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European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology



Grading systems of oral cavity pre‑malignancy: a systematic review

and meta‑analysis
Flora Yan1   · Priyanka D. Reddy1 · Shaun A. Nguyen1 · Angela C. Chi2 · Brad W. Neville2 · Terry A. Day1

Received: 26 February 2020 / Accepted: 5 May 2020

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Purpose  Oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) may have varying degrees of oral epithelial dysplasia (OED). Tra-
ditional grading schemes separate OED into three-tiers (mild, moderate, and severe). Alternatively, a binary grading system
has been previously proposed that stratifies OED into low-risk and high-risk categories based on a quantitative threshold of
dysplastic pathologic characteristics. This systematic review evaluates the predictive value of a binary OED grading system
and examines agreement between pathologists.
Methods  This meta-analysis queried 4 databases (PubMed, Ovid-MEDLINE, Cochrane, and SCOPUS) and includes 4 stud-
ies evaluating binary OED grading systems. Meta-analysis of proportions and correlations was performed to pool malignant
transformation rates (MTR), risk of malignant transformation between OED categories, and measures of interobserver
Results  Pooled analysis of 629 lesions from 4 different studies found a six-time increased odds of malignant transformation
in high-risk lesions over low-risk lesions [odds ratio (OR) 6.14, 95% 1.18–15.38]. Reported ORs ranged from 2.8 to 22.4.
The overall MTR was 26.8%, with the high-risk and low-risk lesions having MTRs of 57.9% (95% CI 0.386–0.723) and
12.7% (95% CI − 0.210 to 0.438), respectively. Pooled unweighted interobserver kappa values for the binary grading system
and three-tiered system were 0.693 (95% CI 0.640–0.740) and 0.388 (95% CI 0.195–0.552), respectively.
Conclusion  Binary grading of OED into low-risk and high-risk categories may effectively determine malignant potential,
with improved interobserver agreement over three-tiered grading. Improved grading schemes of OED may help guide man-
agement (watchful waiting vs. excision) of these OPMDs.

Introduction of OCSCC occurs in a multistep process from initial epi-

thelial hyperplasia progressing into invasive carcinoma [3].
Oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (OCSCC) is one of the OCSCCs are often preceded by oral potentially malignant
most common head and neck cancers [1]. The 5-year relative disorders (OPMDs), which are defined as clinical presenta-
survival rate for cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx is tions that carry a risk of oral cancer development, whether
65%, with survival rates generally lower among those with in a clinically definable precursor lesion or clinically normal
oral cavity over oropharyngeal disease [1, 2]. Development oral mucosa [4]. Such precursor lesions can include oral
leukoplakia, erythroplakia, erythroleukoplakia, and oral sub-
mucous fibrosis. These lesions may demonstrate a varying
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this
article (https​://doi.org/10.1007/s0040​5-020-06036​-1) contains prevalence of dysplasia from 5 to 90%, as well as varying
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. rates of malignant transformation from 6.6 to 36.4% [5–10].
Histological grading of oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) in
* Flora Yan these lesions is based on numerous cytological and architec-
tural changes of the epithelium, secondary to loss of normal
Head and Neck Tumor Center, Department maturation and stratification [8, 11].
of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, Medical There have been many proposed approaches to OED
University of South Carolina, 135 Rutledge Avenue, MSC grading, with the most well-known system proposed by the
550, Charleston, SC 29425, USA
World Health Organization in 2005. This divided epithelial
Division of Oral Pathology, Medical University of South precursors lesions into five histologic categories: squamous
Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

