Science Test For Grade 6

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Section A
A Objective
Objective Marks 50 50 Marks

Q.1 Multiple choice questions: [___/20]

For every statement there are four options A, B, C and D given, encircle the best suitable
(i) If the flame is described as luminous, then it would be?
A Easy to see
B Easy to see and very hot
C Difficult to see
D Difficult to see and very hot
(ii) A hypothesis must be:
A Proven correct
B testable
C observed
D experimental
(iii) Which gas dissolves the most in the water?
A Carbon dioxide
B nitrogen
C hydrogen
D ammonia
(iv) When we want the solute to dissolve more quickly we should….. the solution?
A stir
B saturate
C dissolve
D solve
(v) When we lower the temperature of the solvent, the rate of dissolving of the solute
A not change
B decrease
C increase
D saturate

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The City School / Unified Mid- Year Examination, Dec 2022 / Science / Class 6
(vi) Microorganisms that cause disease are also known as:
A pathogens
B antigens
C fungi
D microbes
(vii) The fungus that is commonly used in bakery and beverage industries is
(a) Penicillium
(b) Yeast
(c) Agaricus
(d) Rhizopus
(viii) Malaria is caused by which type of microbes?
A bacteria
B fungi
C algae
D protozoa
(ix) Which of the following disease is caused by fungus?
A Cholera
B Common cold
C Ringworm
D Dengue
(x) Select the correct name of the labeled structure:
A Thigh bone
B Spine
C Ribs
D Knee cap

(xi) Which is the smallest bone in the human body?

A. Ribs
B. Stapes
C. Funny bone
D. Clavicle

(xii) What are the bones of the fingers called?

A Carpals
B Tarsals

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C Vertebrae
D Phalanges
(xiii) What is the symbol for

A. Light bulb
B. Battery
C. Switch
D. Resistor
(xiv) Why are homes not wired in a series circuit?
A. Homes are wired in a series circuit
B. The house will burn down
C. If you turn off one appliance, the rest will turn out.
D. To save electricity
(xv) If you add a second battery to your series circuit, what will happen to the
current in your circuit?
A. Decrease
B. Increase
C. Stay same
D. Break
(xvi) If you have a 3-bulb series circuit, what will happen if one of the bulbs goes out?
A. Bulbs get brighter
B. Bulbs get dimmer
C. Bulbs go out
D. Nothing happens

(xvii) Which is the form of energy caused by the movement of electrons?

A. Parallel circuit
B. Electricity
C. Lightning
D. Series circuit
(xviii) When a standard is set for a quantity, then the standard quantity is called
A. Unit
B. Amount
C. Rate
D. prefix
(xix) Time is measured in seconds having symbol (s) with the help of –
A. A watch
B. A pendulum clock
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

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(xx) Measurement is the comparison of an unknown quantity with a known quantity
A. Unit
B. Symbol
C. Magnitude
D. Physical quantity

Q.2. State whether the given statements are true or false. If the statement is false, rewrite the
correct statement. [__/10]
(i) Deforestation can only be tackled with Reforestation.


(ii) You separate a mixture of iron filling and sulfur by using magnets

(iii) Melting and dissolving are the same.


(iv) Several dangerous human diseases including malaria, toxoplasmosis, giardia, African
“sleeping sickness,” and Chagas disease are caused by protozoa.


(v) Yeast feeds on sugars found in foods and converts it into carbon dioxide.

(vi) Elbow joint is called humerus.


(vii) The positive end is represented by a short line and the negative end by a long line.
(viii) The number of batteries connected in the series circuit affects the brightness of the bulb.
(ix) Quantities are measured with the help of instruments according to standard procedures.
(x) A mechanical stopwatch gives a higher accuracy than the electrical stopwatch.

