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STEAM NOZZLES: Function of a nozzle – applications

- types, flow through nozzles,


A nozzle is a passage or duct with gradually varying cross section, in

which fluid flowing can be accelerated due to expansion.

During the expansion, there is decrease in pressure and temperature which causes
drop in enthalpy.

In about steady flow isentropic process in the absence of work transfer, the change
in enthalpy is equal to change in kinetic energy.

Thus the chief function of the Nozzle is to convert enthalpy drop into kinetic
energy. The shape of the nozzle should be such that this conversion is performed
minimum loss .


 Convergent Nozzle
 Divergent Nozzle.
 Convergent – Divergent nozzles.

Convergent Nozzle

It is a nozzle with large entrance and tapers gradually to a small section at

It has no diverging portion.

Divergent Nozzle

It is a nozzle with small entrance and tapers gradually to a large section at exit.

It has no converging portion at entry.

Convergent – Divergent nozzles.

Convergent – Divergent nozzles is widely used in steam turbines The nozzle

converge first to the smallest section and then diverge up to exit.

The smallest section of the nozzle is called throat.

The divergent portion of nozzle allows higher expansion ratio that is increase
pressure drop.
The taper of diverging sides of the nozzle ranges from 6° to 15 ° .If the taper is
above 15 ° turbulent is increased. However if it is less than 6° ,the length of
nozzles will increase.


Nozzles are used where a steady stream of high velocity fluid jet is required.

 Steam and gas turbines to produce a high velocity jet.

 Jet engines and rocket engines to produce thrust.
 Flow measurement
 Injector for pumping feed water to boilers.
 Ejector for removing the air from condensers.
 Artificial Fountains.

Flow of steam through nozzle

The steam enters the nozzle at a high pressure with a relatively small velocity. As
the steam flows the velocity will increase and pressure drops.

The pressure at the exit of nozzle is referred as the back pressure.

The time spent by steam in the nozzle is very small and the heat exchange across
the nozzle wall may be neglected. Therefore the steam flow through a nozzle may
be regarded as adiabatic expansion.

The enthalpy drop during the expansion is utilized to increase kinetic energy.

In practice there is a friction between steam and wall of the nozzle, as a result the
process is irreversible. It is important to note that the expansion of steam through a
nozzle is not a free expansion nor throttling expansion ,but it is an adiabatic
expansion with or without friction.

Due to rapid expansion ,steam does not get time to condense, condensation is
delayed. This phenomenon is known as supersaturated flow

Frictionless adiabatic Expansion

If there is no friction between the nozzle wall and stream stream and transfer
of heat across the wall is negligible, then the flow of steam through a nozzle is
regarded as adiabatic or isentropic process.
Velocity of expanding steam

Velocity of steam due to adiabatic expansion through a nozzle may be

calculated from the first law of thermodynamics applied to open system.

Let the pressure drop from P1 to P2 during the expansion of steam through a
nozzle, and resulting enthalpy drop is (h1 – h2).

Consider 1 kg of steam from the first law applied to open system

h1 + v1 /2. = h2 + v22 /2 + losses

Neglecting losses, and assume frictionless adiabatic expansion

V22 – V12/2 × 1000 = (h1 – h2).

Expansions with Friction

From the diagram, point 1 represent the initial condition of steam.

1-2 represent the isentropic process while 1-2' is the adiabatic process with friction
within the pressure limit.

(h1 – h2 ‘).and (h1 – h2). Represent the actual and theoretical values of enthalpy

The difference between the theoretical and actual changes in enthalpy is called

Efficiency of Nozzle

The term efficiency of nozzle is used to express the degree of perfection or

effectiveness of nozzle.

It is defined as the ratio of actual enthalpy drop to the isentropic enthalpy drop.

Efficiency of nozzle = actual enthalpy drop / isentropic enthalpy drop

= (h1 – h2 ‘) / (h1 – h2)

The exit velocity considering the friction is given as :

Velocity coefficient

The velocity coefficient is defined as the ratio of actual exit velocity to the
isentropic velocity, both are obtained for the same pressure drop.

