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FINA1141 – International Business Finance

(September 2022 PT Intake)
1. Welcome message from your Module Leader ............................................................................1
2. Key contacts ................................................................................................................................2
3. Module details and learning outcomes .......................................................................................3
4. Enquiry-Based Learning and Research-Led Teaching ...............................................................3
5. Employability ...............................................................................................................................4
6. Key Dates ....................................................................................................................................4
7. Schedule of teaching and learning activities ...............................................................................5
8. Assessment .................................................................................................................................6
9. Resit assessments ......................................................................................................................8
10. Reading recommendations ....................................................................................................9
11. Additional module information ............................................................................................. 10
12. Changes to the module ........................................................................................................ 10
13. Other Details ....................................................................................................................... 11

1. Welcome message from your Module Leader

Welcome to the International Business Finance module (FINA1141) and to the University
of Greenwich Business School.

This is a 15-credit postgraduate, MBA module that runs in this term (September to

This module will enable you to learn about the financial decisions of business in the global
economy. The module is divided into two parts, the first will focus on the financial aspects
of large business (corporations) and will give you an understanding of the theoretical
operational process of some of the finance decisions they have to make. The second part
will focus on the understanding of financial reporting and financial statements of the firm
and the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises.

This handbook provides essential information that you will need during your undertaking
of this module. It is not intended to be exhaustive, but should help you to see at a glance
key information about the module such as the aims and learning outcomes, the proposed
schedule of delivery, assessment details, reading list and any additional resources that
will be needed by you. Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with its contents.

The university will do all that it reasonably can to provide educational services to support
your learning. Sometimes circumstances may mean that we cannot provide such
educational services or that the university has to withdraw or change aspects of this
module and/or student services detailed in the information you have been provided with
by the university. This might be because of, for example:

• industrial action by university staff or third parties;

• the unanticipated departure or absence of key members of university staff;
• acts of terrorism;
• the acts of any government or local authority;

• academic changes within subject areas; or
• where the numbers expected on a module are so low that it is not possible to deliver
an appropriate quality of education for students enrolled on it.

In these circumstances, the university will take all reasonable steps to minimise the
resultant disruption to those services and to affected students, for example by making
reasonable modifications, but to the full extent that it is possible under the general law. The
university excludes liability for any loss and/or damage suffered by any applicant or student
as a result of these circumstances.

The modifications we make may be to:

• the content and syllabus of modules, including in relation to placements;

• the timetable, location and number of classes;
• the content or method of delivery of your module;
• the examination process; and
• the timing and method of assessment

Many of the changes that we make are in response to feedback from students and are
intended to improve the experience of students and student outcomes.

In making any changes, the university will aim to keep significant changes to the minimum
necessary and will notify and where reasonably possible also consult with you in advance
about any significant changes that are required.

We hope you will enjoy learning and exploring the module.

Laura and Jose.

2. Key contacts

The list below provides contact details of the module team.

Module Tutor:
Aboubacar Sidiki Kaba

Location: Level 23, GB Building, 143 Cecil Street

Office hours:

3. Module details and learning outcomes

Host Faculty: Business

Host School: Economics and International Business
Number of Credits: 15
Term(s) of delivery: 1
Site(s) of delivery: Maritime
Pre-requisite modules: Undergraduate degree


The aim of this module is to equip students with a Financial Management toolkit, to
engage in Business Finance matters which postgraduates in International Business
should be able to address. The goal is to analyse how small, medium and large firms
finance their economic activities in the global economy. The Learning Outcomes
addressed are considered central to managerial jobs in a 21st century fast changing

Learning Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theories and applications related

to the allocation of financial resources for the firm in a global context.
2. Critically analyze and demonstrate knowledge of alternative financial instruments
and strategies to be used by international businesses in order to enhance their
financial soundness.
3. Evaluate investment and financing decisions, in both domestic and international
markets, and how the government and the financial system affects these.
4. Analyze financing and investment in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs),
compared to large enterprises, in terms of innovation, internationalization and

4. Enquiry-Based Learning and Research-Led Teaching

Enquiry-Based Learning (EBL)

Defined as ‘an approach based on self-directed enquiry or investigation in which the

student is actively engaged in the process of enquiry facilitated by a teacher. EBL uses
real life scenarios (for example, from case studies, company visits, and project work)
and students investigate topics of relevance that foster the skills of experimental design,
data collection, critical analysis and problem-solving’.

In this module, students will be asked to develop their own piece of research, focusing
on completing a business project. This tackles a specific and real life international
business-related problems, thereby enhancing their critical analysis and problem-
solving skills

Research-Led Teaching (RLT)

An element of Enquiry Based Learning links to RLT, which involves faculty introducing
students to their own research where it is relevant to the curriculum being taught as well
as drawing on their own knowledge of research developments in the field, introducing
them to the work of other researchers. RLT sees students as active participants in the
research process, not just as an audience. This is achieved by discussing such
developments in lectures and classes, and setting reading lists including recent research
publications at the frontier of the field. The definition of a diverse assessment regime at
the programme level (incorporating an expectation of familiarity with, and use of, such
publications in assignments) and the inclusion of projects at every level of the programme
is also fundamental to achieving these objectives.

