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PoP 2022 || TEST -13 || IAS HUB MGOCSM

1. Option d is correct.
Statement 1 and 2 are correct. While at Cambridge, ChoudharyRehmat Ali wrote pamphlets between
1933 to 1935 where he desired a separate national status for five provinces – Punjab, Afghan, Kashmir,
Sind and Baluchistan. He was the first person to put forward the idea of separate Muslim nation.

Statement 3 is correct. Urdu poet Mohammad Iqbal also put forth the idea of a Muslim state in the north-
west of India in his presidential address to the Muslim League in 1930. The proposal was put forward
before the Nehru Committee. The Nehru Committee rejected it on the ground that, if carried into effect, it
would give a very unwieldy State.
Source: Themes in Indian History, Book 3, NCERT

2. Option a is correct.
Usha Mehta was an active supporter of the Quit India Movement. She started an underground radio in
Bombay. She was an important member of a small group which ran the Congress Radio.
During Quit India, many nationalists went underground and took to subversive activities. The main
personalities taking up underground activity were RammanoharLohia, Jayaprakash Narayan, ArunaAsaf
Ali, Usha Mehta, BijuPatnaik, ChhotubhaiPuranik, AchyutPatwardhan, SuchetaKripalani and R.P.
Goenka. Underground activities were meant to keep up popular morale by continuing to provide a line of
command and guidance to distribute arms and ammunition.
Source) UPSC Prelims 2011

3. Option d is correct.
The aims of launching individual satyagraha were— (1) to show that nationalist patience was not due to
weakness; (2) to express people’s feeling that they were not interested in the war and that they made no
distinction between Nazism and the double autocracy that ruled India; and (3) to give another opportunity
to the government to accept Congress’ demands peacefully.
Statement 1 is correct. The satyagrahis would give prior information to the concerned District Magistrate
about the time and place of the speech.
Statement 2 is correct. The satyagrahi if not arrested would continue to make speeches in other villages
and towns starting a trek towards Delhi leading to the “Delhi Chalo” movement.
Statement 3 is correct. The movement was launched in response to the widespread arrest of several
nationalists to curb any mass movement at the beginning of the World War II. Therefore, the movement
demanded Freedom of Speech to preach against participation in the war.
Vinoba Bhave was the first satyagrahi under the Individual Satyagraha movement and Jawaharlal Nehru
was the second.
Source: India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947, Bipin Chandra

4. Option c is correct.
Statement 1 is correct. The Cabinet Mission was convinced that Pakistan was not viable and that the
minorities’ autonomy must somehow be safeguarded within the framework of a united India. Therefore, it
rejected the demand for full-fledged Pakistan.
Statement 2 is incorrect. According to cabinet mission plan provinces were to have full autonomy and
also the residual powers.
Statement 3 is correct. The Mission provided for a common center controlling defense, foreign affairs and
The Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 included provisions for the framing of a constitution for India. It
divided the British provincial territories in to three separate sections which would frame their own
constitutions as per their respective groupings. A common center would control defense, communications
and foreign affairs.
Source: India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947, Bipin Chandra

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5. Option a is correct.
Statement 1 is correct. To secure the cooperation of the Indian people in the war efforts, the British
government sent a mission under Sir Stafford Cripps in March 1942. The Mission declared that the aim of
the British Government was the “earliest possible realization of self-government in India.
Statement 2 is correct. The Declaration brought by the Mission promised the creation of a constitution-
making body after the War.
Statement 3 is incorrect. The British government would accept the new constitution subject to two
conditions: (1) any province not willing to join the Union could have a separate constitution and form a
separate Union, and (2) the new constitution making body and the British government would negotiate a
treaty to effect the transfer of power and to safeguard racial and religious minorities.
That is, it was not compulsory for the provinces to accept the constitution. Knowledge Base: It offered
Dominion status and a constitution-making body to India after the War.
Source: India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947, Bipin Chandra

6. Option b is correct.
Option 2.The Cripps Proposal was made by a delegation led by Stafford Cripps in 1942.
Option 3.The Wavell Plan was offered by Lord Wavell at Shimla Conference in 1945
Option 4.The Cabinet Mission was sent by the British Government in 1946.
Option 1.Direct Action Day was observed by the Muslim League after the failure of the Cabinet Mission
in 1946.Knowledge Base: The World War II had financially drained the British economy which was
indebted to the tune of British Pounds 3300 million to India. Further, the British civil servants were
overburdened and the British army officers were pressurizing for demobilization from India. The
nationalist fervour was also at a high pitch. All these factors forced the British government, particularly
under the Labour Party from 1945 onwards, to proceed towards granting freedom to India.
Source: India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947, Bipin Chandra

7. Option b is correct
Pair 1 is correct. The Worlis were tribal peasants in the state of Maharashtra who were organized by the
Maharashtra KisanSabha to protest against landowners and moneylenders.
Pair 2 is correct. The Bakasht agitations were organized by peasants under the Bakasht system in Bihar in
which Zamindars held direct control over the land. Bakasht lands were those lands which tenants had lost
to zamindars by virtue of non- payment of rent and which they continued to cultivate as sharecroppers.
Pair 3 is correct, the share-croppers of Bengal began to assert that they would no longer pay half share of
their crop to the jotedars but only one-third and that before division the crop would be stored in their
khamars (godowns) and not that of the jotedars. The tebhaga movement, led by the Bengal Provincial
KisanSabha, soon developed into a clash between jotedars and bargadars(sharecroppers) with the
bargadars insisting on storing the crop in their own khamarsKnowledge Base: Among the major peasant
movements in post-World War II period were the peasant revolts of Worlis in Maharashtra, peasants
under the Bakasht system in Bihar, peasants under the control of the Jotedars in Bengal called the
Tebhaga movement and the revolt of the peasants in Telangana.