hyperplasia, mild dysplasia, moderate dysplasia, severe dys- category, but will depend on if histopathological examina-
plasia, and carcinoma in situ (CIS) [12]. Although squamous tion finds greater than 4 architectural and 5 cytological dys-
hyperplasia is considered benign, the spectrum of OED is plastic features.
separated into mild, moderate, and severe categories. Rec- The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the pre-
ognition of CIS is indicative of non-invasive malignant dictive value of binary OED grading for malignant transfor-
transformation. This system was recently updated in 2017, mation and to examine the interobserver consensus between
with CIS now used synonymously with severe dysplasia pathologists when using the binary versus the WHO 2005
and “squamous hyperplasia” no longer being used [13]. grading system.
The original 3 tiers of mild, moderate, and severe dysplasia
grading still remain.
Malignant transformation rates (MTR) of these grades Methods
have been well reported in the literature. In a meta-analysis
comprised of 24 studies with 1546 oral leukoplakia lesions This systematic review was conducted in accordance with
treated with ­CO2 laser vaporization, Dong et al. [14] found the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
a MTR of 5.23% in mild, 12.57% in moderate, and 24.98% Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [29]. A query of four
in severe dysplasia, with an overall MTR rate of 4.5% databases was performed, including: PubMed (NLM NIH),
[14]. Similarly, in a meta-analysis including 9 studies and Scopus (Elsevier), Cochrane Library (Wiley) and Ovid
992 patients with a mix of treated and untreated lesions, MEDLINE (Wolters Kluwer). The search strategy was
Mehanna et al. [15] found severe dysplasia/CIS having a initially queried in PubMed using subject headings (e.g.,
MTR of 24.1% versus that of mild/moderate dysplasia of MeSH in PubMed) and keywords for the following concepts:
10.3%. oral dysplasia, oral premalignant disorders, World Health
OED grade, in addition to numerous patient and lesion- Organization, binary, classification, and grading. This Pub-
specific risk factors, can help guide management of these Med search strategy was modified for the other three data-
lesions. There are no clear guidelines regarding treatment or bases. The databases were searched from inception through
follow-up of OPMD with OED; however, generally speak- September 21, 2019. A bibliography search of the included
ing, mild dysplasia may be conservatively managed through articles, as well as citing articles, was performed to identify
watchful waiting, while severe OED may prompt excision additional studies to be included. References were uploaded
of the lesion and frequent follow-up for recurrence [16]. to EndNote (Clarivate Analytics, Philadelphia, PA, USA)
Interpretation of the moderate dysplasia category may vary, and screened for relevance. This systematic review does not
with some clinicians taking a “watch and wait approach” involve human subjects and does not require IRB review.
whereas others electing to excise [16–18]. Multiple studies
have shown poor to moderate interobserver agreement when Selection criteria
pathologists have used the three-tiered OED grading sys-
tem [17, 19–22]. As management may be contingent upon This systematic review included studies examining diag-
accurate risk stratification and consistent grading of these nostic efficacy and reproducibility of the binary classifica-
lesions, improvements in reliability of and predictive poten- tion of OED. Studies were considered for inclusion if they
tial of OED may aid clinicians in best treating these lesions. contained: (1) OED confirmed by pathology; (2) histologi-
In 2006, a working group, coordinated by the WHO Col- cal assessment of OED via binary grading with or without
laborating Centre for Oral Cancer and Pre-cancer, proposed comparison to the WHO 2005 three-tiered grading system;
a two-tiered classification method for OED grading to reduce and (3) rates of malignant transformation or interobserver
subjectivity and disagreement [23]. Kujan et al. [17] further consensus kappa values between pathologists. Exclusion
developed this binary system by establishing a numerical criteria included: (1) insufficient data; (2) non-English lan-
threshold of 4 architectural and 5 cytological dysplastic fea- guage; (3) not pertinent classification methods; (4) extra-oral
tures to differentiate between low-risk and high-risk lesions. lesions with epithelial dysplasia.
Of note, Kujan et al. used the same architectural and cyto-
logical features evaluated with the WHO 2005 criteria. Data extraction
Since then, a number of single-institution studies have been
performed to examine the efficacy of this binary grading Two authors (FY and PR) independently extracted data from
system [17, 18, 24–28]. This proposed binary system will each relevant article. Any disagreement between the authors
categorize the majority of mild dysplasia into the low-risk over the eligibility of particular studies was resolved through
category and the majority of severe dysplasia into the high- discussion with a third reviewer (SAN).
risk category. The majority of previously grade moderate Extracted data included: study population demograph-
dysplasia is hypothesized to be categorized into the high-risk ics, diagnosis of histopathological dysplasia, malignant

