Informed Content秋季学生返校知情书(037121115学号)

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Informed Content

我承诺知晓并同意以下事项/I promise that I have learned and agree to the following


1. 我愿意遵照相关安排返校。I am willing to follow the relevant arrangements to

return to school.

2. 我同意无条件接受入境前、旅途中、入境后以及在校学习期间的各项新冠疫
情防控措施,并自行负担相关的所有费用。I agree to unconditionally accept
various COVID-19 prevention and control measures before, during, and after the
entry to China, and throughout the whole period of study. And I agree to bear all
related expenses by myself.

3. 我知晓在来华之前我必须对上海的住宿和生活进行充分的了解并做好充分的
经济准备。I know that before coming to China, I must have a full understanding
of the accommodation and life in Shanghai and be fully financially prepared.

4. 返 华 前 20 天 我 会 告 知 学 院 辅 导 员 具 体 信 息 。 I will inform the counselor

(Fudaoyuan in my college) 20 days before returning to China.

承诺者个人信息 Personal information

学号 Student ID Number:037121115
姓名 Name:Fazal Haq
护照号 Passport Number:BC6394022
护照到期时间 Passport Expiration Date: 26 Jan 2031
目前居住城市 City of Current Living:Matta Swat
目前联系手机 Current Mobile Phone No.:+923333433458
详细邮件地址 Detailed Mailing Address
Recipient: Fazal Haq
Country and City: Matta Swat, Pakistan
Room/Building/Street: Mohalla Shokhel Gurra, Tehsil Matta, District Swat KPK
Contact number: +923333433458
Zip code: 19040


If the recipient is not you, please write a statement. The first sentence describes your
relationship with the recipient. In the second sentence, please promise that letting the
recipient receive your visa materials is entirely out of your original intention, and all
responsibility is borne by you.



If the recipient is you, you do not need to complete the above statement.

本人签名 Signature:Fazal Haq

日期 Date:27 Sep 2022

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