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Brewers' grains 137 34 2 14 67 20

1nland and export trade. The population in 1901 was 172,032.

more than one state, the control of water supply is a proper

Hudson (1718), Hauptmann (1741), Furia (1810), Coray (1810),

Amphibia, as a class of the Vertebrata, co-ordinate with

stores are so chosen as to afford the best means of protection

complex numbers, the theory of which is a special subject.

submission to the commands of the superiors, exalted into

to disregard of the red cross flag by the enemy, if medical

philologists under the general term ``Algonquian stock.''

Sir Harry Smith, with a view to clearing the left or British

together with him, his companion, William Ellery Channing

given in Gen. i. 26, for ``in our image'' certainly suggests

and pangs that of woman.15 The serpent too (whose unique

1759. His other works are catalogues of English printers,

Semliki, the Victoria Nile and, in a lesser degree, by other

Detailkarten (11 sheets, scale 1:50,000). (W.. A. B. C.)

by a broad undulation of the surface is the basin of Lake

law.'' Peristerite (from the Gr. peristera, a dove) is

wall was thickened about the IInd or IIIrd dynasty. The old

the frog, and the frog be forthwith re-leased, and the cure

Independence. Instead of accompanying his father to London,

river Wagura, a mountain stream, which forces its way into

one burgess to parliament, and this right continued until the

time. The administrative powers of the viceroys were very

the gneisses of the Alps, the Binnenthal near Brieg in

from, and converted into, ethane; and thus determined it

be no half-measures now; the city was wiped out of existence

him. His second son, Sancho, enforced his claim to be heir,

the variety and vagueness of meaning attaching to the term

his doctrine is the relativity of beauty. Unlike Plato,

treaty. This preliminary treaty was signed on the 30th of

are to be found chiefly in the Memoires concernant

staff should turn inwards instead of outwards, indicating

Melfis refers to the fact that the principle of accounts

of the corporation, which consists in all of 232 members,

Albumins proper.--Albumins (as classified above) are

Alytes is nocturnal and slow in its movements. It is

naturally produced by the fantastic etymology of the middle

mental and physical examinations. The president is allowed

Valentine and Paracelsus three earths--the mercurial, the

but the public buildings, the chief of which are the church

22 In a paper published in the volume of Philologische

Persian conquest, 570-526 B.C. Most of our information

of advocates to represent them in the courts. In the Frankish

to the term limit of perpetual snow, though the case

slow in accepting the decisions given under the influence of

Trezel in October 1833 gave the French a footing at another

enacted that over a wide area of Central Africa--the conventional

Forcella Forada (Caprile to San Vito), bridle path . . . . . . . . . . . .6,480

arrangement of church, refectory, &c., opening out of a

he admittedly gave him some assistance in its composition;

Gardiner says of them, ``Little as it was intended at the

in 1901 was 828,487, showing an increase of 8% during the

Athenians protested against the treatment of Amphissa, and were

(Strabo 340, quoting Hipponax, fi. 540 B.C.), partly

witnesses has already begun. When completed, it will cast

biographies that by Pauli is still of great value: Konig

of its architectural remains. It was founded by Ahmad Shah

journey, and probably in the first instance with a view to

founder, in the 9th century, of the dynasty of the dukes of

of the galli, or priests, of Rhea Cybele. Another theory

product giving rise to a new individual; these are sexual and

he completely demolished its fortifications, although he

towards these refugees was banishment from the kingdom, and

1897 746,012 804,515 695,307 38,422

six Reports (1891 to 1904) to the Alloys Research Committee

hair and feathers have occasionally been represented among the

which persons about to enter the magazine change their clothes

acuteness of thought was relieved by simplicity and grace of

popular success, in England as well as in America, was won

hydrogen. Close by was a temple of the goddess Mephitis,

historicity of the corresponding altar in Solomon's temple,

cylinder one-half full of acetylene and one-half of air; on

xy=ax+by+c (since rediscovered by Leonhard Euler) and

cycle of any free-living naked amoeba, though that of some

(1717-1797). During the Shays' Rebellion Amherst was a centre

The existence of public land, first in Italy, and then

country. It has a well-equipped drawing room, carpenter shop,

non-nitrogenous or more specially respiratory and fat-forming

fold in front in the position of the Jura Mountains may be

broken down in 1213 and rebuilt in 1553; another was blown

opposition. Townshend was dismissed, and Walpole anticipated

a causa, a suit or trial at law), a legal term signifying

of a century earlier; but again there is no information as

to some authorities, discernible in the Septuagint (280

(367) and Philip of Macedon (338), recovered control of their

Fred. A. Eaton, Sec. R.A., ``The Royal Academy in the

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