Management Position Horoscope

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Planets With a Masters degree in astrologt,

she is a practitioner of astrologY
(and palmistry) for twentY Years.
She is currentlY doing Research in
astrolog,t. While her teacher was
mat erna I gr and fathea Ka az h iY u r

revasRnr SenaNerruN 'i:,!r:,#ffiU';;:i:#enriched

l\ ,IANAGEMENT IS AWORD having application in on, this writer took up the horoscopes of 15 people who
IVI."r..ul fields today. In olden days it had relevance have done MBA in prestigious institutions and have been
in political or rather monarchical set up. The king was working in leading position in industry as Managers or
the CEO and his ministers and administrators at different CEOs. The deduced results from the celebrity horoscopes
levels of administration were actually carrying out a were applied to these horoscopes. The result of this study
political function in managing the country and several is discussed in this article.
kinds of works. In that sense the Raja yogas were fouad
Astrologica! Rules
applicable in conferring administrative responsibilities
The following are the verses from Jaimini Sutras related
and also political power. But today management is largely
applicable to corporate sectot, trade and commerce' to powerful and managerial position in work.
Management as a subject is supposed to be needed in 1. "When the2"d,4ft a1d the 5'h signs fromAtmakaraka
running business and firms. In the light of changing are benefics (or benefics are there), one acquires
relevance we have to see how far the Raja yogas that ate supreme power orposition." (Jaimini Sutas 1-3-30)
about power and mostly political power are applicable in
today's changed scenario.
2. "If the 3'd and 6'h houses from theAtmakarakahave?
ma16fic planets or if they both are owned by malefics,
The most important yoga for leading a group or a country Raja yoga is formed". (Jaimini Sutras. 1-3-31)
is Gaja Kesari Yoga. In that sense this is supposed to be in
lNotez 3rd and 6'h are upachaya houses' Malefics
the much needed yoga to head a company or manage upachayas confer Raja yoga. Here the upachaya houses
men and material. As Gaja (elephant) is the mightiest are counted from Atmakaraka]
among the herbivores and Kesari, the mightiest among the
carnivores, it is said the one who has the combination of 3. "If from the lords of the l't and 76 houses from the
these two will be invincible and powerful wherever h'e / Atmakaraka, the 5'h house has Guru, Shukra and
she is, and is capable ofruling akingdom. When Jupiter is Chandra, the native has political or Governmental
in a quadrant to Moon, this yoga occurs. Though this yoga power or authority" - (Jaimini Suo'os ' I -3-3 5)
(while not suffering any obstruction) is found to favour 1ift houses
lNotez This can also be checked for 5s and
the native with power, the fact is that not all leaders and from Atmakaraka. The first house stands for self and the
managers and administrators are found to have this yoga' It 7ft house stands for employees. These tu'o must be in good
is therefore necessary to look for yogas and combinations for one to be a successful Manager. The 5m house
that make one successful in managing business or *ork'
froni each of them signifies the purvapurya respectively
With this intention, this writer checked the horoscopes for them. When it is good as signified by the presence
of 8 prominent CEOs and deduced the basic astrological of beneflcs like Jupiter, Venus and Moon, the manager
factors from them. There was a limitation to this study as - subordinate relationship will be smooth and mutually
the time of birth of most of the celebrity CEOs are not frujrtul.l
known or not authentic. Therefore this writer took up
4. "If Shukra, Kuja and Ketu are placed with the
the Jaimini rules on powerful positions as enumerated
Atmakaraka or in the 2'd and 4'h from it, the native
from the Atmakaraka. Atmakaraka is the planet that has
becomes a king or ruler".(Jaimini Sutras' 3-l-7)
travelled maximum in a sign compared to other planets'
The Atmakaraka except in the case of Moon would fNote: Conjunction of Venus or Mars or Ketu with
not vary for a given day. With this in mind, 8 popular Atmakaraka is indicated here. If they are in2"d or 46, a
person gainq power and acceptance from subordinates']
successful celebrity horoscopes were analysed. Further
24 nuousr 2ot+

5. "ARajayoga is caused when the lagna,the7th and the is the native's inner strength as signified by atmakaraka is
9th houses are strong". (Jaimini Sutras. i-[-B)
seen as its result in the 2'd house.]

