 to 26].
the individual molecules of water and the alcohols,
Lewis stated that acidity and basicity have nothing
an FHF bridge in the anion of hydrogen fluoride,
to do with the presence of any sp ecific element or
and NHN bridges connecting separate molecules
group of clemen ts, and that no particular subs tance
of liquid ammonia. The weakly basic character
of an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxid e is to be regarded as an acid or a base in an absolute
sense. A base is defined as an electron donor and
is attributed to NHO bridges, and the dimeriza-
an acid as an electron acceptor. Neutralization is
tion of organic acids is attributed to OHO bridges.
the formation of a coord inate covalent bond
When X and Yare in the same mol ecule, as in
between the acid and the base. Th e adjective
salicylaldehyde, a so-called "chelate ring" is
"coordinate" is inserted m erely to indicate that
formed. In such cases, the hydrogen bridge may
both electrons are supplied by one of the inter-
have a high degree of stability.
acting atoms, as the resulting bond is not differ ent
2 There is a voluminous literature on the hydrogen bridge Tbe publica-
tions cited were selected mainly bccause of their general cbarac.ter anel be-
from other covalent bonds. The r eaction occurs
cause th ey give refereuces to man y other articles ou tbe subject. because a molecul e of more stable electroni c

Acid-Base Reactions in Orga nic Solve nts 223

configuration results. An excellent presentation tion of an acid remain unchanged and that the
of the Lewis electronic theory and a discussion of larger group of acids recognized by Lewis b e
its manifold applications, as well as a review of designa ted as "Lewis acids" or " pro to-acids".
other acid-base theories, has been published To the writers , it is simpler and more logical to
recently [27].3 The au thors of this textbook draw consider the Bronsted-Lowry acids as a special
attention to the analogy b etween tbe Lewis subclass, to be designated as hydrogen acids or
concept of acid-base reactions and the modern lII-acids, as suggested by Lewis. The acids with
picture of oxidation-reduction reactions. Acids wbich the present inv estigations are concerned
and oxidizing agents are electron acceptors, while belong to this group, and the bases belong to the
bases and reducing agents are electron donors. class of ammonia derivatives.
However, there is a fundamental difference in the Object oJ the invest'igation. - Owing to the impor-
two types of reaction. In oxidation-reduction, tance of water as a solv ent, the behavior of acids
eleetrons are transferred from the r educing agent and bases has been investigated very extensively
to the oxidizing agent, whereas when an acid in this medium, but relatively few systematic
reacts with a base it gains only a share in a pair of investigations in organic media have been con-
electrons. ducted up to the present time. The result has
Lewis gave credit to Bron sted and Lowry for been a laboriou s development of empirical and
overcoming the reluctance of chemists to think: of often unsatisfactory procedures, as well as a
basicity in terms other than the hydroxyl ion. tendency to extrapolate concepts such as pH to
The list of bases is identical for both theories. systems in which this term is meaningless. Al-
However, while the Bronsted-Lowry theory limits though academic studies have thrown considera-
acidic properties to proton donors the Lewis theory ble light upon the subject, there is as yet 11.0 syste-
recognizes any electron acceptor as an acid. In matic compilation of the knowledge so far obtained,
addition to the hydrogen acids, the following and there is a great need for further investigation
compounds are included among L ewis acids: of acid-base phenomena in various solvents. The
BC13, AlBr3. SnC14 , S03, Ag+, and Cu++. The reac- purpose of the present work is threefold: To aid
tion of ammonia with boron trichloride is an in publicizing n ewer theories that are of considera-
example of n eutralization involving one of these ble value in interpreting and predicting the b e-
acids: havior of acids and bases in organic solvents, as
(13 ) well as the experimental data upon which they are
found ed; to obtain systematic data in regard to
The neutralization produ ct is not necessarily a
salt, but may be a covalent compound, as in the acid-base reactions in organic m edia, particularly
in those solvents that are very dissimilar to water,
example cited. Lewis contended that "to restrict
the group of acids to those substances which such as the aprotic solvents; and to assist in the
contain hydrogen interferes as seriously with the development of practical methods for measure-
ment of acidity and basicity in organic solvents.
systematic understanding of chemistry as would
The study of acid-base reactions in any medium
the restriction of the term oxidizing agent to
substances containing oxygen" [25]. However , h e may be divided into two phases:
1. Determination oj the relative strengths oj acids
suggested that the term "hydrogen acids" or, for
short, "H-acids" might b e used to designate those and bases. - In aqueous solutions, these are indi-
cated by the pH values for equimolar concentra-
acids that are proton donors. The great useful-
n ess of L ewis 's electronic theory of acids and bases tions of acids or bases. The pH value for an
acid, HX, is a moaSUl'e of the extent to which the
in unifying a vast fi eld of ch emi cal reactions is
clearly demonstrated in th e references cited . base X -, present in relatively low concentration,
can compete for the proton with tho base water,
Nonetheless, there arB· prac tical ad van tages as
well as theoretical justification for considering which is very weak but present in high con centra-
tion. As stated above, tho term pH is not appli-
th e hydrogen acids as a special class . Kolthoff
cable to aprotic solvents. However , it is possible
[3 0] has suggested that the Bronsted-Lowry defini-
to ascertain the r elative strengths of a series of
3 A more detailed review of the historical development of concepts of acids, acids in an aprotic solvent in terms of the exten t
bases, and salts can be fouud in a monograph by Walden [28) and in a series of
art icles published by t he J ournal of Chemical Educat ion [29]. of their r eactions with some reference base, su ch

2 24 Journa.l of Resea.rch
as a basic indicator dye. Similarly, the relative II. Apparatus and Method
strengths of organic bases in an aprotic me d~um
can be determined by measurement of their The absorption sp ectra were obtained with a
reactivity with an aeidic indicator dye. An alter- B eckman quartz photoelectric spectrophotomet,el'
native method is to measure the extent to which [3 1], in which the original cell compartment ha(1
an acid. (base) competes with an indicator acid been replaced by one designed to hold a pair of
(base) for a reference base (acid). 3.8-cm (inside diameter) cylindTical cell holders.
2 . Determination oj total acidity or basicity. - A photograph of the parts of the cell holder is
This is accomplished by titration with a strong shown in figure 1, A. In part of the experiments,
base or acid. T he indicator method for detecting
the endpoint is usually the simplest and most con-
venient, provided indicators of satisfactory prop-
erties are available. An indicator should not only
undergo color ch anges in t he spectral range to
which the eye is sensitive but should be readily
soluble and stable towards light and chemical re-
agents other t han acids or bases. Moreover, be-
cause colored impurities or susp ended particles
often r ender one indicator useless, it is desirable
to have a substitute with the same acinic or basic
strength but with a different color change . Con-
siderable effort has been exp ended by a number of
investigators in the development of indicators for
aqueous media, but only a few of these indicators
are suitable for organic media. Before acid-base FI G URE 1. Absorption cell used in spectrophotometric
measurements of organic solutions can be p er- measUl'ements, and its component parts.
formed as readily as tho e of aqueous solutions, it F rom top to bottom : A, Cell holdor with motal spacer, threadod cover,
will be n ecessary to provide a series of indicators, gaskots; B, q uartz end plate, staill lcss stool spacer, tub ulatod ondplate and
stoppers; C, cell assembled in the bolder.
ranging from strongly acidic to strongly basic
compounds. A further need is for stable , crys- each cell consistea of a stoppered q uartz cylinder
talline organic acids and bases sufficiently strong 3.8 cm in diameter and 1 em in length, open and
to n eutralize weak bases and acids. Work along polish ed at the ends, and fitted with a pair of
these lines by the wTiters is in progress, and it is match ed crystalline quartz endplates that were
hoped that others will direct their efforts toward 2 mm in t hickness. The cylinder and endplates
th e same obj ective . were assembled tightly in the cell hold er by
The investigation s reported in this paper in- means of a combination of metal spacers and
cluded the synth esis of the indicator, bromphthal- Bakelite and rubber gaskets. T o provide a cell
ein magenta, and a study of its r eac tions with 5 mm in length, the quartz cylinder was r eplaced
differ en t types of organic bases in benzene and by a ring of monel m etal, goM-plated. This ring
other organic solvents. Interesting and unex- (3.8 em o. d. and 2.8 cm i. d. ) was 5 mm in thick-
p ected color phenomena were observed, which at n ess . Two tubular openings through the rim,
first were very puzzling. A consisten t explana- fittea wi th glass stoppers, were provided for filling
t.ion has been found that is in harmony with th e the assembled cell and removing a il' bubbles.
theories just reviewed, as well as with curren t As a convenient means fo r obtaining still shorter
explanations for the r elation of color to ch emical cells of variable lengths, a n ew type of tubulated
constitution, and is applicable to other indicators. endplate was designed (fig. 1, B , and fig. 2). This
It is b elieved that these studies point to useful was cut in one piece from fu sed quartz to a thick-
applications of the indicator and that th ey con- ness of 1 cm, and consisted of a circular plate 3.8
tribute to an understanding of acid-base phenom- em in diameter having a n eck 2 cm in wid th and 1
ena in organic media. cm in length. Two tubular openings of un equal

Acid-Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 225

vide a bsorption cells of these respective lengths. 4
The solution was introduced into th e cell through
the longer tube.
In all the spectrophotometric measurements, a
pail' of cells was used in th e customary way.
Ordinarily th e reference cell contained th e pure
solvent 5 and its companion cell contained the
solu tion under investigation. The solutions were
prepared and th e measurements were performed
in a room kept at 25° C. By passing a stream of
air through th e cell compartment, the in crease in
temperature caused by proximity of th e light
source was limited to the range 26° ± 1° C. Solu-
tions of known concentrations were prepared and
dilu ted quantitatively. Volumetric flasks and
pipettes calibrated at th e National Bureau of
Standard s were used t hrou ghout. The micro-
balance used for th e preparation of most solutions
of dyes gave a precision of 0.5 to 1.0 percen t for
weights of the order used. R eadings were made
at intervals of 5 or 10 mIL . Measurements of the
p ercen t transmittancy were usually reproducible
wi thin ± 0.2 p ercent.
In some of the figures to follow , the transmit-
tancies in p ercent and wavelengths in millimicrons
are plotted as ordinates and abscissas, respectively.
'1'he resulting curves are called "transmittancy
FIGURE 2. T ubulaled quartz endplate with stoppers.
curves." In other figures, values for the molar
length wer e drilled perpendicularly through the absorbancy index, aM, are given as ordinates.
neck and continued through the plate so as to These were calculated by means of the equation,
emerge at an angle on one face of the plate. The
sp acing between the openings provided for non- - loglO T.
aM= bX M'
interference with the light beam. Glass stoppers
. were ground to fit the openings in the n eck. When
in which [Ts= Tsoln/ Tsolv = the transmittancy of
assembled in th e cell holder with a stainless steel
the solute, b is the d epth of the cell in centimeters,
spacer of the desired thickness and a 2-mm thick
and M is the molar concentration of the solution.6
crystalline quartz endplate (fig. 1, C), this pro-
In the latter figures, both the wavelength in milli-
vided a very satisfactory absorption cell for meas-
microns and the wave number (reciprocal of the
urements in th e visible spectrum. Two such cells
wavelength) in centimeters - 1 are given as abscis-
that contained eith er water or b enzene were well
sas, at the top and bottom, respectively, of the
matched between 390 and 700 mil , but did not
figures. These curves are r eferred to as "molar
show equal absorption in the ultraviolet region.
absorbancy curves."
"Vhen compared with a cell having two crystalline
quartz endplates, th ey showed a very narrow ab- 4 Since completion of the experimental work described in this paper, com·
bination of a tubnlated end plate w ith a thin quartz plate that has a central
sorption band neal' 240 mIL , which was probably indented area 0.1 or 0.5 mm in de pth has given satisfactory cells of still shorter
due to a trace of iron in the fused quartz. The length .
, Exceptions will be noted in t he text.
intensity of this band was differ ent in th e two 6 'l' he sym boIs and terminolcgy used were recently adopted for use in NBS
tubulated endplates. Stainless steel spacers of p ublications and are discussed in NBS Letter Ci rcular LC857 (May 19, 1947).
T he term Hmol ar absorbancy index" is used in preference to "molar absorp-
thicknesses 1, 2.5, and 5 mm were made, to pro- tion index" or Hmol ar absorption coefficient."

226 Journal of Research

III . Materials 15 minutes with 100 ml of a 25-percen t solu tion
of ammonium chloride. Th e ammonium chloride
1. Indic ator Dyes solution was then decanted, and the zinc was
(a) Preparation of the ethyl ester 01 tetra bromophenol- wash ed twice wi th distilled water. The activated
phthalein ("bromphthalein magenta E" 7). zinc was added to a 500-ml round-bottom Ila k
Phenolphthali n was prepared from phenol- that contained a solution of phenolphthalein
phth alein by a procedure based upon B aeyer's (0. 25 mole, Eastman No. 202 ) in 125 ml of 10 -M
brief descript.ion [3 2] and was then converted suc- sodium hydroxide, and the mixture was h eated to
cessively to phenolphth alin ethyl ester , tetra- boiling while constantly stirred. N ear th e boiling
bromoph enolphthalin ethyl ester , the potassium point, th e solution b ecame colorless. H eating
salt of tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl es ter , and was continued on th e steam bath for an hour.
tct rabromophenolpht.hfllein ethyl ester. The en- After the addition of 150 ml of 6- N sodium
tire series of transfo rmations is shown in figure 3. hydroxid e, th e mixture was filtered through
0 ~1 ~1

a a

2H C2H~OH 0 BR2


o- c~ O
H-C- C )

O~ C - OH

H-C- C )
1 I
O·C-OC2 H5


I II m
~ 0


KOH + 0 H+

H-C- C )

~C- OC2H~
BA -


O·C- OC2H~

SA -
o 8-C>

o · C-OC 2 H5
0 0 0

TIr Y ~
FIG U RE 3. Outline of method fo r preparing bromphthalein magenta E.
I, P henolph tha lein; n , phcnolpht halin ; III , pbenolpht halin eth yl ester; IV, tetrabroll1ophenolphtha lin eLh yl ester; V. potassi um salt of letrabromo·
phe nolphthalei n eLh yl ester; VI, tetrabroll1ophenolphthalein ethyl ester (" bromphthalei n magenta E .")

The last four steps wer e performed essentially by asbestos to r emove the excess of zinc. The resi-
the process outlined by Nietzki and BurckhaTdt due of zinc was h eated to boiling with 6- N sodium
[33]. However, experim ents with sever al small hydroxide , and the mixture again filtered through
batch es were conducted to determine the most asbestos. The combined filtrates were then poured
favorable conditions, and at various stages modifi- into a slight excess of 3.6- N hydrochloric acid
cations were introduced. The following desc rip- (500 ml). The flocculent precipitate was digested
tion applies to the procedures found to b e most with water on the steam bath and then wash ed
satisfactory. several times by decantation. Finally, it was
Preparation oj phenolphthalin (II, 6g. 3).-Zinc filtered with the aid of suction and dried in a
du st (0.76 mole) was "activated" by stirring for vacuum oven at 100 0 C. The yield was 77 p er-
7 This name was coined as a substitute lor the cumbersome ebem ical te r- cent. The product Cmp , 232 0 to 236 0 0 )8 may be
minology and is intended to suggest t he relation 01 the com pound to phenol- used without furt h er purification or reclystallized
phthalein and to t he sulfonep h t halcin ind icators. T he suggested abbrevia·
tion is B PM. The suffixes E and B denote the ethyl and n·b utyl esters, 8 All melting poin ts were determ ined witll a n ASTM t her mometer for
r cspeeti vely. 3- in . immersion, ca librated at t he National Bureau 01 Stanctards.

Acid-Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 227

from n-butyl alcohol (about 50 ml of hot butyl acid. No yield was reported. Glacial acetic acid
alcohol to 10 g of phenolphthalin). The recrystal- and carbon tetrachloride were found by us to be
lized product m elted at 235 0 to 235.5 0 C. Baeycr less satisfactory solvent.s than ethyl nlcohol, from
report.ed th e melting point of phenolphthalin to be which the product separated more readily and in a
225 0 C, but in catalog No. 35 of Eastman Organic purer condition.
Chemicals it is given as 232 0 to 236 0 C. Preparation oj the potassium salt oj tetra bromo-
Preparation oj phenolphthalin ethyl ester (III, phenolphthalein ethyl ester (V, fig. 3).- T etra-
fig. 3).- Phenolphthalin (0.2 mole) was dissolved bromophenolphthalin ethyl ester (0.1 mole) was
in 1 liter of absolute ethyl alcohol, the solution dissolved in a cold solution of 0.4 mole of potassium
saturated with dry hydrogen chloride, and the hydroxide .in 200 ml of water, yielding a colorless
flask closed tightly with a glass stopper. After solution. T he solution was mechanically stirred
the solution had stood for several days at room while po tassium ferricyanide (0 .2 mole in 200 ml
temp erature, it was concentrated to 400 ml on of water) was added rapidly. After about 5
the steam bath and then poured onto ice, where- minutes, the dark blue slimy precipitate was
upon a curdy solid precipitated. The yield of filtered with suct ion, and the moist product was
air-dried product was 100 percent. The solid was dried on a day platc .9 The air-dried solid, in small
dissolved in 100 ml of eth er and extracted with portions, was extracted with 95-percen t ethyl
small portions of a 10-percent solution of sodium alcohol in a Soxhlet appara tus . A dull gr een,
carbonate until the extract was no longer pink. crystalline solid separated from the alcoholic
The ether was evaporated and the residue was extracts (total yield, 55 per cent). A white residu e
dissolved in 1.5 liters of ho t benzene. Flat needles in the thimbles was identified as potassium ferro-
(mp, 156 0 to 157 0 C) were obtained in 82.5-pereent eyanid e. A second extraction of the solid with
yield. After extraction with carbon tetrachloride 95-percent alcohol yielded lustrous green erystals.
the residue m elted at 157 0 to 158 0 C. Nietzki Preparation oj tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl
and Burckhardt reported the m elting point as ester, " bromphthalein magenta E" (VI, fig. 3) .-
156 0 to 158 0 C. The potassium salt of tetrabromophenolphthalein
P reparation oj tetrabromophenolphthalin ethyl ethyl ester was converted into tetrabromophenol-
ester (IV, fig. 3 ). -A solution of phenolphthalin phthalein ethyl ester in portions of 5 g, under slight
ethyl ester (0.15 mole) in 225 ml of 95-percent variations of the following procedure. The potas -
ethyl alcohol was cooled t o 0 0 C, and was then sium salt was suspended in 100 ml of water, and
sh ak en constantly dUTing th e dropwise addition acetic acid was added in small portions until, after
of bromine (0.6 mole). The temperature of the thorough shaking, the color of the solid had changed
mixtUTe was no t allowed t o ri se above 15 0 c. to brick r ed . Benz ene (2 00 ml) was then added
The mixtUTe was placed in a refrigerator for half and the mixture was heated on the steam bath
a day, during which time a large crop of granular under reflux. After half an hour, during which
yellowish crystals formed . Th e precipitate was the mixture was occasionally shaken, all but a
filtered with the aid of suction, and the yellow trace of the brick-red solid had dissolved in the
color was removed by washing with small portions benzen e. The ornnge-red benzene layer was
of alcohol. The yield of air-dri ed product (mp, separated, partly dried by filtration through filter
161 0 to 162 0 C ) was 73 percent. A sample re- paper and, while still ho t, was divided between
crystallized from 95-percent alcohol con taining t wo 250-ml Erlenmeyer flasks and placed in a
Darco ch arcoal gave irregular prismatic crystals desiccator that con tained calcium chloride and
that melted at 162.5° to 163.5 0 C. Additional vaseline. The desiccator was connected with the
dark yellow, sticky solid was obtained by dilu tion water pump . The solu tion became sligh tly tmbid
of the alo.oholic filtrate and washings with about 2 but cleared after boiling started. As soon as the
liters of water. Crystallizing t his from alcohol liquid becam e concentrated and cooled by the
produced a solid tinge d with light yellow and evaporation of solvent, crystals began to form .
brought the total yield to 84 percent. Nietzki These consisted of short, silky, light-yellow needles,
and Burckhardt performed the bromination in which at first aggregated in a sh eaf-like arrange-
glacial acetic acid an d obtained a product that
'S ubsequent batches wer e cen t rifuged at th is point with considerable
melted at 163 0 after reo.rystaHization from acetic saving of time.