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

transformation rate, follow-up time intervals, odds ratio for considered allowable. A p < 0.05 was considered to indicate a
malignant transformation, and Cohen’s kappa values for statistically significant difference for all statistical tests.
interobserver agreement. Both unweighted and weighted Finally, the Egger tests were performed for further assess-
kappa values were recorded. The weighted kappa value ment of risk of publication bias [35, 36]. Potential publica-
assigns more weight towards agreement of closely related tion bias was evaluated by visual inspection of the funnel
ordinal variables. For example, a disagreement between plot (Supplemental Fig. 1), which statistically examines the
mild and moderate dysplasia would be weighted less than a asymmetry of the funnel plot. In a funnel plot, the treatment
disagreement between mild and severe dysplasia. Weighted effect is plotted on the horizontal axis and the standard error
kappa values are often used when three or more categories on the vertical axis [37]. The vertical line represents the
are involved. Because the binary classification system only summary estimated derived using fixed-effect meta-analysis.
has two categories of classification, only unweighted kappa Two diagonal lines represent (pseudo) 95% confidence lim-
values were recorded for this. Weighted and unweighted its (effect ± 1.96 SE) around the summary effect for each
kappa values were recorded for agreements using the standard error on the vertical axis. These show the expected
WHO 2005 grading system. The degree of interobserver distribution of studies in the absence of heterogeneity or of
agreement based on the kappa values are as follows: slight selection bias. In the absence of heterogeneity, 95% of the
(0.01–0.20), fair (0.21–0.40), moderate (0.41–0.60), sub- studies should lie within the funnel defined by these diago-
stantial (0.61–0.80), and almost perfect (0.81–0.99) [30]. nal lines. Publication bias results in asymmetry of the funnel
Quality review and assessment of risk of bias
Level of evidence for each included article was performed
using Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine [31]. Search results
The risk of bias was assessed according to the Cochrane
Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions version The initial database search provided 334 studies for review
5.1.0 [32]. Specifically, the ROBINS-I tool was used as this with two additional studies identified from outside sources.
systematic review evaluated non-randomized studies. Two Thirty-two duplicate studies were removed, leaving 304
authors (PR and FY) performed a pilot assessment on three studies for title and abstract screening. Full text review of
studies to check for consistency of assessment. Both then the remaining 36 studies identified 4 studies for quantita-
performed independent risk assessment on the remaining tive analysis. Figure 1 provides a summary of this literature
studies. All disagreements were resolved by the way of dis- search. All studies were classified as Oxford Level of Evi-
cussion with a third author (SAN). The risk of bias items dence Type 2b given their retrospective, single-institution
included the following: bias due to confounding, selection nature [38]. A funnel plot including data points regarding
of participants into the study, classification of interventions, pooled interobserver agreement demonstrated little publica-
deviations from intended interventions, missing data, meas- tion bias, as all studies remained within the funnel (Supple-
urement of outcomes, and selection of reported results. The mental Fig. 1). Assessment for risk of bias for each included
risk of bias for each aspect is graded as “low”, “unclear”, study is summarized in Supplemental Figs. 2 and 3.
or “high” [33].
Study characteristics
Statistical analysis
The four included studies [24, 17, 18, 28] comprised a total
Statistical analyses were performed using MedCalc 18.10.2 of 629 OPMDs in 613 patients, with 284 male and 261
(MedCalc Software bvba, Belgium). All analyses were female patients, forming a male: female ratio of 1.09. One
weighted according to the number of patients affected. Meta- study did not report the sex of their cohort [17]. Average age
analysis of correlations and proportions were performed to was 55.62 years, ranging from 21 to 94 years. The weighted-
pool interobserver agreement kappa values, MTR, and odds average follow-up period was 55.49 months. Table 1 pro-
ratios. MedCalc uses the Hedges–Olkin method for calculat- vides an overview of all studies.
ing the weighted summary correlation coefficient and uses a
Fisher Z transformation of the correlation coefficients [34]. Malignant transformation and survival outcomes
For all meta-analyses, the heterogeneity statistic (I2) is gen- per binary classification and WHO 2005
erated to dictate which analytic model is used. If there was classification
high heterogeneity (I2 > 50%), the random-effects model was
used; if low heterogeneity, then a fixed-effects model has been The overall weighted-mean time to malignant transforma-
tion of high-risk lesions was shorter than that of low-risk

