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Position Paper Example Outline

Topic: Should euthanasia be permitted?

I. Introduction
A. Description of topic
1) What is euthanasia?
2) How is it done?
3) Countries that have legislated euthanasia
B. Brief explanations of pros and cons of euthanasia
C. Events that happen in countries that permitted euthanasia

II. Counter Argument

A. Summary of Counterclaims
1) Perspective of believers in religious creeds
2) Vow of the Hippocratic Oath
B. Supporting Evidence of Counterclaims

III. Writer’s Argument

A. Assertion of the Perspective of believers in religious creeds
1) Educated Personal Opinion
B. Assertion of the Vow of the Hippocratic Oath
1) Educated Personal Opinion
C. Elaboration of the misconception about euthanasia(Legalizing suicide over
eliminating unnecessary agony for a terminally ill patient)
D. Claims to why euthanasia should be legalized
1) Unpredictability of death for a terminal patient
2) Prolonged sufferings can be very costly or expensive
3) Legalized euthanasia sets a date to an end of a patient’s life and allows
relatives to say their goodbyes
4) Legalization can lead to less chances of events such as mercy killings that
often lead to imprisonment
5) Access to an option whether they want to prolong their suffering or
peacefully put it into an end with dignity

IV. Conclusion
A. Recapitulation of the Argument
B. Course of Action

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