228 Journal of Research

ment then changed into fluffy balls that finally dissolved in 100 ml of hot benZellP, a yellow solu-
filled the liquid. During filtra tion these crystals tion was formed from which small needles precip-
lost a considerable p art of their bulk and changed itated on cooling. The n eedles were filtered and
to a bright orange powder. On heating for a wash ed with cold benzene un til no color r emained .
few hours in a vacuum oven at 85° to 105° C, the After 4 hours in a vacuum oven at 80° C , 78 per -
color changed to brick-red. The total yield of cent of product (mp, 131 ° to 131.5° C) was
oven-dried produ ct from 41. 5 g of the potassium obtained.
salt was 85 percent. The products from five Analysis : Cf11eulated for C24H 240 4: C , 76.6 ; H ,
separa te preparations gave identical absorption 6.4 . Found: C, 76.7; H , n.7.
spectra when dissolved in benzene. R ecrystalli- Preparation oj tetrabromophenolphthalin-n-butyl
zation of 31 g from 1.5 liters of benzene gave 91 ester.- The same procedure was followed as for
percent of oven -dried product tha t had an un- the preparation of the corresponding ethyl ester ,
changed absorption spectrum . exeept that n-butyl aleohol was used in place of
Several experimen ts were performed t o deter- ethyl alcohol as the s.:>lvent for bromination.
min e whether th e benzene of crys tallization in th e Ph enolphthalin n -butyl ester (0.2 mole) gave a 78-
air-dried solid was present in stoichiometric pro- percent yield of the tetrabromo-derivative. The
portions. The r esul ts wer e inconclusive, but may melting point (138° to 138.4° C) was raised to
indicate the presence of 1 molecul e of benzen e of 139. 5° to 139.8 0 C by recrystallization from
crystallization, which is slowly lost at a tmospheri c methyl alcohol.
conditions. Wh en hea ted a t atmospheric pres- P reparation oj the p otassium salt oj tetrabl'olno-
sure, the ora nge powder dries to a porous mass phenolphthalein n -butyl ester.- The procedure cor-
tha t can be ground t o a brick-red powder. The r esponded to that used for the ethyl e ter . The
solid m elts t o a deep-red liquid at about 209 ° to lar ges t quantity used in an exrp erimen t was 0.03
210° C . Nietzki and Burckhard t ob tained stout mole of tetrabromophenolphthalill n-butyl ester .
blood-red prism s (m p, about 210° to 215° C) from Acetone wa used for extraction of the product in
alcoho1. a Soxhlet app aratus. Lu trou green crys tals
A nalysis : 10 Calculated for CZ2H 140 4Br4: C , 39.9 ; were ob tained .
H , 2.1; Br, 48.3. Found : C , 40.5; H , 2.3 ; Br, Preparation oj tetrabromophenolphthalein n-butyl
48.2 . For the product of Nietzki and Burck- ester, "bromphthalein magenta B. "- The method
hardt the following analysis was rf\ported : C, 39 .4 ; was similar to t h at used for th e preparation of
H , 2.3 ; Br, 49.4 . bromphthalein m agenta E. The oven-dried prod-
uc t (yield from 0.0275 mole, 72 p er cent) was brigh t
(b) Preparation of the n-butyl ester of tetra bromophenol- orange in color and melted and par tly decomposed
phthalein ("bromphthalein magenta B")
at about 110° C.
Preparation oj p henolphthalin n-butyl e ter.- A nalysis: Calcula ted for CZ4H ls0 4Br4: C, 41.8;
Phenolphthalin (0.1 mole) was dissolved in 150 H , 2.6;Br, 46 .3. Found : C, 42. 2 ; H ,3.0 ; Br, 47.4 .
ml of hot n -bu tyl alcohol (comm ercial hi gh grade) . The absorption spectrum of a 5 X 10- 5-M solution
The solution was sa t urated wi th dry hydrogen of bromphthalein magenta B in benzen e did no t
chloride and h ea ted on th e steam bath for sev eral differ significantly from that of an equimolar
days. The excess of but.yl alcohol was distilled solution of bromphthalein magenta E. The
off under reduced press ure, and th e r es idue in the synthesis of bromphthalein magenta B has not
distilling flask was poured onto icc. Th e thick hitherto been reported.
sirup that form ed was converted into a granular
solid after continued stirring. The suction-dried 2 . Organic Bases
precipitate was dissolved in ether , and the ether The best commercial gr ade of organic base was
solution was extracted with lO-per cent sorlium used in all cases. Samples of bases th a t arc avail-
carbonate solution un til the ex tract showed only able only in r esearch quantiti es were ob tained
a faint pink color. The ether layer was then through the courtesy of sev eral manufacturers.
washed with water an d finally evaporated to dry- A list of th e bases, which includes 14 primary
ness on the st eam bath. When the r esidue was aliphatic amines, 18 secondary aliphatic amines,
10 All the analyses were p erformed by Ken neth D. Fleischer. 12 tertiary alipllatic amines, and 6 guanidine deri-

Acid-Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 229

vatives, is given in table 1. The source and the vent was shaken with dilute alkali, washpd, dried,
method of purification, if any, are indicated in the and distilled [34].
footnote s at the end of the table. The prepara- Ethyl alcohol.- 95-percent alcohol was redis-
tion of tctntalkylammonium salts is described later tilled [34].
in the text. R eference will also be made to tri- Ethylene dichloride (1 , 2-dichloro ethane) .- A high
methylamine oxide , certain alkaloids, and guanidine grade of commercial solvent was used . This
salts. showed no acidity when fre shly opened. If
stored in a colorless glass contain er in indirect
T ABLE I .-Source of oTganic bases and method of pUTification daylight, the solvent acquired an acidic reaction
in a few weeks. D eterioration was very slow when
P ri m ar y ali phatic Secondal' yaliphatic T ert iary aliphatic
am inrs a mines amincs the solvent was pro tected from light.
Other solvents u sed in qualitative tests were
o·Am inodiclohexyl · 2-( Butyla mino)-1-phenyl- Diet hylhenz yla min e' high-grade commercial specimens.
2-Ami no -2-methy l- l - ethanol b N-Eth yl mol'ph olin c b
propanol d fJ- Butylami nopl'opio- H yaminc 13 e
2.Amino-l-butanoJ d
n-Amylamine a
ni trile b
Di-n-am y laminc a
Hyaminc ll c
!\1cthylc1iethanolamine b
IV. Data and Discussion
i,'r o - Am y l amin ~ a Di-iso-am y Jamine a P yridin e f
Benzylamine f Di -n-blltylam int? f 'rri-n-amylam ine a 1. History of Bromphthalein Magenta
n-B utyla mine f Dicyclohexy lamine a 'rl'i -iso-am yJamin c f
iso-Butylamine a Dirthallolaminc 11 1"' ribenz y laminc tl The dye referred to as "bromphthalein magenta
sec-Butylamine' Diethylam ine r 1' ri-n-butylamine a E " was first synthesized in 1897 [33] in the course
Oyclohcxylamine f Oi-(2-eth y lhexy l) amin c b 'l' l'icth ylamillc r
n-H eptylamine' 2,3-Dimethylpiperidin e II Tl'i-n-prop ylaminc II of studies of the structures of phenolphthalein and
n-Octylamine ' Di-n-prop yJam inc c related compounds. In a similar connection, it
n-Propylam ine' 2-(2-Ethy lhe,ylamino)-I- Gua nidine derivatives
iso-Propylamine ' phenyl ethanol b has been the subject of spectrographic studies by
- - - - - - - -N(2· Eth y lhexyl)-N-a-.
tl lb I . b
I, 2 - DlCyclohexylgualll-
Thiel and Diehl [36], and by Madame Ramart-
Miscell aneous me l Y CJ~zy amine dille g
- - - - - - - 1 2-(Methylammo)-l-phenyl- 2 D' I I .r b
Lucas and her collaborators [37, 38]. The dye
ethanol b 1, - ~p l cny guan~( ~n e .
Trimetbylamineoxide j N-Methv lethan olam ine b 1,2-DI-o-tolylgualll:lllC'
and its potassium salt have been proposed for the
a-Meth~lpiPeridine • Dodecylguallldine . detection of native protein [39].
Octy leth anolamine b I, 2, 3 - Tnpbeny lgualll-
Piperidine ( dine I
Bromphenol blue, th e sulfonephthalein analog
1,2-Di-m-xyJylgml.l1idine k of bromphthalein magenta, has been used as an
indicator in acid-base studies in hydrocarbons and
their halogenated derivatives, such as benzene
• East man Kodak 00.; no furth el' treatment. [40 to 43] and chlorobenzene [44], as well a.s in
b Oarbide & Carbon Ohemicals Oorp. ; n o further treatment.
, Sharples Ohemicals Inc.; no further treatment.
acetonitrile [45] . It has limited solubility in
d Oommercial Solvents Oorp.; no fu rther treatment. benzene (about 10- 4 mole per liter) and tends to
• Ra hm and Haas ; no fu rther treatment.
f Eastman Kodak 00.; dIied Over sod ium hydroxide and redistilled.
form precipitates with certain amines. Further-
g American CyanaTuld Co. ; isolated from hydrochloride, recrystallized from more, two changes :in color, namely from colorless
tol uene, and dried in a vacuum oven at 100° 0, Mp, 180° to 181 ° C.
h Eastman I{odak Co.; recrystallized tw ice from tol uene and dried in a
to yellow and from yellow to blue, complicate its
vac uum oven at 75° 0; Mp. 147.5° to 147.8 0 O. use as an indicator [43] . It had been though t
I' Eastman Kod a k 00.; recrystallized twice from hen zene and dried in a
vacuum oven at 100° to noo 0; Mp, 175° to 175.5° O.
likely that the ethyl ester of tetra bromophenol-
j Synthesized from trimethylamine; mp. 94 .5° to 95.5° 0 (di h yrtrate). phthalein (lfbromphthalein magenta E," IfBPM-E")
• American Oyanamid 00.; no further t reatment.
I Eastman Kodak Co.; recrystallized once from cyclohexanc and dried in air;
would show a higher solubility in hydrocarbons
mp. 144 ..50 to 145.5°0. and related solvents, as well as a single color
ch ange from yellow to blue or purple upon reaction
3. Solvents with an organic base. The first expectation was
B enzene.- A high grade of commercial solvent fulfilled/ 1 and the products of its r eaction with
was dried over Drierite and redistilled [34]. secondary aliphatic amines or tetraalkylammo-
Cyclohexane_- A high-grade solvent suppled for nium hydroxides give blue solutions in benzene.
spectroscopic work was used without further However, the interesting discovery was made that
treatment . tertiary aliphatic amines and symmetrical di- or
Dioxane.- Commercial solvent was pmified ac- triaryl-substituted guallidines r eact with brom-
cording to the method of Eigenberger [35]. phthalein magenta to give magenta solutions · III
Ethyl acetate.- A high grade of commercial sol- 11 The solubility in benzene is more than l()-l m ole per liter.

230 Journal of Research

benzene and like solvents. Primary aliphatic sulfonephthaleins as well as by dyes of sevrral
amines display hybrid behavior, giving r ed-violet other classes [43].
solutions whose absorption spectra show resem- R eplacement of the ethyl rad ical in the carb-
blances to those of both econdary and tertiary ethoxy group by an-butyl radical would noL be
amines. Furthermore, thel'e arc ch aracteristic exp ected t o affect the behavior of bromphthalein
differences in Lhe blue color a nd absorption spectra magenta as an jndicator in a noticeable way but
of tetraalkylammonium derivatives of brom- migh t confer increased solubility in hydrocarbon .
phthalein magenta, on th e one hand, and solu- Bromphthalcin magenta B is indistinguishable
tions of t he dye to which secondary amines h ave from bromphthalein magenta E as an indicator,
been added. Th ese and other color phenomen a although it is five or more times as soluble in
are discussed in following section . At this point, benzene on a molar basis. In cyclohexane, a
however, it may be noted that the diffcrentiating 10- 4-1111 solution of bromphthalein magenta B
behavior of bromphthalcin magenta towards could be prepared, but the solubility of brom-
variou s classes of bases in benzene is no t unique phthalein magenta E was too small for use in
but is shown by bromphenol blue and other this solvent.




+ H2 0 II - H2 0



I ,

/I. G


-%. +
0 0- O... H OH

0 I
0 I
~ ~ c- G)


, I




I +
0 0 OH O.. · H


/ "-


FIGURE 4. Stl'uctural and color changes of benzaurin.

C, Benzaurin (X= B) (ye llow); II, carbinol (colorlo.88); Uf, anion (dee p color); IV , cation (dee p color).

Acid-Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 231

2. Structure of Bromphthalein Magenta to cause a shift in the absorp tion of ligh t, from the
ultraviolet to the visible portion of the spectrum.
Bromphth alein magen ta (E or B ) belongs t o th e ' Vhen this occurs, the substan ce in question t rans-
broad class of triphenylmeth an e dyes. More mits light of one of the deeper colors, for example
specifically, it may be regarded as a derivative of red, violet, blue, or green [17 , 23, 36, 46 to 50].
th e simplest b enzein dye, b enzaurin Y The for- The cation form of bromphthalein magen ta
mula of benzaurin (I ) is given in figure 4. The (red in color) can be obtained by dissolving the
position m arked X in ring 3 is that occupied by dye in concentrated sulfuric acid. The dye in
- H in benzaurin , by th e group - COOC 2 H 5 in this case is acting as a base. However, its b e-
bromphthalein magenta E , and by the group havior as an acid is of principal interest. It is
- COOC 4 H g in bromphthalein magen ta B . The well known that phenol shows acidic properties
latter two compounds have 4 bromine atoms in that are enhanced by substitution of halogen or
place of the hydrogen atoms ortho to th e C - O nitro groups in th e ortho position. This principle
groups in rings 1 and 2 . For simplification ·of the was used t o advantage in the synthesis of certain
figure, the bromine atoms have been omitted. sulfonephthalein indicators [51 ]. An explanation
The sulfonephthalein dyes are likewise related to for the acidic behavior of phenol based upon the
benzaurin, having X = - S03H . Substituents in r esonance concept has b een given [17, 23]. Ac-
position X have often been found to protect t ri- cor ding to this view, the - OH group lies in th e
phenylmethane dyes from the addi tion of a mole- plane of the benzen e ring, with the - R diI'ected
cule of water, which would give the colorless car- toward one of th e ol'tho positions. Studies of the
binol (II, fig. 4). It is likely, also, that th ey infrared sp eetra of phenol, a-bromophenol, 2,4 ,6-
produce a slight modification of the color of the tribl'omophenol , and other substituted ph enols
have led to the b elief that, when or tho positions
However, the groups that are most actively in-
in phenol are substituted by halogen atoms, the
volved in the structural changes and the accom-
proton of - OH is displaced to a small exten t
panying shifts in spectral absorption, which occur
toward an adjacent halogen atom [52, 53]. When
when a dye of th e benzaurin type is transformed
the same ideas are applied to bromphthalein
to its anion or cation, are the m ethane carbon
magenta, which has a structural r elationship to
atom and the quinoid (ring 1) and phenolic (ring 2)
tribromophenol, its acidic properties may b e ac-
groups. The simplest explanation of th e color
counted for and it can be predicted that, because
phenomena involved is based upon the present-day
the proton of - OR is attracted toward a n eigh-
concept of electronic resonance.!4 The n eutral
boring bromine atom within the molecule, th e
molecule gives yellow solutions in hydrocarbons
tendency for intermolecular association of the
and halogenated hydrocarbons because th e well
- OR gr oups to give dimers or higher polyme~'s
known chromophoric or "color-bearing" quinoid
[16] will b e absent. In other words, bromphthalem
group 0 = C 6H 4= is present in th e molecule. The
magen ta sh ould exist in monomeric form in solu-
anion (III, fig. 4) is formed by the loss of one
tion and is therefore likely to conform t o B eer's
proton from the - OH group , and the cation (IV,
law [54].
fig. 4) is produced by the addition of one proton
to = 0 . In figure 4, it can b e seen that III, B , is 3 . Color and Absorption Spectra of Bromphthal-
the same as III, A, except for the distribution of ein Magenta in Different Organic Solvents
electrons. A similar r elationship holds for IV, A,
and IV, B . The anion (or cation) is believed to Benzene.- B enzene, th e solvent for most of th e
have a hybrid stru cture, intermediate between thc sp ectrophot ometric work describ ed in this paper ,
extremes A and B , dlle to the resonance between was chosen b ecause of its importance as a solvent,
these two forms.]5 Such resonance is considered availabili ty in high quali ty at moderate cost, good
solvent properties, aprotic character , stability, and
12 Its relation ship to pbenolphthalein has alread y been noted . miscibility with o th er organic solvents. In th e
13 T b is bas been found to be true for basic t riphenylmethane d yes. D yes ranO'e of concentrations studied , namely, 1.6 X 10- 5
of the ben zaurin class ha ve been Jess t horoughl y studied [38J.
14 Equivalent to t he British term Hm esomerism. " to 3 X 10- 41\£, the absorption spectra of BPM -E
15 The double-beaded arrow is often used to indicate resonance among
d ifferent str uctures [23J . A and B are t he principal but not t he sole con-
and BP:NI -B coincided within experimen tal error
t ri bu tors to tbe hy brid anion (or caiion). and show ed no deviations from B eer 's law. The

232 Journal of Research

absorption spectrum of a 1O - 4-~i\1 solution of salt during the synthesis of bromphthalein magenta
BPM-E showed no change after 4 months, during E. From the chemical analysis, it was calculated
which time it was protected only from evaporation that specimen A might contain 80 p ercen t of
and from direct sunlight. bromphthalein magenta E and 20 percent of tetra-
The absorbancy curve obtained for 5 X 10- 5-1\;1 bromophenolphthalein. 16 This assumption wa
bromphthalein magenta E in b enzene is shown in checked spectrophotometrically ; that is, when the
figure 5 (curve 1). The high absorption of benzen e absorption spectrum of specimen A in benzene was
compared with that of a solution that contained
5 00 400
the calculated equivalents of bromphthalein
30 ~~~~~~~rr~rr~~~~~~~~~
magenta E and tetrabroillophenolphthalein, the
differences in the spectra were within: experi-
'""2 mental error. The lower values for the absorb-
)< ancy indexes found by Ramart-Lucas may have
w 20 been due to the presence of tetrabromophenol-
~ phthalein in the ethyl ester used by her. Unlike
u bromphthalein magenta, te trabromophenolphthal-
ein docs not show visible reaction with organic
bases in benzene, and it may therefore be r egarded
'"'"<t 10
as an inert impmity when bromphthalein magenta
:50 is used as an indicator in benzene .
" Cyclohexane.-The absorbancy c urve obtained
for 5 X 1O- 5- Mbromphthalein magenta Bin cyclo-
0 ~
0 ~~~~4~0~~~~5~0 h exane is given in figure 5 (curve 2) . In the v isi-
WAVE NUMBER (eM- I) x 10- 3 ble region, the curve is very similar to that obtained
FIG U RE 5. Effect of solvent upon molar absorbancy of for an equimolar olution in benzene, except that
bromphthalein magenta. it is slightly narrower and has shifted about 15
( I) Brom ph thalein magenta E in bonzene; (2) bromphthalein magenia B mJ.L toward the ultraviolet. Th ere are two maxi-
in el'cloh exan ~; (3) bromph thalcin magenta E in eth y lene di chlorid e.
ma, at the approximate positions 280 mJ.L (35, 700
prevents measurements at wavelengths shorter cm - I ) and 390 mJ.L (25,600 cm- I ) , with the resp ec-
than about 280 mj1 , and there is no measurable tive molar absorbancy indexes 12,000 and 27,000.
absorption by the dye at wavelength s greater A strong absorption band near 45,000 cm- I is al 0
than about 530 mj1. Two maxima appear n ear indicated. Two minima appear n ear 255 mj1
285 mJ.L (35 ,100 cm - I ) and 405 mj1 (24 ,700 Cln- 1 ), (39,200 cm - I ) and 325 mJ.l. (3 0,800 cm- I ) , with the
with the r esp ective molar absorbancy indexes respective indexes 9,000 and 6,400. Ther e was
13,000 and 26,500. A minimum is located near no evident deviation from Beer 's law in the range
335 mJ.L (2 9,800 cm- I ), with the molar absorbancy of concentrations 1.25 X 10- 5 to 5 X 10- 5 }.II.
index 6,450. Ethylene dichloride.-The absorbancy curve ob-
Ramart-Lucas lIas given the absorbancy curve ta ined for 5 X 1O- 5-Al bromphthalein magenta E
for the same compound in benzel1r [38] with the in ethylene dichloride (curve 3, fig. 5) shows
values for the logari thm of the molar absorbancy absorption and transmission bands in the same
index plotted as ordinates. When the data for r egions as those observed fOJ; an equimolar solu-
our best sample of bromphthalein magenta E tion in benzen e but with differ ences in intensity.
were plotted on the same basis, the absorbancy The absorption bands found near 285 illj1 (35, 100
was found to be greater than that reported by cm - I ) and 405 mJ.L (24,700 cm- I ) have the respective
Ramart-Lucas. A sample of bromphthalrin molar absorbancy indexes 12 ,000 a nd 28 ,000.
magenta E (specimen A ), obtained from the first That is, absorption of BPM- E in the ultrav iolet
trial synthesis, was Jater shown by its ch emical region is slightly less in ethylen e dichlor ide than
analysis and absorption spectrum to be contami- in benzene, but in the visible region it is greater.
nated with some other substance. The most likely However , these differences in th e intensity of
16 A commerc ial specimen of the latter com pound showed two narrow
impmity was tetrabromophenolphth alein, which absorption bands in benzene neal' 284 In,,, and 292 mil, with the respective
could be formed by saponification of the potassium molar a bsorbaney indexes 5,900 a nd 5,300.