Thus the velocity coefficient is the square root of nozzle efficiency.

Numerical problems

1. In a steam nozzle steam expands from 4 bar to 1 bar. Initial velocity of 60

m/s and initial temperature is 200°C. Determine the exit velocity if the
nozzle efficiency is 92% .

Solution : P1 = 4 bar

V1 = 60m/s

T1 = 200°C
Nozzle efficiency = friction factor = 0.92.
Mass of steam discharged through nozzle ,throat pressure
for maximum discharge.
Mass of steam discharged through nozzle

Consider the flow of steam through nozzle as isentropic expansion,and is

approximately represented by the general law:

Pvn = constant

Where n = isentropic index for steam

Although n is an isentropic index it is not a ratio of specific heats. The value of n

can be taken as:

n = 1.135 for steam initially dry saturated

n = 1.3 for steam initially superheated

From the continuity equation the mass flow rate at any section is given by the
following equation

Mass flow rate =

=volume of steam per second / specific volume of steam at that section.

= area of cross section × velocity at that section / specific volume at that section

M = AV /v

Where A = area of cross section

V = velocity of steam

v = specific volume.

At section 2-2 ,the mass flow rate is given by

m = A2V2/v2

The gain in kinetic energy = enthalpy drop

= work done during Rankine cycle

Neglecting initial velocity

The above equation gives the mass of steam per second flowing through nozzle at
pressure p2.

Throat pressure for maximum discharge

A nozzle can be designed for certain throat pressure which will give the maximum

In the following equation, all the values are constant except the ratio P2/P1 ,and
there is only one value of the ratio P2/P1 which will produce maximum discharge
through a nozzle. This value is called critical pressure ratio.

Then differentiating the above equation and equating to zero for maximum
The values of critical pressure ratio for steam are given as follows

For steam which is initially saturated, n= 1.135

For steam which is initially super heated, n = 1.3

For steam which is initially wet

n = 1.035 +0.1 x, where x= dryness fraction
Velocity of steam at throat is given by

substituting the value of p2/p1 for maximum discharge

Critical pressure ratio ,criteria to decide nozzle shape &
Numerical Problems

Critical pressure ratio

A nozzle can be designed for certain throat pressure which will give the
maximum discharge.

There is only one value of the ratio p2/p1 which will produce maximum discharge
through a nozzle. This value is called critical pressure ratio.

Effect of p2/p1. value on Discharge

As the value p2/p1 decreases, the discharge through a nozzle will increase
accordingly, the rate of discharge will be maximum at critical pressure ratio.

If p2/p1 is reduced further below the critical value, the discharge rate will not
increase but remains the same as at critical pressure.
Effect of back Pressure on Flow :

To find the effect of back pressure on flow characteristics, the initial steam
pressure (p1) is kept constant, and back pressure (pb) is varied by a valve placed at
the exit of the nozzle.

At correct design back pressure, the variation of pressure is represented by the

curve ABC.

At throat (B) the pressure is critical pressure, P2( P2= 0.58 P1 ).

 If the exit pressure is (PE) is above the design value bit below p1,the
smooth curve ADE is obtained. The velocity increases in convergent section
up-to throat, but most of gain in velocity is lost in diverging section. The
pressure increases to back pressure (pE) due to expense of velocity. In this
case the flow is less than for choked flow.
 If the exit pressure (pG) is above the design value, but below (p E), the
expansion is through critical pressure B and velocity become supersonic at
F, but velocity decreases and pressure increases to (PG). This result in
unstable shock condition.
 If the exit pressure (pk) is below the design value, the normal expansion
ABC will take place through nozzle followed by a sudden reduction in
pressure to (pk) just outside the nozzle.