8. Option d is correct
Option 1 is correct. The Defense of India Rules permitted the officials to take arbitrary action against any
person and cease property in the name of the war effort.
Option 2 is incorrect. The Viceroy Lord Linlithgow also signed the Revolutionary Movement Ordinance
in 1942 to suppress the Quit India Movement but it was not issued in the Official gazette.
Option 3 is correct. The Special Criminal Courts Ordinance II of 1942 was passed to set up special
criminal courts to try the cases of suspected offenders involved in the Quit India Movement

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Knowledge Base: The Special Criminal Courts Ordinance II of 1942 was originally applied to people
convicted for attack by the Axis Powers during the World War II. However, it was applied in India from
1942 onwards to try criminal cases against participants in the Quit India Movement. The persons
convicted under this act could be imprisoned for two years without much recourse to appeal in the higher

9. Option b is correct
The Blue Dot Network (BDN) is a multi-stakeholder initiative formed by the United States, Japan, and
Australia to provide assessment and certification of infrastructure development projects worldwide.

10. Option b is correct

Pair 1 is correct. Congress Socialist Party (CSP) was formed at Bombay in October 1934 under the
leadership of Jayaprakash Narayan, AcharyaNarendraDev and MinooMasani.
Pair 2 is correct. Shyama Prasad Mukherji joined the Hindu Mahasabha in Bengal in 1939 and became its
acting president that same year. He was appointed as the working president of the organisation in 1940.
Pair 3 is correct. When the Montagu report of 1918 was made public, there was a divide in the Congress
over it. The moderates welcomed it while the extremists opposed it. Some of the moderate leaders like
Surendranath Banerjee, TejBahadurSapru and others founded the Indian National Liberal Federation in
Pair 4 is incorrect. Puran Chand Joshi was the general secretary of the Communist Party of India from
1935 to 1947. In 1935 the Communist Party was reorganized under the leadership of P.C.
Knowledge Base: At the time of independence in 1947 the Congress was not the only party with high
quality leadership. Further various ideologies and political thoughts like socialism, communism, etc.,
except communalism, were also prevalent within Congress during the national movement and outside at
the time of independence resulting in birth of several offshoots of the Congress.
Source: India After Independence 1947-2000, Bipin Chandra et al Joshi.

11. Option c is correct.

At the Avadi session in January, 1955, the Congress adopted the Socialist Pattern of society as the
objective of the Congress. The Avadi Resolution stated that:
“Planning should take place with a view to the establishment of a socialistic pattern of society, where the
principle means of production are under social ownership or control, production is progressively speeded
up and there is equitable distribution of the national wealth.”
Source: India After Independence 1947-2000, Bipin Chandra

12. Option d is correct.

The following series of events over the years were responsible for the development of Two-Nation
Statement 1 is correct: The Indian Councils Act 1909 also known as the Morley-Mintowas enacted by the
British Parliament. Demand of elite Muslims for a separate electorate for the Muslims in Simla
Delegation was acceded by the British Government. This act brought about a limited increase in the
involvement of Indians in the governance of British India.
Statement 2 is correct: In 1928, Nehru Report on constitutional reforms as suggested by the Congress was
opposed by Muslim and Sikh League. In response, Jinnah proposed Fourteen Points demanding separate
electorates and reservation for Muslims in government service and self-governing bodies.
Statement 3 is correct: All India Muslim League established Pirpur Committee in November 1930 to
prepare a detailed report regarding the atrocities of the Congress Ministries (1937-1939) formed after the
elections under the Government of India Act 1935 in different provinces. Its report charged the congress
for interference with the religious rites, suppression of Urdu and propaganda of Hindi, denial of legitimate
representation and suppression in economy of the Muslims.

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Statement 4 is correct: On March 24, 1940, Muslim League passed the Pakistan Resolution at the Lahore
session. This resolution demanded greater Muslim autonomy in the Muslim majority states such as
Punjab Bengal Sindh, NWFP within British India.
Knowledge Base: With the growth of active Hindu and Muslim communalism during the early 20th
century the ideas of Two-Nation Theory began to gather momentum. This theory held that there were two
nations-one belonging to the Hindus and one to the Muslims-living in the territory of India. The two-
nation theory is based on an ideology of religious nationalism.
Other events responsible for the development of Two-Nation Theory:
1) Syed Ahmed Khan’s policy of alienation from Indian National Congress (INC) in 1887. He appealed to
the educated Muslims to stay away from the Congress.
2) Agha Khan’s Demand of separate electorates for Muslims at all levels. He led a Muslim delegation
also known as Shimla Delegation to the Lord Minto. Later in 1906, Agha Khan along with
NawabSalimullah of Decca, NawabMohsin-Ul-Mulk and NawabWaqar-Ul-Mulk founded the All-India
Muslim League. They preach loyalty to the British government and to keep the Muslim intelligentsia
away from the Congress.
3) LalaLajpatRai along with VinayakDamodarSavarkar, Madan Mohan Malaviya, founded Hindu
Mahasabha in 1915. The organization was formed to protect the rights of the Hindu community, after the
formation of the All-India Muslim League in 1906 and the British India government's creation of separate
Muslim electorate under the Morley-Minto reforms of 1909.
Source: Spectrum’s A Brief History of Modern India Page No-496