This module is a mix of tutorials, exercises, and in-class discussions to allow students
to take an active role in their own research development process.

5. Employability

Employability has been integrated into the curriculum in several ways. First, students will
develop their own cognitive and research skills, as this module provides them with an
opportunity to tackle a real life international business problem independently and develop
assumptions in order to solve the identified problem. This module will also help students
enhance their personal organisational skills as they will be asked to work independently
on their own piece of research throughout the module, as well as a variety of generic skills
such as skills to work with others, cross-cultural communication skills or writing skills
including clear formatting, spelling and grammar within a wellreasoned narrative.

You can find out more about the Greenwich Employability Passport online

Information about the Career Centre is also available online

You can log on to the Career Centre with your Portal ID and Password

6. Key Dates

2022/23 Term Dates

Please note that dates may differ depending on when you start your programme of study,
and where you are studying. Please refer to for
full details, and details of University closure dates.

Term 1 26th September 2022 16th December 2022

Examination Period 9th January 2022 13th January 2022
Term 2 16th January 2023 28th April 2023
Examination Period 2nd May 2023 19th May 2023
Term 3 8th May 2023 18th August 2023

Resit Examination Period 17th July 2023 23rd July 2023

7. Schedule of teaching and learning activities

Weekly Session Plan

Term One

Week Session Title and Description Reading to complete


Part 1: Financial needs of International Businesses

Introduction to the Module Module Handbook

Topic 1 – Overview of Financial Markets and Investment Bodie, Kane and Marcus.
2020. Investment, Chapter 1

Topic 2 - Fixed Income Securities Bodi, Z., Kane, A. and A. J.

Marcus. Investments, 12th
Edition (2020). Chapter 14

Brealey. Principles of
Corporate Finance (2020).
Chapter 24 and 30

Titman, Keown and Martin.

Financial Management:
Principles and Applications,
Global Edition (2017). Chapter

Topic 3 – Overview of portfolio and risk management Bodi, Z., Kane, A. and A. J.
Fundamentals of credit analysis Marcus. Investments, 12th
Edition (2020). Chapter 6

Brealey. Principles of
Corporate Finance (2020).
Chapter 7

Topic 4 - Alternative investments Titman, Keown and Martin.

Financial Management:
Principles and Applications,
Global Edition (2017)

Brealey. Principles of
Corporate Finance (2020)

Bodi, Z., Kane, A. and A. J.

Marcus. Investments,
12th Edition (2020)

Topic 5 - Portfolio management Bodi, Z., Kane, A. and A. J.

Marcus. Investments, 12th
Edition (2020). Chapter 27

Part 2: Financial Management in the International Markets

Topic 6 - Business Internationalization, Financial Markets

and the Finance Environment

Topic 7 - International Financial Management

Topic 8 - The financing of internationalisation in the global



Topic 9 - The financing of SMEs in the global economy

Topic 10 – Topics in International Business Finance:

Governance, Innovation and Sustainability

In addition to the teaching and learning activities within the module, additional study support
can be seen at: Academic Skills

8. Assessment

The overall pass mark for this module is 50%.

First sit Deadline or Weighting Maximum Marking Learning

assessments exam period out of length type outcomes
100%* mapped to this

Online Test in TBC 50% A guide of Numerical LO1, LO2, LO3

MyLab Finance 1,000 words

Business Project 16th Dec 2022 50% 1,500 words Numerical LO2, LO3, LO4

*The weighting refers to the proportion of the overall module result that each assessment
task accounts for.

Assessment Details

Assessment 1: Online Test in MyLab Finance

You will complete an online test on TBC opening at 10:00; this is a 1.5-hour test. The
questions will be multiple choice and released in MyLab at the start time; these will be
based on formative quizzes set in weekly HomeWorks from topics 1 to 5. Your answers will
be automatically marked by the platform, then you will get your grade the same day.

Detailed instructions on uploading your grade will be available during the week of the test.

Assessment 2: Business Project Analysis by Case Study

You will be assigned a case study in which you need to analyse and provide specialist
answers to the case study questions; these case studies will relate to the readings learning
materials found in topics 6 to 10. Eight cases will be assigned randomly 2 weeks before
the deadline; further instructions will be provided on Moodle closer to the submission date.

Performance in tutorials: Tutorials develop skills that are vital in the business and
research world. Your performance will be assessed by your tutor both in terms of physical
attendance and active participation. Learning opportunities are maximised when all
students are actively engaged in class discussion. Active engagement means that you are
listening carefully to the comments of other students and seeking opportunities to make
comments that move the class discussion forward. Group discussion constitutes half of the
class time, so there will be an opportunity for everyone to participate.

• Please bring your ID card with you at every tutorial. Attendance will be taken
at each tutorial.

• Class participation will be evaluated during tutorials. Class participation will

be based on the following:
− Relevance: are your comments clearly related to the case?
− Advancement: does your comment move the class discussion forward?
− Logic: is your reasoning consistent and logical?