Criteria to decide nozzle shape

The design of converging and diverging nozzle involves the calculations of
the area required at throat and exit for maximum discharge

Area of throat

 calculate throat pressure ( P2) for maximum discharge

p2/p1. = (2/n+1)n/n − 1

 Find the condition of steam at throat by using the relation

Entropy at 1 = entropy at 2
And velocity at the throat from the equation
V2 = 44.72( K(h1 – h2))1/2
Where h1. = initial enthalpy
h2. = enthalpy at throat
In most cases, the friction is neglected in converging section. Therefore the
value of friction factor, k = 1
3.Use the equation of continuity
m = A2V2/xvg2
Exit Area
Calculate velocity at exit, V3
V3 = ( K(h1 – h3))1/2

Numerical Problems

1. At the inlet to a certain nozzle, the enthalpy of fluid passing is 2800kJ/kg

and the velocity is 50 m/s . At the discharge end the enthalpy is
2600kJ/kg,nozxle is horizontal, and there is a negligible heat loss from it.
I) Find the velocity at the exit of the nozzle.
II) If the inlet area is 900 and specific volume at inlet is 0.187
m3/kg,find the mass flow rate.
III) If the specific volume at the nozzle exit is 0.498 m3/kg,find the
exit area of the nozzle.

Solution :
Velocity at exit,

V2 = √ [2000(h1– h2) + V12]

= √ 2000(2800–2600)+ 502

= 634.43m/s.

Mass Flow Rate,

m = A1V1/v1

= (900 × 10 –4 × 50 ) ÷ 0.187

= 24.06 kg/sec.

Exit area of the nozzle

m = A2V2/v2

A2 =( 24.06×0.498) ÷ 634.43

= 0.01889 m 2

= 188.9 c m 2
2. Estimate the mass flow rate of steam in a nozzle with the following data :
Inlet pressure and temperature 10 bar and 200 °c. Back pressure is 0.5 bar,.
Throat diameter is 12 mm.
Solution :
Initial pressure, p1 = 10 bar.
Initial temperature t1 = 200° c
Back pressure , p3 = 0.5 bar
For superheated steam,
P2/p1. = 0.546,
Where p2 = pressure at throat
= 10 × 0.546
= 5.46 bar.

From Mollie diagram,

H1= 2825KJ/kg
H2 = 2710 KJ/kg
X2 = 0.982
From steam tables, at 5.46 bar,
Vg2 = 0.345 m3/kg.
Velocity of steam at throat,
V2 = 44.72 √(h1– h2)
= 44.72√2825– 2710. = 479.56 m/s.
Throat diameter, d2 = 12mm
A2 = π/4 d2
= π/4× (12)2
= 113.09 mm2 = 0.11309× 10–3

Mass flow rate of steam m = A2V2/ xvg2

= 0.11309× 10–3 × 479.56 / 0.982×0.345

= 0.16 kg/sec

Super saturated Flow through nozzles & Numerical

Problems Super saturated Flow through nozzles

When the discharge through the nozzle is actually measured it is found to be

greater than the theoretically calculated discharge. This increase in actual discharge
is due to the time lag in the condensation of steam, and thus the steam remains in
dry state instead of wet. The steam in this condition is said to be supersaturated or
metastable state. The steam in this state is also called super cooled steam.
Consider steam is initially super heated state and is expanded iscentropically in a
nozzle. Under thermal equilibrium condition the steam is dry saturated at state A
and subsequent expansion is accompanied by condensation.

However, it is found that the expansion through a nozzle takes place so quickly
that the condensation just below A below saturation line does not occur.

The steam expands as a superheated steam until a limit is reached where the
condensation occurs suddenly and irreversibly.

The limit of super saturation can be represented by Wilson line on Mollier


In supersaturated expansions the steam expands as if the saturated vapour line did
not exist. Thus the line 1R intersects the P2 produced (dotted line) from super
heating region. The process A-R shows the expansion under supersaturated
condition, and flow through a nozzle between saturated line and Wilson line is
called supersaturated flow .
At R steam condenses suddenly (R-3) and during condensation enthalpy remains
constant. The process 3-4 again isentropic expansion in thermal equilibrium.

Degree of super cooling

From T-s diagram it can be seen that the temperature of superheated

steam (tR) is less than saturated temperature (t2) corresponding to same pressure.
Therefore the steam is said to be super cooled. The temperature difference between
saturated temperature and temperature of superheated steam is called degree of
super cooling.