Acid-Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 233

absorption are not great enough to exclude the organic acids also give a yellow solu tion of the
possibility of their b eing due to som e impurity indicator. The effect of basic solvents will be
in th e commercial eth ylen e dichloride. Trans- discussed more fully in sections IV- 8 and IV- 10.
mission bands appear near 255 mM (39,2 00 cm - l )
and 332 mM (30, 100 cm - I ), with the respective 4. Reaction of Bromphthalein Magen ta with Ali-
absorbancy indexes 8,600 and 7,000. The latter phatic Amines a n d Symmetrical Di- or Triaryl
Derivatives of Guanidine in Benzene
transmission band is very fla t, showing almost
constant transmittancy in th e range 310 to 340 Tertiary aliphatic amines and di- or triaryl-
mM · guanidines.- The yellow color of bromphthalein
Other solvents .- Ramart-Lucas obtained nearly magen ta (E or B ) in benzene is ch anged to a v ivid
identical absorbancy curves for the ethyl ester of magen ta when an excess of a tertiary aliphatic
tetra bromophenolph thalein in ben zene, chloroform, amine or a symmetrical di- or triarylguanidine is
and dioxane [38]. For alcohol, sh e obtained an added. Solutions in which only par t of the in-
entirely different curve, with a narrow band of dicator has b een converted to the "salt" are
high intensity near 600 mM . This is b ecause the orangc, red , and intermediate tones, depending
alcohol r eacts as a base with the indicator, just as upon th e relative concentrations of indi cator and
distilled water acts as a base with bromphenol base. The differ ent colors are v ery brigh t and
blue to give t h e blue form of that indicatorY A easily distinguish ed by the unaided eye. Examples
curve obtained for the potassium salt of brom- of organic bases that b elong in this group are
phthalein magenta E or B in alcohol had a pattern shown in figure 6. Each of the sol utions contained
very similar to that obtained by Ramart-Lucas 4 X lO-s-M bromphthalein magenta E , togeth er
and by the authors for the free indicator acid in with 5 X 1O - 5-M base (1.25 molar equivalents of th e
alcohol, as well as to a curve obtained by h er for a indicator) in a l-cm absorption cell. In numerical
solution of the indicator in aqueous alcohol which order, the transmi ttancy curves represent the
contained sodium carbonate. Bromphthalein ma- followin g solutions : (1) Indicator without added
genta gives a yellow solution in hydrocarbons base; (2) N -ethylmorpholine; (3 ) 1,2, 3-triphenyl-
and halogenated hydrocarbons other than those guanidine; (4) triisoam ylamine; (Fi) tri-n -bu tyl-
m entioned, as well as in very weak bases, such as amine; (6) tri-n-amylamine; (7) triethylamine;
ethyl eth er and dioxane. Acetic acid and other (8) 1,3-diphenylguandine; (9) 1, 3-di-o-tolylguani-
dine. Other bases not shown in this figure fell
17 R a mart-Lucas does no t attribute the change from yellow to blue to
into the following respective orders: (la) Tri-
reaction with a base, as sh e does not recognize that alcohol and water have
basic propert ies 13Sj. benzylamine; (1b) pyridine; (3a) diethylb enzyl-


.... 80

I 60
.... 40
« 20

300 400 500 600 700

FIGUHE 6. Transmittancy curves for bromphthalein magenta E, 4 X 10- 5 iliI in benzene, in 1-em cell, with 1.25 molar
equivalent of the fo llowing organic bases.
(I ) N Oll e; (2)'N-eth ylmorpholine; (~) 1, 2, 3,-triphen ylguanidine; (4) triisoarn yla mLne ; (5) tr i-n-hu tylamine; (6) tri-1l-am ylamillc; (7) triethyl-
amine; (8) 1. ~-diph e ny l g llanid i ne; (9) 1,3-di·o-tolylguanidine.

234 Journal of Research

amme; (5a) tri-n-pl'opylamine; (10) di-m-xylyl- closely t he "apparent" ionization COllstant in
guanidine. Tribenzylamin e and pyridine reacted water approximates the "true" ionization con-
only feebly. The studies were conducted pri- stant, the low solubility of some of the organic
marily to determine th e general pattern of be- bases in water is an obstacle to accurate measure-
havior , and only a single measurement was made m ents in this solvent [,56]. Further considera-
with each base. B ecause of this fact and also tions have been summarized by Hall [10].
because ti'aces of water, carbon dioxide, and in
some cases other impuriti es may have b een present T ABLE 2.- Dissociation constants of some tertiary amines
in the bases, the quantitive relationships can be and arylguanidines in water·
regarded as only provisional. However, the
R elati ve
extent to which the various bases reacted with reac ti vit y
bromphthalein magenta gives some indication Compound brom-
of their relative strengths. Comparison with the phthalein
magenta b
values for r elative basic strengths in water is als()
of interest. P y ridine.. . ... .. ..... . ........ '8.i9; d 8.97
In table 2 arc summariz ed values taken from the l,2,3·Triphenyl guauidinc _.... c. e4.9 2
Diethylbenzylamine . ......... '4.52 3
literature for the ionization constants in water of Tri·n· butylamille ............. <3.17; '4.15 '4 .09
some of these bases. The values ar e expressed as 'l'ri-l1-propyla mine ____________ h 3.26; f. i 3.35
Trie th y lamine .............. 13.28; ' 3.20; d 3. 18 h3. 19; ; 2.95
pKb' that is, the 11egative logarithm of the ioniza- 1,3· Diphenyl gunnidine ........ ' 1.0; ' 3.94; ; 4.05 to 4.12
tion constant of th e ba e. Wh en one of t h ese L3·Di·o·tolylg uanidine . ....... >4 .33
bases is dissolved in water, th e following reactions
a Tn some cases, m easurements \\'ere m ade in aqueous a lcohol, a nd the
may occur: value for aq ueous solution was obta ined by ex trapo lati on . Values are for
(a) (b) 250 C, unless otherwise indicat ed.
B + H20~BHOI-l;=:BH++ OH-. (14) b In benze ne, in increasin g ord er .
• N. 1'. IIall, J. Am. C he rn. Soc. 52, 5115 (1930).
base d H. T . S. Britto o and W. O. William", J. C hern. Soc. (Lond on) 790 (1 935) ;
values are for 18° C .
The ionization constant, K b , r efers to reaction oN.!'. Hall and M . R. Sprinkle, J . Am . Chern . Soc. 54, 3469 (1932).
1J. K endall, Int. C ri t. T a bles VI, 260 (Na t ional R esearch C ouncil, W ash-
(1b) and is formulated as follows: 18 ington, D . C ., J929) .
< D am sga ard ·S ~re nsen and A. Unmaek, Z. phys. Chern . fA] 172,389 (1935),
K b= [BH+][OH- ]/ [BHOH] . (15) value for J8° C ; H a ll'S n ine 4 J5 (see footnote 0) is belie , ed by these
Therefore, authors to be in error.
b O. Bredi g, Z. phys. C h ern. 13, 289 (1894).
I T. S. Moore and '1'. F. Winmill, J. Chern. Soc. (Lond on ) 101, 1635 (19J2) .
pKb= log {[BHOH]/ [BH+][OH- ] }. (16) j P . Walden and n . IJlic h, Z. E le ktroc hem. 34 , 25 (1928) .
k L . ~f e t z , Z. Elektrochcm. 34 , 292 (I nR).
In table 2, a smaller value for pKb indicates a
relatively large tendency for ions to form and vice When an organic base, B , reacts with the indi-
versa. Authorities differ as to Lhe role of reac- cator acid bromphthalei.n magenta, HOR, in
tions (a) and (b ) in the evaluation of basic ioniza- benzene, the equation B + HOR-"BHOR can be
tion constants. For example, the ionization con- assumed for the initial reaction. There is strong
stant is sometimes defined as [BH+][OH- ]/[B], or eviden ce that in a partially s ubstituted ammonium
as [BI-I+][OI-I - l!{ [BHOH] + [B] }. Briegleb [55] has salt, "non-Ooulombic interaction" occurs between
asserted that for the r eaction of ammonia wi th the negative ion , and the proton of the positive
water, r eactions (a) and (b) are praetically com- ion in nonaqueous solvents [28, 57]. In other
plete, and the ionization cons tant for ammonia is words, a hydrogen bridge is formed bet ween the
actually a measure of the equilibrium between cation and the anion. It seems to be fairly well
[NH3 aQ ] and [NH 4 0H aQ ] . Moore and Winmill, on established that in salts of the type BHOR the
the other hand [12, 56], assumed the reaction of hydrogen bridge is strong, even in a solvent of
H and H 20 to give BHOH, followed by ionization r elatively high dielectric constant. The cation
of BHOH, with the r espective equilibrium con- and anion are also attracted to each other by a
stants K 2and K I , and attempted th e measurement Ooulom bic for ce [57]. It therefore seems likely
of K z in order to arrive at a true value for K I • that in benzene the extent of dissociation of
In addition to the resultant uncertainty as to how- BHOR into BH+ and OR- ions is negligible in
IS Concentrations are expressed as moles pe r lite r; for simplifica tion, con
many cases, though the molecule probably has a
ceotrations are assumed to be identical with acti vities . highly polar character. In benzene, consequently,

Acid-Base Reactions i n Organic Solvents 235

the strength of the base is not to be measured in of these bases in benzene and the aprotic character
terms of the free ions formed, but by the extent to of this solvent make the interpretation of data less
which Band HOR combine to form the salt equivocal than for parallel studies in water.
BHOR. 19 The basicity constant, K b , may then In figure 7 transmittancy curves are given to
be formu lat.ed in the following way: show the progressive reaction of 4 X 10- 5 -M
bromphthalein magenta E in benzene in a l-cm
K b= [+BH- OR] / [BJ[HOR]. (17)
absorption cell with various increments of 1,3-
When the values for pKb in of the bases diphenylguanidine. The smallest increment of
listed in table 2 are compared with the relative base was 0.025 molar equivalent of the dye
reactivities of the same bases with bromphthalein (10- 6 -M base), and with less than 3.75 molar
magenta in benzene, there seems to be a direct equivalen ts (1.5 X 1O- 4 -M base) the "limiting
parallelism for the last five bases. The lack of curve" was Two well-marked iso-
conformity of the first three bases to this relation- sbestic points 21 occur at approximately 355 and
ship may be due to the fact that their ionization 460 m il. The magenta form gives a broad absorp-
constants in water are not a true measure of th e tion band with maximum near 540 mil and a
extent of combination of the bases with water. transmission band near 420 mil . Quantitative
The validity of ionization constants as an index aspects of tIlls react.ion will be di scussed more
of intrinsic basicity has been questioned by many fully in a later section.
writers, and t h e need for further experimental In figure 8 is shown the molar absorbancy curve
data, particularly for nonaqueous solvents, has of the salt that produces a magenta solution in
been stressed. Furthermore, recent experiments benzene. The compositions of the solutions that
have shown that in some instances steric factors gave the three curves shown were as follows:
interfere with the est.imation of r elative basicities (1) bromphthalein magenta B, 5 X lO- 5 1U, with
[59, 60] . For example, the basicities of tertiary 5 X 10- 3-1\1 triethylamine (molar ratio, 1: 100); (2)
aliphatic amines are lower than would be pre- bromphthalein magenta E , 5 X 10- 5 1\;[, with
dicted on theoretical grounds [60]. 5 X 10- 4-.1\11 1, 3-di-o-tolylguanidine (molar ratio ,
There evidently is considerable uncertainty in 1:10); (3) bromphthalein magenta B, 2.5 X I0- 5 M,
the measurement of basicities in watcr. The with 2.5 X 1O- 4-M ditolylguanidine (molar ratio ,
sensitivity of the r eaction of organic bases with 1: 10). The concen tra Lion of base was in each case
bromphthalein magenta in benzene demonstrates 20 so termed because continued addit ion of base produced no further change
the possible usefulIlE'ss of this and other indicators iu tbe transmittancy curve, showing tbat reaction of tbe indicator witb t be
for studying the effect of structure upon intrinsic base had reacbed completion.
21 Isosbestie means "of eq ual extinction" [GI]. Well-marked isosbestic
basic strengths. In fact, the greater solubility points are inter preted as show ing that two a nd only two colored species are
present in the solution under examination. Isosbestie points at the same
"According to some a u thorities, this should be called a "pseudo-salt." spectral regions may be noted in fi gure G.


1 60
I- 40
z II
c( 20

300 400 500 600 700

FIGURE 7. Transmittancy c-urves for bromphthalein magenta E, 4X 10- 5 l'v[ in benzene, in 1-cm cell, with various con-
centra.tions of 1,3-diphenylg-uanidine expressed as molar equivalents of the indicator.
(1) None; (2) 0.025; (3) 0.0625; (4) 0.125; (5) 0.25; (6) 0.375; (7) 0.625; (8) 0.75; (!J) 1.25; (10) 2.5; (11) 3.75 (l imiting curve).

236 Journal of R esear ch

performed, the color change produced by adding
r<> one of these bases to this indicator in benzene
I~ 40
appeared to be instantaneous. The r eaction i
x exothermic, as shown by the fact that heating the
x solution causes fading toward the original yellow,
§E 30
and cooling produces a deepening toward magenta.
The h eat of reaction appears to be smaller for the
>- r eaction of bromphthalein magenta with a ter-
z - 2
tiary amine than for its reaction with primary or
~ 20 3-
- I secondary amines.
o SecondG1'y aliphatic amines. - The yellow color of
(l) bromphthalein magenta in benzene is changed to
« purple-blue ("cornflower" blue) when an excess of
a secondary aliphatic amine is added. 22 Solutions
that contain free indicator acid mixed with some
of its salt with a secondary amine are green or
another intermediate color, depending upon the
300 400 500 6 00 700
relative amounts of the yellow and blue substances.
WAVELENGTH ( M jJ) This is in striking co ntrast to the behavior of
FIGURE 8. Typical molar absorbancy curves fo r products bromphLhalein magenta with tertiary amines,
from complete reaction of bromphthalein magenta with which was de. cribed in the preceding section. The
tertiary aliphatic amines CT 1,3-diarylguanidines in appearance of the transmittancy CUTves is illus-
trated in figure 9. The concentrations of indicator
(I) Dromphtbalein magenta B, 5XlO-' 111, plus 100 molar equivalents of
trietbylamine; (2) bromph thalcin magenta E, 5X I0-' 111, pl us 10 molar and of base wer e the same as those that gave the
equi valen ts ofl ,3·di·o·lolylguan idine; (3) bromphthalein magenta D, 2.5XlO-' curves in fig UTe 6; that i , each solution contained
IIf, plus 10 molar equi valen ts of 1,3·di·o·tolylguanidine.
4 X 10- 5-1\1 bromphthalein magenta E in benzene
greater than that r equired to produce the limiting together with 5 X 10- 5-1\1 amine (molar ratio,
curve. There are two absorption bands in the sp ec- 1: 1.25) in a l-cm absorption cell. Ignoring for
trum, one n car 305 mIL (au = approximatcly 15, 000) the moment curves 2 to 13, the curves r epre ent
and a second ncar 540 mil (aM = about 42,000), to- solu Lions containing the following base : (1 )
gether with evidence of overlapping bands in the None; (14) di-n-propylamine; (15) di-n-amylamine;
r egion 340 to 370 mil and a transmission band (16) di-n -butylamine; (17) diethylamine; (18)
n ear 415 mil (au = 2,000) . When these curves diisoamylamine; (19) dicyclohexylamine; (2 0)
were obtained, the absorption cells available were piperidine. Other secondary amines not given in
not short enough to permit measurement of high the figUT e, in their relative order of apparent
accuracy ncar 540 mil . This is probably the cause strength, are (17a) di-n -octylamine; (19a) 2,3-
of the sligh t differences among the curves in this dimethylpiperidine ; (19b) 2-methylpiperidine. Di-
r egion. In order to conserve base, and also benzyl amine showed negligible reaction, and di-2-
because the eITect of the indicator upon the spectral ethylhexylamine was much Ie s r eactive than
absorption of the base is not known , benzene was dipropylamine. These relative orders are decid-
used in t he comparison cell instead of a solution edly provisional. In the first place, it is evident
containing the base. This would account for the from figure 9 that the transmittancies ncar 575
small differences in the region 280 to 330 mil. mil, the region of maximum absorption , arc too
It is evident that the change in absorption is small close to zero for precise m easurements. At the
when (1) bromphthah;in magenta B is used instead time these m easurem ents were made the shortest
of bromphthalein magen ta E; (2) ditolylguanidine available absorption cell was 1 cm long, and it
i used instead of triethylamine; or (3) the con- was desired to use concentrations of indicator and
centration of indicator is altered to a limited degree. 22 This statement should be q ualified as rererring to daylight illumination
It should b e mentioned - and this statem en t and to relatively dilute solutions or to thin layers of more concentrated
applies to all of the r eactions of bromphthalein solutions. By incandescent light or in thick layers, the color is dark .ed.
'rhis behavior resembles the so-called 'Idicbl'omatism" of some of the sal·
magenta with bases- that in all of the experiments fonep bthaleiu iud icators, inclnding bromphenol blue [62, 63].