13. Option a is correct answer

Option a is incorrect. The Quit India Movement was launched at Gowalia Tank, Bombay, on August 8,
1942. It was launched for an immediate end to British rule in India.
The Quit India Movement was not a non-violent movement. The general public attacked symbols of
authority and hoisted national flags forcibly on public buildings. Satyagrahis offered themselves up to
arrest, bridges were blown up, railway tracks were removed and telegraph lines were cut.
In this struggle, the common people of the country demonstrated an unparalleled heroism and militancy.
Moreover, the repression that they faced was the most brutal that had ever been used against the national
Option b is correct. Mahatma Gandhi was named the leader of the Quit India Movement. He gave the
mantra of ‘Do or Die’. He said, we shall either free India or die in the attempt; we shall not live to see the
perpetuation of our slavery.
Option c is correct. All the top leaders of the Congress were arrested on the next day of launch of the
movement on August 9, 1942. The Congress Working Committee, the All-India Congress Committee and
the Provincial Congress Committees were declared unlawful associations under the Criminal Law
Amendment Act of 1908. The removal of established leaders left the younger and militant elements to
their own initiative. The reaction and support of the people was almost spontaneous. The element of
spontaneity was high, although a certain degree of popular initiative had been sanctioned by the
leadership itself.
Option d is correct. Labour class participated in the movement. They went on strike in Ahmedabad,
Bombay, Jamshedpur, Ahmednagar and Poona. Students, workers and peasants were the backbone of the
Source) UPSC Prelims 2011.

14. Option a is correct

Statement 1 is correct. Usha Mehta was prominent in the running of the Congress Radio which operated
clandestinely from different cities during Quit India movement

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Statement 2 is correct. The personalities taking the underground activity were wereRammanoharLohia,
Jayaprakash Narayan, ArunaAsaf Ali, Usha Mehta, BijuPatnaik, ChhotubhaiPuranik, AchyutPatwardhan,
SuchetaKripalaniand R.P. Goenka.
Statement 3 is incorrect. SuamtiMorarjee helped AchyutPatwardhan evade capture and detection by
British. For this she provided different cars on different days to AchyutPatwardhan.
Source: India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947, Bipin Chandra et al

15. Option d is correct

Statement 1 is correct. The Jotedars were middlemen rentiers that emerged between the Zamindars (land-
owners) and tenants (rayats).
Statement 2 is correct. The Jotedars extracted nazranas and salamis from the tenant cultivators in return
for extension of share cropping agreements.
Statement 3 is correct. The share cropping system was also practiced by the absentee landlords who were
working as white collared employees in the cities.Knowledge Base:.. In late 1946, the share-croppers of
Bengal began to assert that they would no longer pay a half share of their crop to the jotedars but only
one-third and that before division the crop would be stored in their khamars (godowns) and not that of the
jotedars. They were encouraged by the Bengal Land Revenue Commission, popularly known as the Floud
Commission, who had already made this recommendation in its report to the government. Thus, the
recommendation of Floud commission were in favour of Bargadars or sharecroppers and not in favour of

16. Option c is correct

Statement 1 is correct. Since the Indian National Army was composed of the Indian Prisoners of War of
the British Army, their armed struggle made the British realize that they could no longer depend on the
loyalty of the Indian soldiers.
Statement 2 is incorrect. The Indian National Army demonstrated tremendous unity among soldiers of all
religions making up its composition and they all fought as Indian.
Statement 3 is correct. The Rani Jhansi brigade was an exclusive women’s regiment and its actions
established the capability of Indian women to wage armed struggle.
The Indian National Army was formed in 1942 under the leadership of Subhash Chandra Bose. They
launched their attack from the north east state of Manipur and entered Indian frontiers in March 1944 but
failed to capture Imphal.

17. Option a is correct.

Statement 1 is correct: With passage of Government of India Act 1935, provincial elections were
announced in 1937. Subhash Chandra Bose, congress socialist and communist opposed office acceptance.
They said it would negate the rejection of the act and assuming responsibility without power. Gandhi also
opposed office acceptance initially but he was willing to give a trial. He did not attend even a single
election meeting.
Statement 2 is correct: Subhash’s stands during WW2 was of not supporting either sides and rather take
advantage of it by immediately starting a civil disobedience movement.
Statement 3 is incorrect: Gandhi was not in favor of an immediate mass struggle due to underlying
1) Allied power’s cause was just.
2) Lack of Hindu-Muslim unity.
3) Congress organization was in shambles and masses were not ready.
Source: Spectrum Modern History 2015 Edition Page number 190-191 and 200-203

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18. Option (b) is correct.
Statement 1 is incorrect: Lord Mountbatten decided that the Cabinet Mission plan had become untenable
and thus formulated an alternative plan. This plan envisaged the transfer of power to separate provinces or
to a confederation. These units along with the princely would have the option of joining India or Pakistan
or remaining separate. According to the plan the provinces should become first independent successor
states rather than an Indian Union or the two dominions of India & Pakistan. As per this plan all the
provinces like Madras, Bombay, United Provinces of Bengal, Punjab & North West Frontier etc. were
proposed to be declared Independent.
Statement 2 is correct: Nehru rejected the plan right away and told him that this plan would invite
Balkanization of India and would provoke conflict and violence. As result, Lord Mountbatten, the then
viceroy of India, cancelled the plan. A new plan called Mountbatten Plan was formulated in 1947.
Statement 3 is correct: This plan was related to partition of and dominion status to India by the British
Government. It was also called as Plan Balkan because the power transfer is done to each separate
province or to a confederation.
Source: Spectrum page 496