Degree of super cooling = ( t2 – tR)

Degree of super saturation

The degree of super saturation is defined as the ratio of actual pressure p2 to

the saturation pressure corresponding to temperature tR. .

Effects of supersaturated flow

The enthalpy drop in super saturated flow ( h1- hR ) is less than the enthalpy drop
under equilibrium.

 Actual discharge will be greater than the calculated discharge.

 Temperature falls to a lower value than normal saturated temperature value.
 For same temperature limits, enthalpy drop reduced.
 Density is higher in supersaturated state than in the equilibrium state.


1.0.16 kg of super heated steam per second enters a convergent divergent nozzle at
5 bar and 160°c and leaves at0.2 bar exit pressure. Considering supersaturation up-
to throat and thermal equilibrium beyond it. Calculate
 Area of nozzle at exit
 Degree of supersaturation
 Degree of under cooling

Solution :

Assume pv1.3 = constant for superheated steam expanding through nozzle.

m = 0.16kg/sec

P1= 5bar and t1= 160°c

P2 =p1 × 0.546 = 5 × 0.546 = 2.73.bar

And tg2 = 130.4°c( from steam tables at 2.73 bar)

From mollier diagram,

h1 = 2770kJ/kg

V1 = 0.38 m3/kg

Considering expansion 1-R:

h1− hR = n/n−1×p1×v1[1−(p2/p1) n−1/n

= 1.3/1.3−1 ×500×0.38(1−(0.546) 1.3−1/1.3

= 107.3Kj/kg.

hR = h3 = h1−107.3 =2770−107.3

= 2662.7KJ/kg.

From mollier diagram,

h4 = 2260, x4 0.85

And from steam tables, vg4 = 7.6498m3/kg.

Velocity at exit, v4 = 44.72√h1− h4

= 44.72 √2770−2260 = 1009.9m/sec

Area of nozzle at exit :

Exit Area, A4 = m.v4/V4 = m. x4vg4/v4

= 0.16×0.85×7.6498/1009.9

= 1030mm2

Degree of super saturation

TR = T1 ×( p2/p1)n−1/n = 433(0.546)0.3/1.3

= 376.5k = 103.5°c

At 103.5°c corresponding pressure = 1.15 bar.

Degree of super saturation,

= (P2/PR) = 2.73/1.15 = 2.37

Degree of under cooling :

= T2 – TR = 130.4 –103.5

= 26.9°c

Mach Number :

It is defined as the ratio of the actual velocity of fluid to the velocity of sound
in the same fluid at the same state.

Mach number, M = V/C

Where v = velocity of fluid

C = velocity of sound

Nature of flow is described by Mach Number

For sonic flow M=1

For subsonic flow, M<1

Super sonic flow, M>1.

STEAM TURBINES: Classification – impulse turbine;

mechanical details – velocity diagram – effect of friction

Steam turbine is a prime mover in which the energy available in the steam is
directly utilized to rotate the turbine rotor.

The high pressure, high temperature steam from the boiler is expanded in a fixed
nozzle where the enthalpy drop is converted into kinetic energy.
The steam jet with high velocity impinges on the blades mounted on the rotor, and
change in the direction of jet give rise to change in momentum to provide torque
on the rotor.

Main Parts of steam turbines

 Nozzles
 Rotor
 Blades
 Casing


Steam expanded through a nozzle to increase kinetic energy.

It is fitted in the diaphragm of the casing .The nozzle are kept very close to the
blades to minimize the losses.

The rotor or runner consists of a circular disc fixed to a horizontal shaft.

A rotor assembly consists of moving blades on the wheel rim.


On the periphery of the rotor, a large number of blades are fixed. The bladed or
vanes may be moving or fixed type.

The surface of the blades is made smooth to reduce frictional losses.


It is a steam tight steel casing which encloses the rotor, blades etc. The casing
helps the flow of steam and also protects the inner parts from any accidents.

