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A society may be classified as being traditional or modern based on a number of
aspects. Broadly speaking, a traditional society is described as that one which an
individual’s status is determined by his or her birth and there is no striving for
social mobility. In addition, this is a society where individual’s behavior is
governed by traditions, customs, norms and values that tend to have deep links with
the past. In traditional societies, the social practices of people tend to vary slightly
from generation to generation.Traditional and Modern Society Essay Modern
societies on the other hand can be described as those industrialized societies that
are considered to be characterized by modern people living together in current time.
Modern societies are characterized by expansion of education, industries, urban life
and technologies. Traditional societies on the other hand has a couple of
distinguishable traits worth noting. A major difference is the rate of illiteracy in
these societies. Here, families work to gether to survive and lack the time to read or
pursue other high paying careers among others. This article will make a detailed
attempt in trying to compare and contrast traditional and modern societies.
Traditional and Modern Societies: A Comparative Look
According to Bell , traditional and modern societies are comparable in a number
of ways. First, in both of these societies, there is an aspect of infrastructure. Even
though the infrastructure of modern societies was transportation as opposed to
communication that is characterized in traditional societies, it is evident t hat in
both of these societies, there are elements of infrasture in them.
On grounds of subsistence and economy, both traditional and modern societies
compare in some ways. In both of these societies, there is an element of
production. Even though production in traditional societies is meant for use. This
is completely different to modern societies where production is for growth and
profitability. Secondly, both of these societies have an element of material culture
in them. In traditional societies, there is an aspect of collective ownership. The
same form of ownership is also present in modern societies, even though the form
of ownership here is more of private ownership of material. However, in both of
these societies, the element material culture exists . In traditional Greek societies
for instance, collective ownership of property was practiced as opposed to
modern capitalist societies where individuals own their own property. But
evidently, the two societies are comparable in the sense that they both practiced
some form of ownership of property.
Women have been a subject of neglect and torture for long. Traditional and
modern societies also compare in the manner in which both of them have treated
women. In traditional societies for instance, there were crimes of honour and
shame directed towards women .Traditional and Modern Society Essay Violence
towards women that was supported by a partriachial culture is evident in
traditional societies. According to Campbell , the same also applies in modern
societies. In places such as Jordan and many muslim worlds, constant violence
against women is an ongoing phenomena. Here, one can find a comparison
between these two societies.
It has been argued by a number of scholars that modern and traditional societies
compare or are similar on grounds of cultural ideology. Even though there are
differences in the manner in which these two societies practice their culture, it is
important to note that despite such huge differences, simila rities exist between
the two societies as they both have an element of cultural ideologies in them. In
addition, both modern and traditional societies have political and social features
in them. In both of them, there are systems of governance put in place to govern
individuals in the society. Even though the modes of governance may differ
between these two systems, it is important to note that despite this, modes of
governance exist in both of traditional and modern societies. In traditional Greek
mountain societies for instance, there was a centralized system of governance as
opposed to a more decentralized one evident today . In all, modes of governance
It has been argued that the modes of governance in traditional societies are mo re
dictatorial as opposed to democracy found in modern societies. Even though the
modes of governance may differ, both of them consist of political and social
features in place.
Similarities between these two societies do not stop there. Modern and traditi onal
societies compare on grounds of lifestyle too. For both of them, the aspect of
lifestyle exists. Traditional lifestyle for instance, has more leisure and more time
as modern lifestyle seems to have less leisure and not much time. However, in
both of them, the aspects of lifestyle do exist . Furthermore, according to Bell , it
is argued that any culture is a system of shared and learned meanings.
Individuals learn and share things over the course of generation, hence forming a
given culture. Modern and traditional culture seems to function in similar ways
since both are ways of thinking and ways of relating to individuals and to the
entire universe. In addition, both traditional and modern societies are similar on
grounds of language. It is argued that the beginning of a culture is language and
in both of these traditions, the aspect of language is evident hence helping to
generate meaning to certain words and actions.Traditional and Modern Society
Differences between Modern and Traditional Societies
Apart from the aforementioned comparisons, differences or similarities exist
between traditional and modern societies. First, traditional societies tend to
undervalue women. According to Campbell , if a woman brings shame to the
family, she has to be punished. Campbell notes that the need to dispel shame is
very important, especially in non-Arab societies. The same applies to Greek
mountain communities where action has to be taken agaist women who violate
certain rules.