Acid- Bas e Reactions in Organic S o lvents 237

7~,5528 - 47 -- 4


JOO 400 ~OO 600 700


FIGURE 9. Transmittancy curves for bromphthalein magenta E, 4 X 10- 5 !vI in benzene, in 1-cm cell, with 1.25 molar
equivalent of the following organic bases.
(1 ) )!one; (2) benzylamine; (3) isobutylamine; (4) o·aminodicyclohexyJ; (5) n·propylamine; (6) isoamylamine; (7) n·hutyJamine; (S) sec·butylamine;
(9) n·amyJamine ; (10) isopropylamine; (11) cyclohcxylamine; (12) n'octyJamine; (13) n·heptyJamine; (14) di·n·propylamine; (15) d i·n·amyJamine; (16)
di.n.butylamine; (17) diethylamine; (IS) diisoamylamine; (19) dicyclohexylamine; (20) piperidine.

amine that would permit comparisons with other among secondary aliphatic amines are relatively
experiments. Variations of a few tenths of a slight; 3, quantitative comparisons of the basicity
degree in the temperature during measurement of secondary amines are difficult, because of the
are also more serious than in the case of measure- variation in the values of pKb for a given amine
ments involving tertiary amines. Although the reported by different investigators.
temperature of the room was kept constant without
TABLE 3.- Dissociation of some secondary aliphatic amines
much difficulty, h(')ating of the solutions by the
in water·
adjacent light source presented a problem. For
these reasons and also because several of the Compound pK,
amines were available only in small quantities,
purification was dispensed with in some cases. Diethylamine........ . ..... _... b 3,00; ' 3,01; d 3,05; • 2,94; r 2,90; g 2,84
Di·n·propylamine.... . .... ..... b 3,09 ; ' 3,02; r 2.99
However, for the solution that contained di-n- Di·n·butylamine.... .... ... .... ' 2.79; d 2.S2
butylamine, the same transmittancy curve was Di·n·amylamine ...... . . . . . .... '3.11
Di·isoamylam ine .... .......... b 3.11; ' 3.07; r 3.02
obtained irrespective of whether the commercial Di·n-octylamine ...... .. .... ... b 2.99
high-grade amine was used without treatment or Piperidine ........ .... ...... .. . b 2,90; ' 2.S7; d 2.91 ; r 2,80; ; 2,92
2-¥ethylpiperidine .. .. ........ '3.02
after drying and redistilling. It was at first
supposed that a trace of water in the secondary
a. In some cases, measurements were made in aq ueous alcohol, and t.he
amine might be the explanation for a blue rather value for aq ueous solution was obtained by extrapolation. Values arc for
than a magenta color, but no such effect of water 25° C unless oth erwise indicated.
b J. Kendall, Int. Crit. T a bles Vi , 260 (National Research Council, W as h·
could be demonstrated. ington, D. C., 1929).
The curves have common intersections near 345 oN. F. Hall and M. R, Sprinkle, J, Am . Chern, Soc. ai , 3469 (1932).
d N , F. H all, J, Am . C hern, Soc. 52, 5115 (1930) .
to 350 mJ.L and 470 to 475 mJ.L, with the exception of , '1', S. Moore and '1', F, Winmill , J . Chem, Soc. (London) 101, 1635 (1912).
the curve for the solution that contained dicyclohex- r O . Bredig, Z. phys. Chem, 13, 289 (IS94).
g H. '1'. S. Britton and ,V. O. Williams, J. Chern. Soc. (London), i96
ylamine. The latter curve intersects the curve (1935); values are for ISO C.
for the indicator at approximately 480 mJ.L. The b C , W . Hocrr, M. R. McCorkle, and A . W , Ralston, J, Am . Chern, Soc.
G5, 32S (1943); probable accuracy ±O.Ol ,
deviation may be characteristic of this ' amine or iT. S. Moore, J . Chem. Soc. London 91 , 1373 (1907).
may be evidence of an impurity in the sample.
The values for pKb in water for some secondary The transmittancy curves in figure 10 show the
aliphatic amines are given in table 3. When these reaction of bromphthalein magenta E in benzene
values are compared with those given in table 2 with progressively increasing amounts of piperi-
for corresponding tertiary aliphatic amines, the dine. The curves correspond to 5 X 10- 5-1\1
following facts arc illustrated: 1, The secondary indicator in a 5-mm cell with the following con-
aliphatic amines, with lower values for pKb' show centrations of piperidine, expressed as molar
greater basicity in water; 2, variations in basicity equivalents 6f dye: (1) None; (2) 0.1; (3) 0.3; (4)

238 Journal of Research

0.5; (5) 1.0; (6) 10 (limiting curve) . In other
words , the r eaction was complete upon or b efore
the addition of 5 X 10- 4-.1\11 piperidine. Till'ee
isosb estic points at 295, 345, and 475 m,u are i= 80
evident .23 The ensitivity of the reaction is note- W
worthy. Quantitative aspects will be referred to (.)
in a later section. w
The molar absorbancy curve of the "salt " 60

formed by the complete r eaction of bromphthalein >-


m agenta with a secondary aliphatic amine in z

b enzen e is shown in figure 11 '. Curve 1 cor- l-
I- 40
r esponds to 2.5 X 10- 5-]\,1 BPM-E with 40 molar ::;;
equivalents of diethylamine, and curve 2 cor- en
r esponds to 5 X 1O -5-M BPM-E with 10 molar «
equivalents of piperidine. In both cases an ex- I- 20

cess of base was present. These two curves are

vir tually sup erimpo sed and except in the n early
vertical portions, where m easurem ents are less
precise, values for the two solutions are almost 300 400 00 o
identical. The absorbancy curve shows a very
FJ GURE 10. Transmittancy curves f or bromphthalein ma-
strong band n ear 575 m,u (aM= approximately
genta E , 5 X 10- 5 111 in benzene, in 5-mm cell, with various
90,000) and two weaker bands n ear 315 m,u (aM= concentrations of piperidine expressed as molar equivalents
18,000) and 395 m,u (aM= about 10,000) , with trans- of the indicator.
mission bands in the regions 360 m,u (aA{=6, 000 ) (J) None; (2) 0. 1; (3) 0.3; (1) 0.5; (~) 1.0; (6) 10 (limiting curve).
and 450 m,u (aM= less than 1,000). When this
absorbancy e urve is compared with that for the
salt that is formed by r eaction of bromphthalein
magcnta with a tCl'tiary amine (see fig. 8), th e
striking difference b etween the two absorbancy r<)
curves, that correspond r espectively to pm'ple-
blue and magenta solutions in benzen e, is r eadily x
p erceived . The difference would be even more x
apparent had t h e two graphs b een plotted with o
the sam e relation between ordinates and abscissas. - 60

The maximum molar absorbancy for the purple- >-


blue solution is more th an twice that for the Z

magenta solution. The m ain band obtained for gs 40 2-
t h e former solution is very steep and narrow, (/)

while that for the magenta solution is r elatively

much broader . Differen ces in the spectral region,

280 to 400 mj.l, are also obvious. The differences :3 20 /
o /
in the reactions of secondary and tertiary amin es ::> j
with bromphthalein magenta in b enzene will be /.{
discussed more fully in sections IV-8 and IV- 10.
300 500 600 700
Primary aliphatic amines.-The color produced
by adding an excess of a primary aliphatic amine
to bromphthalein magenta in b enzen e is a red- FIGURE 11. T ypical molar curves for products
purple, sometimes referred to as " plum color." of complete reaction of bromphthalein magenta E in
benzene with secondary aliphatic amines.
23 Piperidine was not present in the comparison cell, but even at the high. (J) Brompbthalein mage nta E, 2.5X l(}- ' }II[, plus 40 molar equivalents oC
est concentration used in these experiments its et1eet upon the transmittancy dieth yla mi ne; (2) bromph t halei n magenta E, 5XI(}-' AI, plus 10 molar
of henzene is only about 0.3 percent at 280 m!, and Jess at longer wavelengths. eq uivalc nl.8 of piperidine.

Acid -Base Reactions i n Org anic Solvents 239

The transmittancy curves for solutions containing phthalein magen ta in benzene are too provisional to
bromphthalein magenta E with primary aliphatic warrant detailed speculation, but it seems likely
amines were temporarily ignored in the discussion that the reaction of the amines with water and
of figure 9. On first inspection, th e primary amines with bromphthal ein magenta may be obscured by
seem to resemble th e secondary amines in be- lack of knowl edge as to the real extent of hydra-
havior, except in producing a smaller eHect at a tion and ionization of these bases in water and of
given concentration. The curves assembled in any self-association of th e amine.
figure 9 were obtained for solutions that contained
4 X 10-5-M BPM-E in a 1-em cell, with 1.25 T ABLE 4.- Dissocialion constants of some primary aliphatic
molar equivalen t of the amine (5 X 10- 5 M ). In amines in water·
th e order of increasing reactivity with brom-
phthalein magenta, the amines were :' (2) B enzyl-
amine; (3) isobutylamine; (4) o-aminodicyclo- Metbylamine . __________________ ._ b3.36; '3.40; d,'3.30; '3.41
h exyl ; (5) n -propylamine; (6) isoamylamin e; (7) Ethylamine ___ ____________________ 03.34; d3.J3; '3.25; '3.40
(3) 71-Propylamine ____ _____ __________ _ 03.41; d3.32; '3.33
n -butylamine; (8) sec .-bu tylamine; (9) n-amyl- (5) n But.ylamine __________________ ___ l,b3.39
amine; (10) isopropylamine; (11 ) cyclohexyl- (7) n-Amylamine ___ ______ __________ __ '3.37; 13.33
n-Hexylamine_____________ __ ______ <3.36
amine; (12) n -octylamine; and (13) n-heptylamine. (11) n-lleptylamine __________ ___ _______ 03_34
2-Amino-n-octane was in the relative position (9a). (10) n-Octylamine ____ ___ ____ __________ <3.35
n-Nonylamine __ ________ _________ <3.36
It should b e emphasized that quantitative rela- n-Decylamine_____ ____ _____ _______ 03.36
tionships are only provisional, b ecause the experi- n-Undecylamine____ __ __ __ ________ <3_37
n -Dodecylamine ___ _______________ '3.37
men ts were of an exploratory nature, and minor n-Tridecylamine__ ___________ __ ___ <3.37
variations in temperature had a noticeable eHect n-1'etradecylam ine ________________ .3.38
n-Pentadecylamine____ ______ __ ____ <3 _39
upon the values obtained . (8) Isopropylamine ___ ___ _________ _.. _ 03.37; '3.28
Data for values of pKb in waterforsomeprimary (2) Isobutylamine _____ __ _____ ________ <3.57; 0359; '3.51
(6) sec-Butylamine ____________ ._______ 03.44; '3.34
aliphatic amines ar c presented in table 4. The (4) Isoamylamine_____________________ -,<3.40; '3.30; '3.33
lack of agreement in the values of pKb for a giv en (9) Cyclohexylamine __________ __ ____ __ i3.31; l3.80
(1) Benzylamine ___ ___ ___ _________ ____ "4.63; 04.70; '4.61
amine are du e not only to th e varied nature of th e
experimen tal procedures used by different investi-
• In some cases, measurements were made in aqueous alcohol, and the value
gators but' also to diversity in the assumptions for a~ueO U8 solution was obtained by extrapolation. Values are for 25° C
m ade in calculations from th e data. It is plainly lIDless otberwise in<1ieated. Tbe numbers to tbe left of the names of the
compounds indicate the apparent order of increasing reactivity witb brompb-
evident, however , that the primary aliphatic tbflJein magenta E in henzene.
amines exhibit lower b asicity in water t h an t he b H . S. H arned and B. B. Owen, J . Am. Chern. Soc. 52, 5079 (1930) .
o J. Kendall, Int. Crit. Tables VI, 260 (National Research Council, Wash-
corresponding secondary amines. If the values ington, D . C., 1929).
cited first in table 4 are used as t h e basis for com- d T. S. Moore and T. F. WinmiII, J. Cbem. Soc. (London) 101, 16-35 (1912).
• G. Bredig, Z. phys. Chf'm. 13, 289 (1894).
parison, there appears t o be a trend toward greater I H . T. S. Britton and W. O. Williams, J. Chern. Soc. (London) 796 (1935);

ionization for t h e homologous series of normal ,alues are for 18° C.

primary aliphatic amines from n-propylamine
• C. ,V. Hoerr, M. R. McCorkle, and A. W_ Ralston, J. Am. Cbem. Soc.
~5 , 328 (1943); probable accuracy, ±O.Ol unit.
through n-hep tylamine, and a reversal t owarc! • L. D. Goodhue and R. M. nixon, J. Am . Cbem. Soc. 56, 1329 (1934).
j N. F. Han and M. R. Sprinkle, J. Am . Chern. Soc. St, 3469 (1932).
lower b asicity with further increase in molecular j A. Waksmundzki, Roczniki Chern. 18 1,865 (1938), througb Cbem. Ab-

weight. Other effects of structure upon the ioni- stracts 33, 6688 (1939); values are for 18° to 20° C.
~ W_ H . Carotbers, C. F. Bickford, and G. J. Hurwitz, J . Am. Cbem. Soc.
zation constants of primary amines in water were 49, 2908 (1927).
noted by Brcdig (footnote d, table 4). The data
for the r eaction of bromphthalein magenta with Figure 12 contains curves for the reaction of
various primary amines in benzene show a smaller 5 X 10- 5-1\1 bromphthalein magenta E with suc-
tendency toward reaction than that exhibited by cessively greater quantities of n-heptylamine in a
secondary amines. Furthermore, as pK b for 5-mm cell . The c urves show the effects of the
water increases, th ere is seemingly a decrease in following concentrations of the amine, expressed
t he reactivity in b enzene. This is the reverse of as molar equivalents of the indicator: (1) none;
the r elationship found for five of th e tertiary (2) 1; (3) 2 ; (4) 5; (5) 20 ; (6) 80 (limiting curve).
amines and arylguanidines. The data for the At the high er concentrations of amine, it becomes
reactions of different primary amines with brom- apparent tha t the main absorption band has two

240 Jou rn al of Research

maxima, one ncar 540 mIL and the other ncar 575
mIL. The e are the wavelength of maXlmum
absorbaney for solutions of bromphthalein ma-
gen ta wi th tertiary amines and secondary amines, ~80
r espec Lively . In figure 12 three wen-defin ed Z
isosbestic points are evident in the spectral r egion <.)
290 to 295 mIL, 345 t o 350 mIL , and 465 to 470 mIL. w
Two single absorption bands occur ncar 315 mIL ~60

a nd 390 mIL , and transmission bands n ear 335 and >-


440 mIL . The ratio of the molar absorbancy z


indexes at 575 mIL and 540 mIL is not constant but f-

falls from nearly 2.5 for one molar equivalent of :E
base to approximately 1.2 for five or more molar z
equivalents. Dimerization of the base or forma- a::
tion of still larger aggregates at the higher concen-
t rations may be a partial explanation for this
b eh avior. The absorbaney curve is affected by 6

fluctuations of onJy a few tenths of a degree cen ti- OW-~30~O~~--~40~0~~--~50~0~~--~60~0~~--~10~0~

grade, and when th e temperature is lowered th ere WAVELEN GT H (M~)
is some evidence of a strengthening of the ba nd F IGUR E 12. Transmittancy curves for bromphthalein ma-
near 575 mIL at th e exp ense of the b and n ear genta E, 5 X 10- 5 1\11 in benzene, in a5-mm cell, with various
540 mIL . concentrations of n-heptylamine expressed as molar
In figure 13 are shown typical molar absorbancy equivalen ts of the indicator.
curves for the salts formed by the complete ( 1) None; (2) I; (3) 2; (4) 5; (5) 20; (6) 80 (limiting curve).
reaction of bromphthalein magen ta with three
different primary amines in benzen e. These
curves were obtained for5 X 10- 5-M bromphthal-
ein magenta E wit h the following amines: (1)
Cyclohexylamine (100 molar equivalents); (2)
n-h eptylamine (80 molar equivalen ts); (3) n -
octylamine (80 molar equivalen ts). The general '0
pa ttern of th e absorp tion bands is the same 40
throughout the spectrum for th e three sal ts, and
the intensity of absorban cy is practically the same W
in the region 280 to 420 mIL . In the m ain band Z 30

the to tal inten ity differs fo r th e three substances,

and th e ra tios of the molar absorbancy indexes of
the partial bands at 575 and 540 mIL are approxi- (l) 20
mately 1.25, 1.17, and 1.14 for salts 1, 2, and 3,
r espectively. The differences do no t appear to
b e due to instability, for solutions that contained
<{ f\
I, ' /
0:: 10
up to 100 molar equivalents of anyone of these ..J
bases gave constant tr ansmittancy values for at :E
least 4 hours.
300 400 5 00
5 . Preparation and Absorption Spectra of Tet- 600 7 U0

raalkylaIDIDonium Salts of Bromphthalein Ma- WAVELEN GTH (MfJl

Preparation .- To prepare th e tetraethylam- F IGUR E 13. T ypical molar absorbancy curves for products
of com plete reaction of bromphthalein magenta E , 5 X 10- 5
monium salt of bromphthalein magenta E , a solu- J1i[ i n benzene, with primary aliphatic arnines .
tion of bromphthalein magenta E in benzene was
A mine added and its concentratio n in molar eq u ivalents of t be indicator:
haken m echanically for 10 minutes with an ap- ( I) Cyclobexylamine, 10~; (2) n-heptylamine, 80; (3) n-oct ylamine, 80.

Acid-Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 241

proximately 2-percent aqueous solution of t etra- centrations: 10- 5, 5 X lO- 6 , and 2 X 10- 6 • The
ethylammonium hydroxide. The salt precipitated stock solution in this case was 10- 5 AI, which is
as a shiny dark-green solid, which was filtered about the limit of the solubility of the ethyl
with suction after decantation of most of the derivative in benzene. Both salts possess a strong
benzene. The solid was extracted twice with a absorption band near 600 to 605 mJL (16,670 to
little hot benzene, the benzene was decanted, and 16,530 em- I) and t hree shallow absorption bands
the moist residue was dried at about 60° C. A in the ultraviolet region. However, the molar
benzene solution of the salt reacted with cellulose, absorbancy at 605 IDj..t does not adhere to Beer's
as shown by the fact that when poured through law but decreases with dilution, falling from the
dry filter paper the first portions of filtrate were maximum absorbancy index 82,000 for 1B to the
green instead of the original blue. 1iforeover , a index 51,000 for 6B. The indexes at 605 mJL for
sample of the solid salt was decomposed to a 4E and 6E are, respectively, 62,500 and 42,000.
gummy orange solid upon extraction with b enzene WAVE NUMBER (eM I) x 163
33.3 21> 20 16.7
in a Soxhlet apparatus. It is reasonable to sup- 14 .3

pose that this decomposition was caused by the r<)

strong tendency of quaternary ammonium bases,
like other strong bases, to combine with and even x
dissolve cellulose [64]. The reaction may be x
visualized as an alcoholysis of the salt, with cellu- o 60
lose playing the role of an alcohol.
Analysis oj purified salt: Calculated for u
C30H 330 4NBr4: C, 45 .5; H , 4.2; N, 1.8; Br, 40.4. ~ 40
Found: C, 45.2; H,4.6 ; N, 1.6; Br,40.6 . cr
In the preparation of the tetra-n-butylam- (j)
monium salt of bromphthalein magenta .B , a
cr 20
benzene solution of bromphthalein magenta B was <t
sh aken mechanically with an aqueous solution of o
tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide. The latter
solution was the filtrate from the reaction of
aqueous tetra-n-butylammonium iodide with an WA VEL ENGTH ( M~)
excess of freshly precipitated silver oxide. The FIG URE 14. lYlolar absorbancy curves for tetmalkylam-
tetrabutylammonium salt remained dissolved in m-onium salts of brcmphthalein magenta in benzene at
the benzene layer, giving it a deep-blue color, but various concentrations .
(IB t.o 6B) Tctra·,,·butylammonium salt of bromphthalein magent.a B;
was precipitated upon the addition of petroleum (4E to 6E) tetraethylam monium salt of bromphthalcin magenta E . Con·
eth er. When the precipitate was redissolved in centrat ions: (1) 10-' M ; (2) 4Xlo-' M ·; (3) 2X lo-' 1\1; (4) 10-' lId; (5) 5X l o-' 111;
6) 2XIo-' 1VI.
benzene and allowed to crystallize slowly at room
temperature, large bronze-colored crystals were On the other h and, the molar absorbancy near
formed. Analysis: Calculated for C4oH 530 4NBr4: 400 mJL, the region in which bromphthalein
C, 51.6; H , 5.7; N, 1.5; Br, 34.3 . Found: C, magenta in the form of the free acid has a strong
51.5; H , 5.8; N, 1.4 ; Br, 34.5. absorption band, shows a slight increase with
Absorption spectra. - Molar absorbancy curves dilution. The rate of change of the indexes with
for the tetraethylammonium salt of bromphthalein dilution is somewhat irregular .
magenta E and for the tetra-n-butylammonium In accounting for the change in the intensity of
salt of bromphthalein magenta B in benzene arc absorbancy with dilution , one possibility to con-
shown in figur e 14. Curves 1B to 6B are for the sider is an equilibrium between ion pairs and
butyl derivative, at the following successive molar quadrupoles, such as that which has been postu-
concentrations: 10-4, 4 X 10- 5 , 2 X 10- 5 , 10- 5, lated to interpret conductance phenomena [65] .24
5 X lO- 6 , and 2 X 10- 6 • The less concentrated " As no Tyndall beam was detected, and no precipitate was visible in any
of t he flasks, even after LO mont bs, the salts may be assumed to have been
solution s were prepared 1)~7 dilution of tIl(' 10- 4-1\'{ molecularly dispersed in the benzene solution. Kraus and coworkers in
stock solution . Curves 4E to 6E are for the ethyl studying the conductancp of tetraalkylammoni um salts in anisole, ethylene
dibrornide, and ethylene dichloride observed dil ution effects which t hey
derivative at the following successive molar con- attributed 10 sorption [581.