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Fig. 1  Overview of search
strategy using PRISMA meth-

lesions, at 45.41 months as compared to 74.15 months. Interobserver agreement

The overall pooled MTR was 26.8%, with high-risk MTR
at 57.9% (95% CI 0.386–0.723) and low-risk MTR at Three studies examined the interobserver agreement
12.7% (95% CI − 0.210 to 0.438) (Fig. 2). The pooled between pathologists utilizing both the WHO 2005 clas-
odds ratio of high-risk lesions over low-risk lesions for sification and the binary classification. The study by Kujan
malignant transformation was 6.14 (95% CI 1.18–15.38). et al. [17] involved 4 different pathologists, that by Nan-
Multiple studies evaluated survival outcomes at differ- kivell et al. [24] involved 3 different pathologists, and that
ent follow-up time points. Diajil et al. [18] examined a by Diajil et al. [18] involved 2 different pathologists. Most
cohort of treated dysplastic lesions and defined disease- were oral or head and neck pathologists, except for one
free survival as the absence of recurrent dysplasia or general pathologist in Kujan’s [17] and Nankivell’s [24]
development of oral cancer. Diajil et al. [18] found DFS studies each. A ratio was obtained examining the exact
at 2 years to be 68% and 83% for high-risk and low-risk agreement between pathologists, with pooled agreement
lesions, respectively. At 5  years, DFS dropped to 29% occurring in 75.2% of reads using the binary classifica-
and 63% for high-risk and low-risk lesions, respectively tion method, versus 38.6% using the WHO 2005 method.
(p = 0.013). Liu et al. [28] and Kujan et al. [17] both eval- Table 3 details interobserver agreement based on the clas-
uated survival by the absence of malignancy. Liu et al. sification system via pooled kappa values. Unweighted
[28] found high-risk lesions demonstrating lower oral pooled kappa agreement of binary classification was 0.568
cavity-free survival (OCFS) than low-risk lesions at both versus that of WHO 2005 classification at 0.302. Weighted
3-year (68% versus 94%) and 5-year (59% versus 91%) kappa of the WHO 2005 method was 0.592. When patho-
time points (p < 0.001). Kujan et al. [17] evaluated pro- logical reads by general pathologists were excluded, the
gression-free survival (PFS), with endpoint being inva- unweighted kappa agreements for the binary classification
sive carcinoma. This study found PFS at 22 months to be and WHO 2005 method were 0.693 (95% CI 0.640–0.740)
20% for high-risk lesions and 83.8% for low-risk lesions and 0.388 (95% CI 0.195–0.552) respectively, while the
(p = 0.004). Thus, high-risk lesions demonstrated signifi- weighted kappa agreement for WHO 2005 was 0.677 (95%
cantly decreased survival over low-risk lesions (Table 2). CI 0.514–0.793).

Table 1  Studies examining malignant transformation
Study (years) Study type Country OLE Subject (n) Male (n) Female (n) Mean Age SD (years) Age range OPMD (n) Treatment Site
age (years)

Diajil Retrospective United King- 2 100 68 32 52.5 NR 30–94 100 OPMD CO2 Laser 46 FOM; 33
(2013) [18] dom (76OL, tongue; 9 SP; 5
16ELP, 8EP) BM; 4 fauces; 2
alveolus; 1 RM
Kujan Retrospective United King- 2 68 NR NR NR NR NR 68 OED NR NR
(2006) [17] dom
Liu (2012) [28] Retrospective China 2 320 145 175 54.1 11.6 21–83 320 OL Medicationa 121 lateral/ven-
(261), Surgi- tral T, 93 BM,
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

cal Excision 62 dorsal T, 26

(59) gingiva, 12 P, 6
Nankivell Retrospective United King- 2 125 71 54 62.0 14.0 24–92 141 OED NR 61 T; 28 BM; 20
(2013) [24] dom P; 16 FOM