19. Option b is correct

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has simplified the process for Indians who want to renounce their
In 2018, the MHA revised the Form XXII under the Citizenship Rules for declaration of renunciation of
citizenship, which for the first time included a column on “circumstances/reasons due to which applicant
intends to acquire foreign citizenship and renounce Indian citizenship”.
As many as 1,41,656 Indians renounced their citizenship in the year 2015, while in the years 2016, 2017,
2018 and 2019, the numbers stood at 1,44,942, 1,27,905, 1,25,130 and 1,36,441, respectively.
The guidelines said that when a person ceases to be a citizen of India under Section 8(1) of Citizenship
Act, 1955, “every minor child of that person shall thereupon ceases to be a citizen of India”. The minor
child may, however, within one year of attaining full age apply to resume Indian citizenship. The
guidelines are not clear if minors would also lose citizenship if only one of the parents gives up her/his
Indian citizenship

20. Option c is correct.

Statement 1 is correct. To ensure cooperation of Indians in the War and prevent any mass movement, the
British administration passed several draconian laws to suppress basic civil liberties.
Statement 2 is incorrect. Cripps Mission did not specifically accept the creation of Pakistan. Though it
allowed the provinces to secede from India.
Statement 3 is correct. The Allied forces were forced to withdraw from South East Asia in wake of
Japanese advance and therefore, Indian people lost faith in stability of British rule and there was a feeling
of collapse of British rule in India.
Knowledge Base: The failure of the Cripps Mission clarified the British intention of unwillingness to
provide any meaningful constitutional advancement. Further, the advance of the Japanese to the Indian
coast and withdrawal of British form South East Asia convinced Gandhiji that the British rule was
unstable and the moment was right for mass struggle.
Source: India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947, Bipin Chandra et al

21. Option b is correct

On February 18, 1946 some 1100 Royal Indian Navy (RIN) ratings of HMIS Talwar went on a strike to
protest against:
1. Racial discrimination (demanding equal pay for Indian and white soldiers)
2. Unpalatable food
3. Abuse by superior officers

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4. Arrest of B.C. Dutt, a rating for scrawling ‘Quit India’ on HMIS Talwar
5. Use of Indian troops in Indonesia, demanding their withdrawal. Knowledge Base: The revolt of the
Royal Indian Navy began in 1945 on HMIS Talwar when the naval ratings (junior soldiers) protested
against the racial discrimination, lack of facilities and abuses of senior officers.
Source: India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947, Bipin Chandra et al

22. Option b is correct

Statement 1 is correct. Under C Rajagopalachari’s Plan, the Muslim League would endorse the Congress
demand for independence.
Statement 2 is correct. It was proposed that Muslim League and Congress would form a provisional
government together at centre.
Statement 3 is incorrect. The Plan proposed that the entire population of Muslim-majority areas of North-
West India and North-East India would decide on the formation of a separate sovereign state through
C. Rajagopalachari (CR), prepared a formula for Congress-League cooperation in 1944. It was a tacit
acceptance of the League’s demand for Pakistan. Gandhi supported the formula.
Source: Brief History of Modern India, Spectrum Books

23. Option b is correct

The Draft Declaration proposed by Sir Stafford Cripps and his Mission of 1942, offered the Indian
nationalists the following:
a. Dominion status to India after the War with the right to secede.
b. A constitution making body to be set up after the War with Indian and British members
c. Any Indian province may negotiate directly with the British after framing of the constitution if it does
not agree to it
d. Control of defense and armed forces to be retained by the British
Reacting to the proposals, Gandhiji described them as a “post-dated cheque on a crashing bank”.

24. Option d is correct

Pair 1 is correct. Justice S K Dar headed the Linguistic Provinces Commission formed by the Constituent
Assembly in 1948. It advised against the step at the time for it might threaten national unity and also be
administratively inconvenient.
Pair 2 is correct. A committee comprising of Jawaharlal Nehru, SardarVallabbhai Patel and Pattabhi
Sitaramiyya was established in December 1948. This committee advised against the creation of linguistic
states for the time being, emphasizing on unity, national security and economic development as the needs
of the hour.
Pair 3 is correct. The States Reorganization Commission (SRC) was established by Jawaharlal Nehru in
1953 with its members being Fazl Ali, K.M. Panikkar and HridaynathKunzru. The SRC submitted its
report in October 1955. While laying down that due consideration should be given to administrative and
economic factors, it recognized for the most part the linguistic principle and recommended redrawing of
state boundaries on that basis. The Commission, however, opposed the splitting of Bombay and Punjab.
Source: India After Independence 1947-2000, Bipin Chandra et al

25. Option (c) is correct.

Statement 1 is correct. The Communists did not join the Quit India movement in the wake of Russia being
attacked by Nazi Germany, the communist began to support British war against Germany. The Hindu
Mahasabha also boycotted the movement.
Statement 2 is correct. The great significance of the movement was that it placed the demand for complete
independence on the immediate agenda of freedom movement. After Quit India Movement, there could
be no retreat.

