Assignment No 3 - 20535

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College of Business Management

Department of Management &HR


MAN 619 Fall 2021 WME 12377 Marks 5

Name: Talal Baloch Student ID: 20161-20535
Assignment no 3 Fall 2021 November 26, 2021

Time one hour

How is Job design being impacted and change due to new technology
What are the impact on job design by new technology both positive and negative?

Write your answer in thi sheet .The answer should be in MS word document

Job design is defined as outlining duties, tasks, qualifications, responsibilies and

relationships that are needed to perfume a particular set of job.
We live in a digital era where technology plays a great role and has evolved the way
business operate.
Technology has innovated and redesigned how tasks are done. Basically job design aims to
enhance employee’s productivity and motivational aspects. Technology has changed the job
contents and how jobs were previously done. Due to technology the manager’s span of
control is also changed as organizations become flatter.
Positive affects
 because of technology, demand for technically skilled youth has increased and
therefore more job are there for the educated youth of today. This solves the issue
of unemployment in educated people to some extent.
 Due to technology jobs are designed in a way that large scale jobs are created in
rural areas and this caters unemployment issue in those regions too
 With the help of technology employees are able to do complex tasks that demand
high level skills
 . Technology today eliminates monotony and enlarges employees projects.

Negative Impact
 History has proven time again that machines can replace workers specially low-
skilled workers so the introduction of technology will lead to immense job losses.
The dilemma of the companies is such that if they do not replace their workers with
technology, they'll have to face losses as their competitors using technology, will
 The introduction of technology and the widespread use of artificial intelligence will
lead to reduction in employment opportunities for even technically skilled people, so
the low and semi-skilled workers have very few chances of surviving.
 Even now it is extremely difficult to manage personal life with work life. So this
improper work life balance will be adversely affected with further technological
advancement. As we all know this advancement forces people to keep on acquiring
knowledge and stay updated in order to survive in the job market and this act in
itself can be extremely overwhelming for people

Not everything about technology is bad. Yes, some jobs will become redundant but
technological advancement holds a promising future as well. This technology which
would make jobs redundant will also be the opening for more substantial jobs, in turn
creating employment opportunities. The continuous learning and the need of updating
oneself with the new trends will bear its fruits and benefit employers and employees as
it is the need of today.

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