BM buccal mucosa, ELP erythroleukoplakia, EP erythroplakia, FOM floor of mouth, OED oral epithelial dysplasia, OL oral leukoplakia, OLE Oxford level of evidence, OPML oral pre-malig-
nant lesion, P palate, RM retromolar, SP soft palate, T tongue
 Medication includes vitamin A/unspecified herbal medication

and high‑risk lesions
formation of high-risk lesions over low-risk lesions

Differentiation of “moderate” dysplasia into low‑risk

moderate grade dysplasia category had more variation when

Multiple studies originally graded OED using the WHO

sia, and severe grade dysplasia into high-risk dysplasia. The
the binary classification system [24, 17]. In general, most
Fig. 2  Forest plot of studies to determine the risk of malignant trans-

low grade dysplasia was reclassified into low-risk dyspla-

2005 classification and reclassified the same lesions using
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

reclassified. Specifically, Nankivell et al. [24] reclassified 27

H-R DFS at L-R MT H-R MT time (mo)

cases of moderate dysplasia into 16 (59%) low-risk lesions
and 11 (41%) high-risk lesions. Kujan et al. [17] reclassified

23c (7–84)
30 of their moderate dysplastic lesions into 14 (47%) low
risk and 16 (53%) high risk. Nankivell et al. [24] and Kujan

et al. [17] both included data regarding malignant transfor-
mation. After reclassification, 14 (88%) high-risk lesions
5 years (%) time (mo)

underwent malignant transformation in Kujan’s cohort [24,



17]. It was unclear how many reclassified low-risk lesions
underwent malignant transformation. Four (36%) reclassi-
fied high-risk lesions and 5 (31%) low-risk lesions under-
went malignant transformation in Nankivell’s cohort [24].


Figure 3 shows an example of moderate dysplasia being

reclassified under the binary system.
L-R DFS at
5 years (%)



30/91 (33.0%)
10/26 (38.5%)
H-R MT (%)

28/35 (80%)
3/56 (5.4%)

This is the first systematic review to assess the prognostic

and reproducible capability of binary grading for OEDs. The

International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO) has listed

3 roles of an effective grading system: (1) to predict whether
27/229 (11.8%)

surgical intervention versus observation is appropriate; (2)

5/33 (15.2%)

9/53 (17.0%)
Overall MT (%) OR high grade (95% CI) L-R MT (%)

2/44 (4.5%)

to prognosticate risk of malignant transformation; and (3) to

be reliably reproducible with high inter- and intra-observer

consensus [23]. There been some interest in Kujan’s binary

classification system since its proposal in 2006, as it may add
DFS disease-free survival, H-R high risk, L-R low risk, mo months, MT malignant transformation

objectivity to the art of grading dysplasia, and may effec-

tively fulfill the 3 roles listed above [17].
2.828 (1.82–6.678)

4.59 (1.36–15.38)
6.14 (1.18–15.38)
4.33 (2.55–7.36)

Prognostic value
  DFS defined by free from recurrence of post-excisional OPMD or malignancy

This study revealed a higher MTR in high-risk lesions


over that of low-risk lesions (57.9% versus 12.7%) with

Table 2  Malignant transformation based on binary classification system

an overall pooled MTR of 26.8%, seen over a follow-up

57/320 (17.8%)
33/68 (48.5%)

19/79 (13.5%)

time of 55.5 months. This pooled MTR was higher than

5/100 (5%)

that reported in the literature based on the WHO 2005 clas-


sification, specifically that of Dong et al. [14] (4.5%) and

Mehanna et al. [15] (12.1%). This difference may arise from
the study population themselves, as Dong et al. [14] evalu-
up time (mo)

46c (7–95)

ated only oral leukoplakias treated with C­ O2 laser vaporiza-

22 (24.6)
OPMD (n) Follow-

tion and Mehanna et al. [15] evaluated a mix of treated and



untreated OEDs. Our study included a mix of treated and


 DFS defined by cancer-free survival

untreated lesions. This study’s elevated pooled MTR also

may have been due to inclusion of the study by Kujan et al.
 Median (interquartile range)