6. "If in the 1" and 1lth or in lagna ar 7'h, Guru and I 1. "When Shukra is in the 2nd from the karakamsa
Chandra are separately placed and are aspected lagna,the native becomes a Government official or a
by benefics the native becomes the ruler" (Jaimini political person, a passionate percon and virile tillhe
Sutras.3-l-l 2) completes a hundred ye ars." (Jaimini Sutras, 1 - 2' I 9)
[Note: Jupiter and Moon, as in Gaja Kesari Yoga are taken 12. "When the 10'h from karakamsa lagna has Budha or is
here. From the verse it is obvious that they must be 3-11 aspected by Budha, the results are similar to that Shani
or l-7 between themselves]' gives, that is, the native is famous in his profession'"
(Jaimini Sutras 1 -2-40)
7. "If the planets'given in the above verse are Budha
and Chandra and ifthey have conjunction or aspect [Note:l}th house signifies profession. Mercury stands
of benefics, the native becomes a king or a heir- business acumen while Saturn stands for work. When
apparent." (Jaimini Sutras. 3- 1 - 1 3) either of these two is posited in the lOftkarakamsa, the
in 3-11 native excels in his job.l
lNotez This rneans Mercury and Moon must be
or l-7 position or in conjunction with or without benefic
The Derived Rules For Management
From the above rules ofAtmakaraka the following ideas
8. "When Chandra and Shukra aspect or associate the are understood.
sign of theAtmakaraka and the lord of the karakamsa.
1. Jupiter as a major planet in Gajakesari yoga, capable
there is Raja yoga." (Jaimini Sutras.3-1-15)
of conferring populariry success and wealth must be
lNote:karakamsa is the Navamsa occupied by the
Atma in the 7n fromAtmakaraka.
karaka. The lord of karakamsa is also to be checked for
2. Moon as the other planet in Gajakesari yoga
association or aspect by Moon and Venus. ]
signifying the mind and thinking capability, it must be
9" "When the Atma karaka is in Thula Navamsa, the in conjunction with Atmakaraka (henceforth written
native will be a trader or a man of commerce," as AK) or in 3-11 or 7-7 relationship withAK'

(Jaimini Sutras. I -2-B) 3. Saturn is the planet for labour. A manager has to
deal with labour or manpower. He must be clever in
[Nofe:This is an important verse with close relevance
to Management capabilities. Thula or Libra is the sign handling them. In that way Saturn must be in benefic
signifying trader or businessman. The association of distance from the AK. It could be in Kendra or Kona
Atmakaraka with this sign gives a natural advantage for but the most desirable position would be in the 9ft
a person to be successful in business and managing men house of Bhagya. Ability to have smooth manager-
and material. This logic can be further the worker relationship is a gift that one must be born
common signs namely Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and with. Therefore l-9 relationship between AK and
Pisces. Common signs indicate a nature of adjustment Saturn is foreseen in successfirl CEO's horoscopes'
and adaptation and acumen to get things done. Of these 4. Benefics mustjoinAK or in 5'h, ll'h or 2nd and 4'h from
four signs Gemini and Virgo can be called as trader b it.
iigns, as Mercury the planet for business acumen is the 5. Coming to karakams alagna,the 2nd house must have
lord of them. Sagittarius and Pisces are signs of wealth Jupiter orMercury orVenus. These beneflcs in 7'h also
and clever-bossing ofpeople as they are lorded by Jupiter. guarantee good relationship between the native and
We will check this point in the case studies.l Ih. p.ople ttre native has to deal with.
10. "When Budha is in 2'd from karakamsa lagna, the 6. Saturn and Jupiter are once again checked from
native becomes a trader or businessman, weaver or karakamsa as they are the Dharma- Karmadhipathis
doing business in yarn or textiles, sulphur and well in the natural zodiac and they also signifi respectively
versed in social, lega1 or other activities." (Jaimini labour and power to boss the workers and subordinates.
Sutras. l-2-ln 7. is ideal to have karakamsa lagna in Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius or Pisces.
lNote: Mercury is the planet for trade and commerce.
Its position in the 2'd to karakamsa signifies what comes 8. It is also ideal to have karakamsa lagna in Libra
out from karakamsa. Always any house or bhava is the or in its counterpart in Taurus as Taurus signifies
outcome ofthe previous house or bhava. As such whatever shouldering responsibility and tireless work.