Important note: Coursework is marked on the understanding that it is the student’s own
work on the module and that it has not, in whole or part, been presented elsewhere for
assessment. Where material has been used from other sources, this must be properly
acknowledged in accordance with the University’s Regulations regarding Academic

Marking and Feedback

For coursework, the marks and feedback will normally be provided to students within fifteen
working days of the submission deadline. In exceptional circumstances, where there is a
delay in providing feedback, you will be informed by the module leader.

If you do not pass a module at the first attempt, you may be eligible for a resit opportunity
on the failed assessments. This will be confirmed after the Progression and Award Board
(PAB). Note that marks on resit assessments are capped at 50% unless extenuation has
been applied for and granted.

For further details on resit assessments, please see section 7 below.

The assessment and feedback policy can be accessed at Assessment and Feedback

Extenuating circumstances and student support

The University recognises there are times when serious and unexpected matters which are
beyond a student’s control (such as serious illness or injury, death in family) impact on their
academic performance and ability to complete assessments by the deadline. Guidance on
claiming extenuation can be found at: Extenuating circumstances

9. Resit assessments
If you don’t pass a module at the first attempt, you may be eligible for a re-sit opportunity
on the failed assessments. This will be confirmed after the Progression and Award Board
(PAB) at the end of the term in which the module was completed.

The Progression and Award Board (PAB) will determine whether students who have
failed items of coursework or exams will be permitted to complete re-sits. These normally
take place in July/August. If your results letter advises you that you have been given a
re-sit opportunity you will need to check the portal for details of the assessment
element(s) that you will need to complete and for the timings of re-sit examinations.

For non-exam re-sits (e.g. coursework, essay, presentation, group work assessments),
please consult the relevant module’s Moodle page for instructions on what is required of
your re-sit assessment. The due date is to be confirmed. Further information will be

You should be aware that there is no automatic right to take re-sits; this is at the discretion
of the PAB and dependent on the scale of failure and your overall profile. If you are offered
a re-sit opportunity which you do not take up, you will be recorded as having a non-
submission; you will not keep the original grade for that item if you are told by a PAB that
they want you to re-sit.

Note that marks on a re-sit assessment are capped at a pass mark unless extenuating
circumstances has been applied for and accepted. For further details, see your programme

10 Reading recommendations

Author Date Title Publisher ISBN

Brealey, R. A., 2020 Principles of Corporate Finance 9781260565553
Myers, S. C. Mc Graw Hill
and F. Allen
Bodi, Z., Kane,
A. and A. J. 2020 Investments, 12th Edition Mc Graw Hill 9781260571158
Eddie 2017 Business Finance Pearson 9781292134451
McLaney Education Limited
Eiteman, David 2015 Multinational Business Finance, Pearson 9780133879872
K 14 Edition Education Limited
Madura, J., 2017 International Financial Australia: 9781473726499
and Fox, R. Management Cengage
Brooks, I., and 2010 The International Business Harlow, Financial 9780273725664
Weatherstone, Environment Times Prentice
J. Hall


Alexander, D. (2017). International financial reporting and analysis. London: Cengage


Atrill, P., & McLaney, E. J. (2019). Financial accounting for decision makers. Pearson
Education UK

Bekaert, G., & Hodrick, R. (2018). International financial management. Cambridge,

Cambridge University Press.

Bodie, Z., & Merton, R. C. (2000). Finance. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall

Corelli, A. (2018). Analytical Corporate Finance. Cham, Springer International Publishing

Mclaney, E. J. (2014). Business finance: theory and practice, Harlow, England: Pearson
Education Limited.

Pike, R. (2012). Corporate finance and investment. Harlow, Pearson Education

11. Additional module information

Non-compulsory cost:
− There are costs of items that may not compulsory but students should be anticipated,
e.g. printing costs, materials, and text books.

12. Changes to the module

Important note: The University of Greenwich will do all that it reasonably can to
deliver the module and support your learning as specified in our handbooks and
other information provided. However, under some circumstances, changes may
have to be made. This may include modifications to the:

• content and syllabus of modules, including in relation to placements

10 | P a g e
• timetable, location and number of classes • content or method of delivery of
your module
• timing and method of assessments.

This might be because of, for example:

• academic changes within subject areas

• the unanticipated departure or absence of members of university staff
• where the numbers expected on a module are so low that it is not possible
to deliver an appropriate quality of education for students enrolled on it.
• industrial action by university staff or third parties • the acts of any
government or local authority • acts of terrorism.

In these circumstances, the University will take all reasonable steps to minimise
disruption by making reasonable modifications. However, to the full extent that it is
possible under the general law, the University excludes liability for any loss and/or
damage suffered by any applicant or student due to these circumstances.

13. Other Details

The majority of information relevant to you while you study at the University has been brought
together into your programme handbook. Please refer to your programme handbook for any further
information you might require including:

• Deadlines and extenuating circumstances,

• Plagiarism and referencing,

• Who to go to for advice or if you are concerned,

• How to provide us with feedback,

• Key administrative procedures.



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