Working of steam turbine

A high-velocity steam is coming from the nozzles and it strikes the rotating blades
which are fitted on a disc mounted on a shaft.This high-velocity steam produces
dynamic pressure on the blades in which blades and shaft both start to rotate in the
same direction.Basically,in a steam turbine pressure energy of steam extracts and
then it converted into kinetic energy by allowing the steam to flow through thew
nozzles. The conversion of kinetic energy does mechanical work to the rotor blades
and the rotor is connected to a steam turbine generator which acts as a mediator.
Turbine generator collects mechanical energy from the rotor and converts into
electrical energy.
According to the working principle, there are different types of steam turbine.
1. According to the working principle steam turbines are mainly divided into
two categories :
   a)Impulse Turbine
   b).Reaction Steam Turbine
⇨When steam strikes the moving blades through nozzles called Impulse
Turbine and when it strikes the moving blades under pressure via guide mechanism
called Reaction Turbine.
2.According to the direction of steam flow, it may be classified into two
   a).Axial Flow Steam Turbine
   b).Radial Flow Steam Turbine
When the flow of steam inside the casing is parallel to the rotor shaft axis then it is
called Axial Flow Steam Turbine and flow of steam inside the casing is radial to
the rotor shaft axis called Radial Flow Steam turbine.

3. According to the exhaust condition of steam, it is further divided into two

   a)Back Pressure or Non-Condensing types Steam Turbine
   b)Condensing type Steam Turbine
⇨ After expansion of steam it is exhausted into atmosphere called back pressure
steam turbine or non-condensing types steam turbine otherwise it exhausted into a
condenser called condensing turbine.
4. According to pressure of steam, it may be divided following categories:-
  a)High-pressure or pass-out or Extraction steam turbine:-
  b)Medium-pressure or back pressure steam turbine:-
 c)Low-pressure turbine:-
⇨ High, medium and low-pressure steam is supplied into the turbine, called high-
pressure steam turbine or medium pressure steam turbine or back pressure steam
turbine and low- pressure steam turbine. These turbines are used for various
manufacturing and heating process.
5. According to the number of stages, it may be divided following categories:-
   a)Single stage steam turbine:-
   b)Multi-stage steam turbine:-
⇨ Steam is coming from nozzles when passed through a single set of moving
blades called single stage steam turbine and to flow multi-stages of moving blades
called multi-stages steam turbine.
6. According to the blade and wheels arrangement, it may be divided following

   a)Pressure Compounding Steam Turbine

   b)Velocity Compounding Steam Turbine
   c)Impulse-Reaction Combined Steam Turbine
   d)Pressure-Velocity Compounding Steam Turbine
Impulse Turbine
It consists a set of nozzles and blade ring mounted on a rotor.
Steam supplied from the boiler expands through the nozzle to the exit pressure.
After the expansion it enters the blades at high velocity, and the blades are shaped
such that steam glides over the blades without shock.
Due to Change in momentum, steam exert an impulsive force on the blades. This
provides driving torque on the rotor of the turbine.
In impulse turbine pressure drops only in the nozzles and remain constant over the
moving blades, but velocity of steam decreases as the kinetic energy is absorbed by
the moving blades.
Eg: De Laval, Curtis, zoelly and Rateau turbine
Velocity diagrams for Impulse Turbine
Consider the jet of steam impinge on moving blade with absolute velocity V1 at
an angle α to the tangential direction.
Let u = velocity of blade , m/s
 V1 = absolute velocity of steam entering the blade, m/s
 Vr1 = relative velocity of steam at inlet
 Vw1 = whirl velocity at inlet
 Vf1 = velocity of flow at inlet,
 α = Nozzle angle
 Φ = inlet angle of moving blade
 β = angle of discharge at exit
 Φ = exit or outlet angle of moving blade
 V2. = absolute velocity of steam at exit
 Vr2 = relative velocity of steam at exit
 Vw2 = whirl velocity at exit
 Vf2 = velocity of flow
Following steps are suggested for drawing velocity diagrams for an impulse
 Adjust suitable scale to represent velocities
 Draw horizontal line, mark AB on it to represent blade velocity
 Draw AC = V1 at an angle α with horizontal line AB
 Join BC which represents Vr1
 Draw BD = Vr2 at an angle Φ with horizontal line AB.
 AE = Vw1 ,horizontal component of V1
 EC = vf1,vertical component
 AF = Vw2 ,horizontal component of V2
 FD = vr2 ,vertical component of V2