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Q.3 Match the description in column A with the correct word in column B and write your
answer in column C. [___/10]
Column A Column B Column C

(i) Separate tea from leaves a. Parallel

(ii) Louis Pasteur b. Extremely cold

(iii) Doesn’t dissolve in water c. Response variable

(iv) Anthony van Leeuwenhoek d. Involuntary


(v) Biceps e. Fair Test

(vi) Skeletal muscles f. Perimeter

(vii) Circuit with more than one path g. Voluntary muscles

(viii) In an investigation we can change one variable h. Upper arm


(ix) Measure of the extent of a surface i. Germ theory

(x) Curved surface of the water j. Sieve

k. Lower arm

l. Microscope

m Series

n Area

o Meniscus

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Q.4 Fill in the blanks. [___/10]

(i) _______________ is when you don’t give up easily, even if you frail.

(ii) _________________________________ can be used to prevent certain diseases.

(iii) Bacterial diseases can be treated by _____________________________________.

(iv) In the process of filtration the insoluble solid is left on the filter paper as

(v) The solution that passes through filter paper in the process of filtration is known

(vi) ______________________ is the breakdown of dead or waste matter into simpler


(vii) ___________________ muscle is only found only in the heart.

(viii) When the circuit is closed, the _______________ will flow in a complete path.

(ix) The longer the wire in a circuit, the ____________________ will be the current.

(x) The thermometer used to measure temperature of human body Is called _____________

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Section B Subjective 50 Marks
[ /5]

Q5. Label the parts of Bunsen burner. Write in the space provided below, function, of any of the two
parts of your choice.

[ /8]

Q6. Naila did an experiment to see if some solids all dissolved equally well in water. He added 1g of a
solid at a time until no more of the solid would dissolve. The table shows her results.

i)Write out a step by step instructions to tell someone how to do Naila’s experiment. [4]






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ii) Explain why this is a fair test. [1]


iii) How do you think Nathan could tell that no more of a solid could dissolve? [1]


iv)Draw a bar line of his results. Label the axes.

v) Do all the solids dissolve equally well? [1]



Q7. [ /6]

a) The liquid usually used to make bread is water, what other liquids could be used? [2]
i. ________________________ ii. ____________________________
b) Sugar provide food for yeast, and can be found naturally in the flour. If you add too much sugar
what will happen? [1]

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c) Salt controls the action of the yeast, and helps to improve the flavor of the finished bread. If you
add too much salt what will happen? [1]
d) Fat or oil can be added to the bread to improve its shelf life and flavor. Give two examples of
what type of fat/oil you could use.
i. ________________________ ii. ____________________________ [2]

Q8. . Answer the following questions. [_/6]

a. What are antibiotics? [1]


b. What precautions must be taken while taking, antibiotics? [1]


c. Write the names of the following viruses. [3]

_________________________ __________________________ _______________________

d. Explain any two of them. [1]

a) __________________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________________

Q9. Answer the following. [ /6]

(a) What Bone AM I ?

i. There are twelve pairs of this type of bone. They form a cage to protect heart and lungs. [1]
I AM ______________________
ii. This bone is large and it’s a frame protecting the kidneys. The bones in the legs are also
attached to this bone.

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I AM _________________________ [1]

iii. I am made up of lots of smaller bones. I help you in picking up things.

I AM _________________________ [1]

(b) How do muscles and bones work together to cause movement? [2]
(c) When do muscles cause bones to move? [1]

Q10. [ /7]

Look at the circuit below and label each part. [4]

(b) [3]

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Investigate when two identical batteries are connected one after another in series, the bulb glows

Variables changed: ______________________________

Variables kept the same: ______________________ , ____________________ , ___________________

Q11. [ /7]

i. What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets that have
switches has built into them. [1]



ii. Would the bulb glow in circuit shown? [1]


iii. Name two conductors and two insulators of electricity.

____________________________ _______________________ [2]

____________________________ ________________________

Conductors Insulators

iv. What is the difference between open and closed circuit? [2]
v. Is distilled water a conductor of electricity? Why? [1]

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Q12. [ /5]

a) Name four basic measurement in our daily life. [2]





b)State two characteristics of a unit. [2]



c)What is the SI unit of time. State its name and symbol. [1]


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