242 Journal of Research

It is questionable whether such an equilibrium WAVELENGTH {MI-lJ
would acconnt for spectral changes of the kind
observed, and also whether quadrupoles would 3,4
exist in measurable quantity at such low concen-
trations of solu tC'. A second pos ible explanation r<'J
10 80
is found in evidence of the reaction of the salt
with glass. The flasks that containcd the solu- X 2
tions corresponding to curves IB and 4E were
draincd , washed three times with benzene, and W
allowed to drain until dry. Freshly boiled dis- Z 60
tilled water containing phenolphthalein added to
each flask produced a pink color that was more >-
vivid in the flask t hat had contained the ethyl o
. Z
(less soluble) derivative. 25 A possible interpreta- «
Q) 40
tion of this behavior is reaction of the tctraalkyl- n:
ammonium salt with HO - Si ( - 0 - h at the glass (j)
s urface/6 giving R 4N+- OSi (- 0 -h with brom- «
phthalein magenta as byproduct, followed by
n: 20
hydrolysis of the R~ +- O - Si portion of the com- «
plex upon the addition of water, to yield R 4 N +, --1
OH- , and HO - Si ( - 0 - h. The greater size of 2
the hydrocarbon groups in the tetr abutylam-
monium salt not only explains its higher solubility
in benzene, but also might well impede its r eaction WAVE
with glass. F IGURE 15. }IIfolaT absoTbancy curves fO T tetmethylam-
In figure 15 the molar absorbancy curve for th e m oniu m salt oj bl·omphthalein magenta E.
tetraethylammonium salt of bromphthalein ma- ( I to 3) 10-' lVI ill I-em cell , in benzene, eth yl acetate, and ethylene d icblo-
ride, respecti vely; (4) 5X IO-' l v[, 2.5-lllm cell , in 95-perccl\t et hy l a lcohol.
genta E in benzene (curve 1) is compared with
those obtained for solutions in ethyl acetate (curve obainted for 10 - 5-M solutions. Furthermore, the
2), ethylene dichloride (curve 3) , and 95-percent same curve was obtained for the potassium salt of
ethyl alcoh ol (curve 4). Curve 4 show two well- bromphthalein magenta E in alcohol as for the
marked absorption bands n ear 26,000 and 32,000 tetraethylammonium salt . Due to limited solu -
cm- I , in place of the three sh allow bands in the bility, absorbancy curves for 5 X 10- 5-1\11 solutions
ultraviolet noted previously for the solution in of the tetraethylammonium salt in benzen e and
benzene (page 242 ). In curve 3, a shift of about ethyl acetate could not b e obtain ed . It can be
2,500 cm- 1 (lOmM ) towards the infrared is shown noted, however, that at twi ce thi s concentration
for the main absorption band. In other respects the molar absorbancy at 605mM found ,for the
the molar absorbancy curves obtained for the tetrabutylammonium salt in benzene (lB, fig. 14)
tetraethylammonium salt in the four solvents are is less than that found for the tetraethylammo-
qualitatively similar. The only marked difference nium salt in ethylene chloride and in alcoh ol. As
is in the intensity of the main absorption band, t h ere is doubt th at the ethyl and butyl salts re-
which is not significantly difl'erent for th e solutions mained entirely in solution in b enzene (see pre-
in ethylene dichloride and 95-percent alcohol but ced ing paragraph), the low intensity of the ma in
is lower for the solution in ethyl acetate and still absorption band for the solution in b enzen e may,
lower for that in benzene. The molar absorbancy at least tentatively, be accounted for on that basis.
curves for 5 X 10- 5-1\{ solutions in ethylen e di- A similar explanation serves for Lhe daLa found
chloride and alcohol did no t dift·er from those for the ethyl aceta te solution. The dielec tric
" Negative tests wern obtain ed w it h three fl asks chosen at random from
constant for ethyl acetate is approximately 4.5, or
t he stock. Other organ ic hases have been observed Lo undergo adsorptio n about twice ~s great as tha t for b enzene ; this
or reaction at the surface of glassware.
26 The oxygen atoms which are not attached to hydrogen are considered
probably explains its somewha t higher solvent
to be linked to silicon atoms in the glass network rOn, 67J. action upon the salts in ques tion.

Acid-Base Reactions in Organic Solvents· 243

6. Relative Stabilities of the Substituted Ammo- amines that have been investigated behave in
nium Salts of Bromphthalein Magenta in accordance with this prediction. Thus it happens
Benzene that the amines showing th e least stability with
The primary, secondary, tertiary, and quatern- bromphthalein magenta in benzene are those most
ary ammonium salts of bromphthalein magenta easily determined in water; that is, primary
in benzene appear to increase in stability in the amines of low molecular weight. The bases with
order named. Complete quantitative data con- large alkyl groups are difficultly soluble in water,
cerning the rate and extent of changes upon stand- but give sufficiently stable solutions with brom-
ing have not been obtained, b ecause slight fluctua- phthalein magenta for measurement of their re-
tions in temperature are great enough in some cases activity with this compound.
to account for part of the observed changes. It is T ertiary amincs cannot react with the eent.ral
possible, however, to make several statements carbon atom in the manner discussed in the pre-
about the stability of the solutions. ceding paragraph. It is found experimentally that
In regard to solutions containing primary the transmittancy of solutions of bromphthalein
amines, it has already been stated that 5 X 1O-5-M magenta with tertiary amines or diarylguanidines
bromphthalein magenta in benzene with up to changes by lor 2 percent at most in a month , and
100 molar equivalents of (a) cyclohexylamine, (b ) even after a year there is no fading evident to
n-heptylamine, or (c) n-octylamine showed no the eye.
measurable change for at least 4 hours. In 3 As for the tetraalkylammonium salts of brom-
weeks solution (a ) had lost all its color. With phthalein magenta in benzene, changes such as
only 1 molar equivalent of amine, the solution those discussed in sec tion IV-5 were not evident for
was stable for at least a day and retained some solution s that were not diluted. The tetraethyl-
color at the end of 3 weeks. The sam e con centra- ammonium salt gave the same transmittancy
tion of dye with 180 molar equivalen ts of n-butyl- values after 9 days, and showed no visual changfl
amine showed noticeable fading in two hours-a in over a year. Apparently the extent of change
9-percent decrease in transmittancy at 540 mIL. is limited by the area of the glass surface with
When kept for several weeks all of th e solu tions which the solution comes in contact.
showed fading , which was greater at the high er It might be pointed out that as the indicator
concentrations of base. The most concentrated alone and many of the amines alone give stable
solutions when almost colorless contained minute solutions in benzene, it has been possible to keep
quantities of iridescent green crystals that gave a stock solutions of both indefinitely. The desired
blue solution in alcohol. mixtures can then be prepared as needed.
A solution that contained 1.4 molar equivalent 7. Relative Strengths of Some Organic Bases in
of piperidine showed changes after 2 days t hat Benzene
app eared to involve both fading and reaction of
In th e preceding sections, several statements
the base with glass. There are two positions in
were made about the comparative strengths of
th e dye molecule where reaction with a primary
organic bases as evidenced by their ionization
or secondary amine might occur. One is the
constants in water and their reactivity with
ester group , that might be saponified if the solu-
bromphthalein magenta in benzene. Some con-
tion absorbed water. The other position is the
sideration was also given to the probable mechan-
central carbon, which can add RNH - or R 2N -,
ism of the reaction of the bases with the indicator
with simultaneous addition of H - to the quinoid
acid. Before discussing the reaction constants
oxygen atom. This latter reaction is analogous
for organic bases, a few words should be said about
to t h e conversion of triphenylmethane dyes to
the reactions from a purely empirical standpoint.
the carbinol form in aqu eous solutions of rela- In figure 16 the number of moles of base per mole
tively high pH. An example is the fading of of indicator acid has been plotted against the ab-
some of the sulfonephthalein indicators in alkaline sorbancy at 540 mIL 27 for 5xlO-5-M bromphthalein
media. A smaller tendency in this direction can 27 Val ues for absorbancy, wh ich is thc negative logarithm of the t ransmit-
be expected for primary amines that contain a tancy, can bo read directly from the instrument but not so precisely as the
bulky R group, and secondary amines should values for transmittancy. The absorbancies given in figure 16were computed
from the transmittanoies. Absorbanoy is preferred to tho equi\'alont term
react less readily than primary amines. The "optical density."

244 Journal of Research

tively, the equilibrium constant may be formu-
lated as follows:
'2 1.0
[S] /{ [B] X [A] } = K b • (18)
Ii) 0.8
From this, the following expression is obtained:
>- 0 .6
u log{ [S] / [A]} - log [B]=log K t. (19 )
~ 0.4
When the value of [S] /[A] is unity, log Kb = - log
[B]. In figure 17 experimental data for the reac-
<t 0 .2
2 . 0r----T----.-~--r_~~----.---~~--~

4 8 9 10


FIGURE 16. Change in absorbancy produced by adding

different amounts of base, expressed in molar equivalents 1. 0
of the indicator, to 5 X 10- 5- M bromphthalein magenta in
(1) Bromphthalein magenta E plus di·o·tolylgu anidinc ; (2) brompbthalein <i'
magenta E plus diphen ylguanidine; (3) brompbtbalein magenta B plus ~
trieth ylamine. <!) Ot-------T"'-----"'c-~-->, __- - - j
magenta in benzene with (1) di-o-tolylguanidine;
(2) diphenylguanidine; and (3) triethylamine.
The smoothness of the curves makes it possible to - J.O
obtain by interpolation the absorbancy for other
concentrations of base. In fact, a good approxi-
mation of the correct curve may be drawn from
only a few experimental points. Equally smooth -2 . 0~ __ ~ __ ~~ __ ~ __ ~ ____ ~ __-L__ ~

curves were obtained for the reaction of brom- 3.0 4 .0 5 .0 6.0

phthalein magenta with secondary amines. It
is apparent from the figure that the reactivity of LOG [B]
the three bases decreases in the order given. The FIGURE 17. Graphical evaluation of equilibrium constants
reaction had reached completion with 10 molar for the Teaction of bromphthalein magenta with different
equivalents of di-o-tolylguanidine. Slightly more bases in ben zene.
than this quantity of diphenylguanidine was ( I) Bromphthalein magenta E, J.6 XI 0-' j\J, with di·n·b u tylamine; (2 A)
5X IO-'·.M bromphthalein magenta B, and (2B) 4XlO-'·.M bromphtba lein
required, and about ten times as much triethyl- m agenta E , with trieth y lamine; (3 A and 313) 5X lO-'·j\/ bromphtllalein
amine. In the reaction of anyone of th ese bases magcnta E with piperidin c; (4A ) 4Xl0-'·M brompbthalein magenta E,
and (413) 5X I0-'·M bromphtha lein magenta B , wish diph cn ylguanidine; (5A)
with bromphthalein magenta, intermediate color 5X I0-' ·M brompbLhalein magenta E , and (5Bl 2.5X lO-'·.M bromphthalein
tones can be detected visually with great case. magenta B , witb di·o-tolyl guanidine.

The possibility of application to rapid colorimetric tion of bromphthalein magenta with five different
analysis is therefore evident. bases are presented, with values for log{[SJ/[A]}as
In section IV- 4, a simple mechanism for the ordinates and values for - log [B] as abscissas,
reaction of bromphthalein magenta with organic In order to calculate the valu es for [S], [A], and
bases in benzene is proposed, namely, the addition [B], data such as those used in plotting figure 16
of the indicator acid to the base in a 1: 1 ratio . were used. The ratio of the absol'bancy for a
This may be an oversimplification, or may not be given concentration of base to the absorbancy
applicable in all cases. However, it serves as a for complete conversion of the indicator acid to
starting point for numerical comparisons. The the salt gives the fraction of the indi cator that
type of equation for the reaction was B +HOR+=! was converted to the al t. This fraction multi-
+- plied by the molar concentration, Ca , of indicator
BHOR or, using the symbols A and S to represent
+- originally in the solu tion gives [S], the concentra-
the acid HOR, and the product, BHOR, respec- tion of the salt in moles per liter. The concentra-

Acid·Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 245

tion of residuatacid, [AJ, is Oa-[S], If Ob is the discrepancies largely to experimen tal difficulties,
molar concentration of base added to the mixture, such as minor fluctuations in temperature, th e
the concentration of base in th e equilibrium tenden cy of the base to react or become absorbed
mixture, [BJ, equals Ob-[S], From a series of at a glass surface, and the unavailability of adsorp-
values for [SJ, [AJ, and [B] calculated in this way tion cells of suitable length at the time the sp ec-
for solutions containing th e same initial con cen- tropho tometric measurements were made.
tration of the indicator acid with different amounts
of base, the curves shown in figure 17 were con- TABLE 5.- Values of log I\ b, I\ b, and slope for reaction of
organic bases with bTom phthalein magenta in benzene
structed. 28 These curves correspond to the fol-
lowin g mixtures in benzene as solv ent: (1) Brom- Slope of
Or gan ic base
phthalein magenta E , 1.6 X 10- 5 M, with di-n- curve

butylamine; (2A) bromphthalein m agenta B, Di·n·bntylamine ________________________ _ 4. 19 1. 5,XIO' -1.17

5 X 10- 5 M, with triethylamine; (2B ) bromphthal- Triethylamine .. _______________________ -0_
4.36 2.3 X I0· -1.03
ein magenta E, 4 X 10- 5 M, with triethylamine; Piperidine ______________________________ _ 5.08 1. 2XlO , -1.08
Diphenylguanidine ______________________ _ 5.35 -1.03
2. 2X10 •
(3A and 3B ) bromphthalein magent a E, 5 X 10- 5 Ditolylguan idine ________________________ _ 5. 80 6.3XlO • -1.23
M, with piperidine; (4A) bromphthalein magenta
E, 4 X I0- 5 M, with diphenylguanidine; (4B )
In figure 18 the numerical values of log ]{b in
bromphthalein magenta E, 5 X l 0- 5 M, with
b~nzene for th e five bases are plotted as ordinates,
diphenylguanidine; (5A) bromphthal ein magenta
WIth the values of P]{b in water as abscissas. It
E , 5 X 10- 5 M, with di-o-tolylguanidine; and (5B )
will be remembered that P]{b is the reciprocal of
bromphthalein magenta B , 2.5 X 10- 5 M, with
the logarithm (negative logarithm), of the ioniza-
di-o-tolylgl1 anidine.
tion constant of th e base in water (see section
The relationship postulated in eq 2, if valid,
IV- 4). From the figure it is evident that the
should give linear curves, with unit n egative slop e.
relationship between log ]{b in b enzene and
Th!l lines were drawn so as to give greatest weight
P]{b in water is remarkably constant for triethyl-
to the values that can b e meas ured with the grea t-
amine and the two arylguanidines. ",Vhether a
est precision, that is, those for which the ratio
consistent r elationship holds for other tertiary
[S] /[A] is n ear unity. The intercepts on the x-axis
amines and secondary amines can be determined
at zero valu e for log { [S] /[A] } give the valu es for
only by fmther studies. ",Ve hope to extend these
log K b • These values, together with the values
studies, under improved experimental conditions.
for the slope, are given in table 5. It is apparent
from figure 17 that if th e lines had b een drawn so
as to give slightly differen t values for the slop e,
th e values obtained for log K b would have b een
practically unch anged . For triethylamine and w
diph enylgu anidine, the slope of the line differs by N
only 3 percent from the theoretical value. The '"
greatest deviation, 23 p ercent, occurs in the case ot
ditolylguanidine. Factors such as polymerization
of th e base may complicate the reaction. For
example, Hunter and Marriott [68], from measure- ...J

ments of molecular weights in naphthalene, con-

cluded th at 1,3-diphenylguanidine and related
compounds are partly associated in this solvent.
However, th e solutions used in th e experiments pKb IN WATER

described in this paper were so dilute that the FIGURE 18. Comparis on of log J(b in benzene with P .Kb in
degree of association of th e b ase should be very water.
small. The authors are inclined to attribute K ,=eq uilibrium constant for reaction of base wi th bromphthalein magenta;
28 To be exact, the values used hl constructing the curves were the a\'crages pK, =log reciprocal of ionization consta nt of the base in water. (1) Di-n-
from two sets of measurements-one for the wave length 400 or 405 m,u and the butylamine; (2) triethylamine; (3) piperi(line; (4) 1,3-diphe nylgnan idille;
other for the wavelen gth 540 or 580 mI'. (5) 1.3-di - o- lol yl ~lI anidin e .

246 Journal of Research

8 . Explanation for the Different Color ,Reactions of bromphthalein magenta, oth er observation arc
of Bromphthalein Magenta With Organic of value. During titrations of secondary amin eE'
Bases in Benzene in b enzene with bromphthalein magenta as indi-
cator , it was discover ed that the initial effec t of
As de crib ed earlier in this paper , t h e color adding an acid to the purple-blue solution was to
ch ange accompanying the r eaction of an organic produce a magenta color, which was changed to
base with bromphthalein magenta in benzen e is y ellow by an excess of acid. When an excess of
differ en t for primary, secondary, and tertiary base was then a dded, the magenta color r eap-
amines. :Moreover , the quaternary ammonium peared, but the purple-blu e color could not b e
salts, while resembling most n early the product res tored by any quantity of base.3o Further tests
with secondary amines, show characteristic differ- showed that the conversion of th e purple-blu e
ences from the partially substituted ammonium color to magen ta was not cha~acteris tic of acids
salts of the indicator. but was produced, by a variety of oxygen com-
The conductance of quaternary ammonium pounds, such as dioxane, acetone, ethyl acetate,
salts in benzene and other solvents of low dielec- and alcohols. 3l The magenta color is v ery similar
tric constant has been studied extensively, particu- to that of mixtures of bromphthalein magenta with
larly by Walden and Kraus and their coworkers tertiary amines in b enzen e. Spectrophotometric
[28,57b] . These studies have given stron g ex- measurements of solutions that contained 5 X
perimental support to Bj errum's t h eory of ion- 1O-5-M bromph thalein magenta E and 5 X 1O-4-M
pairs [69]. In harmony wi th the vi ews of these piperidine in benzen e, with from 4 to 6 percent
authors, th e tetrae thylammonium and t etra-n- of absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, showed that
butyl ammonium salts of bromphthalein magenta the absorbancy curves of th ese solu tions are very
may b e considered t o exist in dilute b enzen e solu- similar to , though not id entical with, the char-
tion predomin an tly as individual ion-pairs, M +A-, acteristic limiting curve for th e r eaction of a
11+ r epresen ting th e ca tion, and A- th e anion. tertiary amine with bromph thalein magenta. in
To a minor degree, dissociation of M +A- into M + b enzene.32
and A - , 01' association into triple-ions, MAM+ It can hardly b e questioned that the chan ge in
and AMA - , 01' into still more complex groupings color produced by dioxane, acetone, and other
may occur. According to Bj errum , the extent of oxygen compounds arises from th eir interaction
dissociation or associa tion will not b e evident in with the amine. Numerou s studi es of hydrogen
the optical behavior of the salt. bridges between amines and other types of com-
The difference in the optical behavior of the pounds have been made by infrared and Raman
qu aternary ammonium (blue) and tertiary ammo- spectroscopy, solubility m easuremen ts, and other
nium (magenta) salts of bromphthalein magenta in methods. From. th ese studie , th e ability of
benzen e is paralleled by differen ces in condu ct- amines to form h ydrogen bridges with compounds
an ces found for salt of th e two classes [28, 57) . In containing active hydrogen , s uch as alcohols and
th e tertiary ammonium salts, th e existen ce of a haloforms, app ears to be well establish ed. Asso-
pro ton in place of one of the alkyl groups of the ciated molecules in which the hydrogen of the
quaternary ammonium salt p ermits a closer ap- amine is bridged to the oxygen of anoth er molecule
proach of the positive and n egative ions to each seem to b e less common. However , Gordy [70]
other , with a consequ en t ease in the Coulombic obtained sp ectroscopic evidence for association
force. However , the change in b ehavior that ac- of this type in mixtures of aniline with acetone,
companies this modifica tion in structure is un-
30 It was noted subseq uentl y that a similar behav ior has been described for
do ub tcdly due in par t to th e formation of a bromphenol blue, tbe sulfonepht halein a nalog 01 bromph t halei n magenta [41J.
hydrogen bridge b etween th e nitrogen of th e base 31 N orm al mercaptans wi th 8, 10, 12, or 14 carbon atom s wore w ithout ciTect.
For additional compound , that prod uce t be elTect. sec section 1 V- JO.
and th e oxygen of the indica tor acid. 29 The 32 Oont inued add itiou of alcohol prod uced a gradua l shift to t he blue color

st ructure of th e sal t can b e in dicated in a gen eral and molar a bsorbancy cur ve characteristic of the tetraet hylam monium or
potassium salts of brom phthalcin mage nta in 95- percent alcohol. In t be
way by th e formula B - H +. . . OR. absence of piperidine, t he elJect of 4 to 6 percc nt of alcohol on t he absorbancy
I n accounting for th e purple-blue color of b en- curve of the indicator was almost negligible. rr hc molar absorbancy curve
for 5X lO-'-M bromphtha lein magc nta in absolute et hyl alcohol is the same
zene solut ions of the secondary ammonium salts as tbat found for the potassium and tetraeLh ylammonium salts in 95-percent
alcobol, but in more concentrated solutions t he presence of unchanged indi-
"See discussion in tbe int roduction and in "ection 1V-4. cator is evid ent.