Work done on blade

From Newton’s second law of motion
Tangential force = mass (acceleration)
= mass (change in velocity)
= m( Vw1 +Vw2) N
Work done /sec = force (distance moved /second)
= m( Vw1 +Vw2) .u
Axial thrust, Blade or diagram Efficiency – condition for
maximum efficiency & numerical Numericals
Blade or diagram efficiency:

It is defined as the ratio of work done on blade to the energy supplied to blade.

Blade efficiency = .

Nozzle efficiency

It is defined as the ratio of kinetic energy of steam at exit of the nozzle to the
enthalpy drop in nozzle.

Nozzle efficiency = (½ mv1 2)/mΔh. = (1/2v12)/Δh

Stage efficiency :

It is defined as the ratio of workdone on blade to the enthalpy dropy in the nozzle .
Axial thrust : the axial thrust on the wheel results when velocity of flow at inlet is
not equal to at outlet.

Axial force = mass (axial acceleration)

= m( vf1 – vf2)

Effect of blade friction

In an impulse turbine the relative velocity at outlet is same as the relative velocity
at inlet .In practice there will be a frictional resistance to the flow of steam jet over
the blades. As a result there is a loss of relative velocity.

Consider friction ,vr1 = K vr1

Where k = frictional coefficient. If there is 15 % loss in relative velocity ,then the

value ok k = 0.85
Loss of energy due to friction is converted into heat and is equal to the loss of
kinetic energy during the flow over blades

Blade speed ratio

It is the ratio of blade velocity to the absolute velocity of steam jet at entry to the
blade .

Blade speed ratio = u/V1

Maximum Efficiency of Impulse Turbine

The blades of impulse turbine ae made symmetrical , and there is no pressure

drop over the blades

Energy supply per kg of steam = 1/2V12

Energy rejected per kg of steam = 1/2V32

Work done per kg of steam. = V12-V22/2

Work done is maximum where V2 is minimum when the angle β = 90

Numerical problems

In a simple impulse turbine the nozzle delivers 25 kg of steam per second. The
nozzle angle is 15 0 c. The steam issues from the nozzle with a velocity of 900m/s.

The steam blade velocity is 350m/s and the inlet and outlet angles of blades are
equal. Neglecting the friction, calculate

 Blade angles
 Power developed

Solution :

Mass of steam, m =25kg/s

Nozzle angle, α = 15 0 c.

Absolute velocity at inlet ,V1 = 900 m/s

Blade velocity, u = 350m/s

Numerical Problems

1. The following data relates to a single stage impulse turbine

Steam velocity = 600 m/s
Blade speed. = 250m/s
Nozzle Angle. = 20°
Blade outlet angle = 25°
Neglecting the effect of friction, calculate the work developed
by the turbine for the steam flow rate of 20kg/sec.Also calculate
the axial thrust on the bearings.

Solution : V1 = 600 m/s ; u = 250m α = 20° ,Φ = 25° , m = 20kg/sec

To construct combined velocity triangles

Draw horizontal line AB = u = 250m/s

 Draw AC at angle α = 20° with AB. AC = V1 = 600 m/s
 Join B and C, BC gives relative velocity at inlet, Vr1
 Draw BD at an angle Φ = 25° with BC; neglecting friction,
 Draw perpendiculars from D and C to intersect horizontal
line at E and F ; AE and AF represent V w1 and Vw2
From the diagram;

Vw1 = 565m/sec, Vw2 = 90m/sec

Vf1= 205m/sec and vf2 = 165 m/sec

Work done = m (Vw1 + Vw2 ).u

= 20(565+90) × 250

= 3275000J/sec

= 3275KJ/ sec.