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Source: (Spectrum Revised edition Chapter-23, Quit India movement, Demand for Pakistan, and the INA
Page -451 to 452)

26. Option (d) is correct.

Pair 1 is correctly matched. TejBahadurSapru was the President of All India Liberal Federation and was a
prominent member of Liberal Party of India.
Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru played a pivotal role in the development of modern India's constitutional and
political life. He was a member of the All-India Congress Committee, the General Secretary of the
Congress party and also the President of the UP-Congress Committee. He was also a member of the UP
Legislative Council, and thereafter of the Imperial Legislative Council. He became one of the founding
members of a party that eventually came to be called The National Liberal Federation of India. He left the
Congress in 1919-20, when the Congress took a turn towards mass politics.
Pair 2 is correctly matched. K.C. Neogy was a member of the Constituent Assembly of India, and the
member of the first Cabinet of independent India. Neogy was a member of the Indian National Congress
and was elected as a member of the Central Legislative Assembly in 1920 representing Bengal.
He was the second Finance Minister of free India. The First Finance Commission was constituted under
the chairmanship of KC Neogy for the period 1952-57 in the year 1952.
Pair 3 is correctly matched. P.C. Joshi was the first General Secretary of the Communist Party of India.
He was one of the leading figures of the communist movement in India. Born in Almora in 1907, Joshi
joined the Communist Party in 1929, and rose to prominence thereafter. He was arrested in connection
with the Meerut Conspiracy Case.
Source) UPSC Prelims 2019

27. Option a is correct

While the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline, the Iran-India undersea pipeline, and the Turkmenistan-
Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline remain pipe dreams, the Nord Stream 2 (NS2) running from Russia
to Germany across the Baltic Sea is now complete.

28. Option a is correct

Pair 1 is correct. ChittuPandey formed a parallel government in Ballia, Uttar Pradesh (in August 1942 for
a week). He got many Congress leaders released.
Pair 2 is incorrect. A JatiyaSarkarwas formed as a parallel government in Tamluk (Midnapur) in West
Bengal, from December 1942 to September 1944. It undertook cyclone relief work, sanctioned grants to
schools, supplied paddy from the rich to the poor, organisedVidyutVahinis, etc.
Pair 3 is incorrect. At Satara (mid-1943 to 1945) “PratiSarkar”, was organised under leaders like Y.B.
Chavan, Nana Patil, etc. Village libraries and NyayadanMandals were organised, prohibition campaigns
were carried on and ‘Gandhi marriages’ were organised.
Source: India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947, Bipin Chandra et al

29. Option c is correct

The Attlee government announced in February 1946 the decision to send a high-powered mission of three
British cabinet members (Pethick Lawrence, Secretary of State for India; Stafford Cripps, President of the
Board of Trade; and A.V. Alexander, First Lord of Admiralty) to India to find out ways and means for a
negotiated, peaceful transfer of power to India. (Pethick Lawrence was the chairman of the mission.)
Knowledge Base: The Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 included provisions for the framing of a constitution
for India. It divided the British provincial territories into three separate sections which would frame their
own constitutions as per their respective groupings. A common center would control defense,
communications and foreign affairs.

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30. Option b is correct
Statement 1 is incorrect. Martial law had not been proclaimed, but the army, though nominally working
under the orders of the civilian authorities, often did what it wanted to without any reference to the direct
officers. The repression was as severe as it could have been under martial law. The provincial government
officials were empowered with extraordinary powers to suppress any uprising.

Statement 2 is correct. The Defense of India Rules permitted the officials to take arbitrary action against
any person and cease property in the name of the war effort. Repression also took the form of taking
hostages from the villages, imposing collective fines running to a total of Rs 90 lakhs (which were often
realized on the spot by looting the people’s belongings), whipping of suspects and burning of entire
villages whose inhabitants had run away and could not be caught.
The Viceroy Lord Linlithgow also signed the Revolutionary Movement Ordinance in 1942 but it was not
issued in the Official gazette because most of the provinces argued that they had sufficient powers under
the Defense of India Rules.

31. Option b is correct

Statement 1 is incorrect. As per the Mountbatten Plan, the territories of India would be divided in to two
dominions of India and Pakistan.
Statement 2 is correct. The Legislative Assemblies of Bengal and Punjab would meet separately for to
vote for partition meeting in separate groups of Hindus and Muslims.
Statement 3 is correct. The fate of Sylhet and North West Frontier Province would be decided by
referendum among the people in the provinces.
Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of India recommended a freedom-with-partition plan. The Plan was
accepted by the Congress as it meant the creation of a united India albeit in the absence of Pakistan.
Source: Brief History of Modern India, Spectrum Books

32. Option (b) is correct.

Statement 1 is incorrect. The Shimla Conference of 1945 was a meeting between the Viceroy of India
Lord Wavell and the leaders of both the Congress and the Muslim League at Vice regal Lodge in Shimla.
It was convened to approve a plan to reconstruct the governor general’s executive council pending the
preparation of a new constitution. The Wavell Plan was discussed having following proposals:
1) All members of the executive council to be Indians, except governor-general and the commander in-
2) The reconstructed council was to function as an interim government within the framework of the 1935
3) The governor-general was to exercise his veto on the advice of ministers.
4) Possibilities for negotiations on a new constitution once the war was finally won.

Statement 2 is correct. In February 1946, a section of non-commissioned officers and sailors known as
Ratings, serving in the Royal Indian Navy, mutinied against the British Officers in Bombay. In Karachi,
revolt broke out on board the Royal Indian Navy ship, HMIS Hindustan off Manora Island.
Source) UPSC Prelims 2005

33. Option (b) is correct

Statement 1 is incorrect. At the first post-War Congress session in September 1945 at Bombay, a strong
resolution was adopted declaring Congress support for the INA cause. Congress collected food and
money for the soldiers.
Statement 2 is correct. Jawaharlal Nehru in his speech at Srinagar in 1945 called for the judicious
treatment of the INA soldiers under trial calling them “misguided patriots”.