nuousrzota 25

is AK' Moon- AK
With these inputs when the 10 celebrity charts were [Sun- Mercury conjunction. Satum
checked, it was pleasantly found out that almost all of
i, :-tt axis. Mercury Venus and Sun in 10'h from AK'
karakamsa in Gemini. Jupiter in 5'h and Mercury and Venus
them had Nrp una Yo ga also known as Budha- Aditya Yo ga
in to karakamsa']
wherein Mercury and Sun are conjunct' Either they were

conjunct in the same rasi or they were close to each other

with no other planet in between them when they were
in successive rasis.This yoga confers skill or acumen or
expertise in the job one does. In management
job too,
such skill is necessary in a various issues concerning Kiran Mazumdar Shaw
management. It is found that this yoga has overtaken Chairman & Managing Director
'Biocon Ltd.
Gajakesari yoga as not many CEOs and Managers were
seen to have Gajakesari Yoga.
AK -Jup
Successful CEOs Mer, Sun
Ven, lvla
Moon Moon Ve, Ma

Ketu Mer
1 7-11 -1 966 Navamsa

Indra Nooyi Sal

Sat Jup
CEO, PespsiCo

Mars withAK and

Ketu Jup, Ve
fSun-Mercury conjunction. Venus and
f"to in 4'h fromAK. Moon in 3-11 axis withAK' Satum in
7'h while Jupiter is by itself the AK.karakamsa in
AK Moon
Rasi Mercury in 9'h.l
28-'10-1955 Navamsa
Chennai Jup

Sat Mer

in 4'h, Jupiter in 7'h and DhirubhaiAmbani

[Sun- Mercury conjunction' Ketu
AK' Karakamsa
Saturn in 9'h fromAK. Moon itself is the Founder CEO, Reliance Industries
lagna in Gemini joined with Saturn' Mercury in 2nd to
karakamsa.] Sat

28-12-1932 Navamsa
Chennai Jup Mer Sun
Chanda Kochhar
Managing Director & CEO
JUP Moon
tCICI Bank Ltd. Ak-l\4oon

[Sun Mercury close to each other. Moon as AK' Jupiter

in 10" and Saturn in 2'd'Karakamsa in Sagittarius' Jupiter

and Mercury in2nd, Sun in 9'h and Saturn in 5'h from

karakamsa. Sun ensured Government contacts' Note the
Mer Ve,
AK Sat Jup Sun
1 7-1 1 -1 966 Navamsa debility of Saturn in no way affected the growth as it is
Jodhpur Mars in 5'h from karakamsa.l

Mer, Su Moon JUP

Moon Sat


26 AUGUST 2014

Shika Sharma Bill Gates

Managing Director & CEO Inventor, Chairman
Axis Bank Microsoft

Sat Ve
Moon Jup
Ketu Jup, Ve Moon Mars

AK Moon
. Rasi
28-10-'1955 Navamsa
28-1 0-1 955 Navamsa
Seattle Jup
Chennai Jup

AK-Sat Moon
Sa1 Mer Ven Su

is the AK and
Saturn in [Sun- Mercury close to each other. Satum
[Sun- Mercury conjunction. Jupiter in 7'h and conjunct with Venus. Karakamsa in Gemini and conjunct
9th from AK. Moon on 3-11 axis with AK'Karakamsa Moon in 7'h from
with Mars and Venus. Mercury in 2"d.
in Sagittarius. Mercury and Moon in 3-11 axis with
Jupiter, the 7'h lord from karakamsa.Not many features as
karakamsa. Satum and Jupiter in 5'h and Ketu in 4'h from
diicussed above are seen. It may be because he is more
karakamsa. Note Saturn is in debility but did not affect the
an inventor than a Management person']
labour relationship as it is in 5'h from karakamsa' Venus
in 9'h from karakamsa lagna and 7'h from the 7th lord from

Steve Jobs
Co-Founder & CEO
Apple Inc.
Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata
The first Industrialist of India
Ke Jup
Founder ofTata GrouP l\,4oon Mars

Sun Sun
Ak Rahu Rasi
24-02-1955 San
Mer Sun
03-03-1 839 Navamsa
Rahu Ju,
Navsari Mer Ma Ak Ven Sat

Ma, Mo Ve
Sat is theAK' Jupiter
Ju, Ke
[Sun- Mercury close to each other. Venus
and Ketu in 7'h from AK. Saturn in 3-11 axis with AK'
[Sun- Mercury conjunction. Gaja Kesari also
happening in Moon in a quadrant from AK. Karakamsa in Sagittarius'
7th house to AK. Moon and Ketu in 7'h and Saturn in 9'h to Satum and Jupiter in the 7th and Sun in the 2'd']
AK. Karakamsa in Leo with lord Sun in exaltation in the
9'h. Jupiter and Moon conjunct with karakamsa. Venus in
Feople with MBA, in Management Position
2'd Saturn in 5th and Mercury in 2nd to Saturn, the 7th lord A total of 1 5 horoscopes were collected of MBA graduates
from karakamsa.l who are in medium or high level management in private
companies or in own business. The inputs derived from
the above discussion were applied on their charts and
WWrar" n iranja n ba bu;com analysed.