Acid- Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 247

esters, and ethers. Furthermore, according to When dioxane is used as solvent, there is no
Huggins [1 5], ammonium hydrogens can be ex- evidence of association for anyone of the three
pected to form stronger bridges to oxygen com- types of salt [71].
pounds than amino hydrogens. Conseq uently, As for the primary ammonium salts of brom-
formula II in fi gure 19 provides a reasonable phthalein magen ta,which sho IV optical resemblances
structure for the magenta complex formed 111 to both the secondaTY ammonium and thc tertiary
ammonium salts, the following explanation is sug-
gested. A dimer may form, as in the case of th e
R-N-H .. -:6-R"
~+ + '1' R' secondary ammonium salt, but the third hydro-
:: ..... H-~ : -H .... I:i gen of the ammonium ion can participate in bridge
:0 R 0- -0
I , I formation. As a result, th e other nitrogen bridges
BR-t[I-BR BR-/j-BR BR-C)-BR are weakened .
It seems quite likely that phenomena of the
~" II I / _ " . kind so readily observed in the reaction of brom-
~-- c c -~ c-C)
I I I I II I phthalein magenta with bases in benzene play an
important role in numerous other acid-base
_0. +~ .?: o
··· H- :N- H······· 9 . Reaction of Bromphthalein Magenta in Benzene
R With Miscellaneous Other Organic Bases
I IT Ammonia. - A blue color results when dry am-
FIGURE 19_ Formulas postulated for diatkylammonium monia is passed into bromphthalein magenta in
salts of bromphthalein magenta. benzene , and there is spectrophotometric evidence
I, D imer formed in benzene and otber inert solvents; II, monomer formed of an absorption band near 575 mil. However,
in presence of an oxygen compound. Rand R'=alkyl groups; R"= hydrogen, the product separates so rapidly from solution
alkyl, or otber organic radical.
that quantitative studies are not possible.
benzene solutions of bromphthalein magenta, a Allcanolamines and other oxygen-containing
secondary amine, and an oxygen compound, amines.- As described in section IV- S, addition of
R'OR" . When the purple-blue salt is formed by an alcohol or other m"'Ygen compound to th e blue
reaction of bromphthalein magenta with a second- solution of bromphthalein magenta and a second-
ary amine in benzene, it is logical to assume that ary amine in benzene changes the color to magenta.
in the absence of an oxygen compoUlld th e It is not surprising, therefore, that oxygen within
hydrogen atom linked to oxygen in formula II is the secondary amine molecule, as in morpholinc
involved in some other type of bridge. A structure or methylmonoethanolamine, CHaNHCH2 CH2 0H,
for the purple-blue sal t is suggested in figure 19, produces a similar effect. For example, a small
formula 1. That is, a dimeI', stabilized by reson- amount of morpho line with bromphthalein ma-
ance, is postulated. This hypoth esis is consistent genta in benzene produces a blue color, which
with the fact that t he color of the secondary changes to magenta with continued addition of
ammonium salt of bromphthalein magenta is morpholine. A trace of methylmonoethanolamine
intermediate between that of the tertiary am- produces a blue color slightly tinged with red, and
monium salt and the quaternary ammonium salt. a larger quantity gives a magenta color. Such
Additional support is furnished by studies of the color phenomena, which at first seemed puzzling,
molar polarization of partially substituted am- can readily be undeTstood and predicted by apply-
monium picrates in benzene as a function of con- ing the explanation offered in section IV- S.
centration, performed in th is laboratory by A. A. That is, when relatively few molecules of th e
Maryott. T ertiary ammonium picrates exhibi t no oxygenated amine are present their amino groups
association, while secondary ammonium picrates react with the indicator acid to give the blue
are associated appreciably in a way that results dimeI'; when surplus molecules are present their
in some cancellation of the dipole moments of the oxygen groups b ecome linked through hydrogen
individual molecules of the salt. Prinlary am- with the nitrogen atoms in the dimer, and the
monium picrates are still more highly associated. dimer changes to the magenta-colored monomeric

248 Journal of Research

salt. As the second l'el1ction may occur before measurements showed that no stoichiomet ri c re-
the first change is complete, there is likely to be action occurs.
evidence of the magenta color, together with the Tetrahydroquinoline and decahydroquinoline.-
blue. The "normal" behavior of primary amines D ecahydroquinoline, even in a very small qua.n-
is likewise affected by oxygen groups within the tity, gives a blue color with bromphthalein ma-
molecule. Triethanolamine and N-methyl- or genta in benzene, showing the usual b ehavior
N -ethylmorpholine, on the other hand, give the of a secondary amine. The basicity of tetra-
magenta color produced by any tertiary aliphl1tic hydroquinoline, on the other hand, is weakened
l1mine. The change in the color of bromphthalein by the partial aromatic character of the molecule.
magenta ca.used by any particular amine depends In optical behavior, it shows some similarity to
upon the character of its nitrogen atom (primary, primary aliphatic amines. Absorbancy curves for
secondary, or tertiary), upon the nature and different mixtures of bromphthalein magenta E
number of its oxygen groups, and upon the con- with tetl'ahydroquinoline in benzcne are shown in
centrations of the amine and the indicator acid .. figure 20. Thcse curves correspond to 10-4-M
The behavior of concentrated solutions in general 50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
is complicated by overlapping effects. Sensitive
color reactions, such as those of bromphthalein
ml1genta with simple amines in b enzene, arc
helpful in gaining an understand ing of more 40
complex systems. ~

Alkaloids.- Alkaloids and other drugs of basici- X

ty comparable to thl1t of aliphatic amines X

should show color reactions with bl'omphthalein 0
magenta like those already described, provided >-
steric or other factors do not interfere. A few z
tests with alkaloids containing tertiary amino <D
0 20
groups gave results of the charactcr anticipated. VI
For example, a minute quantity of brucine, <t

codeine, nicotine, quinine, or strychnine produced «
a magenta tone with bromphthalein magenta in ::E 10
benzene. Brucine, codeine, and nicotine were
added as the free bases. The other two alkaloids,
available as th e sulfate, were dissolved in water,
a trace of alkali was added, and the base was ex- O~__~~~~~__~-~~__~L-~~~~
300 400 50 0 600 700
tracted with benzene. The benzene extract gave
an imm.ediate color reaction with the indicator.
One may predict the behavior of other alkaloids FIGUlm 20. Absorbancy curves for bromphthalein magenta
E, 10- '- ]'.{ in benzene, 2.5-mm cell, with various concen-
and drugs. For instance, coniine (a-n-propyl- trations of tetrahydroquinoline expressed as molar equiva-
piperidine) should give a blue color with brom- lents of the indicator.
phthalein magenta in benzene, but the majority of (1) None; (2) 80; (3) 500; (4) 800; (5) 1,200; (6) 1,680; (7) 10,000.
the alkaloids are likely to give a magenta tone.
Aromatic amines.- Aniline, dimethylaniline, and dye in a 2.5-mm cell, with the following concen-
similar aromatic bases are too weakly basic to trations of tetrahydroquinoline, expressed as molar
show measurable reaction with bromphthalein equivalents of the indicator: (1 ) None; (2) 80;
magenta at concentrations such as those dealt (3) 500; (4) 800 ;(5) 1,200; (6) 1,680; (7) 10,000.
with in the preceding sections of this paper. In addition to the absorption band at 575 m~,
In amounts greater than about 100 molar equiva- there is evidence of a second band ncar 540 m~.
lents, aniline or dimethylaniline produce a per- For concentrations of tetrahydroquinoline up to
ceptible change of color from yellow to amber' 800 molar equivalents (curvc 4), there are two
'With increasing amounts of the aromatic amine, fairly sharp isosbestic points, onc near 350 m~ and
the color gradually deepens. Spectrophotometric the othcr ncar 455 mJ.L. The absorption band

Acid-Base Reactio ns in Organic S olven ts 249

near 575 m,u reached a maximum index of 45,000 such compounds are no t available commercially
to 46,000 for about 800 molar equivalents of tetra- at thc present time. However , interest in guani-
hydroquinoline. When larger quantities of the dine dcrivatives is growing, and it is hoped that
base were added to the dye, the molar absorbancy eventually a series of symmetrical di- and trialkyl
index at 575 m,u remained fairly constant, but the derivatives will b e obtainable. One would expect
absorbancy near 540 m,u incr eased , and the solu- that N, N', N"-trialkylguanidines in which th e
tion exhibited instability. Consequently, it was alkyl groups contain 4 or more carbon atoms
not possible to determine the limiting curve for would possess sufficiently great basicity and
the reaction. The lack of constancy of the molar solubility in inert solvents to prove useful in
absorbancy index n ear 575 m,u may be due to titrations of weak organic acids.
incipient precipitation of the salt. Tetrahydro- Experimental samples of N ,N'-dicyclohexyl-
quinoline was present in the comparison cell when guanidine hydrochloride, monododecylguanidine,
the data for curves 2, 3, and 4 were obtained . and the salts of a few other monosubstituted
Insufficient tetrahydroquino)ine was available to . guanidine derivatives were obtained from a com-
permit its use in the comparison cell during the mercial source. 33 Dicyclohexylguanidine hydro-
measurements for curves 5, 6, and 7. Further- chloride was converted into the free base. As an-
more, the two sets of curves were obtained with ticipated, this is more basic than diphenyl- or
two different samples which contained different di-o-tolylguanidine. It also differs in giving a
amounts of a brown impurity. The lack of con- blue color instead of magenta when mixed wi th
stancy of the isosbestic point near 455 m,u in the bromphthalein magenta in b enzene. The useful-
case of curves 5, 6, and 7 is probably caused partly ness of dicyclohexylguanidine is limited by its
by the colored impurity and partly by incipient rather low solubility, which is little more than
precipitation of the salt. 0.0025 mole per liter of benzene. Monododecyl-
Alkyl-substituted guanidines .- This interesting guanidine also turns bromphthalein magenta blue
class of nitrogen bases has been ignored by most and is difficultly soluble in benzene.
investigators. A valuable contribution was made In other experiments, a suspension of mono-
by Davis and Eld erfield, who studied the effect phenyl-, a -naphthyl-, or p-tolylguanidine carbon-
upon the basicity of guanidine and its derivatives ate in distilled water was shaken for a few mo-
of variations in the kind of substituent and the m ents with b enzene. Partial hydrolysis of th e
position of substitution [72]. They pointed out salt occurred, and a sufficient quantity of th e
that guanidine and its monoalkyl, N,N-dialkyl, free guanidine derivative dissolved in the benzen e
and N, N', N"-tl'ialkyl derivatives give aqueous layer to give a blue color upon the addition of
solutions comparable in basic strength with bromphthalein magenta. Commercial methyl-
aqueous potassium hydroxide. On the other guanidine sulfate behaved similarly when a trace
hand, monophenylguanidine is considerably less of alkali was added to its aqueous solution and
basic than monoalkylguanidines and N , N'- the latter was then shaken with benzene.
dialkylguanidines are weak er still. Pauling has In figure 21 are shown the molar absorbancy
suggested that resonance in the guanidinium ion curve for bromphthalein magenta in benzene
may explain the high basicity of guanidine and (curve A) and the limiting curves for its reaction
the effect of substituents [17]. The study of acid- with the following organic bases: (1) Cyclohexyl-
base reactions in organic m edia has b een hampered amine; (2) diethylamine; (3) triethylamine; (4)
by the lack of an organic base sufficiently strong tetra-n-butylammonium hy droxid e; (5) 1,3-dicy-
to react with acetic, benzoic, and other weak Clohexylguanidine; (6) tetrahydroquinoline.3i
organic acids. The data presented in section Curves 2, 3, and 4 show single maxima in th e
IV- 7, indicate that N, N'-diphenyl- and di-o- visible region. These occur at the following
tolylguanidine are more strongly b asic in benzene respective wave numb ers (cm- 1 X lO- 3) : 17.4,
than piperidine, which is generally considered to 18.4, 16.5. For curve A, the maximum in the
be th e strongest of th e aliphatic amines. N, N'- 33 Tbe autbors are indebted to tbe American Oyanamid 00. for these
Dialkylguanidines should b e more basic than th e sam ples.
34 The maximum molar absorbancy index for curve 4 is probably too low
corresponding diarylguanidines, and N, N ' , N"- (see section IV-5). Ourve 6 was calculated from the data shown as ab-
trialkylguanidines, still stronger. Unfortunately, sorbancy curve 4 in fig. 20.

250 Journal of Research




b 2

0 40
-1 20

FIGURE 21. IYlolar absorbancy curves for bromphthalein magenta and its salts with different organic bases in benzene .
(A ) Bromphthalein magenta E ; (1) bromphthalein magen ta E plus cyclohexylamine; (2) bromphthalein magenta E plus d ie th ylamine; (3) brom o
ph t ha le in magenta B plus triethyla min e; (4) tetra·n·b utylammonium salt of b romphthalein magen ta B, 10-<j' 1; (5) hromphtha lcin magenta E plus 1,3·
dieyc!ohexylguanidine; (6) bromphthalein magenta E , 10-4M, plus 800 m olar equi va lents of te trahydroquinoline.

visible region is located practically midway be- gen atom acts as proton acceptor, it is of inter est
tween the wave numbers 25.0 and 24.7 cm- 1 X to compare the behavior of a tertiary amine oxide
10- 3 • In the other curves, there is evidence of toward bromphthalein magenta in b enzene with
two maxima in the visible spectrum , as follows: that of the tertiary amines, already discussed .
for curves 1 and 6, at 17.4 and 18.4; for curve 6, Nylen found six amine oxides, including trimethyl-
at 16.5 and 17.4. An explanation has been sug- amine oxide, to b e weaker bases than the corre-
gested (section IV- 8) for the behavior of the sponding amines in aqueous solu tion [73]. Some
primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary other published data for trimethylamine and tri-
alkylammonium compounds (curves 1 to 4). methylamine oxide are summariz ed in table 6.
Th e behavior of tetrahydroquinoline (curve 6) Obviously the addition of an oxygen atom to the
indicates that its salt with bromphthalein magenta amine nitrogen changes appreciably the character
is partly dimerized and partly in the monomeric of the base. Not only is the polar character of the
form , while the curve for clicyclohexylguanidine molecule greatly enhanc ed and the carbon to nitro-
suggests that its salt may exist partly as a dimer gen bond increased in length , but the picrate is
and partly as ion-pairs. However, because the much less dissociated in nitrobenzen e. Conse-
dicyclohexylguanidine was only 98 to 99 percent quently, one would predict stable salt formation
pure, further experimentation is necessary b efore from the reaction of trimethylamine oxide and
this interpretation can be accepted. bromphthalein magenta. The hygroscopicity of
Trimethylamine oxide.- Although this paper is trimethylamine oxide is so great that preparation
concerned primarily with bases in which the nitro- of a benzene solution of known concentration was

Acid- Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 251

not attempted. However, som e distinctive char- since the absorption spectrum did not change after
acteristics of the amine oxide could be detected. further shaking and the lapse of 2% days. As
compared with the triethylammonium salt, the
TABLE 6.-Comparison of trimethylamine and trimethyl-
absorbancy curve for the salt of trimethylamine
amine oxide
oxide is shifted approximately 20 mIL (700 em- I)
Physical property Trimeth yl- Tr imet hyl- toward shorter wavelengths, and the molar absorb-
amine am inc oxide
ancy index is 33,000 instead of 42,000. In the
Dipole moment (D)_ __________________________ • O. 65 b 5. 02
region 310 to 380 mIL (31,700 to 26 ,300 cm- I) the
Length of C-N bond (A)_____________________ 0 1. 47 ±O. 02 d 1. 54 ± 0. 02 absorbancy curves for the triethylammonium and
Dissociation constant of picrate in nitrobenzene ,_ 1. 46XlO-' 1. 73 X 10-'
trimethylamine oxide salts are nearly identical.
Curve 2 intersects curve A at the approximate
• L. Q. Groves and S. Sugden, J. Chem. Soc. (London) 1779 (1937); gas.
hE. P. Linton , J . Am. Chern. Soc. 62, 1945 (1940); in benzene at 45° C. wavelength 450 mIL (22,220 cm- I) , while curve 1
e L. O. Brockway and n . O. J enkins, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 58, 2036 (1936). intersects curve A near 460 mIL (21,740 cm- I ).
d M. W . Lister and L. E. Sutton, Trans. Faraday Soc. 35, 495 (1939).
• C. A. Krans, J . Phys. Chern. 43, 231 (1939). Degeneracy of the resonance structures of the
anion of bl'Omphthalein magenta appears to be
Trimethylamine ,vas ox idized to trimethylamine less complete in the salt formed by combination
oxide by 3-percent hydrogen peroxide, according of the indicator with trimethylamine oxide than
to the method of Dunstan and Goulding [74], and in the salts formed by its combination with
crystallized as the dihydrate. The anhych'ous trialkylamines, indicating that the proton of the
product was obtained as a sublimate by Meisen- indicator acid undergoes a smaller displacement to-
heimer's 'procedure, namely, heating of the dihy- ward the oxygen of trimethylamine oxide than
drate in vacuo over phosphorus pentoxide [75]. toward the nitrogen of triethylamine. This inter-
Part of the sublimate was transferred quickly to a pretation is in harmony with the low value reported
volumetric flask containing 5 X 10- 5 -1\1 brom- by Kraus (table 6, footnote e) for the dissociation
phthalein magenta in benzene. Although the amine into ions of the picrate of trimethylamine oxide in
oxide did not dissolve completely, the solution nitrobenzene.
immediately assumed a magenta tone. The A different sample of d ehydrated trimethyl-
absorbancy CUl've for this solution (curve 2) is amine oxide absorbed atmospheric moisture so
shown In figure 22, together with the curves for quickly t hat the m elting point corresponded to
WAVELENGTH (MIJ) the dihydrate. Consequently, it is not certain
60 666.7 500 400 333.3 285.7 that the sample that was mixed with bromphthal-
'", ein magenta in benzene was free of water. No
visual change was evident in the solution after
several months. A striking change occurred when
methyl or ethyl alcohol was added. One drop of


the alcohol caused a marked fading of the magenta
color, and several drops destroyed it completely,
<{ leaving the yellow color of the indicator acid.
n-Butyl alcohol and cyclohexanol produced a
smaller effect, and iso propyl alcohol was still less
10 15 effective. , Vater was without visual effect, as were
WAV E NUMBER (e M-I) x 10- 3 acetone, ethyl acetate, and dioxane. P ending
FIGURE 22. Molar absorbancy curves for b1·omphthalein further experimental work, it cannot b e said
magenta and its salts with different organic bases in whether the effect was due to the alcohol itself or
benzene. to a trace of an acidic impurity. This behavior
(A) Bromphthaleiu magenta E ; (1) hromphthalein magenta E plus of the salt of trimethylamine oxide with brom-
triethylamine; (2) bromphthalein magenta E plus trimethylamine oxide.
phthalein magenta makes it readily distinguishable
bromphthalein magenta (curve A) and its triethyl- from solutions that contain the salt of brom-
ammonium salt (cUl've 1). The solution was phthalein magenta wi th unoxidized tertiary amines,
probably saturated with trimethylamine oxide, such as tl'imethyl- or triethylamine.