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Statement 3 is correct. The defense of the INA soldiers was presented by lawyers Tej Bahadur Sapru,
Bhulabhai Desai and K N Katju and others during the Red Fort Trials. Knowledge Base: The Congress
organized an INA Relief and Enquiry Committee to provide small amounts of funds and food to the
released INA soldiers and also attempted to secure employment for them.
Source: India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947, Bipin Chandra et al

34. Option d is correct

1) In organizing the defence against the Razakars and attacks on Razakar camps, the Communists played
a very important role, especially in the areas of Nalgonda, Warangal and Khammam that were their
strongholds. Peasants were organized into dalams, given training in arms, and mobilized for the anti-
Nizam struggle. In these areas, the movement also took an anti-landlord stance and many cruel landlords
were attacked, some even killed, and illegally occupied land was returned to the original owners
2) 7th August 1947 was observed as Join Indian Union Day as part of a struggle against the Nizam’s
refusal to join the Indian Union.
3) The Committee of Action was formed in 1947 by state leaders of Congress in Hyderabad in
consultation with the national leadership to organized a satyagraha and armed resistance against the rule
of the Nizam.

35. Option d is correct

Statement 1 is correct. In return for their surrender of all power and authority, the rulers of major states
were given privy purses in perpetuity, free of all taxes. The privy purses amounted to Rs 4.66 crore in
1949 and were later guaranteed by the constitution.
Statement 2 is correct. The rulers were granted succession rights for their heirs.
Statement 3 is correct. The rulers were allowed to fly their own flags and receive ceremonial gun salutes.
Statement 4 is incorrect. The rulers were allowed to retain their titles.
There was some criticism of these concessions to the princes at the time as well as later. But keeping in
view the difficult times just after independence and Partition, those were perhaps a small price to pay for
the extinction of the princes’ power and the early and easy territorial and political integration of the states
with the rest of the country.
SardarVallabhbhai Patel was the architect of the merger of princely states with the union of India. Most of
the princely states were consolidated into five new unions namely Saurashtra, Madhya Bharat, Patiala and
East Punjab States Union, Travancore-Cochin and Rajasthan
Source: India After Independence 1947-2000, Bipin Chandra et al

36. Option c is correct

Statement 1 is correct. The India Independence Act of 1947 created two independent dominions of India
and Pakistan.
Statement 2 is incorrect. The two dominions would have their own legislative assemblies and the Central
Legislative Assembly and Council of States existing prior to the Act would be dissolved.
Statement 3 is correct. In the transitional period, the two dominions would be governed by the provisions
of the Government of India Act, 1935
The Indian Independence Act of 1947 was passed by the British Parliament on 5th July 1947 and was
implemented from 15th August 1947 onwards. As per the Act, Pakistan would become independent on
14th August and India on 15th August.
Source: Brief History of Modern India, Spectrum Books

37. Option (d) is correct.

When the Second World War situation worsened, the British Government wanted to seek the active
cooperation of Indians in the War. To secure this cooperation the British Government sent to India in
March 1942 a mission headed by a Cabinet minister Stafford Cripps. Cripps announced that the aim of
British policy in India was ‘the earliest possible realization of self- government in India’. The plan

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unveiled by Cripps promised India Dominion Status and a constitution-making body after the War whose
members would be elected by the provincial assemblies and nominated by the rulers in case of the
princely states. The Pakistan demand was accommodated by the provision that any province which was
not prepared to accept the new constitution would have the right to sign a separate agreement with Britain
regarding its future status. For the present the British would continue to exercise sole control over the
defence of the country.
Negotiations between Cripps and the Congress leaders broke down. The Congress objected to the
provision for Dominion Status rather than full independence, the representation of the princely states in
the constituent assembly not by the people of the states but by the nominees of the rulers, and above all by
the provision for the partition of India.
Source) UPSC Prelims 2016

38. Option a is correct

Statement 1 is correct. The Congress demanded that the provinces should have the option to not join the
Mission mandated sections and should have to power to choose its own section.
Statement 2 is incorrect. Mission Plan was ambivalent on whether grouping was compulsory or optional
at the start. It declared that grouping was optional but sections were compulsory. This was a
contradiction, which rather than removing, the Mission deliberately quibbled about in the hope of
somehow reconciling the irreconcilable. Knowledge Base: The Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 included
provisions for the framing of a constitution for India. It divided the British provincial territories in to three
separate sections which would frame their own constitutions as per their respective groupings. A common
center would control defense, communications and foreign affairs.
Source: India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947, Bipin Chandra et al

39. Option (d) is correct.

Statement 1 is correct: During Cripps Mission (1942), autonomy of Muslim majority provinces was
accepted by the leaders. Partition of India was accepted as an inevitable evil because congress failed to
integrate Muslims into the nation.
Statement 2 is correct: During Gandhi-Jinnah talks (1944), Gandhi accepted the right of self-
determination of Muslim-majority provinces. These talks were held on the basis of the Rajaji Formula or
CR formula. These talks were a failure because Jinnah had objections to the proposal as he wanted the
INC to accept the Two-Nation Theory and did not want the entire population of the Muslim majority
areas to vote on the plebiscite, but only the Muslim population in those areas to vote.
Statement 3 is correct: Due to Failure of cabinet mission plan of 1946, Muslim League failed to achieve a
separate Pakistan. On July 29, 1946, Muslim League launched a campaign of “direct action” from August
16 to achieve Pakistan. In view of the Congress, only an immediate transfer of power could forestall the
spread of ‘direct action’ and communal violence. The virtual collapse of the Interim Government also
made the notion of Pakistan appear unavoidable.
Source: Spectrum (new edition) page 497