Rucusrzot+ 27
rue n'StRot-oclcAL eMAGAZINE
www. astrolog icalmagazine. com

The birth details of the 15 charts are given below. For the The only chart that has very less number of points (3/7)
purpose of privacy, the lagna and moon sign are given is S.No: 7.This native had specialised in finance in MBA.
instead of time and place of birth. He quit his job and started his own company which is yet
to pick up.The next lowest score is 417 bagged by S.No:
S.No:1 :27-05-1979. La.gna: Virgo, Moon: Taurus.
2. This native had specialised in marketing and joined the
S.No:2 :23-02-1980. Lagna: Leo, Moon: Taurus family business. The business is doing moderately well.
S.No:3 : 12-06-1976. Lagna: Leo, Moon: Scorpio. Jupiter Satum
Sun Jrrp Sat Moon Karakam:ia
S.No:4 :06-05-1974. Lagna: Scorpio, Moon: Libra. sl.
+ From From From In common
from from
No Kara- Kara-
S.No:5 :14-08-1976. Lagna: Leo. Moon: Pisces. Mer AK AK AK signs
kamsa kamsa

S.No:6 :30-09-1977. Lagna: Aries, Moon : Aries I Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No

S.No:7 :25-03-1979. Lagna: Gemini. 2 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No

Moon : Aquarius. 3 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

S.No:8 : 05-09-1978. Lagna: Capricorn,

4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Taurus Yes No
5 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Moon: Virgo
6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
S.No:9 : 06-12-19'77 . Lagna: Gemini, Moon: Virgo.
7 Yes No Yes Yes Taurus No No
S.No:10 : 05-1 l-1g74. Lagna:Libra,Moon: Gemini. 8 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
S.No:1 1 : 04-11-1979. Lagra:Aries, Moon :Aries. 9 Yes Yes No Yes Leo Yes Yes

S.No: 2 : 29-01:1969. Lagna : Sagittarius,

1 10 Yes Y-es Yes Yes Taurus Yes Yes

Moon: Taurus l1 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

S.No:13 : 04-09-1980. Lagna: Virgo, Moon: Gemini. 12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Aquarius Yes Yes

13 Yes Yes Yes Yes Scorpio Yes No

S.No:14 = 14-03-1980. Lagna: Taurus,
14 Yes Yes Yes No Taurus Yes Yes
Moon: Capricorn.
t5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
S.No:15 : 14-11-1982. Lagna: Scorpio, Moon :L1bra.
The information of the above table is presented below
Seven major factors were checked in all these horoscopes.
as a bar diagram for easy inference of the predominant
They are presented in the table below. The first factor is
factors in MBA charts.
Sun - Mercury conjuncti on or Nipuna Yoga. 'Yes' denotes
the presence of the factor and 'No'denotes absence of it. L4
In the case ofkarakams alagna, 'Yes' denotes any common t2
sign. Where it is different, the name of karakamsa sign
is given.

It can be seen that Taurus is predominant among other

signs. It is also seen that only 8 out of 15 horoscopes have
karakamsa in a common sign. Among them only S.No:
t having Leo as karakarnsa is eaming less than 10 lakhs
per annum. Others are making more than double of it.
Other predominant factors are presence of Nipuna Yoga
and presence of Jupiter and Moon in favourable axis from "C,.-.'"""*.ttlr."";-.-:...-.*
Atmakaraka as told in Jaimini Sutras. ..^d" \$a -9d
Of the 15 charts only S. No: 6 had all the points present.
The native of this chart is the Director of an overseas The diagram says it all. It is essential to have all the 7
operation handling human resources. He is highly factors as basic requirement for successful management
successful and this is confirmed from the presence of many ability. Those who had karakamsa in a'common sign
excelled than others who didn't.
features as found in celebrity CEO charts. I

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