252 Journal o f Rese arch

10. Reaction of Bromphthalein Magenta with beam appeared after the solution had stood over-
Organic Bases in Other Organic Solvents. night, and with 40 molar equivalents, immediately
Discussion of Solvent Effects after preparation of the solution. Maximum ab-
Cyclohexane.- In this solven t, as in benzene, sorbancy in the visible region occurs 15 to 20 mil
bromphthalein magenta gives different colors with nearer the ultraviolet in cyclohexane than in ben-
primary, secondary, and tertiary amines. How- zene. The transmittancy curves show spreading
ever, the salts formed have limited solubilities, as at the higher wavelengths, probably due to scat-
shown by the fact that a Tyndall beam could be tering of light by suspended particles.
observed when more than a minute quantity of Ethylene dichloride.-In figure 24 are shown
the amine was presen t. Transmittancy curves transmittancy curves for bromphthalein magenta
lor bromphthalein magenta B , 5 X 10- 5 M in cyclo- E, 5X 10- 5 M in ethylene dichloride (curve 1), and
hexane (curve 1), and for its products with di- for its reaction products with one molar equivalent
ethylamine (curve 8) and with triethylamine of the following amines: (2) n-Bu tylamine; (3)
(curves 2 through 7) are shown ill figure 23 . A di-n-butylamine; (4) triethylamine; (5) 1,3-di-o-
tolylguanidine. Curve 6 was obtained for the
WAVE NUMBER (CM ' ) X 10 3 5 X 1O- 5-M solution of the tetraethylammonium
100 ~-I-'-' _.3,3 j3.-, . , 1 "'-' , ~r ..,,, salt of bromphthalein magenta E in ethylene di-
chloride. A 5-mm absorption cell was used
throu ghout.
The behavior of the t etraethylammonium salt
in different solvents, including ethylene dichloride,
was discussed above (section IV- 5 and IV- ), and
it was concluded that the color of the anion shows
no significant interaction of the anion with the
cation and no appreciable olvent effect. The itu-
ation is different for the incompletely alkylated am-
monium salts. As in benzene, these salts behave
differently from the tetraalkylammonium alts.
However, in ethylene dichloride primary, second-
ary, and tertiary ammonium salts how similar be-
havior instead of the characteristic differences
observed for solutions in benzen e. From figure 24
O ~~--~~~~~--~~50~O~~~~--~~
7 ~
O it is evident that in ethylene dichloride the n-butyl-
WAVELENGTH (MIJ) ammonium, di-n-butylammonium, triethyl-am-
FIGURE 23. (1 to 7) Transmittancy curves for brom-
monium, and 1,3-di-o-tolylguanidinium salts of
phthalein magenta B, 5X 10- s JIll in cyclohexane, in 1-em bromphthalein magenta possess imilar trans-
cell, with various concentrations of triethylamine ex pTessed mittancy curves, with a maximum absorbancy
as molar equivalents of the indicator. (minimum transmittancy) ncar 570 mil . This
( I) NOlle; (2) 1; (3) 2; (4) 5; (5) 8; (6) 20; (7) 40; (8) trans mitta n cy cu rv e for "leveling action" of ethylene dichloride may be
samo so lution of the indicator with] molar equivalent of dicthylan1inc, I-em
re ll. explained as analogous to the effect of oxygen
compounds (see fig . 19, II). In other words, a
l-cm absorption cell was used throughout. Ourve chlorine atom in ethylene dichloride, like oxygen
8 was obtained for the indicator after the addition in alcohols, eth ers, etc ., apparently can serve as a
of one molar equivalent of diethylamine. Curves pmton acceptor with primary or secondary am-
2 through 7 were obtained for solution s that con- monium salts, with the formation of a hydrogen
tained the following successive concentrations of bridge between Nand 01. A a r esult, the
triethylamine, expressed as molar equivalents oj d imeric form of the salt gives place to the monomer.
the indicator acid: (2) 1; (3) 2 ; (4) 5; (5)8 ; (6) 20; An additional effect of ethylene dichloride is to
(7) 40. A Tyndall beam was not detected for the shift the absorption band approximately 30 mil
solu tions that gave curves 2, 3, and 4. With 20 toward th e infrared. A bathochromic effect
molar equivalents of triethylamine, a Tyndall upon dyes is often observed as th e dielectric
Acid-Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 253
755528- 47- 5



400 ~OO 600


FiGURE 24. (1 to 5) Transmittancy curves for bromphthalein magenta E, 5 X 10- 5 M in ethylene dichloride, in 5-mm
cell, with 1 molar equivalent of the following bases.
(1) None; (2) n·butylamine; (3) di·n·butylamine; (4) triethylamine; (5) 1,3-di-o-tolylguanidine; (6) transmittancy curve for tetraethylammonium
salt of bromphthalcin magenta E, 5XlO-' }'1 in ethylen e dichloride, 5-mm cell.

constant of the solvent is increased, and the di- ph thalein magenta and of its salts wi th primary, sec-
electric constant of ethylene dichloride (10.24) is 0ndary' and tertiary amines in solvents of different
appreciably greater than that of benzene (2.27 ). types are summarized in table 7. For the indi-
Wh ether ethylene dichloride exerts its effect cator and for these three types of sal ts, a solvent
through dipole orientation [76} or in some other effect is plainly evident. In the table the color of
manner is debatable. The apparent effect of the the quaternary ammonium salt is also stated for
solvent, however, is to reduce the extent of inter- a number of solvents; for this type of compound a
action of the indicator anion with the various solvent effect is absent or slight. Oonclusions
cations, thus increasing the degeneracy of the drawn from visual tests are necessarily tentative
resonance structures of the anion. because spectrophotometric measurements often
The reactions shown by curves 2 through 5 were reveal differences that are not evident to the eye.
incomplete, as only one molar equivalent of amine It is also possible that traces of impurities were
had b een added to the indicator. The transmit- present in some of the solvents. Furthermore, as
tancies at 570 m.u are therefore a measure of the stated in section IV- 8, in oxygen-containing sol-
relative strengths of the bases. It is evident that vents, the color is dependent upon the concentra-
these basicities fall in the same order as in benzene tion of the indicator and base. N evertheless, for
solu tion. bromphthalein magenta and for its quaternary or
Other solvents.- Discussion oj solvent effects .- tertiary ammonium salts, the following simpl e
Qualitative observations of the color of brom- explanations of solvent. effects are possible:

254 Journal of Research

TABLE 7.- EfJect oj solvent and added base upon the color oj bromphthalein magenta'

T y pe of base add ed'

Solvent b



Benzene (2.27) ____ ._ .... _. ____ ._._._ . __ . __ .. _. __ . __ yellow_.. __ . ____ •..... Red·purple. ___ ._ ... __ . Blue d ___ ._ ._._._._ .. __ Magenta_.... _. __ _ Blue. e
Carbon tetrachloride (2.22) __ _. _. ____ . _. _.. __ . ___ .. _. _._do _________ . _.. _... _.•• _do _•. _•............ _.... do d _••• _. _. _. _ •.. __ •••• do .... .........• Do.e
Cyclohexane (2.01) __ . ___ . _.. __ . __ . _.. _.. __ .. _.. _... _.. __ .. _...•. _do. _. _........... __ ..... do d_ ••••••••••••••••••• do. . _.. . _..... . Do.e
Toluene 12.31, 18 ° C) ....... _................... _....... do .. _....... .. ..... _... do_....... _._ •. ______ . __do d •• _______ ._ •••• _ •••• do. __ . .. _. __ .. _ DO,e
Carbon disulfide (2.63, 20° C)_. _. __ ... _.. __ ... _... __ .•.. do ____ .. _.. __ . __ . __ Magenta ' . .... __ ... _.. Magenta ' .. _.. . _._ ... __ . • __ do_..... _.. __ ._ Do.'


Chlorobenzene (5.61).. .. ..... ...................... Yellow __ ._............ Red·purple... _._ ..... _ Red·purple. ___ . ___ .. __ Magenta ____ . __ ... Illue. e
Chloroform (4.72) ._ . ........... __ ..... _. _.•. _... _..... __ do_._._. ___ .... ........ _do_... . ............ ___ .. do ...••.. _.... _... _ . _•. _do....... ... ... Do.'
Ethylene dichloride (10.24)_ • .• . _..... _.. _..... ___ . _.•. _do_. __. ____ . ___ .... Magenta ......... _.. .. Magenta................... do............. Do.'


Dioxane (2.23) ...................... ...... ........ _ yellow.•.....••..... . . M agenta .............. Magenta ......... _... _ M ag-enta . . ........ Blue. '
Diethyl ether (4.26) .. _......... _. _.... _. __ .. _____ . __ .• _.do_. . ______ . _. _... _ ..... do ___ ._ ................ _do __ .... _............... do_.. .. ........ Do.'
Diethyl "Cellosolvc". ___ ... _.. _......... _. __ ... _....•.. do..... . _.. __ ._.... R ed·purple__ .. __ ... ___ R ed·purple. _______ . ____ ... do_..•. _...... .
Anisole (4.29) ._ .. _._ .... _...... ......................... do _. _. . ... ......... Magenta._ ..... _... _. _ M agenta ... __ . ___ . _________ do_.. _.... ..... Blua.·


Ethyl acetate (4.5,18° C) .• - ..• ----- .. -.--.------.- Green·yellow __ . ____ . __ R ed-purple ____ . __ ._._. R ed·purple. ___ . ___ .. __ Magent a __ ._ .• _.. _ Blue.'
Butyl stearate (3.12, 30° C)c ... _._ .... _.. _._ ...... _ Yellow .......... __ ... _ Magenta __ .. __ ._._._ .. Magenta __ .. _. __ ..... __ .... do_•...........
Dibutyl sebacnte (4.55, 30° C)c_ ... _...... .............. do. _._ ...... •........... do ... _............ _.... do ...... ..... .... .... ... do........... _.
Methyl benzoate (6.9, 20° C) _.. _.... ............ _._ Green·blue ._ ... _. ___ ._ R ed·purple___ .... __ .. Red·purple. __ ... __ ._._ .... _do_ ._ .. _. ___ ._
Benzyl benzo~te (4.8, 20° C) ....... _. __ .. _.. _.• _._. Yellow .. •. _....... __ ._ •.... do ...• ________ ._ .• _ ... . .do..•.• _._ .. __ ... _. _.. _. do __._ .. _..... .
Tributyl phosphate (7.97, 30° C)c_. ...... _._ ... .. __ Blue·green .. . ......... Blue •.... _.. __ ._ ... _._ Blue •. . _.............. Blue ' .. _......... .


Acetone (20.88) .•. ................................ _ Yellow to blue b . __ • __ Blue e. __ • __ . __ . __ .•.• _ Blue e._. ___ ._ .•• __ ._._ Blue ' .. _._. __ ..... Blue.'
M ethyl i80butyl ketone .. _. _.......... __ ._. ___ . __ . __ .... do b •••• •• • ••••••• • ___ ._. do e_._ •• __ •••••• _. _•• •• do •............... . .... do e •••••••••••
Acetonylacetone... _...... ....... .................. _.... do b_ •••••••• •••.••••• •• do ' ........ . ...... _.... do e ••• ___ •••••• _ •••• •• • do •.....• .... _
Cyclohcxanone (18.2, 20° C) ... _.... . .... _... _..... Yellow to green b. ___ • __ •• _. do e_._ .• _ •. _._ .• ___ ••• _do ._. _____ ._ ... ____ ... _do •....... __ ._


Ethyl alcohol (23.2,30° C) __ ... _._._ ... _._ ....... __ Blue ._. __ ._ ..... _..... Blue , _. _. . _.. _. __ .. ___ Blue , ___ ._._. ___ .. _•. Blue , _.. _......... Blue.'
n·Propyl alcohol (21.2, 21.9° C) .... _...•..... _•... _ Green·blue_. _______ • ____ • __ do ,_. __ .. _..• ___ . __ •.•. do • ____ ._ .•..•• __ ... _._ do ••.•. _....•.
n·Butyl alcohol (18.4,20.5° C). ___ ... _... _.•. _..... Green_ ... __ .. ____ ... ___ ..•. do •.. __ .. _. __ ._ .. __ .... do •. _._._._._. ___ . ___ ._ do e •••• _ •••.••
H eptanol-2.•....... __ ._._._ ... ___ . ___ ._._._._ .. _.. Green·yellow_._ . __ ... ___ ._. do e _. __ •• _._. __ •• _ •••• .do , __ ._._ ..... _... Red·purple ..•....
Octyl alcohol (2-ethylhexanol) .. __ . _. ___ ._._._ .... _ Yellow... _.. _____ ... .. Red·purple .. _....... _ Red·purple ... _...• _.... _._ do . . _......... .
Heptadecanol (3,9-diethyitridecanol-6) ._ ... _._._ .. _ Magenta __ .... _._._ ... __ ._. do•. _._ ... _._._. ___ .... _do __ ._. _._._._ .. __ . Magenta .•. _.....•
Cyclohexanol (8.5, 18° C) _._ .......... _........ _... Blue-green_ .. ______ . __ Blue •.... __ .. _._. __ .. _ Blue e. ___ ._._. ___ ._._. Blue , _. __ .... ..••.
Benzyl alcohol (13.6, 21.5° C) ...... _.. __ ._._._. ____ Green. _... __ ...... _.. _ ..... do e_. __ •• _•.•• _ •• _ •••• _do ' ... _..... _._ ........ do •........•..
2.Methyl-2,3·pentanediol (24 ... 30° C) c_ ..... _._ ... Blue •... ___ ........... _. ... do ._ ._ ... _. _. _... _ ..... do e._._._ ••• _._ ••• _._._ do e •••••••• •• •

See footnotes at end or table.

Acid-Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 255

TABLE 7.- Effect oj solvent and added base upon the color oj bromphthalein magenta a-Continued

Type of base added·

Solvent b

o I n III IV


Acetonitrile (36.7) _ _ __ ____ ___ ________ _____ ___ ______ Green-blue__ ___ ___ ____ Blue ,__ ___ ____ _____ ___ Blue , ___ ____ ________ __ Blue , ___ _____ ____ _
Aniline (7.3,21.6° C ) ___________________________________ do ___ ________________ __ _do d _________________ __ do d _ __ ________ __ ___ ____ do d ___________ Blue.'
Nitrobenzene (34 _9) _____ __ __ ____ _____ ___ ____ ___ __ __ Yellow______ ___ __ __ __ _ Green _____ __ _____ __ ___ Green-blue __________ __ Green __ ___ ______ __ Do_ e
Nitromethane (35.76. 30° C) g _ __ __ ______________________ do _______________ __ Blue d ___ ____________ __ Blue , ____ _____________ Blue , _________ ___ _
Pyridine (12_5, 20° C l- __________ __________ __ ____ __ Green-blue ____ ______ __ Grecn-bl ue ________ _____ ___ _do , ___________ __ _______ do , _________ __

• Bromphthalein magenta B was used in t bese tests.

b N umbers in parentheses arc dielectric constants, at 25° C unless otherwise indicated.Values were taken from tbe literature [92,93], exeept as noted_
• Key to bases u sed: O=no bage; I =C,H 17NH ,; II =(n-C,H ,j,NH ; III =(C2H ,)3 N; IV = (r.-C,H ,l,N- salt of brompht halein magenta B.
d Purple.bluc.
, Blue, witbout purple ti nge.
I Base reacted to some extent with solvent.
g Values were obtained by A. A. Maryott and C _ G. Malmberg of t he Bureau for high-grade co mmercial solvent.

b Yellow in concentrated solution, bluer upon dilution.

I In concentrated solutions, t he color shifts toward yellow.

(1) Bromphthalein magenta.- As stated in the the indicator acid forms a bridge to the oxygen in
introduction, it is fairly well established that the - OR group of the alcohol, with the alcohol
ionization of most acids is dependent chiefly upon taking th e role of a base. The hydrogen bridge
the presence of proton-attracting molecules. For is shielded by the hydrocarbon radicals in the
example, Kraus observed that hydrogen chloride alcohol, _so that further solvation of the proton is
is a very weak electrolyte in nitrobenzene, in spite impeded. It seems likely that a completely solva-
of the rather high dielec tric constant of this ted proton forms a hydrogen bridge between two
solvent [57a]. On the other hand, per chloric acid molecules of solven t, and co~plete solvation by
is a rather strong electrolyte in nitrobenz ene. either of these alcohols may be preven ted by steric
There is evidently a considerable difference in th e factors.
affinity of th e chloride and perchlorate ions for (2) Quaternary ammonium salts.- For these
protons. As pointed out in the introduction , this compounds, the attraction between the cation and
difference is masked in aqueous solutions, as the anion is Coulombic iI~ nature and probably
protons of both acids unite with the solvent to give has little or no influence upon the electronic sys-
R 30 + ions. From the behavior of the acid, brom- tem of the anion. On the basis of the resonance
phthalein magen ta, it is to be inferred that the hypothesis, the degeneracy of the struc tures con-
affinity of its anion for a protbn is high. In tributing to the resonance of the anion may b e
solvents of classes A, B, and C, there is no evidence considered essentially complete. Consequently,
of ionization, whereas solvents that have a high the extent to which a quaternary ammonium salt
affinity for protons, such as alcohols and pyridine, exists as free ions, ion-pairs, or other aggregates
compete with the anion of the acid, producing. is not measurable sp ectrophotometrically.
solvated hydrogen ions and lib erating the blue (3) Tertiary ammonium salts.- In section IV-4,
anions. Ionization of the indicator acid is incom- the behavior of tertiary ammonium salts in ben-
plete, however, except at very high dilutions. The zene was considered and a hydrogen bridge be-
peculiar behavior shown by h eptadecanol (3,9- tween the cation and anion was postulated. This
diethyltridecanol-6) in producing a magenta tone is the explanation that Kraus advanced to account
rather than a blue color was also observed for for the low dissoeiation constants of most salts of
tetradecanol (7-ethyl-2-methylundecanol-4 ). It is this type in solvents having no affinity for the
noteworthy t hat both compounds have two large proton. R e attribu ted the leveling effect of
hydrocarbon radicals adjacent to the - OR group. pyridine upon the dissociation of ammonium salts
The following explanation for the magenta color to interaction of th e pro ton of the cation with a
is suggested : The hydrogen in the - OR group of pyridine molecule. In the absence of a proton-

256 Journal of Research

attracting solvent, the proton of the cation inter- of solvents, including acetonitrile, aniline, and
acts strongly with the anion of the salt [57]. The nitrobenzene. In studying the deuteron-attract-
behavior of trialkyla.mmonium salts of brom- ing properties of liquids by infrared pec troscopy,
phthalein magcnta may be given a similar interpre- Gordy and his collaborators [78, 79] measured the
tation. That i , a magenta color indicates inter- shift of the OD band of heavy methyl alcohol,
action between the proton of the trialkylammoni- CHaOD, or heavy water, DzO. Benzene was
urn ion and the anion; a blue color is evidence used as r eference solvent for CHaOD or D zO.
that the proton of the cation has interacted with Nitrobenzene was found to produce a small but
a molecule of the solvent. If the conductance measurable shift, and acetonitrile, oxygen com-
were measured, a n egligible value for the magenta pounds, and amines produced a greater shift, in
solution and a measurable value for the blue solu- the order named. The shift produced in the OD
tion would be predicted. In analogy with con- band was greater for DzO than for CHaOD. The
clusions reached by Brooker in studies of other OD band in CHaOD wa not shifted by bromo-
dyes [77], one may conclude that the degeneracy benzene. The conclusion was reached that nitro-
of the resonance structures of the anion in a benzen e can be linked through deu terium to the
trialkylammonium salt of bromphthalein magenta o}""Ygen of DzO or CHaOD . Moreover , an intra-
is incomplete, as shown by the fact that spectral molecular hydrogen bridge in o-nitrophenol is
absorption occurs at shor ter wavelengths than generally postulated to account for differences in
that of tetraalkylammonium salts. It i to be the behavior of this compollnd and its m- and
recalled that salts of symmetrical diarylguanidines p-isomers.
and triphenylguanidine behave in the same way From the experimental data presen ted in this
as trialkylammonium salts of bromphthalein paper, it is evid ent that in a dialkylammonium
magenta. salt of bromphthalein magenta, the cation behaves
(4) Secondary ammonium salts.-Before discus- as a strong proton donor. When the nitrogen of
sion of dialkylammollium salts of bromphthalein a dialkylamine interacts with the proton of
magenta, the experimental data given in table 7 bromphthalein magenta, the proton originally
and in earlier ections of the paper may be attached to the amine nitrogen evidently becomes
summarized : more loosely held , so that it interacts r eadily
(a) In hydrocarbons and in carbon tetrachlor- with o:wgen, halogen, or nitrogen atoms of the
ide, the color is purple-blue; (b ) addi tiol1 of small same or other molecules. a5 A a res ult, the
amounts of alcohol 01' oth er oxygen-con taining secondary ammonium alt of bromphthalein
solvents produces a change in color from purple- magenta become either climeriz ed or solvated,
blue to magenta; (c) in partly halogenated hydro- depending upon whether the medium is an inert
carbons, ethers, and most esters, the color is solvent or contains compound of high proton-
magenta or red-purple; (d) in solvents of high affinity. The salt can be solvated by bromo-
proton-affinity, the color is blue. This is a dif- benzen e and chlorobenzene, as well as by the
fer ent color, visually and spectrophotometrically, solvents found by Gordy to exhibit bonding
from the purple-blue of solution in solvents of with CHaOD.
class A. The solvent, tri-n-butyl phosphate, deserves
An explanation for observations (a), (b), and special comment. From table 7, class D, i t is
(c) was offered in section IV- 8, and on page 253. evident that this compound possesses a higher
The blue color of solution in olvents of high solvating capacity than the usual types of esters.
proton-affinity (observation (d)) resembles that It is therefore interesting to note that it causes
exhibited by tertiary-ammonium sal ts in these a much larger shift in the OD band of CHaOD
solven ts and is to b e accounted for in a similar than oth er ester s [79]. Moreover, the e tel'S of
way. phosphoric acid arc exceptionally good solvents
In addition to the effects discussed in the pre- for monofluoroclichlorometbane [0] . In all these
ceding paragraph, note should be made of the fact cases, the observations can be attribu ted to the
that the pnrple-blue of solutions in benzene is strong proton-affinity of the P = O group.
changed to magenta, not only by compound that " As a corollary. it might be postulatec\ tbat a mono- or dialkylamine
sbould show greater reactivity with an acid (in an aprotic solvent) after tbe
contain oxygen or halogen, but also by other types addition of a proton·acceoting substance.