40. Option (d) is correct.

Statement (a) is correct. The Muslim League opposed the Congress at the Conference for including
Muslim members like Maulana Azad and Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan and asserted to be the sole
representative of the Muslims.
Statement (b) is correct. The Muslim League demanded communal veto powers over any decision
concerning Muslim interests with decisions opposed to Muslims needing a two-thirds majority for
Statement (c) is correct. The Muslim League claimed absolute jurisdiction in selecting the Muslim
members of the proposed Governor General’s Executive Council
Statement (d) is incorrect. The Muslim League did not take into consideration the Unionist Muslims as
part of the Muslim members to be chosen in the Governor General’s Executive Council Knowledge Base:

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The Shimla conference was convened by Lord Wavell to initiate negotiations on the setting up of a new
Executive Council at the Centre with majority of Indian members and British members restricted to
Commander in Chief and Viceroy. It was proposed to have equal representation of “caste Hindus” and
Source: Study package of BA (H) History, IGNOU

41. Option c is correct

International Energy Agency (IEA) has invited India to become its full-time member - a proposal if
accepted will require New Delhi to raise strategic oil reserves to 90 days requirement.
India, in March 2017, became an associate member of the Paris-based body which advises industrialised
nations on energy policies.
India's current strategic oil reserves equal 9.5 days of its requirement.
Also, a member of IEA has to show "a demand restraint programme to reduce national oil consumption
by up to 10%."
The IEA was founded in 1974 by industrialised countries - within the framework of the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - in response to the oil embargo.
As a result, countries seeking to become members of the IEA must also be members of the OECD and
hold 90 days of oil imports as commercial stocks.
But over the years, the IEA's mission has expanded substantially and today the agency is working with
major economies around the world to enhance energy security and to help accelerate their clean energy
It is best known for the publication of its annual World Energy Outlook.

42. Option a is correct.

Wavell Plan was Constitute constituted to resolve the political deadlock of existing India due to
disagreement between leaders of Muslim League and Congress.
This plan emerged to resolve the deadlock on the constitutional question in India. The idea was to
reconstruct the governor general’s executive council pending the preparation of a new constitution. For
this purpose, a conference was convened by the viceroy, Lord Wavell, at Shimla in June 1945. The
proposals were all the members of the Council, except the Viceroy and the Commander-in-Chief, would
be Indians..Caste Hindus and Muslims were to have equal representation. The reconstructed council was
to function as an interim government within the framework of the 1935 Act. Defence of India was to be in
the hands of a British General till Power was transferred to the Indian hands. Representatives of different
parties were to submit joint list to the viceroy for nominations to the executive council.
The Muslim League claimed that all the Muslim representatives in the Viceroy's Executive Council
should be the nominees of the party. Congress also opposed the idea of parity between the Cast-Hindus
and the Muslims. All this resulted in a deadlock. Finally, this plan failed.
Option b is incorrect, Cabinet mission plan provided that all the members of the Interim cabinet would be
Indians and there would be minimum interference by the Viceroy. It proposed that there shall be a Union
of India Which was to be empowered to deal with the defense, foreign affairs and communications.
Option c is incorrect., Mountbatten plan sought for an early transfer of power which was to be done on
then bais of Dominion Status to India and Pakistan.
Option d is incorrect.Cripps mission plan proposed an Indian Union with a dominion status; would be set
up. It failed as the congress objected to the offer of dominion status instead of a provision for complete
independence and representation of the States by nominees and not by elected representatives.
Source: Spectrum revised edition chapter -23 page-455

43. Option a is correct.

In March 1942, a mission headed by Stafford Cripps was sent to India with constitutional proposals to
seek Indian support for the war. The major reasons behind this decision were- Statement 1 is correct.
Japans rapid and unexpected advance towards Indian borders gave a new urgency to the situation and

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forced the British gvt to send a mission to seek Indian coorparation. In December 1941, Japan joined the
war with a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour. India supported china against Japanese aggression. Between
December 1941 and March 1942 , Japan captured Hong kong, Borneo, Manila Singapore, java , Rangoon,
Sumatra and the Andaman and Nicobar island.Colombo in Ceylon and the Indian coastal towns of
Vishakapattanam and Coconada were bombed in April 1942.
Statement 2 is correct. President Roosevelt of the USA and chiangkai Shek of China urged Winston
Churchill, who had taken over as Premier of a coalition war cabinet , to settle differences with Indian
leaders to seek Indian cooperation.
Statement 3 is incorrect. At that time , Indian nationalists had agreed to support the Allied Cause if
substantial power was transferred immediately (and not formation of constituent Assembly) and complete
independence given after the war.
Source: Modern History, Spectrum, Chapter-22, Pg. 42
A History of Modern India, Ishita Banerjee-Dube, Chapter-10, Pg. 390-391

44. Option a is correct.

The Tebhaga movement (1946) was a major peasant movement that took place in Bengal led by All India
KisanSabha. the peasants challenged the prevailing system of share cropping, demanding two thirds of
theproduce from land for themselves and one third (tebhaga) for the landlords. Tebhaga literally means
'threeshares' of harvests. Traditionally, sharecroppers held their tenancy on fifty-fifty basiš of the share of
theproduce, known as barga, adhi, bhagi, etc., all meaning half share.
As a result of this movement, Bargardari Bill was passed, which provided that the share of the harvest
givento the landlords would be limited to one third of the total, but the Act was not fully implemented.
Source) UPSC Prelims 2013