Axial Thrust = m (vf1 – vf2)

= 20( 205 – 165)

= 800N

2. Steam with absolute velocity of 300 m/s is supplied through a

nozzle to a single stage turbine. The nozzle angle is 25°.The mean
diameter of blade rotor is 100cm and it has a speed of 2000
r.p.m.Find suitable
Blade angles for zero axial thrust. If blade velocity coefficient is
0.9 and the steam flow rate is 10kg/sec,calculate the power
Solution :
V1 = 300 m/s , α = 25 ° ,m = 10kg /sec
D = 100cm = 1m, N = 2000 r.p.m.
Vr2/Vr1 = 0.9
Blade speed u = πdN/60 =( π×2000×1)/60 = 104.72 m/sec.

Draw velocity diagrams for zero axial thrust, v f1 =vf2 and vr2 =
From velocity diagrams,
θ = 36° and Φ = 40°
Vw1 + vw2 = 325m/sec
Power Developed
P = m. (Vw1 + vw2 ).u/1000
= 10 × 325 × 104.72/1000
= 340.34

3.A single row impulse turbine develops 132.4 kw at a blade speed of

175m/sec using 2 kg of steam per second. Steam leaves the nozzle at
Velocity of coefficient of the blades is 0.9.steam leaves the blades
axially. Determine the nozzle angle, blade angles at entry and exit.
Assuming no shock.

Solution :

P= 132.4 Kw= 132.4 × 103 W

m = 2kg/sec ,u = 175m/s ,V1 = 400m/s

K = 0.9 means Vr2= Vr1

Power developed

P = m. (Vw1 + vw2 ).u

Since steam leaves axially, means β = 90 ° , Vw2= 0

132.4 × 103 = 2 × Vw1 × 175

Vw1 = 132.4 × 103 /2 × 175

Vw1 = 378m/sec

Cos α = Vw1/V1

α = Cos −1 (378/400)

α = Cos −1 (0.945)
α = 19 °

Draw inlet triangle ACE with usual procedure. From A draw vertical
line to represent axial discharge of steam.

With centre B and radius BD = 0.9BC draw an intersect AD at D. BD

represents Vr2

From diagram
Inlet angle , θ = 34°
Exit angle, Φ =36°
Methods to reduce rotor speed-velocity compounding, pressure
compounding and velocity & pressure compounding

Compounding of steam turbines

If the steam is expanded from high pressure boiler to condenser
pressure, the steam velocity is extremely high and the turbine speed will
be very high. Such speeds are not practicable for power generation.

Further there will be 10 to 12 % loss in kinetic energy with single stage.

To overcome these limitations, the steam is expanded in many stages,

each stage is comprises a set of fixed and moving blades.

Expansion of steam through a series of stages to reduce the rotor speed

of the turbine is called Compounding.

Methods of Compounding

 Velocity compounding
 Pressure compounding
 Velocity -pressure compounding

Velocity Compounding

Velocity Compounded turbine consists of series of moving blades with a

row of fixed blades between them.

 Fixed blades are attached to casing while the moving blades to the
rim of rotor.
 The fixed blades only change the direction of the steam and direct
it to moving blades.
 In velocity compounding, the steam is expanded from boiler
pressure to exhaust pressure only in a Nozzle and remain constant
over the blades.
 After expansion the steam velocity is high and decrease as it passes
through first row of moving blades, part of kinetic energy is
absorbed in it
 The velocity remains constant in the fixed blades .But in practice
there is slightly decrease in velocity due to friction.
 In velocity diagram the kinetic energy is distributed among the
stages to reduce the speed of the turbine.
 Velocity compounded impulse turbine is called Curtis turbine.
 Used in centrifugal compressor and small generating units.

Advantages & Disadvantages


 Number of stages are few and requires less space

 Initial cost is low
 Easy to start


 Efficiency is low
 Friction losses are high
 Blade speed ratio is less than the optimum value.
Pressure compounding

 Impulse turbine with pressure compounding has one row of fixed

blades at the entry of each row of moving blades
 In this case steam is expanded in several stages, the total pressure
drop is distributed in all the stages.
 The pressure drop in each stage is lower and the kinetic energy
developed is corresponding lower.
 The kinetic energy of each expansion is immediately absorbed in a
row of moving blades.