[17] which had a particularly high MTR of 48.5%. Neverthe-


less, this study revealed a six-time increased risk of malig-

Nankivell (2013) [24]

nant transformation of high risk over low risk, independent

Kujan (2006) [17]

of overall MTR of the cohort. High-risk lesions did trans-

Diajil (2013) [18]

Liu (2012) [28]

form at an earlier time interval than that of low-risk lesions,

Study (years)

at 45.4 months versus 74.2 months. This is also reflected

by disease-free survival, which, at all reported time points,

was much higher for low-risk lesions over high-risk lesions.


European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Table 3  Pooled interobserver Classification system Exact agreement ratio Unweighted kappa Weighted kappa
kappa values based on the
classification system WHO 2005 0.386 (0.299–0.467) 0.302 (0.181–0.414) 0.592 (0.504–0.669)
Binary 0.752 (0.680–0.810) 0.568 (0.463–0.657) NR

Fig. 3  Reclassification of mild,
moderate, severe dysplasia
according to a binary grading
method. a Mild dysplasia. b
Moderate dysplasia. c Severe
dysplasia. d Low-risk dyspla-
sia. e high-risk dysplasia. This
case of moderate dysplasia
(b) reveals 3 architectural
(loss of polarity of basal cells,
increased mitotic figures, and
dyskeratosis) and 4 cytological
(anisonucleosis, anisocytosis,
increased nuclear size, and
nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio)
dysplastic characteristics and
would be reclassified as a low-
risk lesion (d) (black arrow).
Moderate dysplasia can also be
reclassified into the high-risk
category (e) (dotted arrow). The
adjacent patient photographs
show examples of clinical leu-
koplakias on the right ventrolat-
eral tongue that corresponded to
various degrees of microscopic
dysplasia upon biopsy. All
photomicrographs stained with
hematoxylin and eosin, ×200
magnification. Architectural
characteristics (a), cytologic
characteristics (c)

These results indicate the binary classification system to rea- [24] found an OR of 2.25 of severe dysplasia over moderate,
sonably reflect malignant transformation and prognosticate whereas Diajil et al. [18] found severe dysplasia to have an
survival. OR of 4.6 over mild dysplasia on univariate analysis, respec-
Of the included studies, only Nankivell et al. [24] and tively. Interestingly, on multivariate analysis, this improved
Diajil et al. [18] compared MTR rates between different greatly to OR of 5.99. Kujan et al. [17] also noted significant
grades of the WHO 2005 classification. Nankivell et al. association between dysplasia grading, using both binary