45. Option b is correct.

Gandhi and Subhash Bose had a deep respect for one another despite their hugely differing ideologies.
Eachappreciated the work done by the other in the national struggle for freedom.
Statement 1 is incorrect. Due to ideological differences with Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose left congress
andestablished a separate political party, the All-India Forward Bloc. It was a faction within the Congress
whichaimed at consolidating the political left.
Statement 2 is correct. Bose and other socialists, such as AcharyaNarendraDev and
JayaprakashNarayan,had no sympathy for either side, including the British, in the war. In their opinion,
the war was being fougnt imperialist on both sides. In fact, he along with others thought that it was the
ideal time to launch a civil dis obedience movement, to thus take advantage of the situation and snatch
freedom from Britain.
Statement 3 is correct.Mahathma Gandhi’s concept of swaraj was imbibed in a decentralized economy
withoutstate control. Gandhi dismissed both capitalism and Western socialism-the former for its
exploitative excesses and the latter for its connection to industrialization. He was against large scale
industrialization .He had strong obiections to laboursavin machinery. In contrast,Subhash Chandra Bose
considered economic freedom to be the essence of social and political freedom. He was all infavour of
the modernization to be brought to progress, a comprehensive scheme of industrial development under
state ownership and state control would be indispensable.
Statement 4 is correct. Subhash Chandra Bose was vehemently against the suspension of the civil
Disobedience Movement and the signing of the Gandhi-Irwin Pactin 1931, especially as the gvt refused to
negotiate on the death sentence for Bhagat Singh and his associates.
Source: Modern History, Spectrum, Chapter-22, Pg. 417, 421, 427-428,435

46. Option b is correct.

In March 1942, Britain dispatched Sir Stafford Cripps, a member of the War Cabinet, to India to discuss
the British Government's Draft Declaration. The draft granted India Dominion status after the war but

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otherwise conceded few changes to the British Government Act of 1935. The draft was unacceptable to
the Congress Working Committee who rejected it.
Thus, Cripps Mission failed to satisfy the demands of Congress leaders. On 7 to 8 August 1942, the All
India Congress Committee met in Bombay and ratified the 'Quit India' resolution. Gandhiji called the
Crips Proposals a 'post-dated' cheque. Muslim league also rejected proposals of Cripps Mission.

Source) UPSC Prelims2013

47. Option a is correct.

Statement 1 is correct. Indian Independence league was created by Rashbehari Bose in 1942 in Tokyo.
Rashbehari Bose was its chairman. He later transferred its control and leadership to Subhas Chandra Bose
inJuly 1943. It was him who created the organizational spadework on which Subhas Chandra Bose could
buildup the INA.
Statement 2 is incorrect. At a conference in Bangkok, INA was made a sub-ordinate under IIL (Indian
Independence League) whose chairman was Rash Behari Bose.
Statement 3 is correct. Provisional government was formed at Singapore by Subhas Chandra Bose in
October1943. This Provisional government declared war on United states and Britain and was recognised
by Axispowers. Recruits were trained and funds were collected.
Source: Spectrum revised edition chapter- 23 page-458, 459, 460

48. Option d is correct.

The Indian National Army (INA), also known as the Azad Hind Fauj, was an armed force formed by
Indian nationalists. It was under the patronage of the Imperial Japanese Army, and aimed to secure
India’s independence. First formed in 1942 by Mohan Singh with Indian prisoners of war of the British
Indian army captured by Japan in the Malayan campaign and in Singapore. INA was revived by Subhas
Chandra Bose in 1943.
Statement 1 is incorrect. As the agitation got wide publicity through extensive press Coverage with
dailyeditorials, distribution of pamphlets tc. So the campaign had a wide geographical reach and
witnessed theparticipation of diverse social groups and political parties. While the nerve centers of the
agitation wereDelhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, UP towns and Punjab, the campaign spread to distant
places such as Coorg ,Baluchistan and Assam.
Statement 2 is incorrect. Apart from the Congress, the Muslim League, Communist Party, Unionists,
Akalis, Justice Party, Ahrars in Rawalpindi Hindu Mahasabha and the Sikh League also supported the
INA cause.
Statement 3 is incorrect. Government employees, loyalist sections and the armed forces did not
condemnthe agitation. They expressed pro-INA sentiment
Source: Spectrum revised edition chapter- 24 page- 465

49. Option b is correct.

The Linlithgow's government came up with the August Offer (August 1940) to get the coorparation of
indiain the Second World war effort.
Statement 1 is incorrect. The August Offer of 1940 promised dominion status as the objective for India
and not Indian self-determination after the war, The right of self-determined was proposed by the Crips
and mission.
Statement 2 is correct, The August Offer proposed the expansion of viceroy's executive council which
wouldhave a majority of Indians (who would be drawn from major political parties);
Statement 3 is incorrect. The August offer did not offer the right to secession to the provinces.
Provinceswere granted power to secede from the Union if they so wished under the proposal offered by
the Cripps mission.
Source: Modern History, Spectrum, Chapter-22, Pg. 439

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50. Option c is correct

UN-backed ‘Race to Zero’ global campaign, which aims to create jobs while meeting goals of climate
change and sustainable development.

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