 Most efficient
 Ratio of blade velocity to steam velocity is constant


 Large number of stages are involved

 They are expensive
 Higher leakage losses are encountered

Velocity -Pressure Compounding

The speed of turbine may be reduced by splitting up the available

energy by arranging two or more simple velocity compounded turbines
in series on the same shaft.

The total pressure drop is then effected in two or more stages. Thus it
involves combination of velocity and pressure compounding.

Therefore it is referred as velocity pressure compounding.


 It is simple and compact in design

 Less stages are required for given pressure drop


 Low efficiency

Velocity diagrams for two -stage Impulse Turbine :

Between two rows of moving blades a row of fixed blades is provided in
order to direct the steam into the second row at correct angle.

The blade velocity (u) is constant for both the stages. Therefore separate
velocity diagrams for both the stages may be constructed.

Power Developed

P = muVwI + muVwII. = mu(VwI + VwII)

Where. VwI = change of whirl velocity for row 1

Where VwII = change of whirl velocity for row 2

Blade efficiency
Blade Efficiency = 2u (VwI + VwII)/V12.

Axial Thrust

Axial Thrust = m ( VfI + VfII)

Where Vf1 = change in velocity of flow of row 1

Vf2 = change in velocity of flow of row 2


1. In two stage impulse turbine, the steam issues from the nozzle with
a speed of 600m/s,and blade speed is 120 m/s.The velocity is
compounded by passing through a ring of moving blades, then
through a ring of fixed blades and finally through a ring of moving
The nozzle angle is 18° and blade exit angles and relative velocity
coefficient (k) are given below
 First ring of moving blades = 20° ,k = 0.8
 First row of blades = 25°,k = 0.85
 Second row of moving blades = 30° ,k=0.9

Find a) The diagram efficiency

b) Power developed by the turbine if the flow of steam is


Given data :

V1 = 600n/s,u = 120m/s,α = 18°

For the first ring of moving blades

Φ =20° ,k = 0.8.

K= Vr2/Vr1

0.8 = Vr2/Vr1

Vr2 = 0.8 Vr1

For second row

α1 = 25°, K = 0.85

V3/V2 = 0.85

V3 = 085 V2. Vr4 = 0.9Vr3

From the diagram

VwI = Vw1 + Vw2 = 810 m/s

VwII = 205 m/s

Diagram Efficiency = 2u (VwI + VwII)/V12.

= 2 × 120×(810+205)/(600×600)

= 67.6%

Power developed = mu(VwI + VwII)/1000

= 5×1015×120÷1000 = 609 Kw

2.In a two stage velocity compounded steam turbine, the mean blade
speed is 150m/s while the steam velocity as it is issued from nozzle is
675m/sec.The Nozzle angle is 20° .The exit angles of first row moving
blades ,fixed ,and the second row of moving blades are 25,25,30

The blade friction coefficient is 0.9 .If the steam flow rate is 4.5 kg/sec.


 Power output
 Diagram Efficiency

m = 4.5 kg/sec. , u = 150m/s. ,V1 = 675m/sec,α1 = 20 ,

Φ1 = 25 °,Φ2 = 30°

 Draw velocity triangles for I row of blades with usual procedure

 Draw AC' = 0.9AD at an angle 25 ° with AB.
 Join BC’ which represents relative velocity at inlet to II row of
moving blades.
 Draw BD' = 0.9 BC' at an angle 30° with AB.
 Join AD' which represents velocity of flow V4.

From Diagram VwII = 285 m/sec and VwI = 920 m/sec

Power out put

P = m .u(VwI + VwII)

= 4 .5(920+285) × 150
= 813375W = 813.375 Kw

Diagram Efficiency

Diagram Efficiency = 2u (VwI + VwII)/V12.

= 2 × 150×(920+285)/(675×675)

= 79.34%.

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