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College of Business Management

Department of Management &HR


MAN 619 Fall 2021 WME 12377 Marks 5

Name: SYEDA ARZOO NAQVI Student ID: 21162
Assignment no 3 Fall 2021 November 26, 2021

Time one hour

How is Job design being impacted and

change due to new technology
What are the impact on job design by new technology both
positive and negative?

Write your answer in thi sheet .The answer should be in MS word document


Classification: Public
Technology is making the world change rapidly and the impact of this is also
observed on the Job Design as the machines ability to do the usual manual
tasks have increased. Below are the PROs and CONs of technology with respect
to job design.

Technology has changed how work is done. Work has been modified and
transformed as a result of technological advancements. Job design
primarily aims to boost employee productivity and motivation, and
technology has arguably transformed job content and execution. The
technology, for the most part, eliminates monotony while also
expanding and enriching staff tasks. As a result, personnel are able to
complete more complex tasks that involve more special abilities.

 Telecommunication and collaboration:

Technology has enabled employees to collaborate with other
departments and allows continuous improvement and innovation.
Virtual teams are being formed with the IT department and new
strategies are being built on the basis of it. There is increased access to
data which again allows workers in innovation. The role of technology is
such that a worker no longer has to sit at his desk for hours to complete
all tasks for the day. They are encourage to move around, collaborate
with and socially interact with people as this a part of their job design
and it enables them to learn new skills.

 Many high-skill positions are becoming more intrinsically motivating as a

result of technological advancements, which have enabled more tasks,
skills, and decentralization. There is also reduced need for supervision as
organizational structures like holacracy are a result of technology.


 Machines are substituting humans:

Due to technological advancements, a lot of routine tasks have become
automated due to which certain human skills have gone outdated. This
has resulted in elimination of a job opportunity for people are the
machine does that same task with more efficiency and also more

Classification: Public
quickly. This is also reducing the cost for the company and generating
them large economies of scale.

 Rapidly evolving:
Adding to the first point, technology is continuously evolving and at a
very fast pace. Humans take time to catch up and meet the necessary
requirements that a job might be requiring from them. It is hence
difficult for workers to adapt quickly to new technology and the
company might have to invest in trainings their existing employees as
they need to be up to date.

 Inequality:
There is also rising inequality as middle level workers are demanded less
as compared to highly skilled workers who can work better with new
technology. These jobs are also less motivating with lesser incentive to
grow and innovate.

Classification: Public

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