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

and WHO 2005 classification, with malignant transforma- all head and neck intraepithelial lesions, it may be worth
tion. Based on this reported literature, the binary classifica- considering application of an adapted 2-tiered classification
tion system has slightly improved potential for malignant system over both.
transformation than the WHO 2005 grading system.
In the WHO 2005 classification model, moderate dyspla- Reproducibility
sia has variable predictive value. This review demonstrates
reclassification into low or high-risk categories to have vari- Several studies have commented on the increased reproduc-
able results. In Kujan’s study [17], 16 “moderate” dysplastic ibility of the binary classification system. This may simply
lesions were reclassified to high-risk lesions. Fourteen of be because having fewer categories will naturally lower
these did undergo malignant transformation. In this case, potential disagreement. However, the structured quantitative
the binary system was better able to differentiate the cases of method of explicitly listing out dysplastic features may be a
“moderate” dysplasia, often ambiguous in malignant poten- more objective measure of classification and contribute to
tial. This is in comparison to Nankivell et al. [24], where better consensus agreement. The pooled kappa value using
equal proportions of moderate dysplasia re-classified as the binary system was 0.568, classifying this as moderate
high-risk or low-risk lesions, had transformed into malig- in agreement [45]. This was compared with the unweighted
nancies. In addition to considering the number of dysplastic kappa of the WHO 2005 system at 0.302. When only path-
pathological features, clinical characteristics of the lesion ological interpretation by oral pathologists was included,
can be taken into account reclassifying moderate dysplasia kappa agreements of reads utilizing both classification
into low-risk and high-risk categories. Also, moderate and systems improved. In particular, the unweighted kappa of
severe dysplasia are often grouped together during assess- the binary system was improved over both weighted and
ment of malignant transformation, indicating a slightly pro- unweighted kappa of WHO 2005. Improved consensus scor-
pensity of moderate dysplasia for more aggressive disease. ing ensures higher reliability of the pathologists’ reads.
For example, moderate dysplasia may be reclassified as a
high-risk lesion if presenting with clinical high-risk fea- Limitations
tures, such as lateral tongue or floor of mouth involvement,
or speckled, multi-colored appearance. This systematic review has several limitations. An elec-
tronic search of multiple databases was performed; however,
Comparison to other squamous intraepithelial therein still lies a possibility of missing pertinent studies
lesions of head and neck not caught by our search strategy. All included studies were
retrospective in nature and carry their own risk of selection
Previously, dysplasia of oral and laryngeal squamous bias, uncontrolled confounding variables, and heterogeneity
intraepithelial lesions of the head and neck had been graded in reported outcomes. Studies varied in the types of OPMDs
similarly based on the degree of epithelial involvement. Of examined and treatment of which. The studies were also
recent, the WHO 2017 criteria have simplified grading of conducted across two different countries, which may lead to
laryngeal lesions into a two-tiered system—mainly by uni- different interpretations by the pathologists. Also, the pooled
fying the former moderate, severe dysplasia, and carcinoma data were limited by a small number of included studies and
in situ into high-grade dysplasia. This change was based small sample size and be more prone to bias. Overall, these
on a series of studies that characterized moderate dysplasia limitations should be considered during the interpretations
behaving more similarly to severe rather than mild dysplasia of the findings.
[39–42]. Crissman and Sakr [43] had proposed a similar
two-tiered classification of laryngeal dysplasia, splitting Future directions
into squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (SIN I) (low-grade
dysplasia) and SIN II (high-grade dysplasia). However, two- The simplicity of a binary classification scheme may give
tiered classification systems have not been widely accepted clinicians a better tool in assessing malignant transformation
for oral dysplastic lesions. Oral and laryngeal intraepithelial and thus guiding management. Future prospective studies
lesions share many commonalities, both comprised of kerati- are warranted to optimize grading of OED, with possible
nized mucosal epithelium located within the head and neck. tailoring towards type of OPMD. Incorporation of clinical
Small nuances can still distinguish between the two subsites; risk features along with OED severity can be used to create
one example being that rete ridge elongation is more promi- an effective assessment of malignant potential of OPMDs.
nent in OEDs. Although these differences exist, Cho et al.
[44] did not find such characteristics to warrant completely
different methods of evaluation between oral and laryngeal
lesions. For more consistent and reliable evaluation across

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Conclusion 9. Arduino PG, Surace A, Carbone M et al (2009) Outcome of oral

dysplasia: a retrospective hospital-based study of 207 patients
with a long follow-up. J Oral Pathol Med 38(6):540–544
Binary classification systems appear to be effective in 10. Neville BW, Day TA (2002) Oral cancer and precancerous lesions.
determining malignant potential of oral dysplastic lesions CA Cancer J Clin. 52(4):195–215
as there are significant differences in malignant transforma- 11. Pindborg JJ, Reichart PA, Smith CJWI (1997) Histological typing
of cancer and precancer of the oral mucosa. WHO International
tion between high-risk and low-risk categories. Pathologists Histological Classification of Tumours, 2nd edn. Springer, Berlin
agree more often when using a binary classification system 12. Barnes LEJ, Reichart P, Sidransky S (2005) World Health Organi-
over the WHO 2005 three-tiered model. Future prospective sation Classification of Tumours, Pathology and Genetics, Head
studies may determine optimal grading schemes for OED and Neck Tumours. International Agency for Research on Cancer
Press, Lyon
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