Ac id-Base R e actions in Organic Solvents 257

From a comparison of curves 2, 3, and 4 in and tertiary amines to the indicator in benzene
figure 21 it may be concluded that in the dimel'ic solution are shown by several other indicators .
form of a dialkylammonium salt of brom- These include the following sulfonephthaleins:
phthalein magenta, the degeneracy of the resonance bromcresol green, bromcresol purple, bromphenol
structures is almost as great as in a tetraalkyl- blue, chlorphenol blue, bromchlorphenol blue,
ammonium salt [77]. Dicyclohexylguanidine ap- iodophenol blue, and tetrabromphenol blue. Ethyl
pears to resemble secondary aminos in its be- eosin (the ethyl ester of eosin free acid) and fluo-
havior rather than tertiary amines and di- or rescent blue show characteristic differences in their
triarylguanidines. . behavior with secondary and tertiary amines that
(5) Monoalkylammonium salts.- As stated m are quite marked spectrophotometrically, though
section IV- 4, monoalkyJammonium salts of less readily detected by the unaided eye [43].
bromphthalein magenta appear to exist partly in These indicators have a related structure. With
the monomeric and partly in th e dimeric condi- the exception of fluorescent blue, they may be re-
tion. The limited stability of the dimeric form garded as derivatives of benz aurin (fig. 4), with
may be explained in several ways: one or more halogen atoms ortho to the phenol
(a) A mono alkylamine does not interact so and quinoid oxygens.
completely with the proton of the acid and conse- In inert solvents, bromphthalein magenta is
quently the cation of the salt has weaker proton- superior to the other indicators listed here, on ac-
donor properties; (b) as the cation possesses two count of its greater solubility as well as the bril-
protons, neither proton is so readily donated as liant and sensitive color changes that it undergoes
the single proton of a dialkylammonium salt; in reactions with aliphatic amines. Furthermore,
(c) the dimer of a mono alkyl ammonium salt of being a monobasic acid, its reactions can be studied
bromphthalein magenta has lower symmetry more rcadily than those of the sulfonephthalein
than the dimer of a dialkylammonium salt ; indicators, which are dibasic acids. As is to be
(d) a mono alkylamine has sufficiently strong pro- expected, the carbethoxy group, - COOC2H5'
ton-acceptor properties to become coordinated undergoes hydrolysis by strong aqueous acid or
with a mono- or dialkylammonium ion. alkali and conversion to totrabromophenolphthal-
Interpretation of the behavior of tetrahydro- ein results. In addition, bromphthalein magenta
quinoline involves similar factors, as well as a is almost insoluble in water, as by intention it lacks
possible effect of the adjacent benzene ring. the water-solubilizing sulfonic acid group that is
In the above discussion, the possible role of the present in the sulfonephthaleins. In short, an
dielectric constant of the solvent has been to a indicator must be tailored to fit the medium in
large extent ignored. As the attraction between which it is to be used. The sulfonephthaleins are
the anion and incompletely substituted ammo- excellent indicators for aqueous media, but un-
nium ions is partly Coulombic in nature [57], suited for use in hydrocarbons, whereas the re-
the dielectric constant undoubtedly has some verse is true for bromphthalein magenta.
effect. However, the general pattern of behavior Bromphthalein magenta, the analog of brom-
of bromphthalein magenta and its salts can be phenol blue, is only one of a series of indicators
interpreted satisfactorily from a consideration of that should prove useful in organic media. The
the proton-affinity of the solvent, but not from a analogs of bromcresol green and other sulfone-
consideration of its dielectric constant. Gordy phthaleins would undoubtedly be valuable. Other
has pointed out that there is no correlation derivatives of benzaurin, not necessarily contain-
evident in the dipole moments of solvents and the ing the carbethoxy group, are possibilities. For
strengths of the bonds formed with CH 30D [79]. example, a-naphtholbenzein is soluble in benzene
and, being less acidic than bromphthalein magenta,
11. Sulfonephthalein Analogs and Other Indicators is more satisfactory for some purposes.
Further brief mention may be made of the fact The progressive solvation of incompletely alkyl-
that the peculiarities in behavior described above ated ammonium ions, so readily observed for the
for bromphthalein magenta are not characteristic salts of bromphthalein magenta and the other
of this indicator alone. For example, differences halogenated indicators referred to above, because
in the colors produced by the addition of secondary of the striking color changes that accompany sol-

258 Journalo( Research

vation, undoubtedly occurs in the case of alkyl- A short time later, Dietzel and P aul became
ammomum salts of other acids. This study of interested in Vorliinder's aminometric procedure
bromphthalein magenta therefore serves not only as a means of simplifying pharmacopoeial methods
to clarify its behavior alld that of its analogs, but for the analysis of alkaloids and other drugs and
to aid in interpreting the behavior of alkylam- their preparations and made further tests of its
monium salts in general. applicability to primary, secondary, and tertiary
aliphatic and aromatic amines [84] . In preliminary
12. Acid-base Titr ations in Organic Solvents experiments, the titration vessel was protected
For many years, it was usually assumed that from access of atmospheric moisture, but this
acid-base reactions could not occur in a precaution was later found unnecessary. Anhy-
non-aqueous medium. Hantzsch and numerous drous p-toluenesulfonic acid in chloroform proved
others showed that this supposition is incorrect. to be the most satisfactory standard solution.
Moreover, the feasibility of performing quantita- H examethylenetetramine, which acts as a mono-
tive colorimetric titrations in iner t solvents has acid base, was equally as good as tribenzylamine
been reported by several investigators. The for determining th e titer of the acid, was cheaper
progress made in this fi eld may be reviewed and was more easily purified. The base concerned
briefly. was weighed exac tly into a beaker and t itrated
Aminometric titrations.-ln 1903, Vorlander an- with 0.05-.M p -toluene ulfonic acid in chloroform,
nounced the ucce sful titration of aniline with a with th e addition of 5 drops of 0.05-percent
dilute solution of anhydrous hydrogen chloride in methyl yellow in chloroform un til the color
benzene, with methyl yellow (p-dimethylamino- changcd sharply to r ed. Alkaloid and drugs
azobenzene) as indicator [81]. At that time, Vor- t hat could be titrated with an accuracy of ± 1
Hinder was interested in correlation of the color per cent included atropine, cinchonine, papaverine,
and structural changes of th e indicator rather narcotine, codeine, strycbnine, and ephedrine. The
than in titrimetric analyses. Thirty years passed addition of about 1 percent of chemically pure
before he turned to possible analytical applica- phenol by volume led to a sharper color change.
tions of the t itration, for which he coined the Morphine, although insoluble in chloroform alone,
name "aminometry" or "alkalimetry without dissolved in 1:.3 phenol-chloroform and was
hydroxyl ions" [82 , 83]. Investigations show ed titrated exactly. Accurate r esultR were obtained
that with chloroform or carbon tetrachloride in for nonvolatile aliphatic amines and for aromatic
place of benzene as the olvent, the color change amines of basicity comparable to that of aniline.
was sharper . Chloroform was b e t because of its Any halogen-containing solvent, such as tetra-
solvent power and could be used alone or in mix- chloro ethane or methylene chloride, could be
tures with benzene or tolu ene. Benzenesulfomc substituted for chloroform .
acid and other anhydrous sulfomc acids were as Khait [85] used the procedure of Dietzel and
satisfactory as hydrogen chloride, and changed Paul in the assay of atropine, lobeline, and
titer less rapidly. The acid could be tandardized harmine. Preliminary experiments with various
against aqueous alkali or against tribenzylarnine types of amines confirmed the superiority of
in chloroform. p -toluenesulfonic acid to other acids. A 0.0 5-M
A numb er of aromatic and aliphatic amines not solution of the acid in chloroform gave better
satisfactorily titratable in aqu eous or alcoholic results than a less concentrated solution . With
media could be titrated with resul ts ranging from bromphenol blue as the indicator, the color change
less tban 1 per cent to 2 percent below the theoreti- was not sbarp in many cases. Quinine wa found
cal values. Volatile amines were dissolved in an to titrate as a monoacidic base in the presence of
excess of the acid and back-titrated with triben- bromphenol blue and as a diacidic base in the
zylamine solution. Brucine, one of the alkaloids presence of m ethyl yellow. Tribenzylamine was
that titrated succes ully, gave equally good not available for standardization of the acid, and
results for the anhydrous and the hydrated forms. codeine r ecrystallized from al~ohol and dried to
With precautions, both amino groups of certain constant weight at 100 0 C proved a satisfactory
diacidic alkaloids could be titrated. Picric acid substitute. The }'esults were much better when
wa not usable for lack of a uitable indicator. chloroform was used as the olvent than when the

Acid -Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 259

titrations were performed in aqueous or alcoholic sodium ethylate oe amylate in the corresponding
media. absolute alcohol as the base, and anyone of
Trautner and coworkers have made further ap- several indicators, preferably phenolphthalein.
plications of VorHinder's aminometric titration to Although the conductivities of their solutions were
the analysis of pharmaceutical preparations and found to be extremely low, the reactions were
plant materials for th eir alkaloid content, follow- instantaneous and the behavior of the indicator
ing the modifications introduced by Dietzel and essentially the same as in aqueous solutions [88 to
Paul [86, 87]. p-Toluenesulfonic acid suitable for 90]. This work did not receive wide attention, as it
the analyses is obtained by dehydrating the puri- antedated the Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis theories
fied monohydrate. This is accomplished by and the results reported violated the theory then
heating the monohydrate at 10-mm pressure and current, that dissociation into ions is a prerequisite
under a current of air dried with phosphorus in chemical reactions.
pentoxide for 1 hour to 120° C. The product is a The Folin method is excellent for determination
grayish crystalline mass that melts at 105° C, is of the acid content of impure solvents, such as
not very hygroscopic, and can be kept in a well- ligroin and turpen tines, except in the case of
stoppered bottle [86]. Nicotine, which is slightly very old turpentines in which extremely weak
more than mono acidic toward p-toluenesulfonic acids, possibly peroxides, show a buffering effect
acid, react.s as a diacidic base with picric acid. upon the endpoint [91]. This might be overcome
Precipitation of the monopicrate is prevented by by the use of an indicator of higher acidity than
warming the solution to about 40 ° C [87]. phenolphthalein. Bromphthalein magenta can be
In nearly all of the experiments cited, the indi- used in the titration of r elatively strong acids,
cator used was methyl yellow. Methyl yellow is such as trichloroacetic acid, but is too strong an
probably a stronger base than some of the bases acid to be used in the titration of acetic and ben-
titrated, and this may account for the fact that zoic acids. Dicyclohexylguanidine, 0.1 M in
in a number of cases less acid was consumed than absolute ethyl alcohol, is a convenient substitute
that equivalent to the lmown content of base. for sodium ethylate and gives exact results in the
The weaker base, benzeneazodiphenylamine, dis- titration of trichloroacetic acid, picric acid, or
solves readily in inert solvents and changes color benzoic acid in benzene, with a-naphtholbenzein as
upon the addition of sulfonic acids. Its use in indicator but not with phenolphthalein. Brom-
place of methyl yellow might yield more accurate phthalein magenta is slightly superior to a-naph-
results in titrations of some of the weak:er organic tholbenzein in the titration of picric acid [91].
bases. There are probably still other indicator The Folin procedure was adapted by Lavine
dyes, commercially available or readily synthe- and Toennies to the differential titration of acetic
sized, which would extend the usefulness of the and perchloric acids in acetonitrile, with methyl
method. The role of phenol in sharpening the alcoholic sodium methylate as the base. Thymol
methyl yellow endpoint is not explained and de· blue was used as the indicator, changing from pink
serves investigation. p- Toluenesulfonie aeid ap- to yellow when the perchloric acid was neutral-
pears to be the most satisfactory reference acid ized, and from yellow to blue at the acetic acid
for most purposes, but at the present time it is endpoint [92].
necessary for each worker to purify and dehydrate Titrations in apr otic soh'ents with bromphthalein
the commercial product. A wider recognition of magenta as indicator.- As shown earlier in this
the feasibility of such titrations and commercial paper, 1,3-diphenyl-, di-o-tolyl- and dicyclohexyl-
availability of anhydrous strong acids aDd sui t- guanidine appear to be stronger bases in benzene
able indicators should lead to other analytical than any of the aliphatic amines, with increasing
applications. strength in the order named. Dicyclohexylguani-
'1~trations oj weak organic acids in mi:rtures oj dine is too difficul tly soluble in benzene for prac-
absolute alcohols with aprotic solvents.- About 35 tical use, al though it produces a color change not
years ago, Folin and coworkers directed attention only with bromphthalein magenta but with the
to the successful titration of weak acids, sllch as weaker acid, a-naphtholbenzein. Di-o-tolyl- and
benzoic and stearic acids, dissolved in benzene, diphenylguanidine react readily with bromphthalein
toluene, chloroform, or carbon tetrachloride, with magenta but not with a-naphtholbenzein. As

260 Journal of Research

bromphthalein magenta is a relatively strong of the titr ations the concentrations of the acid and
acid, it cannot be used in th e titration of acids as the base differed by a fac tor of two. The end-
weak as benzoic and acetic acids. As poin ted poin ts wer e very sharp , vivid, and r eproducibl e
out earlier in the discussion, there is need for a excep t in the titration of piperidine with trichlo-
stron g guanidine d erivative or other organic base roacetic acid, where the forma tion of a cloud
that is r eadily soluble in benzene. D icyclohexyl- caused slightly lower precision .
guanidine is fairly soluble in chloroform but r eacts From inspection of the table it can be noted that
with the solvent, particularly upon warming. trichloroacetic acid and picric acid, used at differ-
This reaction is not sufficiently rapid at room ent concentrations, gave the same value in the
temperature to prevent excellent t.itrations with titration of ditolylguanidine. With triethylamine
acetic acid, o-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, and picric or piperidine as the base, trichloroacetic acid gave
acid , with a-naphtholbenzein as the indicator [91] . lower values than picric acid. From th e stand-
A series of experimental titrat.ions with benzene point of reprodueibility and vividness of the color
as solven t and a O.l -percen t solution of brom- change, the results are very satisfactory.
phthalein magenta in benzene as the indicator is Diphenylguanidine was used by Kilpatrick for
summarized in table 8. The total volume was t he quantitative estimation of the very strong
approximately 30 ml, an d the volume of acid or acid, perchloric acid, in acetonitrile, with methyl
base was less than 10 ml in all cases and as little yellow, benzoyl auramine, or thymol blue as the
as 1 to 2 ml in some instances. lVIor eover , in three indicator, but an organic bu, e sufficiently strong
for the estimation of acetic acid in this solvent
TABLE 8.- Acid-base tib'ations in benzene with bromphthal- was lacking [45]. It should be possible, after
ein magenta as indicator further investigations, to obtain strong acids and
Molari ty found bases and a series of indicators that will permit
Refe rence base Acid for acid the quantitative titration of weak bases and weak
- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -·--- 1 - - -- ·- -
acids in the variou s aprotic solvents.
Dipbeny l g uanidin e, d· C amphorsnllonic acid (R ey· 0. 00527, 0.00529,
0.0100 M .· ch ler), a ppr D xim ~ tely 0.005 0.00528.
M. V. Summary. Applications of Brom-
phthalein Magenta
R eference acid Base Molarity fowld
for base
The differ en tiating reaction of bromphthalein
d·Camphor s ulfo n ic 1m pur e dicyclohexylguani· 0.002.18, 0.00237 magenta with various classes of organic bases in
acid, 0.00528 M. b di ne, a pproximately 0.0025 inert solvents, and its use for quantitative com-
Trichloroacetic acid , Di·o·tolylguauidine, approxi· 0.0484, 0.0484 , parisons of basic strengths and for certain acid-
0.106 M .' m ately 0.05 M . 0.Ot87. base titrations wer e described above. An ad-
Picric acid 0.0100 111· .... Di·o·tolylguanidinc, approxi· 0.00970, 0.00972 ,
m ately 0.01 ll1.d 0.00972. ditional applicaLion is in the measurement of the
Trichloroacetic a c i d, 'l'riethylamiue, a pproximately f 0.0942, 0.0944 . rclative strengths of organic acids in inert solvents.
0 .106 M. ' 0.1 M.·
'l' richloroacetic a c i d, T riethylamine, approximately 0.00935, 0.00935, Studies are in progress in this laboratory in which
0.0106 M. - 0.01 M . h 0.00936. the strength of an acid is measured by the extent
Picric aCid, 0.0100 M ' .. . . ___ do h....... . ............... 0.00962, 0.00962,
0.00960, 0.00962. of its comp etition with bromphthalein magenta
Trichloroacetic a c i d, Pi p e ri d ill e, approximately f 0.0957, 0.0953. for a reference base, such as di-o-tolylguanidine.
0 .106 M .. 0.1 M .•
Picric acid, 0.100 M a... . .. . __do •.•• . .. _. . ..... _•... _... . 10.0982, 0.0990, Preliminary measurements have been made for
0.0977. more than 30 acids, that include acetic and benzoic
acids as well as a number of their more highly
• '1' he solid was assumed to be 100 pereen t pure. acidic derivatives. Some of these are too in-
h Standardized against dipbenylguan idine in benzene.
o Standardized agai nst sodium ethylate in absolute etb yl alcohol with soluble to be studied in aqueou solutions [91].
phenolpbtbalein as indicator; the sodinm ctb ylate was standard ized against Other applications of the indicator to specific
benzoic acid witb the same indica tor.
d Diluted from tbe appro ximately 0.05·M solution. analytical problems will doubtless occur to some
• W ould be 0.100 M if no impurities were presen t. readers. The description and interpretations
f A cloud formed during the titration . M ethyl yellow did not gi ve a ~ h arp
color change. given in this paper of the behavior of the indicator
• Diluted from the 0.106·M solution. acid in differen t environments will serve as a guide
b Diluted from tbe approximately 0.1·111 solution.
i Picrate hegan to preci pita te out. in selecting the proper conditions. As indicated

Aci d -Base Reacti ons in Organic Solvents 261

in section IV- 9, qualitative tests can be made [18] W. H. Rodebush and A. M. Buswell, .J. Phys. Chern.
with salts as well as with the corresponding bases. 43, 219 (1939); and other papers by Rodebush,
Buswell, and collaborators.
The experimental data of the authors and the [19] H. Hoyer , Z. Elektrochem. 49, 97 (1943).
investigations of other workers that have been [20] W. Gordy, Sci. Monthly 53, 440 (1941) ; and numerous
reviewed in this report point to promising lines papers by Gordy and coworkers in J. Chern.
of work in the practical and theoretical study of Physics and J . Am. Chern. Soc.
acid-base reactions. [21] G. Briegleb, Z. E lektrochem. 50,35 (1944).
[22] L. Hunter, Chemistry & Industry, p. 155 (1944).
[23] G. W. Wheland, The theory of resonance and its ap-
The authors express their indebtedness to S. plication to organic chemistry (John Wiley & Sons,
F. Acree, former chief of section V- 10, pH Stand- Inc. , New York, N. Y., 1944).
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ards, fot' suggesting the development of new in- molec ules (Chemical Catalog Co., New York, N. Y.,
dicators for the measurement of acidity and basi- 1923).
city in organic solvents, for his interest in the [25] G. N. Lewis, J. Franklin Inst. 226, 293 (1938).
progress of the work, and for his assistance in the [26] G. N. Lewis and G. T . Seaborg, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
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spectrophotometric measurements. Grateful ac- acids and bases (John Wiley & Sons., Inc., New
lmowledgment is also made to Kenneth D . York, N. Y., 1946). Much of this material is con-
Fleischer for the chemical analyses, to Wilbur W. tained in a seri es of papers by Luder and coauthors
Brannon and Fred H. Engler for construction of in J . Am. Chern. Soc., J. Chern. Education, and
the stoppered endplates and other portions of the Chern. Rev.
[28] P . Walden, Salts, acids, and bases: Electrolytes:
absorption cells, to fary Ellen Lovelace for Stereochemistry (McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New
assistance in part of the synthetic work, and to the York, N. Y., 1929).
commercial organizations listed in section III of [29] Acids and bases (J. Chem. Education, Easton, Pa.,
this report for their contributions of bases and 1941); More acids and bases (same publisher, 1944).
Both are collections of papers by N. F. Hall, L. P.
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[55] G. Briegleb, Naturwiss. 30, 436, 469, 506 (1942). [78] W. Gordy, J. Chem. Phys. 7, 93 (1939) .
[56] T. S. Moore and T . F . Winmill, .J. Chem. Soc. (Lon- [79] W. Gordy and S. C. Stanford, J. Chem. Phys. 8,
don) 101, 1635 (1912). 170 (1940); also numerous other papers by Gordy
[57a] C. A. Krau s, J. Phys. Chem. <13, 231 (1939) . and collaborators.
[57b] C. A. Krau s, Science 90, 281 (1939), and num erous [80] M. J . Copley, G. F. ZeJlh oefer, and C. S. Marvel, J .
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Faraday Soc. 31, 749 (1935). [82] D. Vorliinder, with J . Fi cher and F. Wildner, Bel'.
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H. C. Brown, Science 103, 385 (1946); and other [85] G. Ya. Khart, Farmatsiya 8, 26 (1945). For an
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[61] A. Thiel, A. Das leI', and F. Willfken, Fortschr. Chem. 2206 (1947).
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Maryland, 3rd ed., 1928). Inst. J. & Proc. 13, 70 (1946).
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tion from the 4th German cd. by C. Rosenblum , (1910) .
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Acid-Base Reactions in Organic Solvents 263

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