Secondly, traditional societies tend to differ from modern forms of societies based
on how men are favored and subsequently treated. Campbell goes on to argue
that double standards exist with respect to how males’ and females’ behaviours
are viewed and what the subsequent consequences are. Campbell gives a case
example of a family in Jordan where a young woman was killed by her father
simply because she had accepted the advances of her lover. As evident,
traditional societies hate or does not appreciate romantic love unlike modern
According to Daniel Bell , there has been an emergence of Post-Industrial Society
which consists of extraordinary range of changes that permeates through social
structures of the emerging post-industrial world. According to him, these new
systems represents new principles of innovation coupled with new modes of
social organization, and new classes in society. This is different from traditional
societie where such do not exist. Bell goes on to argue that modern soci eties are
characterized by instances of developed technologies, occupational changes,
increased education, wide forms of manufacturing and infrastructural
developments. As evident, this is different from traditional societies where such is
not evident. Bell goes on to argue that modern societies have expanded and
productivity has increased.Traditional and Modern Society Essay Traditional
societies are not characterized by instances of science, technology and new
knowledge. Based on the writing of Bell , modern societies are different to
traditional societies as modern ones represent new principles of innovation, new
modes of social organisation, and new classes in society different from traditional
Edward Shils in his book titled Mass Society and its Culture asserts that
traditional societies are different to modern ones based on new orders
characterized by modern societies. According to him, the new society is much
more developed and characterized with legitimate institutions unlike tradi tional or
pre-modern socities. He argues that in modern societies, there has been a growth
of nationalism. To him, modern societies are different from traditional societies as
sacredness of authority is diminishing in modern societies.
Traditional Society V/S Modern Society: Which One Is the Best?
Man is by nature a social animal and has been living in groups since the
pre-historic times.Traditional and Modern Society Essay As times passed, these
groups evolved to become organized with civilized societies adopting different
cultures, norms and trends that distinguish them from other societies. The
question of preferring the modern society over traditional ones or vice -versa has
for long remained a debatable issue that may continue even longe r . Different
people have different views based on which system is the best and why they think
so. To others, old ways or traditional societies are the way to go. However, to a
larger majority, modernity is the way to go. Societies should do a way with old
forms of doing things and adopt new thinking or modes of doing things based on
the significant advantages associated or linked to modernity. In the same way
others may prefer aspects of modernity, other people tend to miss and value their
‘old’ and more humble, traditional ways and such a debate or disagreement of
which culture is the best tend to raise the question on which society is superior.
On the balance, though, I tend to feel sympathetic traditional societies due to a
number of issues. Not many people would prefer to live in a society where
freedom seems limited and the roles seem to be defined by everybody supposed
to know their places in societies. These societies tend to keep people as mere
slaves with little or no freedom. Individuals here are not allowed to make their
own choices. For instance, old people make decisions for the younger ones.
Traditional societies hate romantic love unlike modern societies. Such societies
believe that the old way is the correct way of doing things.Traditional and Modern
Society Essay This is not mainly true. In these societies, women are expected to
get married and have sons and they stand to be punished if they have an affair.
Not so many people would want that and these are some of the reasons to fee l
sympathetic to traditional societies as opposed to modernity.
In brief, modern and traditional societies compare and contrast in a
number of ways as mentioned above. Even though there are a number of
comparisons between these two societies, wide differences exist. Traditional
societies seem to be strict and conservative in nature. Individuals living in these
societies are not free to make certain decisions on their own. The systems of
governance seem to be dictatorial in nature as opposed to modern societies
where freedom exists. In modern societies, individuals are f ree to make their own
decisions. Women are not oppressed in modern societies, unlike traditional
societies where women are designated to perform low earning and demeaning
jobs. Modern traditions encourage instances of openness and democracy, unlike
traditional societies where such do not thrive well. In all these, it appears that
modernity is the way to go. People, especially women should be encouraged to
take up challenging roles. Equality should form the basis of human relations in
addition to allowing people to practice freedom across all sectors.

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